Wednesday 1 May 2013

APN restructures - says it believes in the future of regional media

Hopefully the NSW North Coast will retain the regional mastheads which contribute to community cohesion and the conversation between the Northern Rivers and Australia’s three tiers of government.

Liberal National Party - Nongs R Us

This bloke's the type of voter who'll be supporting the LNP and Tony Abbott come September.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Saffin condemns National Party's dirty tricks in local telephone polling

It would appear that the NSW North Coast Nationals and Kevin Hogan are behaving true to form……..

Saffin condemns National Party’s dirty tricks

Page MP Janelle Saffin says she is disgusted with the dirty tricks polling methods being used by the National Party in Page.

Ms Saffin said local people have alerted her to telephone polls with deliberately deceitful questions.

“My support for a Coal Seam Gas free Northern Rivers is unequivocal as the community is well aware of.

“There are dodgy polls asking people whether they would vote for me if I changed my mind on the CSG issue.

“This is a deliberately misleading suggestion.

“From the moment people first came to me with their concerns about CSG, I have been standing up for the community on this issue.

“I said I would speak out against CSG and I have.

“I said I would pursue any possible Federal Government action for protecting our water and our environment from CSG, and I have.

“I said I would push our State MPs to better protect our region from CSG activities, and I have, and will continue to do so until we have a Northern Rivers exclusion zone.

“Local people can decide who they trust to stand up for them on keeping our region CSG-free.

“It is clear from this devious style of polling by the Nationals that Kevin Hogan is bringing Tony Abbott’s negative campaign to Page.

“Rather than resort to dishonest campaign techniques, Mr Hogan should be pressuring his State National Party colleagues to get a CSG exclusion zone for the Northern Rivers.

29 April 2013

Shorter Tony Abbott: If you are gay and want to marry you're not really important to me

Australian Agenda interview 21 April 2013:

If I can just ask you about same-sex marriage.
Oh come on, please, let’s stay on the really important stuff, Paul. I mean please, let’s stay on the really important stuff.

Monday 29 April 2013

Hi! I'm Terry from ERM Power and I'm here to supply your business with electricity - but don't ask me where it comes from

This is Terry McCauley from ERM Business Energy, a commercial unit of ERM Power Limited. 

The ever helpful Terry would like to sign up your own manufacturing/retail business, your child’s school, the medical clinic you attend, the local council and government agencies in your area, and sundry other businesses as ERM customers if you live in New South Wales.

Terry is very keen to help ‘his’ company expand its core business in this state from the 26 per cent of the NSW electricity supply market it held in January 2013.

He has The Energy You Need!

Or does he?

What Terry is careful not to say is the word Metgasco.

Because ERM Power is well aware that communities right across the NSW Northern Rivers are not happy with that mining company’s plan to turn parts of our unique environment and valued agricultural land into gasfields, which will reduce the region’s groundwater resources and possibly irreversibly contaminate aquifers and water bores near or within those same gasfields and/or pollute surface water courses.

ERM is not just aware because its directors and staff read the newspaper or watch the nightly news, no ERM is aware because it is now the largest shareholder in Metgasco Limited, as ERM Power Limited, Energy Resource Managers Pty Ltd and Trevor St. Baker.

By virtue of its share acquisitions over a number of years ERM Power and Messrs. Tony Bellas (Chairman, Non Exec. Director), Philip St Baker (Managing Director, CEO), Martin Greenberg (Non Exec. Director), Brett Heading (Non Exec. Director), Antonio (Tony) Mario Iannello (Non Exec. Director), Trevor St Baker (Non Exec. Director) and Peter Jans (General Counsel) would have considerable influence on any future decisions Megasco may make with regard to coal seam gas exploration and commercial production on the NSW North Coast.

It is probably no coincidence that in the days that ERM finally became Metgasco's largest shareholder, Metgasco announced that it was not capping and abandoning all its wells on the NSW North Coast and was keeping open the possibility of starting coal seam gas production approximately 10 kms west north west of Casino.

In July 2012 ERM Power told the Australian Stock Exchange that its strategy is to gain a foothold in the east coast gas market, consider conventional/coal seam gas production as well as generation opportunities and achieve the same success it achieved in West Australia. (1)

These are photographs of ERM Power-Empire Oil & Gas-Wharf Resources joint venture gasfield sites in the coastal Perth Basin, West Australia:

 So if an ERM Business Energy representative makes contact with you – please take time to consider what you value about your regional lifestyle and whether ERM, through its interest in Metgasco, may be intent on ruining that lifestyle for you, your family, your friends and neighbours, purely for its own commercial gain.

Say NO to ERM.

(1) ERM Power also has an interest in Red Sky Energy Ltd and Clarence Moreton Resources, two other coal seam gas exploration companies operating on the NSW North Coast.
It also holds equity interests in eight petroleum exploration tenements covering in excess of 10,000 km² in the Western Australian Perth Basin, which include conventional gas, condensate, oil and shale gas prospects. 
One of ERM's business units ERM Power Retail Pty Ltd is an authorized gas retailer.

* ERM gas field photographs from Google Images

When Abbott or his mates receive guvmin handouts it's not welfare it's an entitlement

When “the rich” receive Centrelink payments it’s not welfare – it’s “universal entitlements”!

Found in "Articles written by Tony" over at


Posted on Monday, 21 April 2008

MIDDLE-CLASS welfare has become a term of abuse, at least to people who read The Australian's editorials. A recent one castigated the Rudd Government for forgetting what it described as "the war cries of Opposition about ridding Australia of the middle-class welfare of the Howard era". Almost by definition, anything described as middle-class welfare is redundant and should be eliminated. The trouble with such tagging, though, is that benefits that seem superfluous to The Australian look quite different to recipients on modest incomes with few choices. As well, many government payments support social goals such as higher female participation in the workforce or fertility rates. Although paid through Centrelink, these are better described as universal entitlements than welfare.”

Sunday 28 April 2013

Tony Abbott and who should be allowed a decent education

Tony Abbott as President of the Sydney University Student's Representative Council  in 1979:

Tony Abbott  as Australian Opposition Leader in 2011:

In 2012:

In 2013: