Wednesday 11 July 2012

Robertson at the Grafton Gaol picket line 10-11 July 2012

The Daily Examiner’s Debrah Novak films Opposition Leader John Roberstson
at the Grafton Gaol picket line 10-11 July 2012
"The mass sackings announced at Grafton Gaol today is a huge broken promise from the O'Farrell Stoner Government......During the Clarence by-election, Mr O'Farrell, Mr Stoner and Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis promised there would be no cuts or closure of Grafton Gaol. Now, we are seeing massive job losses that will quite simply devastate the local community." [NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson,29 June 2012]

Q: Why didn't the snake bite Chris Gulaptis MP?

A: Professional solidarity.

South Korea to join Japan in needlessly slaughtering whales - have your say

The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission and the associated meetings of its Scientific Committee and other sub-groups was held in Panama City, Panama from 11 June – 6 July 2012.

This is South Korea’s position:

By the Head of the Republic of Korea Delegation, Dr. Joon-Suk Kang

Mr. Chairman, distinguished Commissioners, delegates, and NGO members.

It is my great pleasure to attend the 64th annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in this beautiful Panama City. As the head of the Korean delegation, I would like to congratulate the Government of Panama on hosting this meeting and to express my sincere gratitude to the IWC Secretariat for arranging this meaningful meeting.

To start with, I wish to remind you that the Republic of Korea has been endowed with a very long history of active whaling. Korea’s whaling history dates back to prehistoric times, and whale meat is still part of a culinary tradition of some of Korea’s local areas such as Ulsan. Historically, Korea’s whaling took place in the form of subsistence fishing for food, similar to Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling (ASW). It is reported that 35 species are living around Korean Peninsula. In the 1970s and 1980s up to the Moratorium, for example, about 1,000 minke whales were captured annually around the Korean peninsula. However, the long coastal whaling tradition for livelihood and nutritional purposes was suspended in 1986 in compliance with the IWC decision.

At the time, the Korean government had to enforce the whalers to scrap all the whaling vessels completely, promising that they would be able to resume whaling upon the recovery of the resources. With this, the Ulsan community has long been waiting for the IWC to lift the ban for more than a quarter of a century. Good faith and pacta sunt servanda constitute the two fundamental principles of international relations.

In this context, I must, once again, draw your attention to Article 10(e) of the Convention Schedule which requires this Commission to undertake, upon the best scientific advice, a comprehensive assessment of the effects of the decision and to consider modification of the provision. However, it is unfortunate to witness that this process has been stalled by unnecessary political arguments.

The Republic of Korea has been respecting and strictly implementing the Commission's polices and decisions. Illegal whaling has been strictly banned and subject to strong punishment. The government also recently adopted a new ministerial Directive on the Conservation and Management of Whale Resources to establish a transparent system of distribution for stranded or by-caught whale meats.
It has been also reported that the minke whale population in the north Pacific has recovered considerably to the level maintained before the Moratorium. As a result, fishermen in this area are consistently calling for limited whaling. This is because they are experiencing disturbances in their fishing activities due to frequent occurrences of cetaceans in their fishing grounds and an increasing number of minke whales are eating away large amount of fish stocks which should be consumed by human being. We therefore hope that this Commission will set in motion the review procedure as a matter of urgency to reinstate traditional coastal whaling for the future of the IWC.
Since 2001, the Korean government has been conducting a non-lethal sighting survey of the whale population to assess the status of the stock in Korean waters. But it has turned out that this survey alone cannot identify the different whale stocks and has delayed the proper assessment of the resources. It also cannot correctly identify the feeding habits of these animals and thus the impact of the whale population on the fisheries resources as a whole.

In order to meet Korean fishermen’s request and make up for the weak point in a non-lethal sighting survey, the Korean government is currently considering conducting whaling for scientific research in accordance with Article VIII of the Convention. The proposed scientific research program is designed to analyze and accumulate biological and ecological data on the
minke whales migrating off the Korean peninsula. This research program will provide more comprehensive and detailed scientific information on the stocks and their interaction with other stocks will be more available. The Korean government is planning to submit research plan to the next Scientific Committee in due course. I hope that the research plan will be given the highest consideration at the next Scientific Committee meeting of the IWC.

