Thursday, 18 March 2021

All those wonderful women who marched and those who support them in Australia 2021


On 15 March 2015 women and girls marched in villages, towns and citiesspread across Australia from coast to coast.

They marched demanding that gender-based violence against women and children stop.

A demand which insists that the federal government listen, act and lead a long overdue change in institutional attitudes which either turn a blind eye to or openly condone sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, the double burden for many women of gender based discrimination coupled with racial discrimination and, a shameful murder rate which sees women murdered by their current partners or former partners at the rate of one woman every nine days [House of Representatives, Hansard, p.62].

Here are just some of the images from that 14 to 15 March which were 
tweeted by marchers as they happened.....

Some of the supporters showing solidarity.....


Just one of the reports that Scott Morrison and his government have not acted on since he became prime minister in August 2018.

Australian Human Rights Commission, Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020), 5 March 2020:

1 Introduction
1.1 Executive Summary

(a) The National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces

Workplace sexual harassment is prevalent and pervasive: it occurs in every industry, in every location and at every level, in Australian workplaces. Australians, across the country, are suffering the financial, social, emotional, physical and psychological harm associated with sexual harassment. This is particularly so for women.

This behaviour also represents a very real financial impost to the economy through lost productivity, staff turnover and other associated impacts.

In June 2018, against the backdrop of the momentum of the #MeToo movement and recognition of the prevalence of, and immense harm caused by sexual harassment in Australian, and global, workplaces, the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, and the then Minister for Women, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer, announced the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (Inquiry).

As Australia’s national human rights institution, the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) was tasked with undertaking this Inquiry. The Commission has an established record of undertaking initiatives aimed at addressing sexual harassment and promoting gender equality.

In the Terms of Reference, the Commission’s task was to review and report on workplace sexual harassment and make recommendations in relation to:

    • its prevalence, nature and reporting in Australian workplaces
    • the role of technology
    • its drivers, including risk factors for particular population groups or in  different workplace settings
    • the current legal framework
    • existing measures to address it and examples of good practice
    • its impacts on individuals and businesses, including its economic impact.

This report outlines the Commission’s findings and recommendations. The full list of recommendations is set out at the end of this Executive Summary.

The purpose of this Inquiry is to improve how Australian workplaces prevent and respond to sexual harassment, including through an examination of the systemic issues set out in its Terms of Reference.

The Commission established a Reference Group to provide advice and guidance for the Inquiry. It included members from across government, business groups, unions, academia and the legal and community sector (see Section 1.4(b) for a list of members). The Commission acknowledges and thanks Reference Group members for their valuable assistance with engaging stakeholders and providing frank and robust advice and guidance on the Inquiry.

The Commission received 460 submissions from government agencies, business groups, community bodies and, above all, victims. From September 2018 to February 2019, the Commission conducted 60 consultations as part of the Inquiry, with more than 600 individuals participating in all capital cities and some regional locations across Australia. It also held three roundtables and numerous meetings with key stakeholders.

This report is a reflection of the contributions of many individuals and organisations and the Commission is grateful to those who took the time to attend a consultation, write a submission or assist the Inquiry.

There is an urgency and demand for change across all corners of society.

Australia is also being closely watched internationally. This is Australia’s moment to be a global leader on this important and topical issue.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Northern Rivers health staff to finally begin receiving COVID-19 vaccinations from this week


Northern NSW Local Health District, media release, 15 March 2021:

The Northern NSW Local Health District will start providing COVID-19 vaccinations to its staff from Wednesday 17 March, 2021.

It’s an exciting milestone for our District, as we start to bring our local clinics on board as part of the NSW Health vaccination program to protect our staff and vulnerable residents from COVID-19,” Chief Executive, Wayne Jones, said.

Northern NSW Local Health District will commence three COVID-19 vaccination clinics at Lismore Base Hospital on 17 March, The Tweed Hospital on 19 March and Grafton Base Hospital on 22 March.

In the coming weeks, outreach clinics will also begin operating at the Multi-Purpose Sites at Bonalbo, Nimbin, Kyogle and Urbenville.

Initially, the clinics will provide vaccines for health staff, residential aged care residents, and local Ambulance personnel.

The clinics will use the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, which requires people to receive two vaccinations approximately 12 weeks apart.

It’s extremely exciting to know that almost 12 months to the day after our very first case of COVID-19 in Northern NSW, we are now able to administer a vaccine which will enable our communities to be protected from the most severe effects of the disease,” Mr Jones said.

The first COVID-19 case was recorded in the Northern NSW Local Health District on 16 March 2020, and there have been 68 cases among residents to date.

I also need to thank our extremely hard-working health staff who have been supporting our community and our health service in every aspect of the pandemic response. Standing up the vaccine clinics so quickly is another example of the outstanding commitment of our dedicated staff,” Mr Jones said.

Members of the public can check the Australian Government’s online vaccine eligibility checker to see which group they are in, and when they will be likely to receive the vaccine.

