According to Barbi this Orangutan mother was captured stealing fruit for her undernourished infant.
You can feel proud the next time you put a chocolate bar, ice cream cone, slice of cheescake, sweet biscuit or handful of crisps in your mouth, shower with a soap bar or shampoo your hair from the usual range of toiletry products.
What orang utan got to do with palm oil products? You should make your post more clear in the future.
Good question what does palm oil have to do with orangutangs? The connection is this the forests in which orangutangs live in are being divided up and sold as farmland to local farmers and to big businesses. The forests are then destroyed and cleared until there is nothing but land left. This land is then used for growing palm oil tree plantations. These plantations employ many local people who would otherwise be unemployed and living in poverty. The sad part is that when the farmers cleared the forests from there newly purchased farm land they left the orangutangs and many other animals with no home no food and at extremely high risk of being killed. The orangutaangs are left out in the open with nowhere to hide from predators and if they don't move on quick enough then the farmers who now own the land will kill them. The biggest problem is that there is nowhere for the orangutans to move on to. All of the forests in the area has been sold and cleared for palm oil tree plantations and now the orangutaangs are at the mercy of humans. Groups of orangutaangs end up splitting up babies are left abandoned by there mothers who cant feed them or who have been captured to become a tourist attraction. there is a big chance that they will end up dead in a few months or worse captured and tortured to do tricks for the tourists. Palm oil tree plantations offer many of the local people employment where there otherwise wouldn't be any employment or jobs. This stops them from having to live in poverty. However it comes at a cost to the native animals and the animals such as the orangutang wind up paying the price by ending up on the endangered list. You cant blame the local people who work and farm the land and grow the palm tree plantations on the same land that was or is the home of the orangutaangs no one wants to live in poverty and many are just trying to feed there children. It is the fault of the large major companies who use palm oil in there products and then lie too there consumers who buy it by allowing them to think that there products are safe and are ok to buy because they are animal cruelty free because they don't test there products on animals they don't tell there consumers that in order to make there products thousands of animals lost there homes died and ended up on the endangered list so they can become mega rich. I don't know about you but i call that animal cruelty don't you?
Good question what does palm oil have to do with orangutaangs? The connection is this the forests in which orangutaangs live in are being divided up and sold as farmland to local farmers and to big businesses. The forests are then destroyed and cleared until there is nothing but land left. This land is then used for growing palm oil tree plantations. These plantations employ many local people who would otherwise be unemployed and living in poverty. The sad part is that when the farmers cleared the forests from there newly purchased farm land they left the orangutaangs and many other animals with no home no food and at extremely high risk of being killed. The orangutaangs are left out in the open with nowhere to hide from predators and if they don't move on quick enough then the farmers who now own the land will kill them. The biggest problem is that there is nowhere for the orangutans to move on to. All of the forests in the area has been sold and cleared for palm oil tree plantations and now the orangutaangs are at the mercy of humans. Groups of orangutaangs end up splitting up babies are left abandoned by there mothers who cant feed them or who have been captured to become a tourist attraction. there is a big chance that they will end dead in a few months or worse captured and tortured to do tricks for the tourists. Palm oil tree plantations offer many of the local people employment where there otherwise wouldn't be any employment or jobs. This stops them from having to live in poverty. However it comes at a cost to the native animals and the animals such as the orangutang wind up paying the price by ending up on the endangered list. You cant blame the local people who work and farm the land and grow the palm tree plantations on the same land that was or is the home of the orangutaangs no one wants to live in poverty and many are just trying to feed there children. It is the fault of the large major companies who use palm oil in there products and then lie too there consumers who but it by allowing them to think that there products are safe and are animal cruelty free because they don't test there products on animals they don't tell that in order to make there products thousands of animals lost there homes died and ended up on the endangered list. I don't know about you but i call that animal cruelty don't you?
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