Monday 5 August 2024

How a rogue state-owned corporation played the NSW Land & Environment Court - by a last minute admission of guilt but at the same time insisting it was an accidental error & offering a half-hearted apology - in order to reduce a potential four million dollar penalty to a mere $360,000

On 24 March 2020 and between 6 April and 6 July 2020 the state government owned Forestry Corporation of New South Wales (FCNSW) committed breaches of Forestry Act 2012 within the boundaries of Yambulla State Forest on the far south coast of the state.

NOTE: As Forestry NSW is a state-owned entity, it is the NSW Treasury (on behalf the people of NSW) which will eventually pay any monetary penalties imposed by a court or government authority if FNSW is cash poor. It should also be noted that, based on past history, there appears to be a reluctance to individually hold to account any private logging company (contracted by Forestry NSW to work in state forests) which wilfully or negligently acts in breach of the law. This may go a long way to explaining the arrogance of the logging industry generally and repeat offender Forestry NSW in particular.

In the Land and Environment Court New South Wales on 31 July 2024 in Environment Protection Authority v Forestry Corporation of New South Wales [2024] NSWLEC 78 Peppers J handed down a judgment with the following orders:


In conformity with the reasons given above, the Court makes the following orders:

In proceedings 2022/171640

(1) the defendant is convicted of the offence contrary to s 69SA(1) of the Forestry Act 2012 as charged;

(2) the defendant must pay a monetary penalty in the sum of $225,000;

In proceedings 2022/171639

(3) the defendant is convicted of the offence contrary to s 69SA(1) of the Forestry Act 2012 as charged;

(4) the defendant must pay a monetary penalty in the sum of $135,000;

In proceedings 2022/171639 and 2022/171640

(5) pursuant to s 122 of the Fines Act 1996, 50% of each of the monetary penalties imposed on the defendant is to be paid to the prosecutor as a moiety;

(6) pursuant to s 257B of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986, the defendant is to pay the prosecutor’s professional costs of the proceedings as agreed or assessed under s 257G of that Act;

(7) within 28 days of the date of this order, pursuant to s 13.25(1)(a) and (b) of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, the defendant must, at its own expense, cause a notice in the form of annexure ‘A’ to these orders to be published within the first 12 pages of the following publications, at a minimum size as near as practicable to 180 cm2:

(a) The Sydney Morning Herald;

(b) The Daily Telegraph; and

(c) the Bega District News.

(8) within 42 days of the date of this order, the defendant must provide the prosecutor with a complete copy of the notices as published pursuant to order 7; and

(9) the exhibits are to be returned.

Annexure A

[Forestry Corporation of New South Wales logo to be inserted]

Forestry Corporation of New South Wales Convicted of Offences in Relation To Harvesting Operations In Yambulla State Forest in 2020

On 31 July 2024, Forestry Corporation of New South Wales (“FCNSW”) was convicted in the Land and Environment Court of NSW (“the Court”) for offences under the Forestry Act 2012 for breaching two conditions of its integrated forestry operations approval (“the approval”).

FCNSW breached the approval by failing to show two known Environmentally Significant Areas on an operational map prepared for harvesting operations within compartment 299A of the Yambulla State Forest and by carrying out forestry operations between April and July 2020 in one of the two Environmentally Significant Areas. As a result, 53 eucalypt trees were felled and harvested. The harvesting operation caused actual harm to the felled trees and impacted the refuge of various native flora and fauna species following the Black Summer bushfires. It also led to the compaction and disturbance of groundcover elements. The harvesting operations also potentially harmed the Dusky Woodswallow, Scarlet Robin and the Varied Sitella, being threatened bird species known to inhabit the Yambulla State Forest.

The prosecution was brought by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (“EPA”). FCNSW has been fined a total of $360,000 and has agreed to pay the EPA’s professional costs as agreed or assessed. This notice was placed by order of the Court and was paid for by FCNSW.