As a member of the IWC, the Korean government is privileged to remind all the IWC delegations that the primary objective of the Convention is to ensure a proper conservation of whale species and stocks and an orderly development of the whaling industry. And in the consistent view of our government, it is essential that member governments mutually recognize the importance of cultural diversity and heritage of other countries. Any differences should be resolved through dialogue and cooperation based on mutual understanding.

The Korean government is committed to striving to achieve the Conventional objective of striking a balance between the conservation and sustainable utilization of whale resources. We hope that each member of this Commission will actively contribute to making the normalization process move forward for attaining the common goal of the effective management of the whale resources.

Thank you very much.

If you wish to register an objection to South Korea’s intention to commence commercial whaling under the guise of ‘scientific research’, this is the person to write to in Australia.

His Excellency Cho Tae-yong  
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
113 Empire Circuit,
ACT 2600
Tel : (61 2) 6270-4100
Fax : (61 2) 6273-4839

The truth about hunting in NSW National Parks?

National Park hunting according to the NSW Shooters & Fishers Party website:

Q. Will parks really be closed to other users while hunters hunt, and will NPWS staff have to supervise them, or will it be like in state forests?
A. It will be as it is in State Forests. National Parks will not be closed and there will be no close supervision by NP staff.
Thanks, Premier O’Fibba and Member for Clarence 'Steve' the Stuff up Gulaptis, for wrecking the NSW North Coast national park experience for locals and visitors alike.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Staff at Grafton Gaol say thank you to Clarence Valley community

The Sydney Morning Herald: Clarence Valley residents picketing Grafton Gaol July 2012

Letter to the editor in The Daily Examiner 10 July 2012:

Thank you

ON behalf of all the staff at Grafton Jail, our wives and husbands, partners, children and grandchildren we would like to thank some people instrumental in getting us where we are now.
Richard Williamson, Mayor of Grafton; Greg Hayes and his staff from Shoppingworld for supplying us with a table and the use of their photocopier - nothing was too much trouble; Jeremy Challacombe from the Chamber of Commerce; all the shop owners who had petitions in their shops and assisted us in collecting signatures; Ron Bell from the radio station for his assistance with radio announcements; Shirley and John Adams for their support in getting petitions signed at Shoppingworld; our union representatives, who have given us the drive to continue with our quest.
We would like to make a special mention of Tony King from Clarence Valley Unions for his unsurpassed efforts and organisational skills.
Without him, we would not have had a chance of organising this rally, and especially for his generosity in introducing our union representatives to the Grafton community.
Most of all, we would like to thank the people of the Clarence Valley.
We have been overwhelmed by their generous support.
We could not imagine working, or living anywhere else, because of the way the community has rallied for us.
You should all give yourselves a pat on the back and be proud of your efforts.
The staff of Grafton Jail is so proud to be part of Clarence Valley community. Thank you.

Staff of Grafton Jail

Tony Abbot under the influence of one of his many political delusions

ABC TV Lateline  6 July 2012:

TONY ABBOTT: Admiral Barrie, along with all other serving members of the armed forces, understands that the armed forces are under the direction of the government of the day. That's what civil control of the military means.

Oh dear, here is Opposition Leader Tony Abbott displaying his ignorance concerning the constitutional implications of the oath set out below.

Because when push comes to shove over turning back the boats, it is convention not law which has naval vessels on operational duty strictly obeying policy directions from the government of the day.

Mr. Abbott would also do well to remember that the Australian Constitution places the Queen’s representative, the Governor-General, as Commander-in Chief of the Armed Forces, not the Prime Minister or any other politician.

Something both Whitlam and Fraser had to come to grips with during their epic battle for control of the Australian Parliament.

