Last week both U.S. presidential candidates fronted the Saddleback Church and shovelled manure in an attempt to become America's 'pastor-in-chief' [Transcript of proceeding here]. With McCain blatantly stealing gulag memories and Obama doing his best to out-Christian Christos, I thought I would look at other aspects of both candidates.
Republican presidential candidate, John McCainMcCain has a history of telling pork pies about his first marriage. Here is the latest from Yahoo! NewsALEXANDRIA, Va. - An old lawsuit on record at the city courthouse reveals a moment of friction between John McCain's mother and his ex-wife. Years later, McCain and his former wife presented a united front in a lawsuit of their own. McCain, the Republican candidate for president, calls the first lawsuit a mistake and says he never authorized the second. Both legal actions were settled out of court before they went to trial.
Curiously, although the records clearly list the plaintiffs, McCain's campaign says his mother's 1980 lawsuit was filed "unintentionally" and that the Arizona senator didn't know about or authorize the 1990 lawsuit with his ex-wife, Carol. And McCain's 96-year-old mother, Roberta, says she never sued Carol.
Others involved dispute those assertions.----
In his e-mail, Bounds said McCain "had no knowledge of the suit: He did not authorize the suit or participate in its filing."
But the lawyer who represented the McCains said she did indeed speak to McCain and get his permission to sue on his behalf.
"You can be sure that I talked to and got the permission of any client who is listed as a plaintiff," said attorney Barbara P. Beach.
McCain has been a U.S. senator since 1991 and in this Senate term he has missed 407 votes or 64% of all votes he could have cast.
His Senate voting record is here. McCain raised $27 million in donations this July and is charging people $7 for one of his campaign posters for the front yard (comes with a free bumper sticker)
Democrat presidential candidate, Barack Obama
Obama's image of a fair fighter takes a bit of a blow. The pre-written email chain he has set up could get unwitting 'disciples' into trouble. Inviting others to put their names to a letter calling one of the co-authors of a book a vile smear-peddler, religiously bigoted, a paranoid and hateful man is not the actions of a balanced individual.
Obama makes much of his commitment to liberty and justice for all and understanding of the struggles of 'ordinary' Americans. However, as a first term senator he has missed at least 290 Senate votes since April 2005 or 46% of the total votes in which he could have represented his constituents.
Obama raised $51 million in donations this July and charges $8 dollars each for a campaign poster for the front yard. U.S. opinion polls show that the race remains tight between Obama and McCain and it seems that Barack has finally been reduced to 'kissing' babies, while John remains old no matter where the photo shoot occurs. 
Photos from Fox News and The Washington Post