A brief look at aspects of the Court's reasons by way of judgment excerpts:

Maximum Penalty

81 The maximum penalty provided for an offence indicates the seriousness with which Parliament views the commission of the offence (Axer Pty Ltd v Environment Protection Authority (1993) 113 LGERA 357 at 359 and Camilleri’s Stock Feeds Pty Ltd v Environment Protection Authority (1993) 32 NSWLR 683 at 698).

82 FCNSW is charged with two breaches of s 69SA(1)(b)(i) of the Forestry Act, each of which carry a maximum penalty of $2,000,000 in the case of a corporation.

104 I am satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the commission of the harvesting offence caused actual and potential harm in the manner set out in Dr Wall’s report. I am further satisfied that the harm caused was substantial because the felling of the 53 trees not only had individual environmental value, but collectively, the trees represented a significant ecological cohort, the felling of which, together with the compaction and disturbance to ground cover, disrupted the refugial status of polygon 2 in a forest that had been severely impacted by bushfire (s 21A(2)(g) of the CSPA).

110 The mapping offence arose due to Clark incorrectly inputting the spatial data into the operational map and failing to adequately review her work. Clark’s supervisor, Clohesy, also failed to properly check her work despite being required to sign off on the operational map. The harvesting offence occurred due to the mapping offence. As stated above, both mistakes were inadvertent.

118 I do not accept that the circumstances giving rise to the error in spatial mapping were unique because they required manual data entry. Rather, the error occurred due to a failure to implement adequate systems to properly transition to a new process as necessitated by the SSOCs. It is entirely conceivable, if not likely given the impact of climate change on native vegetation, that FCNSW will have the need for SSOCs again.

119 I find that FCNSW failed to take the preventative measure of implementing a robust process for reviewing the operational map to ensure that all of the ESAs were properly identified on it. In addition, I find that Chaudhary’s evidence of the steps that FCNSW has taken to prevent future similar incidents was unhelpful given its highly generalised content.

123 A sentencing judge is not required to nominate a point on a scale of seriousness when assessing the objective seriousness of an offence. While occasionally useful, such an exercise adds little substance to the task of instinctive synthesis and determination of a proportionate sentence. As was observed by the Court of Criminal Appeal in DH v R [2022] NSWCCA 200 (at [60]):

60. The assessment of objective seriousness of an offence is an essential element of the process of instinctive synthesis, a purpose of which is the imposition of a proportionate sentence: Zreika v R [2012] NSWCCA 44 at [46]; R v Dodd (1991) 57 A Crim R 349 at 354; Khoury v R [2011] NSWCCA 118. A sentencing judge is required to identify all the factors relevant to the objective seriousness of an offence but is not required to nominate a point on the scale of seriousness by reference to a notional mid-point. The use of descriptors such as “low end of the middle of the range”, “upper end of the middle of the range” or, “just below or above the midpoint” add nothing of value to the process of instinctive synthesis and the determination of a proportionate sentence.

124. Nevertheless, on any view, the environmental crimes committed by FCNSW were objectively serious, causing, as they did, substantial actual and potential ecological harm.

Contrition and Remorse

125 Pursuant to s 21A(3)(i) of the CSPA, remorse is only a mitigating factor if:

(i) the offender has provided evidence that he or she has accepted responsibility for his or her actions, and

(ii) the offender has acknowledged any injury, loss or damage caused by his or her actions or made reparation for such injury, loss or damage (or both),

In Waste Recycling Preston J suggested at least four ways by which an offender may demonstrate genuine contrition and remorse, which are relied upon without repetition (at [204], [210], [212] and [214]). I respectfully adopt and apply his Honour’s analysis in the present proceedings.

In his affidavit, Chaudhary expressed contrition as follows:

10 On my behalf and that of FCNSW, I express sincere regret and remorse that FCNSW employees failed to properly prepare maps recording the ESA areas required for retention and that harvesting occurred within one of those areas.