More information on the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in NSW is available on the NSW Health website.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

REX Airlines Sydney-Grafton-Lismore route to remain open until September 2021?


It would seem that the Clarence Valley’s only airport at Grafton may have received a temporary reprieve.

On 22 February 2021 Regional Express Airlines (REX) announced for a second time in a little over eight months that it would be abandoning its passenger service into Grafton Airport, this time commencing 23 March 2021.

Again leaving the Clarence Valley without a passenger airline service.

Now that Lismore City and Clarence Valley Councils have been successful in getting an extension of the Regional Aviation Network Support program for the next six months - alas not the twelve months they lobbied for - it is expected that REX will continue to fly the Sydney-Grafton-Lismore route.

However, REX is yet to issue a media release confirming that it has altered its plans to abandon its passenger service to Grafton on 23 March.

Given the airline's established modus operandi I would not be surprised to learn that it is approaching both local governments to see if it can squeeze more airport fee or other concessions from them before it commits to flying in for another six months.

Live on the NSW North Coast and looking forward to half-priced airfare to a holiday destination this year? Prepare to be disappointed.


On 11 March 2021 Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced 800,000 "half-price" airfares to get Australians travelling across 13 key tourism regions, the Gold Coast, Cairns, the Whitsundays and Mackay region (Proserpine and Hamilton Island), the Sunshine Coast, Lasseter and Alice Springs, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie, Broome, Avalon, Merimbula, and Kangaroo Island.

According to Morrison’s media release, the discounts will be off the average fare and will be available on airline websites from 1 April.

This wording suggests that the discount on airfares might not be 50 percent of the price of a ticket.

Media reports suggest that the booking period is four months long, ending on 31 July and it appears the scheme allows flights to be booked as far ahead as December 2021.

However, these discounted fares will only apply to flights out of capital cities according to this breakdown in The Guardian on 11 May 2021:

Thirteen Australian locations are eligible for subsidised half-price flights as part of the government’s push to boost regional tourism. 
Photograph: The Guardian

Sydney: flights to the Gold Coast, Cairns, Proserpine, Hamilton Island, Maroochydore, Uluru, Alice Springs, Launceston, Broome and Avalon.

Melbourne: flights to the Gold Coast, Cairns, Maroochydore, Alice Springs, Uluru, Launceston, Devonport, Burnie, Broome and Merimbula.

Adelaide: flights to the Gold Coast, Maroochydore, Alice Springs and Kangaroo Island.

Brisbane: flights to Alice Springs, Uluru and Launceston.

Darwin: flights to Cairns and Broome.

Perth: flights to Alice Springs.

Avalon: flights to the Gold Coast.

Even if people living in north-east NSW drove to Brisbane, the only destinations they would be offered under Morrison’s scheme are Alice Springs, Uluru and Launceston. If people caught a full-price flight from Ballina Airport to Sydney they would be offered Gold Coast, Cairns, Proserpine, Hamilton Island, Maroochydore, Uluru, Alice Springs, Launceston, Broome and Avalon.

For most there is no hope of using a discounted ticket to holiday with or near family.

As for tourism operators from Clarence Valley to the NSW-Qld border – this scheme offers them nothing.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Saffin shows solidarity with local March 4 Justice rallies

Office of the NSW Labor Member for Lismore, media release, 15 March 2021:

Statement by State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin in support of March 4 Justice rallies across the Northern Rivers and Australia:

Today we March 4 Justice, justice for women which makes for a just society.

Today I thank Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins.

They have both spoken out with a roar that has brought us out of our stupor, forcing us to challenge behaviour that does not treat women as equal.

Equality would deliver justice.

Equality would stamp out predatory behaviour, and that would stamp out rape.

However, at the current rate of change it will take 100 years.

We cannot wait 100 years.

We should not have to endure one more sexual assault, one more sexual harassment, one more sexual act of discrimination.

I am travelling to Parliament and will miss our local March in Lismore and the Sydney March as well, but I commit to take up the March 4 Justice call to action.

I commit to march with you in the halls of Parliament, taking the voices of all into the caucus rooms, onto the floor of the Parliament in debate, and to make the legislative and policy changes that will bring justice for women.

The Prime Minister Scott Morrison seems tone deaf to the current conversation, claiming that he is protecting the ‘rule of law’.

The rule of law was not violated when the sexual harassment allegations against Justice Dyson Heydon were subjected to a High Court-instigated inquiry.

And the rule of law would not be violated if the Prime Minister instigated an inquiry into allegations against Attorney-General Christian Porter.

I know what the rule of law is.

I wrote 18 teaching modules on the rule of law.

I taught the rule of law.

The rule of law requires due process, and importantly, also accountability – accountability that is not being afforded here.

I entered public life to make the world a better place for all, beginning in my own backyard; to change behaviour through the political system through policy and law.

I recommit to work with you and for you to realise justice for women, starting with the 10 demands.

For more information go to


A short message to all members of the Morrison Coalition Government: No Means NO!










Speaking Up, Australia, 15 March 2021

