If Rob Oakeshott were to become Speaker of the House of Representatives 2010 may yet go down in Australian history as the year of the most theatrical 'dragging to the chair' on record.
Indeed probably the most undignified installation since the 13th century.
Seventeen minute rulings on points of order during Question Time might become the norm. With hammed softshoe segues for the benefit of the visitor's gallery.
It would be hard to imagine anyone less likely to be able to manage a fractious Lower House or preside over Department of the House of Representatives .
Harry Jenkins' jaw must have dropped when he first heard of Oakeshott's ambition to replace him.
Still Oakeshott would easily live up to an early description of the office of speaker - The Mouth.
However, it may be a position Labor wants Oakeshott to fill in the hope it will lessen the chance that he will recant his support of the Gillard Government.
Being of a cynical turn of mind I recall that The Speaker receives an additional salary and expense of office allowance (slightly more than those of the majority of Ministers) in addition to salary and allowances as a Member of Parliament.
Power, extra money and on camera every day the House is sitting. Aaahh......................

1 comment:
Sounds like he's attracted by the cash reward attached to the position and, of course, it's a far less onerous position than that of taking up a ministerial portfolio where he'd also have to acknowledge and implement Westminster conventions such as falling on his sword when an inevitable stuff-up occurs within his department/s.
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