Monday 31 October 2011

Clarence By-election: Ms Camac show her true colours

The Daily Examiner 31 October 2011 on the subject of the Christian Democratic Party candidate:

SHE represents the Christian Democratic Party in the upcoming Clarence by-election and happens to be the personnel officer who signed a letter to abattoir workers telling them they no longer had jobs in Grafton.
Asked what she could do for displaced meat workers as a Clarence representative, Bethany Camac admitted she wouldn't be able to do much except encourage investment in the area.
"If they don't want to take up the job offer at Casino and sit around and whinge they can sit around and whinge, if they want to get off their bums and get a new job they can do that," she said.
Ms Camac said all workers, including herself, at the South Grafton site had been "offered" jobs at the Northern Co-operative Meat Company in Casino and "there should be enough jobs for everyone".
"Stuart Ramsey has not taken his business outside the electorate of Clarence, he's moved it from Grafton to Casino."
But reports on ABC North Coast yesterday quoted Northern Co-operative Meat Company management as saying there was no transfer of business between Ramsey Food Processing and the Co-operative.
Workers told The Examiner earlier this week they had been informed by Ramsey that they're entitlements would be transferred if they took up jobs at Casino but subsequent inquiries had proven this to be false……

Ms. Camac obviously doesn’t understand the business history of the man who employs her as well as one local writing in the same newspaper issue.

Who else is to blame?

WELL done, Paul McKenzie, for your factual account of what occurred approximately 10 years ago. My husband was also one of the 11 and he still hasn't received his entitlements despite the court ruling. How this man has been able to get away with ignoring the laws and court rulings amazes me.
Regarding the letter from Lyn Ridge, yes he put food on the table - bread and dripping while he dined on caviar. We used up all our savings in the five years my husband worked for Mr Ramsey. You state that it will be a terrible loss for Grafton, but you can't blame one man alone. Pray tell, who else is to blame?
One man has spit the dummy because he can no longer ignore his commitments. Hay for his horses, it seems, is more important than food on the table for employees.
I congratulate The Daily Examiner for the forthright reporting and please continue to do so. There is nothing nice about this man's business practices and the public is entitled to know.
Regarding the letter from Teddy Bowles, I don't recall any negative media reports when the abattoirs reopened, only how good it was for Grafton.
As far as being given financial assistance, $500,000 from public purses isn't bad, then the assistance given by the city council as regards water rates, etc. How much has to be given to one man? He had employees work for less than award wages for three years to help get the place up and running, then wouldn't come to the table to arrange a new agreement up to two years after the expiration of their agreement. In the meantime, the horse stud prospered.
Mr Ramsey is no pauper. Nor would a dinky-di Aussie treat people the way this man does with his "my way or the highway" attitude.

South Grafton.

Photograph of Ms. Camac from Chrisitian Democratic Party website


The Daily Examiner on 2 November 2011:

Get a job jibe draws angry retort

COMMENTS from the Christian Democratic candidate for Clarence Beth Camac have been described as a disgrace by the president of the union representing displaced South Grafton meatworkers.
Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union president Grant Courtney said Ms Camac's comments, published in Monday's Daily Examiner, had raised "a fair bit of anger from workers at the South Grafton abattoir".
"Ms Camac's comments in relation to pending displaced workers at the abattoir are nothing short of cheap political opportunism and a disgrace," he said. "Any candidate that stands for good Christian values surely would feel for the 200 workers whose futures are now up in the air thanks to a company pulling its operations at Grafton.
"Calling workers whingers is clearly uncalled for and will not assist her in her political aspirations.
"Social justice, support for the community and regional employment should be the principle policy this woman stands for, instead of blurting out misleading statements that reflect mistruths in relation to future employment at Casino.
"Workers at South Grafton do not appreciate commentary from ill-informed industrial relation consultants that have no idea or concern of workers' rights nor their legal entitlements."

Happy Birthday to The Dish

One of Australia's most iconic scientific structures, the CSIRO's Parkes Telescope is celebrating 50 years of achievement today - having opened on October 31, 1961 right in the middle of a paddock.