Oath or affirmation for enlistment of member
(regulation 24)
I, (insert full name of person) swear that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law, as a member of the
(insert Australian Navy , Australian Army , or Australian Air Force )
for the period of (number of years) , and any extensions of that period,
until retiring age, )
and that I will resist her enemies and faithfully discharge my duty according to law.
(person's signature)
Taken and subscribed before me on (insert date)
(insert signature, name and title of the person before whom the oath is taken and subscribed)
Note The oath may be taken before an officer of the Navy, Army or Air Force, a Warrant Officer of the Navy or Air Force, a Warrant Officer Class 1 of the Army, a Justice of the Peace, a Commissioner for Affidavits or a Commissioner for Declarations.
I, (insert full name of person) promise that I will well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law, as a member of the
(insert Australian Navy , Australian Army , or Australian Air Force )
for the period of (number of years) , and any extensions of that period,
until retiring age, )
and that I will resist Her enemies and faithfully discharge my duty according to law.
(person's signature)
Made and subscribed before me on (insert date)
(insert signature, name and title of the person before whom the affirmation is made and subscribed)
Note The affirmation may be made before an officer of the Navy, Army or Air Force, a Warrant Officer of the Navy or Air Force, a Warrant Officer Class 1 of the Army, a Justice of the Peace, a Commissioner for Affidavits or a Commissioner for Declarations.

Another ill-informed voter who listened to Abbott & Co?

Monday 9 July 2012

Strawweight Gulaptiz as useful as pockets in a singlet

Clarence Valley community members have every reason to remain well and truly p*ssed off with their local MP, Chris Gulaptiz ( note: spelling is intentional, it indicates he's past his use-by-date).

IF, the Nationals have the temerity to ever again nominate a candidate in Clarence they should at least ensure that person has graduated and is no longer on trainer wheels.

It's all very well and good for Gulaptiz to join the picket line at Grafton Jail, although party line dancing seems to be a format he's more acquainted with, and jump up and down telling anyone who'll listen to him about how "disappointed" he is with the Government and Premier about their refusal to budge.

But, at the end of the day, Gulaptiz is absolutely useless.

End of story!

Clarence Valley Community to rally again tomorrow, Tuesday 10 July 2012

Greg Hunt is in error, is in error, is in error.................

On 29 June 2012 ABC online published what appears to have been a media release from Coalition spokesperson
for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage, Greg Hunt.

In this release Mr. Hunt specifically named two companies and one industry as included in the listed 294 big polluters directly paying a carbon ‘tax’ from 1 July 2012.

Intrigued by these claims, I went looking for the proof.

This following is what one of the named companies, Mackay Sugar Pty Ltd,  has told government, shareholders and the Australian Stock Exchange over the years.

Mackay Sugar on average produces about 850,000 tonnes of raw sugar. The company sells primarily to Sugar Australia (for its Racecourse sugar mill) with any excess sugar product being exported. It also produces 180,000 tonnes of the by-product molasses annually which is mostly sold on the domestic market.

The company has also diversified into electricity production from cane by-product. It is currently expanding its renewable energy investment by constructing a 36MW renewable electricity plant at the Racecourse site which will supply about 30% of the Mackay district’s growing electricity needs. As a renewable energy generator/user, the impact of the carbon price on Mackay Sugar’s milling operations will be managed.

In other words, it is highly likely that Mackay Sugar (although listed as a liable entity) will have little or no exposure to direct payment for its greenhouse gas emissions and, therefore there should be a correspondingly small risk that the sugar Clarence Valley shoppers pick up from local supermarket shelves will contain a price increase attributable to Mackay Sugar’s Clean Energy liabilities in 2012-13.

Mr. Hunt also mentioned that Kraft Australia Holdings Pty Ltd (of Vegemite fame) will be raising prices because it is one of those identified big polluters. Unfortunately for Mr. Hunt this multinational company is not on the Federal Government list of liable entities for this financial year. So one has to suspect that he has been taken in by the multinational's lobbying in the media for grant monies/tax relief.

Finally, Mr. Hunt included an entire Australian industry as one of these big polluters liable to directly pay for its carbon emissions. Again, he is on shaky ground because neither dairy farmers nor dairy manufacturers are liable entities this year according to both the Federal Government and the Australian Dairy Industry Council Inc.

He also neglected to mention that corporations and local governments can stay off the list of liable entities by altering production/ business practices and/or switching to higher levels of renewable energy use through co-generation/biomass schemes and the like.

Any price increases on electricity or groceries due to carbon pricing will be directly attributable to lazy companies, that failing to address their own greenhouse gas emissions, expect their wholesale/retail customers to subsidise this folly though those very same increases being passed on to local consumers of the final product in the supply chain.