11 I have read the report of Dr Julian Wall, date 9 November 2024. While I am aware that the precise nature of harm to Yambulla State Forest is still in dispute, I accept that the harvesting resulted in the harvesting of 53 trees that should have been retained, the loss of biomass and impacts on habitat after the fires. I also acknowledge that the failure to map the ESAs resulted in machinery entering one of the polygons in circumstances where this was not permitted. I regret to have caused any harm to the environment.

Chaudhary and Linda Broekman, FCNSW’s Senior Compliance Manager, were present for the sentencing hearing on behalf of FCNSW (T1:18). However, Chaudhary was required to be present for cross-examination and left as soon as it was concluded.

The Chaudhary affidavit was filed late in breach of the Court’s timetable. Leaving aside delay, the affidavit constitutes no more than a bare expression of contrition and remorse, the kind of which was cautioned against in Waste Recycling (at [203]). Moreover, FCNSW has not taken any steps to remediate the harm caused by the commission of the offences (Chief Executive, Office of Environment and Heritage v Ausgrid [2013] NSWLEC 51; (2013) 199 LGERA 1 at [80]). In addition, it has not wholly accepted responsibility for the environmental harm caused by the commission of the offences insofar as it rejects the refugial status of polygon 2.

I therefore give only limited weight to FCNSW’s expression of contrition through Chaudhary.

Early Pleas of Guilty

131 A guilty plea entered at the earliest available opportunity entitles a defendant to the full 25% discount for the utilitarian value of that plea (ss 21A(3)(k) and 22 of the CSPA and R v Thomson; R v Houlton [2000] NSWCCA 309; (2000) 49 NSWLR 383 at [160]).

132 The EPA submitted, and FCNSW accepted, that guilty pleas were not entered at the earliest opportunity. FCNSW entered guilty pleas on the morning of a contested liability hearing that was listed for four days. Having said this, the guilty pleas demonstrate some acceptance of culpability and some weight must be given to FCNSW’s entry of the pleas and the resultant savings in time and resources as a consequence. I therefore find that FCNSW is entitled to a 10% discount for its guilty pleas.

Prior Convictions of FCNSW

134 FCNSW has a lengthy record of prior convictions for environmental offences (s 21A(2)(d) and (3)(e) of the CSPA):

(a) on 12 June 2004 the Court convicted FCNSW (formally the Forestry Commission of New South Wales) of one offence against s 120(1) of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (“the POEOA”) for causing the construction of a dirt road in the Chichester State Forest in such a manner that parts of it collapsed and resulted in pollutants entering the waters of the forest. The Court ordered FCNSW to pay a monetary penalty of $30,000 and awarded costs to the EPA (Environment Protection Authority v Forestry Commission of New South Wales [2004] NSWLEC 751 (“Chichester State Forest”));

(b) on 8 June 2011 the Court convicted FCNSW of one offence against s 175(1)(a) of the NPWA insofar as it breached a condition of a threatened species licence contrary to s 133(4) of that Act by conducting bushfire hazard reduction burning in the Smokey Mouse exclusion zone of the Nullica State Forest. The commission of the offence was caused by the inadequate shading of the exclusion zone on the relevant map. The Court ordered FCNSW to pay $5,600 to a project to improve the Smoky Mouse monitoring sites in the South East Forests National Park and awarded costs in the agreed sum of $19,000 (Director-General, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water v Forestry Commission of New South Wales [2011] NSWLEC 102 (“Nullica State Forest”));

(c) on 10 July 2013 the Court convicted FCNSW of one offence against s 120(1) of the POEOA for polluting waters and one offence against s 133(4) of the NPWA for breach of its threatened species licence arising from hazard reduction burns in the Mogo State Forest. The cause of the commission of the offences was inadequate training of persons involved in the preparation of a burn plan which resulted in an inaccurate plan. The Court ordered FCNSW to pay a total monetary penalty of $35,000 to be directed towards a project in the affected area. Legal and investigation costs were awarded to the EPA (Environment Protection Authority v Forestry Commission of New South Wales [2013] NSWLEC 101 (“Forestry Commission”));