History of achievements 1961-2011

Photographs from Google Images

A Moment in the Clarence By-election

In the March 2011 News South Wales general election Labor experienced a two party preferred -19.3% swing with a corresponding swing to the Nationals of +19.3%, resulting in a resounding win for the Nationals sitting member in the Clarence electorate.
As it turned out the champagne bubbles flattened quickly and the Nats had less than six months to bask in the glow of this result before Steve Cansdell’s past caught up with him and the seat fell vacant.
Still, you could be forgiven for thinking that the by-election this November is going to be a shoe-in for the North Coast Nats.
That is until you look at who they chose to represent the party – Chris Gulaptis.
Not only does he have a local government history which makes the average punter recall the less flattering aspects of his character, he is also so gaffe prone that most of his early campaigning has him bragging about funding commitments which don’t exist.
This has clearly spooked the party because they now appear to be trying to position him for the sympathy vote and are predicting an as yet unqualified swing against their candidate.
NSW Deputy Premier, Nationals Leader and Oxley MP, Andrew Stoner, in damage limitation mode went to the media with this statement:
Poor Andy can have no idea how few people look forward to the idea of Chris turning up on their doorstop or how deep they'll have to dig to find a skerrick of sympathy for this ever opportunistic bloke.

Pic of Chris Gulaptis from The Daily Examiner

Dreaming out loud about an Alternative Abbott Universe

Deborah Cameron on ABC 702 Mornings 17th October 2011:
“MR Abbott is finding it very hard to get a bounce in the polls, it's sort of proof that you can't scream your way into people's affections, it would seem from the recent polls. Now how do you think the Liberal Party is going to deal with the problem of Mr Abbott's continuing, sort of, he just can't get off. He's finding it hard to convert success into popularity, personal popularity. So can you picture a Tony Abbott who's not bellowing, and who can actually stop and talk, and listen, and think quietly?”

Sunday 30 October 2011

You lose, Alan Joyce

11am Sunday 30th October 2011

Disclaimer: These polls are not scientific and reflect the opinion only of visitors who have chosen to participate.

This Granny Herald poll closes in 5 days – you can vote here.

Want to tell Qantas what you think - use!/QantasAirways or email Board Members/Senior Management here or use {insert name}
Starting with

Qantas Board & Senior Management:
Mr Leigh Clifford, AO (Chairman)
Mr Alan Joyce (Managing Director, CEO)
Retired General Peter Cosgrove, AC MC (Non Exec. Director)
Mrs Patricia Cross (Non Exec. Director)
Mr Richard Goodmanson (Non Exec. Director)
Mr Garry Hounsell (Non Exec. Director)
Ms Corinne Namblard (Non Exec. Director)
Mr Paul Rayner (Non Exec. Director)
Dr John Schubert, AO (Non Exec. Director)
Mr James Strong, AO (Non Exec. Director)
Ms Barbara Ward, AM (Non Exec. Director)
Mr Gareth Evans (CFO)
Mr Brett Johnson (General Counsel)
Mr Jeff Etherington (Investor Relations)

They just don't make politicians like they used to

Friday night's ABC TV news in Queensland had a piece where Premier Bligh was praising her fellow members of the parliament, especially those on her side of the chamber. Bligh was advancing the notion that MPs are very capable persons and especially skilled at multi-tasking. She remarked, "They can walk, talk and chew gum (all at the same time)."

Back in the good old days MPs were far more talented. Most were able to whistle and fart and drive a cart - all at the same time, of course!

Call for sacking of NSW Environment Minister, Robyn Parker, ASAP

Politicians can run but they cannot hide. Another correspondent in the Coffs Coast Advocate's letters section has gone to town on the NSW Environment Minister for her repeat "Fail" efforts.

Pollution fears realised by mine overflow

THE letter by Claire Thompson (CCA, 25/10) clearly outlines what we all fear and yet seem powerless to stop.

Also an article with regards to "toxic pollution of the Macleay River from the Hillgrove Antimony Mine near Armidale."

The NSW Environment Minister, Robyn Parker, responded saying, "there is no increased risk because pollution from the mine has been diluted", this despite 900,000 litres of contaminated water overflowing from the Hillgrove Mine and entering the river system.

This minister should get the sack ASAP, especially considering what has already happened with the contamination and air pollution in Newcastle, and now this. The only one that seems to be on our side is Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham and Coffs Harbour councillor Mark Graham.
Sad state of affairs.

Ziggy Koenigseder

Source: Coffs Coast Advocate, 27/10/11

I see Chris has joined Facebook

Chris Gulaptis has joined Facebook very quietly sometime in the last few days. Which is probably just as well as he hasn’t quite got the hang of why people friend on FB – either they find your site interesting or they want to come up alongside a very popular person.

For a by-election candidate who used to be a local government demagogue politician he doesn’t have much to say and the bulk of the photos he has posted makes us believe that barely a handful of people attended the opening of his campaign office and no-one turned up at the market stall.
Also, that perhaps he has the hots for Andrew Stoner. 
Must do better, Chris!