I’m sure Greg Hunt is well aware of all these points and has taken advantage of the gullibility of hard-pressed mainstream editors to create a little political mischief.

Proud to be tackling climate change

Well, b*gger me dead 2

Teh Mad Monk
manages to show off his ar$e and his tonsure at the same time

Since this little bit of grandstanding, Abbott has taken to cultivating a discreet comb over to reduce the size of his bare paddock and, was that the beginnings of sideburns I saw him sporting yesterday or just a bad ABC makeup job?

Sunday 8 July 2012

Grafton Gaol Picket Line - 8 July 2012 Update

Some, like Nationals federal candidate Kevin Hogan and Nationals NSW MP Chris Gulaptis came for the photo opportunities afforded by news cameras, others came to support their community during the long, cold haul on the picket line last night.

Below are some of these long haulers.
Former Country Labor candidate for the Clarence by-election Peter Ellem, second from left, shows solidarity at the Grafton Gaol picket line with United Services Union Regional Organiser Craig Chandler, Corrective Services teacher Sharryn Usher and husband Robert, Public Services Association Assistant General Secretary Shane O'Brien and Grafton Gaol Assistant Superintendent Damien 'Bluey' Carter.
The picket line 7 July 2012

The Daily Examiner Editor Jenna Carney and photographer Debrah Novak were also on the line last night.

It is understood that,
earlier in the night, a local tow truck (called by police to move a vehicle blocking the entrance to Grafton Gaol) refused to cross the line.

At 3pm on Sunday 8 July it was reported:
These transfer trucks are expected back tomorrow morning.

The picket line holds firm.

*Photographs found at The Daily Examiner or supplied by protest participants.

ssssssSnake MP

Lower than a Snakes Belly

This is the Member for Clarence, Chris Would I Lie To You? Gulaptis.

Posturing in a protest T-shirt after signing a petition he knew was going nowhere.

A day later and he‘s offering a Northern Rivers Jobs Plan to replace the 107 people he and his mates in Macquarie Street just sacked at Grafton Gaol.

But under this plan they won’t be giving money to farmers, cane growers, cattlemen, trawler owners, timber mills, quarry operators, car yards, supermarkets, local retailers, publicans, accountants, real estate agents, security firms or companies under 2 years old to create new employment opportunities in these businesses.

You know, just the sort of places where jobs might be created in a region like the Clarence Valley.

Swinging Voter No More
South Grafton

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak AT for consideration.

Be very wary of Brumby's Bakeries

According to media reports Brumby’s franchises have all received a head office memo suggesting that Consumer Price Index related price rises be implemented in June-July 2012 and that stores should; Let the carbon tax take the blame.

On the NSW Mid and Far North Coast Brumby’s outlets can be found at Ballina, Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey, Lismore, Murwillumbah, Port Macquarie and Tweed Heads.

Having been outed so publicly, the head of the Retail Food Group, Brumby's parent company, Tony Alford issued his own statement to the the stock exchange saying the comments ‘‘were not sanctioned and are of significant concern to the board’’.

Memo to that little spiv from Sussex Street, Sam Dastyari

I’ll keep it short ‘n’ sweet Sammy.
My ballot paper belongs to me. I get to decide how I cast my preferences.
A salaried factional heavy and his NSW Labor mates - who wouldn’t know where to find the Northern Rivers on a map - have no say whatsoever.

Saturday 7 July 2012

BOOM, BOOM! Boson joke of the year


So bad it’s funny…………………

A Higgs boson walks into a church.

We don't allow Higgs bosons in here!" shouts the priest.

"But without me, how can you have mass?" asks the particle.

Like everything else Tony Abbott tries to organise....

…..even his carbon-based Apocalypse (ordered directly from God’s eBay account for delivery on 1 July) went seriously awry as a meteor arrived early and missed mainland Australia entirely so that Whylalla, along with every other mining town in the country, was not wiped off the map:

Friday 6 July 2012

Jockey ducks and weaves

Jockey Matt Dacos certainly earned his riding fee in race 6 at the Grafon races on Thursday. Dacos was aboard Cee Jay Clang near the 1200m mark when he was struck in the face by a low flying duck. Dacos overcame that obstacle, continued to ride his mount and eventually finished in second place.   

