Bingara's local newspaper The Advocate (published weekly) has a circulation of about 1000 copies.
Its latest edition features a front page report about the North West Film Festival to be held at The Roxy on September 17. The festival is "open to emerging filmmakers, students, young people and members from isolated communities across the New England North West region of NSW."
The Advocate also carries three letters to the editor:
1. "Lost Souls" are wandering round and round and up and down the streets of Bingara during the day and night in their "chariots" with the windows down so that all may hear their music.
2. The local Cancer Action Group's appreciation of community support on Daffodil Day. $2305.50 was raised - that's a totally amazing amount for such a small population.
3. Visitors to the town in motorhomes are bludging off the community by not paying camping fees.

But, shock! horror!
A report titled "Senate vote varied" informs readers that The Sex Party was not as popular at Upper Horton as it was in Bingara. It received only one vote in Upper Horton, but 17 in Bingara!
And, if that wasn't enough to scare the socks off the good folk around Bingara, the real devil was in the detail. Four voters in Bingara gave their #1 preference to the Communists.
(Editor's note: To ensure balance and objectivity is maintained in Clarrie's report, it is acknowledged that there were 19 One Nation supporters but the Greens managed to get just 3 #1s.)

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