(d) on 5 October 2017 the Court convicted FCNSW of one offence against s 133(4) of the NPWA for breach of its threatened species licence arising from its failure to conduct a thorough search for rocky outcrops in the Glenbog State Forest, which were consequently not identified on the harvest plan. The Court fined FCNSW $8,000, ordered it to publish a notice in the Bega District News in relation to its commission of the offences, and awarded costs to the EPA (Chief Environmental Regulator of the Environment Protection Authority v The Forestry Corporation of New South Wales [2017] NSWLEC 132 (“Glenbog State Forest”));

(e) the Batemans Bay Local Court convicted FCNSW of one offence against s 69SA(1) of the Forestry Act for carrying out unlawful harvesting operations which resulted in the removal of four hollow bearing trees in Mogo State Forest. That Court fined FCNSW a total of $20,000 with 50% payable to the EPA as moiety, awarded the EPA costs in the amount of $84,340, and made a publication order (Environment Protection Authority v Forestry Corporation of NSW (Mogo State Forest prosecution) (Local Court (NSW), Dick LCM, 15 November 2023, unrep));

(f) on 9 June 2022 the Court convicted FCNSW of four offences contrary to s 2.14(4) of the BCA. The offences related to the carrying out of harvesting activities in koala and rainforest exclusion zones in the Wild Cattle Creek State Forest. The Court fined FCNSW a total of $135,600 with 50% payable to the EPA as a moiety, awarded costs in the sum of $150,000 to the EPA, and ordered FCNSW to publish notices in The Sydney Morning Herald and the Coffs Coast News of the Area in relation to its commission of the offences (Environment Protection Authority v Forestry Corporation of NSW [2022] NSWLEC 70 (“Wild Cattle Creek”)); and

(g) on 22 June 2022 FCNSW was convicted of three offences contrary to s 69SA(1) of the Forestry Act in that it failed to mark the boundary of an ESA in breach of its threatened species licence and consequently carried out harvesting operations in bat roosting exclusion zones in the Dampier State Forest. The Court fined FCNSW a total of $225,000, with $45,000 to be paid to the Australasian Bat Society Inc and 50% to be paid to the EPA as a moiety. The Court ordered FCNSW to pay the EPA’s legal and investigation costs, and made publication orders (Dampier State Forest).

135 The EPA submitted that the two most comparable cases to the present proceedings were Dampier State Forest and Wild Cattle Creek.

136 FCNSW submitted that less weight ought to be attributed to its history of offending because it has not previously committed an offence similar to the harvesting and mapping offences.

137 FCNSW’s submission must be rejected. It has a significant history of unlawfully carrying out forestry operations, which is exactly what the mapping and harvesting offences are (Wild Cattle Creek and Dampier State Forest). In addition, it has previously been convicted for failing to mark the boundary of ESAs and exclusion zones in breach of environmental approvals (Dampier State Forest and Wild Cattle Creek). I therefore take into account its extensive antecedents.

156 The EPA submitted that the quantum of any monetary penalty should not be reduced to take account of the award of costs merely because FCNSW has agreed to pay the EPA’s costs voluntarily (Liverpool City Council v Leppington Pastoral Co Pty Ltd [2010] NSWLEC 170 at [50] and Secretary, Department of Planning and Environment v Khouzame [2024] NSWLEC 54 at [125]-[126]).

157 An award of costs does not result in a commensurate reduction in any monetary penalty imposed. Rather, I have taken the fact of the payment of costs by FCNSW, which both the EPA and FCNSW agreed will be substantial, into account as a factor in mitigation.

Appropriate Sentence

162 Having regard to the objective seriousness of the offences and the mitigating subjective factors of FCNSW, together with the penalties imposed in the comparable cases, I find that the imposition of a monetary penalty is warranted for each offence as follows:

(a) for the harvesting offence a monetary penalty of $250,000; and

(b) for the mapping offence a monetary penalty of $150,000.

163 After the application of the 10% discount for the utilitarian value of the early guilty pleas, the penalty for the commission of each offence is reduced to:

(a) for the harvesting offence a monetary penalty of $225,000; and

(b) for the mapping offence a monetary penalty of $135,000.