NSW jockeys earn the princely sum of $162 whether their mount wins or loses. If their mount wins or runs a place they also pick up a standard 5% of the prize money, which is sometimes accompanied by a "sling" from grateful connections.

                                                Does anyone know how the duck fared?

                                                               Image credit:

Gulaptis admits he "stuffed up" & then offers a string of weak excuses to 2,000 strong crowd

First untruth – I didn’t know about the closure of the gaol as it was happening {What, questions raised in Budget Estimates and on the floor of the House didn’t give you a clue? You certainly knew at least 300 positions were being deleted across Corrective Services NSW – after all your minister confirmed this - and yet you didn't check to see if your election promise still held? Pull the other one!}
Second untruth – I know what it is to lose your job and have to move out of town {Maaate! You quit your council elected office and headed north across the border to a new job after a failed bid to enter Federal Parliament in 2007 and that’s not the same thing as facing forced redundancy.}
Third untruth - "If I lied, I would tell you that I lied" {A triple pork pie with pike as local government voters can attest from bitter experience.}
Fourth untruth – I want to work with the unions "to put a hold on this” {Did you think no-one noticed that all you are promising is to talk with O'Farrell about a future regional investment package - not actually keeping the gaol from being downsized and downgraded?}
While I'm at it I dips me lid to The Daily Examiner for its beaut news coverage.
UPDATE: If the body language of fellow Nats Williamson and Challacombe didn't give the game way when Gulaptis was saying he knew nothing of the closure of the gaol until it was happening, then this confirms the suspicions of many - MAYOR Richie Williamson said he was devastated after a meeting with Acting NSW Premier Andrew Stoner and Attorney General Greg Smith SC, in which they said State Government would charge on with its plans to downsize Grafton Jail. Cr Williamson said the State Government wasn't interested in doing business or listening to the delegation of Grafton community and union representatives in Sydney this afternoon and that jail transfers would continue. "And the heart will be ripped out of the Clarence Valley," he said. {The Daily Examiner}

The Great Garbage Swindle


Clarence Valley Council is running the old pea and thimble scam, but are using garbage cans instead of thimbles.

Here is how it works.

If you are lucky enough to have the three wheely bins, green red and yellow, you are not in the firing line of this sting.

If you are one of the many in Valley rural areas who only receive the service of the red and yellow bins, read on….

It pays to think on the fortnightly cycle of the garbage service outside of the towns. 

Last year the red bin was collected every week, therefore in one fortnight 2 red bins were collected and one week in the same period the yellow bin was collected. This makes a grand total of 3 bins per fortnight. 

This current year the red bin is collected one week and the yellow bin the next week, the total number of bin per fortnight collected is 2.

When you look at this there is a 1/3 reduction in our garbage service, but the council assures me that the price we will pay for garbage services in our rates will remain the same. 

So my argument is: since the garbage service has reduced by 1/3 or 33.3% and the price we pay for this service is the same as last year we are in affect paying 33.3% more than we did last year.

To put this in dollar terms if the garbage charged on my rates last year was $300, this current year I am in effect paying $100 more this year.

All this without a visible increase in the rate notices.

If this isn’t the best little pea and thimble scam you have seen in a while let me know. 

In fact I hear that an unprecedented number of ‘Nigerian’ emailers have applied for Australian residency visas so that they can sit at the feet of a veritable scam meister.

Bins from Google Images 


NSW Government closes forty-five year old, inefficient power station which has been surplus to requirements for last 12 months - media wildly blames introduction of carbon price

Apparently desperate for a bad news story to match the 1 July 2012 introduction of the national carbon price scheme, the mainstream media decided that this media release from NSW Government trading enterprise, Delta Electricity, met its needs - despite all evidence to the contrary.