Guest Speak is a North Coast Voices segment allowing serious or satirical comment from NSW Northern Rivers residents. Email ncvguestpeak at live dot com dot au to submit comment for consideration.

Saffin asks hard question of Anchor Resources

From A Clarence Valley Protest.

The Daily Examiner, letters to the editor, 25 October 2011:

Significant threat to waterways
I was pleased to see the expanded Daily Examiner coverage online of a mooted mining exploration project (DEX 5 October, 2011 "Significant threat to waterways"), having been alerted to the growing concern in the area by a Dorrigo resident and having just commenced some fact finding to see if the project would impact in our backyard. (Yes, it is a clear case of protecting your own backyard.)
The Daily Examiner asked all the right questions - questions which the Federal National Party MP Luke Hartsuyker should be asking.
Granted, 60 new jobs would be of great benefit to the region but what if those jobs are at the expense of hundreds of other jobs lost as the result of contamination of the Clarence River, impacting on industries such as tourism, agriculture and fisheries?
We need to carefully consider any threat of contamination of our water supply.
The water supply that provides, among other things, drinking water, irrigation and commercial and recreational fishing activities for the Clarence Valley and surrounds.
Through earlier "NOT A DROP" campaigns started by the Daily Examiner, I have made it abundantly clear of my commitment to the Clarence River not losing a drop of water, despite questionable schemes such as diverting the Clarence inland.
This time "NOT A DROP" means we don't poison a drop of Clarence water, as the history of this type of mining is littered with pollution of waterways, water sources and nearby communities.
Mr Price of Anchor Resources is quoted as saying: "Using world best practice, there will be no contamination."
I have written to Mr Price on our behalf to ask him what "world best practice" actually involves and how it would prevent one iota of poison from entering the Clarence catchment.
I shall keep constituents informed through the local media of the progress of my approach to Anchor Resources.
Federal Member for Page

*Hat tip to Clarrie Rivers of North Coast Voices for providing the transcript!

The Big Blue Army at work

Thank you to the 42,000 people that called for a network of large marine sanctuaries in Australia’s South West during the recent consultation period. This is the highest number of submissions ever sent to a government process on a conservation issue in Australia.
This also represents an enormous community backlash against totally inadequate marine sanctuaries proposed by Environment Minister Tony Burke in May this year. With 8 out of 10 hotspots for South West marine life left unprotected by this original proposal, we would expect some dramatic changes to the final sanctuaries being decided upon around November 2011.
These new sanctuaries should deliver what science says is needed – not what fishing and oil industries may want. However we are concerned that these vested interests will be working to undermine the overwhelming call from the community for protection.
To ensure that proper protection is delivered we will have to remain vigilant and we will need your help.
Join the Big Blue Army and we’ll keep you informed of developments in the run up to the final decision in a few months time.

According to a Save Our Marine Life email  only 112 submissions were received opposing this West  Australia marine reserve network

Time to wrap yourself in the flag and holiday in Oz?

Seems quite a few small Oz tourist towns might need our holiday dollar if this trend to either stay at home or holiday overseas continues to grow.

The percentage of Australians who intend to travel domestically on their next holiday in the next twelve months has declined 3% in a year to 55%, according to the Roy Morgan Research Holiday Tracking Survey conducted in the three months to August 2011.

By contrast, the percentage of Australians who intend to go overseas on their next holiday in the next twelve months is 9% in August 2011, up 1% in a year and up 3% since August 2006.

In total around 12.6 million (68%) Australians 14 years or older intend to take at least one holiday in the next 12 months in August 2011, down from 70% in August 2010.
Intention to take a holiday in the next 12 months
Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (June 2006 – August 2011, average sample per quarter n=5,077). N.B. A small percentage of holiday intenders cannot nominate where they will be going on their next holiday. As a result, the percentages shown as intending to go overseas or domestic on their next holiday do not add to the total intenders.    

Drawing from Google Images   

Saturday 29 October 2011

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A Will he or won't he, does he or doesn't he? musing: Here on the NSW North Coast everyone's been waiting to see who, if anybody, the ALP puts up at the Clarence By-election. Peter Ellem has put his name forward. Now I'm told Pete's a nice guy - but we moggies need to know if he likes cats before we can give Teh Paw of Approval. :-D

A Do you want fries with that? musing: McDonald's Australia serves up used condom to toddler.