164 This brings the total monetary penalty to be imposed on FCNSW to $360,000.

167 In the context of sentencing, a publication order serves the functions of general deterrence, denunciation, and a recognition of the harm caused by the offending conduct (Environment Protection Authority v Bartter Enterprises Pty Ltd (No 4) [2021] NSWLEC 45 at [105] and Environment Protection Authority v Ditchfield Contracting Pty Ltd [2018] NSWLEC 90 at [76]). FCNSW’s offending conduct was not trivial and occasioned substantial actual and potential environmental harm. FCNSW will continue to undertake forestry harvesting activities and has not sufficiently demonstrated genuine contrition and remorse for its commission of the offences. These factors weigh heavily in favour of making a publication order in the terms sought by the prosecutor. 

Sunday 4 August 2024

NSW road fatalities in 2024 are way too high for humans and rising too quickly for wildlife in this state


It will probably come as no surprise that in 2024 to 1st August the NSW Road Toll Statistics showed 208 fatalities predominately on regional roads. 

With more fatalities being drivers of a vehicle, more male than female fatalities and, the age group which consistently has the highest number of road fatalities is the 70+ years. [Transport NSW, June 2024] 

Sadly, New South Wales is not having much success at lowering the number of road fatalities to date.

What you may not know is that when it comes to reported wildlife fatalities on New South Wales roads over the same period, the death toll is conservatively estimated to be in the vicinity ten thousand and rising

With the drivers of the vehicles involved in collisions with an animals most likely to be middle aged males, (between 45-54, followed closely by 55-64), possibly driving a Toyota Landcruiser, Toyota Hilux, Ford Ranger, Toyota Corolla or Holden Commodore. [AMMI, August 2024]

Click on tables and graph to enlarge


AAMI, media release, 6 June 2024, excerpts:

Animal collisions have increased by 22 per cent year-on-year according to new claims data from national insurer AAMI....

- New alarming research from AAMI found more than 40 per cent of Aussie drivers don’t pay attention to wildlife warning signs....

- More than half (54 per cent) of Aussie drivers have been involved in an animal collision, with the majority of these occurring on rural and regional roads.....

NSW is the most dangerous state for wildlife collisions (30 per cent), followed by VIC (29 per cent) and QLD (24 per cent). In the previous two years, VIC was the most dangerous, followed by NSW and QLD.

- Dubbo in New South Wales holds the dubious title of Australia’s worst animal collision hotspot, followed by Sunbury in Victoria and Goulburn in New South Wales.

- The animal species involved in most crashes are; kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, deer, dogs, cows, emus, pigs, fox and rabbit*.

- In Australia, the cooler months are the worst time of year for animal collisions, with more than a quarter (28 per cent) of road accidents involving wildlife taking place between June to August. Almost 60 per cent (58 per cent) of all animal collisions occur between May and October.

- Dusk is the most dangerous time for animal collisions, with a quarter of accidents occurring from 4:30pm- 8pm.

- Animal collisions can be costly, with the average cost of an insurance claim greater than $5,000.

- In around 16 per cent of claims involving an animal in the last year alone, the damage to the vehicle was so severe, the car was written off.

- Saturday is the worst day of the week for wildlife related road accidents – with almost one third (31 per cent) of incidents taking place over the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).

  • Male drivers and those middle aged (between 45-

54, followed closely by 55-64) are most likely to find

themselves in a collision with an animal.

  • Cars most likely to be involved in an animal collision are:

Toyota Landcruiser

Toyota Hilux

Ford Ranger

Toyota Corolla

Holden Commodore

White vehicles, followed by grey and silver are most likely to collide with an animal.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Tweet of the Week


Video Clip of the Week


Sacked by the national electorate in 2020 former one-term president Donald J Trump confirming he is refusing to debate Vice-President Kamala Harris during the 2024 US presidential election campaign

Friday 2 August 2024

The Independent COVID-17 Response Inquiry Final Report will be given to the Albanese Government by the end of September 2024 - with only about 15 Lower House sitting days left between 1 October and the day the parliamentary year ends - when will the report be tabled?


