Wednesday 8 August 2012

Clarence Valley local government election candidates - the final list and ballot positions

Clarence Valley local government election candidates in order of their ballot paper positions and how they will classify themselves on 8 September 2012:

Rod Morrison Independent
Margot Scott Independent
Paul Parkinson
Craig Howe Independent
Andrew Baker Independent
Ursula Tunks Independent
Joy de Roos
Jim Simmons Independent
Greg Clancy Independent
Jane Beeby Independent
Sue Hughes Independent
Karen Toms
Michael McIvor Independent
Jeremy Challacombe Independent
Richie Williamson
Margaret McKenna Independent
Jason Kingsley Independent

Commencing this week North Coast Voices will be rating these 17 candidates on performance and policies over the course of the election campaign.

In 2012 Facebook became a social networking site of which its participants could be ashamed

On 4 June 2012 someone reputedly from Perth, West Australia (and rumoured to be a 16 year old boy) began a Facebook page called Aboriginal Memes.

Racist and hateful are the terms which best describe this site, which tries to excuse its venom by labelling it humour.

These are two snapshots taken of this page by The Vine with the deceased Aboriginal elder’s faced blurred for privacy/cultural reasons:

The Vine asks:

Moreover, the people who are creating these images have actually claimed credit for their horrific displays of intolerance, captioning the pictures on Facebook as “credit: Hunter Green”, “Credit: Kurt Christidis”, “Credit: Mitchel Warmington”. Besides the obvious that these people should be deeply ashamed of their unabashed vilification, did it not occur to them that potential employers/ colleagues/ workmates/ friends/ family/ the media could see their names up in the proverbial Facebook lights?

Facebook management has been contacted by at least two journalists and this is what it said to one:

Perhaps it’s time for sensible individuals to walk away from this social networking site if it is going to support such vile trash - but not before hitting the report this button.

How to make a paper bin liner for that little green kitchen bin

This was The Daily Examiner editor in the 7 August 2012 issue, on the subject of how to make the most of the new Clarence Valley Council waste management system of which both she and most local residents heartily approve:

My first effort at using the little green kitchen bin ended pretty badly, with a lot of  newspaper used and even more disinfectant used afterwards……
We'll help each other get used to the change and make it work. The first step of that is the origami newspaper competition we launched today (see page 5).
Fully aware it leaves us open to a plethora of jokes and I can already imagine the spray we're going to cop on at least one local media observers' blog site ("We've always said The DEX is rubbish etc"), I'm still going to push the message: Forget the Tele, wrap your scraps in The DEX - a thoroughly decent read and thoroughly useful product.  

To help everyone who is finding the bench-top kitchen scraps bin a bit of a challenge, here are a few paper bin liner instruction videos that may possibly be adapted to accommodate the smaller sheet size of many Australian newspapers.

A simple to follow paper folding diagram can be found here.

Er, no you're wrong Aunty ABC

A saying made famous by the American author Mark Twain is relevant: "There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics." wrote Shane Watling on ABC's The Drum.
I’m no expert but even I didn’t think that sounded like something Old Sam would utter.
After letting my mouse loose in cyberspace, I decided to toss my lot in with York Uni which wasn’t impressed either and pointed out that Twain himself didn't claim authorship.
Matter of fact its Dept of Mathematics lists so many possible sire's for this saying that Shane can't even really claim that Twain made this bon mot famous.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Lock the Gate provided scenic route for two federal politicians in search of positive publicity

Photograph of Abbott and Hartsuyker from the Coffs Coast Advocate

According to the Mid North Coast Greens on 5 August 2012:

The route of the NAB Coffs Coast Cycle Challenge crossed the Lavender Bridge in Bellingen on its return to Coffs Harbour. Riding in the team event was Tony Abbott MHR, Leader of the Federal Opposition and Luke Hartsuyker MHR, Member for Cowper.
Waiting with the ‘Lock The Gate’ message were around 80 supporters of Lock The Mid North Coast.

The scenic route through which Abbott and Hartsuyker passed on one leg of their 5 August ride……………………

Less than four months to global doomsday - head for them thar hills!

Now I don’t know who NSW refrigeration mechanic Simon Young is or why he apparently chose Tenterfield for humanity’s last stand in Australia, but I’m willing to bet that he won’t have his $5,000-a-bed bunker finished and stocked before 21st December 2012 - just about when the Apocalypse is supposed to occur.
Being a bit of a natural cynic has me wondering if Simon is not just a piece of advertising fluff News Ltd is using to promote a TV show due to air on the Murdoch Group’s part-owned National Geographic Channel next Thursday evening.

