Thursday, 30 September 2010
Telstra continues down the path to irrelevance as Thodey tries to woo MPs with canapés & cocktails

Market share not what it used to be, share price in a downward spiral since 1999 and reaching a record low recently, dividends not as golden as they used to be, profit margins getting slimmer, a company profile which is often a public relations nightmare - and now national telecommunications 'giant' Telstra has added insult to injury by trying to lobby a federal MP who just happens to have seen Thodey's razor gang at work in her own electorate.
This is the Member for Page's response to David 'let them eat cake' Thodey in a media release on 28 September 2010:
Saffin condemns Telstra decision to close Call Centre
Page MP Janelle Saffin said Telstra Business has today shown its contempt for its employees and for Regional Australia with its decision to close the Grafton Call Centre on November 23.
Ms Saffin said with this move Telstra missed an opportunity to turn around public opinion and show it can be a good corporate citizen.
"By ignoring the unprecedented local campaign to save the local Telstra jobs, Telstra has made it pretty clear how much it values us here in the regions.
"The organisation has chosen to ignore its employees, the union, the Mayor, and State and Federal representatives and about 6000 local people who signed a petition asking to keep the centre open.
"Telstra will now find it has very poor standing in the local community and faces the loss of a lot of local business.
"This decision shows a total lack of imagination. Telstra couldn't see that expanding their operations in this region could have been a cost saving.
"I note that CEO David Thodey regularly talks about Telstra's new push to improve customer service, but the Corporation somehow believes that the best way to improve customer service is to cut jobs.
"Today in Parliament all MPs received an invitation to cocktails with Mr Thodey in Canberra next month.
"I have answered that along with more than 6000 people in the Clarence Valley, I want the 108 jobs in Grafton and not the canapés and cocktails.
"Today I have lodged a Notice of Motion in the Parliament calling for the condemnation of this appalling decision.
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