A political il regrette musing: It must be ever so galling for the NSW O'Farrell Government to realise that if the then Nats MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell had not been so frightened of facing Mayor Richie Williamson at the March 2011 state election and, made a panic-driven decision or two, then the MP's falisfying of a 2005 statutory declaration would not have become public knowledge or be currently under investigation. BOF has his first real scandal since coming to government because a North Coast MP in a safe seat couldn't hold his nerve.

A you heard it here first musing: Clarence Valley politics shock announcement

An It's all about the numbers musing: My little canine friend, Veronica Lake, tells me that all the goggies she knows are running the numbers on former Nats MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell whenever they meet on street corners. They reckon he might have resigned before being publicly discovered to save his $80,000 or so per annum pension; reported himself to police to get a 25% discount on any sentence he might possibly receive if the matter of falsifying a stat dec ever went to court; announced both actions on a Friday to limit the amount of immediate media coverage in the hope of taking some of the heat out of the disclosure that it was allegedly a staff member he persuaded to lie for him; and continues to hope that nobody adds 1+1 and suggests that the former staffer whom the newspapers say was going to report the matter is the same staffer who lied for him in 2005 and the very same who is alleging that he abused his parliamentary allowance/s. Ah, ain't rumour mills grand?

An eating at McDonalds kills musing: An 80-year-old woman pulled from the bathroom of a Pooler McDonald's Wednesday died early Thursday morning at Memorial University Medical Center, according to Pooler Fire Chief Wade Simmons. Anne Felton, of Ponte Vedra, Fla., died after being exposed to fumes. Carol Barry, a 56-year-old Jacksonville, Fla. resident, remained hospitalized Thursday. She was listed in good condition at Memorial University Medical Center. Nine people were sent to the hospital with difficulty breathing after inhaling fumes in the McDonald's, located off U.S. 80 near Interstate 95. according to The Savannah Morning News report on 9September 2011.

A moving forward musing: Which North Coast developer, infamous for allegedly removing records from a company's registered office in order to avoid lawful scrutiny by an investigative reporter, has convinced one acting local government general manager to report specific council conduct to ICAC as the developer himself prepares to stand at the next local government elections? Rumour around the catnip patch is that he sees this as clearing the decks of any opposition to future expansion plans.

An Is it political payback? musing: At the last NSW state election Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson ran against seating Clarence Nats MP Steve Cansdell. It was an edgy contest conducted via the media. Now it seems that while other Nats & Libs had publicized the NSW Police short resources audit period and openly encouraged constituents to participate, Cansdell neglected to spread the news or to inform remind nudge Clarence Valley Council about this audit. Then he went to the media to complain that council was tardy in putting in a submission to this audit. There's a decided scent of payback in the air.

A speak to the hand musing: Mata Hari, the slinky oriental cat who lives on Yamba Road, tells me that Clarence MP Steve Cansdell is finding it hard going being a member of government. She heard that he can't get the ear of his minsters when he needs to - that NSW Health Minister Skinner in particular fobs him off on advisors every chance she gets. Wonder how he's doing with the Police Minister?

A look back at New South Wales beach culture

Clarence By-Election Campaign Quote of the Week

“As a local councillor and mayor Chris was a champion for mainstream values against the vocal interest groups that sought to hijack public debate.” {Nationals Chris Gulaptis printed campaign flyer mailed out in late October 2011}

Best question of the week

"How can he keep getting away with it?" one worker said. "Why can't they freeze his assets and his racehorses and everything?"

A question posed in The Daily Examiner on 25th October 2011 and one asked by many in the Clarence Valley.

Friday 28 October 2011

2011 Clarence By-election Scorecard. Part Two - tit for tat

NSW Nationals candidate Chris Gulaptis in the media this week:

In a campaign flyer mailed out across the Clarence electorate - we are already delivering on our election commitments in the Clarence electorate, such as the $3.7 million upgrade to Casino Public School.

NSW Country Labor candidate Peter Ellem in the media this week:

NSW Greens candidate Janet Cavanaugh on Facebook and a blog this week:

