Monday 20 May 2019

Australia's hard right prime minister runs to Trump for a 'good dog' pat on the head

From The Daily Examiner on 19 May 2019:

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have welcomed Australia’s surprise Liberal-led Coalition election win.

With 75 per cent of the vote counted yesterday, Scott Morrison’s Liberal Nationals were two seats short of the 76 needed for a majority in parliament but will be returned to government.

“Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN,” Trump said on Twitter.

The White House said he and Morrison had spoken by phone and “pledged to continue their close co-operation on shared priorities”.

Sunday 19 May 2019

Dystopia 2019

Australian Federal Election Results 2019 at

Yamba rock pool reopens

Yamba Rock Pool, May 2019

Clarence Valley Council, media release, 16 May 2019:

Yamba ocean rock pool repairs get the thumbs up

BARRY Cribb well remembers teaming up with half a dozen of his mates, arming themselves with brooms and shovels and cleaning out the Yamba ocean rock pool by hand.

That started about 40 years ago and only finished when the then Maclean Shire Council offered to take over the maintenance.

It was a big relief for Barry and his team, but the Yamba resident retains a strong interest in the pool and still swims there regularly – daily when conditions suit.

And he’s pretty chuffed about the latest work Clarence Valley Council has done there.
For the past few years the pool has leaked and in the past 12 months had to be closed on several occasions because the water had fallen to a level that meant it was unsafe for swimming.

Council completed repairs to the pool more than a month ago and there appear to be no signs of leaks.

“It looks and feels nice and clean now,” he said.

“I’ve been swimming in there every day since it re-opened and everyone reckons it is great. It’s not losing any water now.”

Despite some interruptions to the work from Cyclone Oma, the work was completed on time and substantially under budget.

The savings have allowed the council to undertake further improvements at the pool site, including the replacement of ageing timber railings with stainless steel and the widening of concrete paths.

Project manager, council’s Justin Menzies, said working in a marine environment in sometimes unpredictable conditions provided plenty of challenges, but thorough planning and having contingencies meant they could be resolved with little impact on the project.

“We put a lot of effort into project management to make sure we deliver projects on time and within budget and we couldn’t be happier with the result,” he said.

“We’ve got pool users giving us the thumbs up each time we go there and that is really rewarding. That’s what you do it for.”

Mr Menzies said observations since the work was complete suggested the pool would stay clean for much longer following the works.

He said that before the repairs started, holes in the pool allowed sand to penetrate the base and the pool would be dirty with sand and decaying seaweed within a few days after cleaning.

“That’s not happening now and the only sand getting into the pool is coming over the top,” he said.

“That means it’s clean much longer and is much more attractive for users.

“It is a great result for pool users and Yamba.”

Saturday 18 May 2019

Where to follow the Australian federal election vote count on Saturday 18 May 2019

Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Virtual Tally Room House of Representatives - from 6pm with progressive ballot tally all night

Australia Votes: ABC Election Night Live website - from 6:00pm

ABC News live stream online or televised on Channel 24 

ABC News on Twitter

ABC Radio National - from 6pm

You Ask, We Answer ABC online - from 6pm onwards

Cartoons of the Week

Cartoons by Cathy Wilcox

Cartoon by Jon Kudelka

Tweet of the Week

Friday 17 May 2019

Has U.S. citizen and media mogul Rupert Murdoch overplayed his hand in this Australian federal election cycle?

“It sounds unreal to say that News Corp is not a media organisation. It sounds outré to say that it is instead a political propaganda entity of a kind perhaps not seen since the 19th century, one that has climbed to its pedestal through regulatory capture, governmental favours and menace, and is now applying its energies to the promotion of white nationalism, even as white nationalists commit scores of murders.”  [Journalist Richard Cooke wiring in The Monthly, May 2019], 

It is your judgement that counts because the right and responsibility to elect the next Australian Government rests with you, the Australian voter, not with an elderly authoritarian U.S. billionaire who rarely visits this country.

Australian society is not as tolerant of Murdoch's sense of entitlement as it once may have been......

March 2018 to March 2019 year-to-year data shows News Corp's principal mastheads are losing readership over the 7 day circulation period, according to Roy Morgan.

By its own admission News Corp has been lobbying local government to keep its community papers afloat in South Australia.