On 21 September 2023, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry which had the stated purpose "to identify lessons learned to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics".

The independent panel members heading this inquiry are Robyn Kruk AO (Chair), Professor Catherine Bennett (Member) and Dr Angela Jackson (Member).

The list of authors of the 2,092 submissions received by COVID-19 Response Inquiry from 6 November to 15 December 2023 and, those who gave permission for publication, can be read at:

COVID-17 Response Inquiry's published summaries can be found at:

The Independent Panel will deliver the COVID-17 Response Inquiry Final Report to Government, including recommendations to the Commonwealth Government to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics, by the end of September 2024.

The following excerpt from a media article is the latest journalistic opinion on Inquiry evidence to date, in what has been a rather low profile inquiry.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 July 2024:

COVID-19 has left Australians with poorer physical and mental health, helped fuel inflation because of too many government handouts and encouraged people into the black economy, the first wide-ranging inquiry into the pandemic has heard.

Businesses, unions, health experts and the education sector have told the inquiry, due to report in weeks, that Australia needs to prepare for future pandemics to avoid repeating mistakes made across all levels of government that are still being felt in some parts of the nation.

The inquiry, promised by Anthony Albanese ahead of the 2022 federal election, is being headed by former senior public servant Robyn Kruk plus economist Angela Jackson and infectious diseases expert Professor Catherine Bennett.

Established last year, the 12-month inquiry is due to report by September. It has been given a wide remit to look at joint Commonwealth-state actions, although its terms of reference preclude examining unilateral actions taken by states and territories or international programs.

Across a series of roundtables, the inquiry has been told of major shortcomings with elements of the federal and state governments’ responses to COVID-19 and the long-term problems these have caused.

Health experts said border closures had a “significant” impact on healthcare provision, particularly in rural, remote and border communities, arguing health workers should be exempt from such restrictions.

Australia’s average age fell last year while the country experienced a record number of deaths in 2022.

Chronic disease monitoring and cancer screening were disrupted, the sector said, noting a nationally co-ordinated effort was now required to clear the backlog of tests.

People are currently waiting longer for care than before the pandemic, are often sicker and [are] finding it less affordable,” the sector said.

Experts said the mental health system was in crisis before the pandemic, and COVID-19 had exacerbated problems that had only worsened since.

Australian communities are experiencing a process of rolling recoveries from one emergency to the next (extreme weather events and the pandemic), with resulting cumulative trauma,” they told the inquiry.

More emphasis is needed on community resilience and on strengthening the system ahead of the next emergency.”

Thursday 1 August 2024

It was all kicking off in Tweed Heads this week - just not in a good way


It doesn't happen very often in the NSW Northern Rivers region. To have a local area make the latest batch of police news releases - much less three times over the course of two days.

NSW Police News:

Three arrested as part of drug supply investigation - Tweed Heads

Wednesday, 31 July 2024 04:28:34 PM

Three people are assisting police with inquiries after being arrested following an investigation into drug supply in the state’s north.

About 1.10pm (Wednesday 31 July 2024), police from the Northern Rivers Region Enforcement Squad, assisted by the Tactical Operations Unit, stopped a vehicle at a service station in Chinderah.

The three occupants of the vehicle – a 37-year-old woman, and two men aged 28 and 51 – were arrested at the scene.

They have been taken to Tweed Heads Police Station where they are assisting police with their inquiries.

Further information will be released once available.

Police officer charged - Northern Region

Wednesday, 31 July 2024 02:20:09 PM

A NSW Police officer has been charged for allegedly accessing restricted data.

In January 2024, officers attached to the Professional Standards Command commenced an investigation into alleged misconduct and unlawful access to data held on the Police computer system.

Following inquiries, a 50-year-old man was served a court attendance notice and charged with eight counts access/modify restricted data held in computer and holder of public office misconduct him or herself.