Media Statement
3 July 2012

Delta Electricity announced today the closure of Munmorah Power Station after 45 years of operation. The station has been maintained on standby but has not been in production since August 2010.
Decreasing energy demand in NSW has created an excess supply situation. Munmorah’s place in the market has been overtaken by newer and more efficient generators and alternative electricity sources.
The station’s ageing infrastructure and high maintenance costs mean that it is not economically viable to operate. The carbon tax further erodes its viability.
Greg Everett, Delta’s Chief Executive, said that “As a part of the decommissioning of the station, the Delta Electricity Central Coast business will reduce in size.
“Approximately 100 positions were deployed at Munmorah when it was in service and since that time have been reassigned to work at Vales Point.
“The process of decommissioning will require staff activity at Munmorah over the coming weeks and we will consult with staff and unions on the structure of the business for the longer term”.
The decommissioning of Munmorah Power Station will involve the shutdown of all non-safety and non-essential service systems at the station, removal of fuel and chemicals and securing of buildings.
Koala Park, Extreme Park and Camp Breakaway are unaffected by the decision and will continue to be available for community use.
Munmorah Power Station has development consent for rehabilitation as either a coal or gas fired generator but this would require substantial new capital investment by a future owner.

Julia Harvey
Delta Electricity
Corporate Relations Manager

Munmorah was constructed when the Central Coast was a series of coastal and seaside villages. 110km north of Sydney and just south of Newcastle it is located on the coastal strip between the Tuggerah Lakes. Its location was chosen because of its proximity to supplies of coal on the Central Coast and the Hunter.
Four English Electric 350MW generators were constructed with a capacity of 1400MW. One unit was completed in 1967, another in 1968 and the remaining two in 1969.
The power station continued to operate as a four unit plant into the early 1990s when Units 1 and 2 were taken out of service and decommissioned. Units 3 and 4 operated efficiently during the last 22 years, setting records for reliability. Munmorah Unit 4 was last operated in March 2009 with Unit 3 continuing to operate for the pilot carbon capture plant until August 2010.

Just how much is Cardinal George Pell's word worth?

It's up to you to judge the contents of this ABC Four Corners 3 July 2012 transcript:
“GEOFF THOMPSON: Kevin Lee says that incident was reported to superiors. A church investigation was finally ordered. On the 3rd of September 1992 Father F was called to a meeting at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney. What happened at the meeting is crucial to understanding the major flaws in the way the Catholic Church deals in-house with allegations of sexual abuse. The meeting with Father F was presided over by three senior Catholic priests - Father Brian Lucas, Father Wayne Peters and Father John Usher.
CARDINAL GEORGE PELL: The file note of that meeting shows... does not show that he made any admission - and that is the recollection of the three priests who were actually at that. They were dissatisfied with his credibility; they thought he represented some sort of danger for the future, and although he'd made no admissions to them, they suggested to the Bishop who followed it that he should be stood down……
GEOFF THOMPSON: So, let's be perfectly clear. Under oath, in this court of law, Father F admitted to having oral sex with young boys. What's more, he confirmed he made that admission at that 1992 meeting with three senior priests - including Father Brian Lucas who is the current General Secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Now somewhat strangely, Australia's most senior Catholic, speaking on behalf of Brian Lucas, says he does not believe that admission was made.
CARDINAL GEORGE PELL: I certainly didn't know that; I'm surprised at that. I would take the word of three priests against that allegation. I think it's fair enough for Brian Lucas, as one of those three priests, to have me speak for him - I've reported what the file note says and what he said about what happened at that particular meeting.
GEOFF THOMPSON: Since interviewing Cardinal Pell, Four Corners has obtained a report of that meeting - a copy of which is contained in the court file of Daniel Powell's extortion case. It tells a very different story….”
Catholic Church Tribunal Letter 1992
Four Corners goes on to mention that "F" is now a lay person living and working in Armidale.
For a number of years he's apparently been writing for The Armidale Express and The Armidale Independent, as well as for The Catholic Weekly. He belongs to the Catholic Historical Society among others.
University of New England newsletter seems to point to "F" having had contact with that educational insitution in the early 2000s.
If the snapshot from the 5th July 7.30 Report can be believed "F" i s also a member of Lions up Armidale way - having been sponsored by a fellow Census collector and probably distant rellie.