Monday 6 August 2012

NSW Local Government Elections 2012 - forty-eight hours until close of nominations

UPDATED 8 August 2012

NSW local government elections are being held on 8 September 2012 and, nominations close a month earlier at noon 8 August.

Here in alphabetical order area is a list of known candidates standing for the nine Clarence Valley shire councillor positions and a brief backgrounder on each:

Andrew Baker –  Maclean real estate agent, land developer, former business partner of the NSW Nationals MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis, extensive native vegetation land clearing appears to be a feature of his development style, standing for local government on a pro-development platform, not known for community involvement outside the range of his business interests.

Jane Beeby - works in Maclean, opposed sale of part of Maclean's public carpark, states is standing on a platform of commitment to community consultation/transparent government, appears to be/have been a committee member of the Australian Vaccination Network (Association) which was part of a discredited anti-vaccination/anti-medical science lobby group which became the subject of a 2010 Health Care Complaints Commission public warning later successfully challenged in court by the group.

Jeremy Challacombe – local business man, operates both Grafton and Yamba growers markets, NSW Nationals former chair and now vice chair and former 2011 election campaign director for Chris Gulaptis MP, unsuccessful 2008 local government candidate, supported NSW National Party proposal to investigate turning coastal rivers inland long after Clarence Valley communities rejected the idea of damming and diverting the Clarence River or one of its tributaries, unsuccessfully opposed O’Farrell Government’s closure of Grafton Gaol.

Greg Clancy – Coutts Crossing-based consultant ecologist with a wide experience in flora and fauna assessment and a particular interest in North Coast birdlife.

Joy de Roos – In 2011 was listed as ALP Lower Clarence branch president, office bearer at a Maclean preschool and a services club, believes local government is no longer connected to community.

Craig Howe – Grafton High School teacher, currently Clarence Valley Council Deputy Mayor, unsuccessful independent candidate at NSW 2007 general election, voted for  McDonald’s fast food outlet in Yamba, does not have a reputation for giving community concerns serious consideration.

Sue Hughes – business woman, Yamba Chamber of Commerce vice president, current shire councillor who voted against McDonald’s fast food outlet in Yamba.

Jason Kingsley – Grafton business owner who states was on Grafton Gaol picket line, nothing yet known concerning his policy agenda.

Michael McIvor – South Grafton business owner, nothing yet known concerning his policy agenda.

Margaret McKenna – Grafton business owner, current shire councillor, voted for McDonald’s fast food outlet in Yamba citing its food as “nutritious”, comes across as very partisan and pro-Grafton City.

Rod Morrison - Brushgrove flood levee campaigner.

Paul Parkinson – admits to having contested 4 local and 1 state election, former Kempsey shire councillor, persistent complaints concerning council’s lack of community consultation/transparency coincided with his period in Kempsey local government, does not appear to be a Clarence Valley resident as he lists his place of residence as Sherwood in the Kemsey area.

Margot Scott - Yamba-based civil marriage celebrant, standing on a growth and prosperity platform as yet undefined.

Jim Simmons – Maclean business owner, current Clarence Valley shire councillor, formerly on Maclean Shire Council prior to amalgamation, voted for McDonald’s fast food outlet in Yamba, basically pro-development.

Ian Tiley – Maclean-based, current shire councillor, former Clarence Valley Council and Maclean Council mayor, made Emeritus Mayor in 2008 for over 40 years’ service to local government, voted against McDonald’s fast food outlet in Yamba, opposed proposal to dam and divert Clarence River water, appears committed to community consultation and transparent local government, not afraid to take community concerns into council meetings, unsuccessfully stood for Labor Party federal pre-selection in 2008.

Karen Toms – Lower Clarence business person, current shire councillor and former National Party 2011 pre-selection candidate, opposed McDonald’s fast food outlet in Yamba, has earned a reputation for listening to community concerns.

Ursula Tunks – South Grafton-based former local business owner, working towards forming a representative body to co-ordinate and assist the plans of diverse chambers of commerce across the Clarence Valley, resigned as an ordinary member of the NSW Liberal Party in protest at continuing NSW Coalition support of disgraced former Nationals MP for Clarence, Steve Cansdell.

Richie Williamson – current Clarence Valley Mayor and former National Party pre-selection candidate in 2011, voted for supported the imposition of a McDonald’s fast food outlet on an unwilling Yamba community, started off well when first elected as a councillor by initiating council’s response to the threat to dam and divert the Clarence River but appears to have become complacent over the years, unsuccessfully opposed Grafton Gaol closure.