He will appear before Tweed Heads Local Court on Monday 16 September 2024.

The officer’s employment status is suspended without pay.

Man charged following alleged assault - Tweed Heads

Tuesday, 30 July 2024 07:16:03 PM

A man will face Court after being charged following an investigation into an assault at Tweed Heads earlier this month.

About 3.30pm on Thursday 11 July 2024, emergency services were called to a shopping centre on Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South, following reports of an altercation.

Officers attached to the Tweed/Byron Police District attended the scene and were told several people were involved in an altercation, in which a man – aged 25 – was injured.

The man was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics for facial injuries, before he was taken to Gold Coast University Hospital for treatment. He has since been released from hospital.

A tomahawk was recovered at the scene and was seized by police for forensic examination.

About 3.00pm today (Tuesday 30 July 2024), following an investigation by officers from Tweed/Byron Police District, police arrested a 23-year-old man at Tweed Head Police Station.

The man was charged with reckless wounding in company. He was refused bail to appear at Tweed Heads Local Court on Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Inquiries into the incident are ongoing.

As investigations continue, anyone who witnessed the incident or has footage of the incident, including dashcam footage, is urged to contact local police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Is Rex Express Holdings going the begging bowl route again hoping the Australian Government will continue subsidizing its push to firmly establish itself in those commercially desirable major cities domestic-international air routes?



Sometime on the afternoon or evening of 30 July 2024 REX Express Holdings Limited appears to have informed the media it is going into "voluntary administration" - apparently before it notified the Australian Stock Exchange on which its shares are traded. 

It has made announcements of imminent doom in past years, ceased ticket sales, suspended flights or air routes when seeking a government bailout or an increase in monies received from a government industry funding scheme. 

Based on past behaviour receiving such financial assistance is no guarantee REX will not go ahead and abandon some regional airport destinations.


Having built its Australian air routes by bullying regional councils & indulging in what looked suspiciously like corporate extortion at federal level, is the Singapore-based corporation operating REX Airlines, seeking yet another government bailout?

ABC News, 30 July 2024:

Rex Airlines' future uncertain in wake of ASX trading halt

Regional Australian airline Rex has suspended trading on the Australian stock market pending an upcoming announcement.

The ASX-listed company halted trade on Monday ahead of making an announcement dealing with a media report published over the weekend.

It is understood the announcement relates to a piece published in The Australian suggesting the airline has called in a turnaround team from consultants Deloitte.

The pause in trading is expected to remain in place until tomorrow or until Rex releases a statement to the market.

In a comment to the ABC, a spokesperson from Rex Airlines said the company was currently in an ASX trading halt "pending making a material announcement".

"In the meantime it isn't appropriate for us to make any further comments," the spokesperson said.

Transport Workers Union boss Michael Kaine said he had written to Rex as about 2,000 jobs were at risk.

"This is a sign that the aviation industry is broken, it's actually in crisis," he said.

"We're looking forward to hearing back from Rex as a matter of urgency, to try and get some more clarity on this situation.".

Government to 'work with' Rex

Asked whether the federal government would help keep Rex in the air if required, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said it was "an important airline" and he was "very hopeful that they'll see their way through".

"We have sought information from the airline through [Minister for Transport] Catherine King, who came to see me about this today … we will continue to monitor what happens there," he said.

"There are a range of communities in New South Wales, in Queensland, in South Australia and right around the country that rely upon Rex … so it's important," he said.

The prime minister said the airline had come through COVID and received substantial government support, "and we will remain vigilant when it comes to this airline and continue to work with them".

"We want to see not just those jobs maintained, but we also want to see those communities continue to have access to aviation that's so important for their economy and for their way of life," he said.....

The Australian, 27 July 2024, p.25:

Rex calls in turnaround specialists

Stories abound of instability in the nation’s aviation sector. Budget airline Bonza fell into administration in April. The mooted listing of Virgin Australia keeps faltering, and now Qatar Airways wants to gobble up a strategically important part of it.