The Sydney Morning Herald on 18th October 2012:
"A former NSW priest who allegedly told three senior Catholic clergy a decade ago that he had repeatedly sexually abused altar boys has been arrested in Armidale for historic offences against girls.
Detectives arrested the man known as Father F in the state's New England region today in relation to a number of child-sex offences against three female children in the 1970s and 1980s.
The State Crime Command's sex crimes squad set up Strike Force Glenroe in July to investigate allegations that Father F had abused altar boys while a priest based in Armidale and Parramatta."

Thursday 5 July 2012

Grafton Gaol and Cansdellgate - on the same agenda

In a timely reminder for readers of The Daily Examiner a Lower Clarence resident has asked in a letter to the editor:

What action has this (O"Farrell) Government (in NSW) taken on the previous member (Steve Cansdell) on his action regarding his speeding fine?

The writer added, "It appears that members of parliament are immune to action being taken against them, no matter what the offence. What a disgraceful lot we have governing us at the moment."

Here's the complete text of Charles Lincoln of Gulmarrad's letter to the Examiner.

National Party 'stooges' failing to deliver

Regretfully, I have to put pen to paper and place my objections to the manner in which this present State Government is neglecting, wrecking and displaying complete disregard for the voters of this area, the Clarence Valley.

We have a Coalition Government which is only interested in looking after its voting power base, ie, Newcastle-Sydney-Wollongong, and having a complete disregard for its National Party constituents in this area.

We have a National Party representative who is completely out of his depth and is failing his constituents badly.

First it was the loss of Telstra jobs; then the closure of the meatworks at South Grafton; and now it is the loss of 92 jobs at the Grafton Jail.

What this Government is doing by its actions is propping up its swinging seats down Kempsey and Cessnock way at the expense of the Clarence Valley.

The National Party representatives are only "Liberal Party lackeys or stooges", and the voters of this area cannot see past the end of their noses, as they continue to elect them - and for what reasons?

Failure to deliver, inexperience in government, and engaging in nepotistic practices seems to be the norm.

No thought has been given to the jail workers who reside down here on the Lower River, who have bought houses, have their children attending local schools and are set up trying to exist with mortgages over their heads.

And now they may have to relocate, take their children out of their existing schools and make a new start at another school.

In many cases, this may be a retrograde step and cause a child to fall back a couple of years with his/her education.

What a miserable lot this incumbent government is.

Their only concern is a "grab for money to build up their own egos".

And while I am writing in this vein, may I ask: what action has this Government taken on the previous member on his action regarding his speeding fine?

It appears that members of parliament are immune to action being taken against them, no matter what the offence.

What a disgraceful lot we have governing us at the moment.

And National Party voters have the hide to claim that the previous Labor Government stank.

But be reminded, this lot have only just started, and the stench is starting to emanate from the Queensland border nearly down to Sydney.

Many people were dissatisfied with the previous Labor government after 15 years on the treasury benches and said that they had to go.

They possessed one outstanding quality and that was they showed empathy and compassion for the average person.

But this lot is only interested lining their own pockets and supporting those with vested interests who can donate to their party and provide a secure board job for them after they have retired from politics.

Charles Lincoln, Gulmarrad

Credits: Letter (Daily Examiner, 5/7/12) and images (

Da Troll

Unlike the metropolitan media, here in the Northern Rivers our local newspapers tend to host polite commentators.

However, recently one regular contributor began turning into a bit of a troll:

By yambaman from Yamba,
Just wondering if some shooters could be let out of national parks to get rid of the human "ferals" living near me?

By yambaman from Yamba,
Prosecute the trespassers! Can Centrelink get out there and get the dole bludgers more gainfully employed - I have heard Gina Rinehardt is looking for employees? Hopefully "Boudicca" and "Davey Bob" could join the foreign workers, then again maybe they are foreign workers judging by their names!

What yambaman forgets is that North Coast towns are not all that big relatively speaking and (just as Boudicca is widely known to hold a degree in environmental science from the University of New England) so many people know a great deal about him.

Such as his real name, what he looks like, his age, home address, the car he drives, preferred sport, hobbies and much, much more courtesy of his tendency to chatter away on multiple platforms across cyberspace.

An anonymity allowing one to be gratuitously nasty or xenophobic just doesn’t exist today.