In the Clarence Greens blog - “One of the key issues we are worried about is the threat posed by mining to our precious water supplies. There is the risk posed by antimony mining on the Dorrigo Plateau to the Coffs-Clarence regional water supply and our estuarine fisheries, and the potential for coal seam gas exploration to drain and poison groundwater reserves as well as wreck important farming land and wildlife habitat.
“Mining needs to be better regulated, to limit these potential impacts. The Greens have introduced a bill to create a 12 month moratorium on coal seam gas exploration across NSW and are calling for a ban on mining within important water catchments.
“The major parties seem unable, or unwilling, to act to protect our land and our water. This by-election is an opportunity for voters to voice their disapproval by casting their vote elsewhere.
The dangers of arsenic and antimony are well documented. “Antimony and many of its compounds are toxic, and the effects of antimony poisoning are similar to arsenic poisoning.... in small doses, antimony causes headaches, dizziness, and depression.’ Wikipedia. According to a 1999 study by the National Academy of Sciences, arsenic in drinking water causes bladder, lung and skin cancer, and may cause kidney and liver cancer. The study also found that arsenic harms the central and peripheral nervous systems, as well as heart and blood vessels, and causes serious skin problems. It also may cause birth defects and reproductive problems.
Anchor Resources a Chinese company is proposing to reopen the Wild Cattle Creek mine with a one and a half km open cut. Wild Cattle Creek flows into the Nymboida River, part of the Clarence River system which supplies water from Sawtell to the Clarence estuary. Antimony is found with arsenic. Once antimony and arsenic are leased from the ore and clays they are carried by the high rainfalls of this area to the sea. These elements enter the groundwater in higher than normal concentrations and there are no guarantees they will be permanently contained by ponds or dams at mine sites.

Christian Democratic Party candidate Bethany Camac has not made any public statement in the media as yet.

1. Chris Gulaptis continues down a dangerous path. This week his claim that the Nationals delivered $3.7 million in funding to Casino Public School was exposed as merely honouring an existing building contract signed off on by the former NSW Labor Government in 2010 and, the positive announcement of some funding towards a Yamba Health Centre appeared to get little traction within the target community.
While lining up to be included in the frame when a NSW minister does a little union bashing is not a good look and talk of a jobs summit, while probably well-intentioned, had echoes of an earlier Labor campaign.
Relying on the NSW Health Minister to put a Yamba Health Centre media release online rather than doing this himself could be seen as rather lazy.

2. Peter Ellem continues to demonstrate that he understands how to communicate and is to some degree setting the political debate agenda.

3. Janet Cavanaugh is taking her candidature to social media and the local monthly markets. Which at this stage is probably a sensible use of limited resources.

4. Wade Walker by saying nothing (except in the comments section of The Daily Examiner where he goes under a pen name) does himself no good.

4. Bethany Camac remains an enigma wrapped in a mystery, so her status since the March 2011 state election remains unaltered to date.

Rolling Scorecard
Gulaptis -1.5
Ellem 2
Cavanaugh 1.5
Wade Walker 0
Bethany Camac 0

Upgrade of Pacific Highway at Glenugie just south of Grafton has entered the home straight

Joint Media Statement
Federal Minister for Infrastructure & Transport Anthony Albanese
NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay


The upgrade of Pacific Highway at Glenugie just south of Grafton has entered the home straight with major works now completed and motorists set to be driving on the newly duplicated stretch of road by the end of the month.

Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese today joined Page MP Janelle Saffin onsite to see firsthand the finishing touches being applied and to thank the local community for their patience over the past 20 months while the work was being carried out.

“I also congratulated the project team on a job well.  Their expertise and hard work has brought the project in on-time and within budget, delivering safer, faster and less frustrating driving conditions along a further 7 kilometres of highway,” said Mr Albanese.

“The completion of the entire upgrade will be yet another major milestone in the ongoing upgrade of this vital road.  However, I am the first to acknowledge that there is still much to be done if the vision of a better, safer and fully duplicated Pacific Highway is to become a reality.”

The Glenguie Upgrade is a jointly funded project, with the Federal Government contributing $54 million and NSW Government a further $6 million.  The project is on track to be fully completed by December, with only some minor work still outstanding.

NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay said as well as delivering better, safer driving conditions, the ongoing duplication is also lifting the Pacific Highway’s capacity to carry the growing volumes of freight now being transported along it.

“This task has been given even greater urgency by the fact that interstate freight between Sydney and Brisbane is predicted to almost triple by 2029, with 80 per cent of this growth destine to be carried by trucks using the Pacific Highway,” said Mr Gay.

“In partnership with the Federal Government, we’re determined to get the job done as quickly as possible.  Already the full duplication of the Highway is the largest road construction project underway anywhere in the nation, with more than 1,000 workers currently on site upgrading some 69 kilometres of road.”

[From the Office of Janelle Saffin MP, 25 October 2011]

Protect your retirement savings-Australian Crime Commission Board warns

Got a hard-earned nest egg you’re husbanding towards retirement? Don’t get complacent - 2,400 Aussies have already been fleeced. Make sure those assets are protected.