And what of Regional Express? Its executive chairman, Lim Kim Hai, was hot-swapped in June for deputy chair John Sharp, a former transport minister in the Howard government. Lim had served as executive chairman for 21 years, and aside from brief remarks issued by the company acknowledging his “extraordinary service”, no further reason was provided for this sudden and startling tweak to the board.

Seething, as you would expect, Lim went on to requisition a shareholders meeting to remove Sharp and three other directors from the board: Lee Thian Soo, Ronald Bartsch and Jim Davis. No reasons were provided for that development either.

This upheaval is taking place just as Rex finds itself in a spot of serious financial bother, so serious, it seems, that Margin Call hears that the airline has invited a turnaround team from Deloitte to rifle through its books and try to stop the proverbial plane from crashing into the mountain.

Leading that team are Sal Algeri and Richard Hughes, memorable for their role in the recovery of Virgin Australia after that airline slid into voluntary administration in 2020. Deloitte didn’t respond to questions about Rex and Rex itself declined to comment. “Given Rex is a public company, we do not respond to press or market rumours or speculation,” a spokesman said.

Rex’s troubles are not necessarily with its regional routes, which are said to be profitable, but with its expansion into the prized city destinations of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, known in the industry as the Golden Triangle (a misnomer, by the way, the route connecting them forms no obvious triangle).

An expansion into those capital city markets began in 2020, its market share remains in the single digits, and the whole jolly has cost the business dearly. Deloitte’s partners are in a fever attempting a restructure solution as a rescue package. That too, we hear, is teetering towards failure.

Where to from here? Rex’s Golden Triangle dilemma could become intractable enough to push the airline into administration. Whether or not that occurs, the appearance of Deloitte’s clean-up team at least provides a plausible explanation for the airing of linen about to start in the boardroom.

After all, it was Sharp who said last year that profitability mattered more than market share, a remark made only after Rex posted a loss of $16.5m for the half to December 2022. Its latest results weren’t quite as fugly – a $3.2m loss for the half to December 2023....

AAP General News Wire, excerpt, 29 July 2024:

Rex reported a loss of $3.2 million for the first half of the 2023-24 financial year in February, compared with a $16.5 million loss in the prior period, saying escalating costs, particularly for fuel, made it hard to predict full-year profitability.....

The Australian, podcast, excerpt, 30 July 2024:

Anthony Albanese hails the importance of struggling Rex’s regional routes and promises to examine rescue packages, but questions the airline’s foray into competitive big city routes....


The Australian Stock Exchange 2024 announcement list re Regional Express Holdings Limited (REX) contained the following:

* 11.03.24 ASX Release - REX announces partnership with UAE's national airline Etihad which entrenches REX passenger plane landing rights at Sydney and Melbourne airports as a connecting carrier of Eithad ticket holders.

06.06.24 8:33am Change to the Board - Deputy Chairman John Sharp ceases that board role & becomes Non-Executive Chairman. Kim Lim Hai ceases to be Non-Executive Chairman but remains a Non-Executive director & a significant shareholder in the company.

* 12.07.24 9:50am General Meeting of Members - Kim Lim Hai serves notice of a general meeting of members at which he will request the removal of six named directors as well as the majority of any directors that may have been appointed fron 5 May 2024 to the end of the general meeting.

* 29.07.24 9:50am Market Release - Pause in trade of Rex securities

* 29.07.24 10:17am Market Release - Trading Halt in Rex securities at own request until 31.07.24 and pending an announcement.


North Coast Voices, 1 June 2022

Today REX Airlines began to abandon Northern Rivers regional airports - yet again

On 31 May 2022 Regional Express (REX) airlines confirmed that it was withdrawing airline services from Lismore and Grafton on 1 June 2022 and from Ballina on 2 July 2022.

At the same time it announced cessation of service to Kangarooo Island.

Very predictably this withdrawal again - as it has so often in the past - coincided with the cessation of federal government funding which heavily subsidizes REX.

The phrase 'shakedown merchant' comes to mind.