In The Australian yesterday:
Senator Joyce told The Australian Online that Mr Windsor's decision to back Labor on the basis that the Coalition would be more likely to win another election was a "complete departure from the fundamentals of the democratic principle".
"In the most primary of political requests, the decision to form a government, the independents [Mr Oakeshott and Mr Windsor] have departed from delivering what their constituents wanted with the conceited claim that they know best," Senator Joyce said.
Some Coalition MPs have taken to Twitter to vent, with Liberal MP Bob Baldwin writing: "To think Windsor & Oakshot [sic] were going to vote any other way was a folly, the 17 days was nothing more than grandstanding to say the least."
"Did Oakshot sell out for the job of Speaker, surely not!"
Tasmanian Eric Abetz warned Mr Oakeshott that he needed to "watch out" as Labor MP Sid Sidebottom had made a bid for a regional affairs portfolio - the same portfolio the independent may take up.
"Labor will do anything and say anything but when you get into bed with Labor make sure you know exactly who else is sharing the pillow," Senator Abetz said.
In The Sydney Morning Herald on the same day:
ABC News yesterday:
Liberals Senator Eric Abetz says it is nowhere near the multi-billion dollar deal secured by the other Independents for regional infrastructure projects.
"And I dare say Andrew Wilkie in Denison is scratching his head," he said.
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