The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) Board today urged Australians to protect themselves against the growing threat of serious and organised fraudulent investment scams.
Chair of the ACC Board, Australian Federal Police Commissioner Tony Negus, said serious and organised criminals are using the Internet to provide false legitimacy in their attempts to target the retirement savings of Australians.
“The level of superannuation and retirement savings in Australia is attractive to organised crime groups. Those people looking particularly to invest their savings should be wary of these fraudulent scams,” Commissioner Negus said.
“These scams are typically in the form of unsolicited cold calls used in association with sophisticated hoax websites to try and legitimise the scam. This type of crime is targeting the life savings of hard working people. Australian and international law enforcement partners stand committed to protecting the community from these crimes.”
To tackle this growing threat, the ACC Board established a multi-agency task force that aims to disrupt fraudulent serious and organised investment scams and harden the Australian environment against this type of organised criminality.
Led by the ACC, the task force comprises of law enforcement, regulatory and service delivery agencies across federal, state and territory government. Task force members include all ACC Board agencies, as well as the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Department of Immigration and
Citizenship, Department of Human Services and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Acting Chairman, Belinda Gibson, said these fraudulent investment scams are incredibly sophisticated and very difficult for even experienced investors to identify.
“Perpetrators of these fraudulent scams are skilled at using high-pressure sales tactics, both over the phone and via email, to persuade their victims to part with their money,” Ms Gibson said.
Based on initial indications, more than 2400 Australians have lost in excess of $93 million to these scams, but it is believed there is a high level of underreporting and the extent is far greater.
“I urge investors to be immediately wary if they are called at random by someone offering an investment opportunity overseas,” Ms Gibson said.
This Media Release is issued by the ACC Board as a Public Bulletin in accordance with Section 60 of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002.
People can protect themselves by hanging up on any suspicious calls received and by further investigating and researching any investment offer:
Visit or call 1300 300 630 for further information.
Alert your family and friends to this fraud, especially anyone who may have savings to invest.
Report suspected fraud to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, via or 1300 300 630, or your local police. Any information that can be provided such as company name, location and contact details will assist with subsequent investigations and enquiries.
Hang up on unsolicited telephone calls offering overseas investments.
Check any company you are discussing investments with has a valid Australian Financial Services Licence at
Always seek independent financial advice before making an investment.
For more information, see the Serious and organised fraudulent investment scam fact sheet on the Australian Crime Commission website,

This Media Release is issued by the ACC Board as a Public Bulletin in accordance with Section
60 of the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002.

Thursday 27 October 2011

NSW North Coast Nats political lies and funding fudges continue

In January 2010 a published NSW Government e-tendering document clearly stated that a construction company had received an estimated $11.73 million, multi-stage, two and a half year contract to upgrade Casino Public School, in keeping with its heritage-listed buildings.

This is confirmed in the Casino Public School 2010 Annual School Report:

Principal’s message
There were many highlights to the 2010 school year at Casino Public School.
The Major Capital Works program commenced with the construction of new buildings including: the first stage of R Block(two classrooms), T Block (a Support Unit with four classrooms), S Block (a library and a cultural room). R and S Blocks were funded from the Building an Education Revolution (BER) program. All other works will be funded by major capital works funding from the NSW Department of Education and Training. It is anticipated that these state of the art facilities will be available for use early in Term 1 2011. The program of building and refurbishment will continue in 2011 and is due for completion in 2012. The excellent communication and cooperation between Asset Management, Department of Commerce, the school, Woollam Constructions staff and their subcontractors has been a contributing factor to the success of the program.

Not content with attempting to fudge the level of the O’Farrell Government’s contribution to Grafton and Maclean Hospital upgrades, the Nationals candidate in the Clarence by-election, Chris Gulaptis, is obviously aiming for a trifecta.

With a glossy campaign leaflet mail-out which attempts to pass off $3.7 million allocated to the Casino Public School upgrade as one of the Nationals March 2011 election commitments delivered freely and, not what it is in reality, money to cover a staged payment which is part of an existing building contract sealed before the Coalition came to government.

The O’Farrell Government’s 2011-12 budget papers give the game away by referring to the $3.7 million as Continued major building projects at Casino Public School or as the then Nationals MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell put it $3.7 million has been allocated to complete the upgrade of Casino Public School.

One wonders why Gulaptis keeps repeating those tired old 2007 bad habits, until catching sight of one of the good ole boys who have come north to help him out in 2011…….