Monday 27 February 2023

CSIRO: new research shows that stronger El Niño may speed up warming of deep waters in the Antarctic shelf, making ice shelves and ice sheets melt faster


CSIRO News, 21 February 2023:

Stronger El Niño could cause irreversible melting of Antarctica

Totten Glacier. Photo: Esmee Van Wijk

New research led by scientists at CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, has shown that future increases in the strength of El Niño may accelerate the irreversible melting of ice shelves and ice sheets in Antarctica.

The results, published in Nature Climate Change, used climate models to show how an increase in the variability of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) leads to reduced warming near the surface, but accelerated warming of deeper ocean waters.

ENSO is a key driver of climate variability, as both its warm phase, El Niño, and its colder phase, La Niña, influence weather conditions around the world, including in Australia.

Wenju Cai, lead author of this study and global expert on the relationship between climate change and ENSO, said the research was a critical step in further understanding how Antarctica will be affected by climate change.

Climate change is expected to increase the magnitude of ENSO, making both El Niño and La Niña stronger,” Dr Cai said.

This new research shows that stronger El Niño may speed up warming of deep waters in the Antarctic shelf, making ice shelves and ice sheets melt faster.

Our modelling also revealed that warming around the edges of floating sea ice is slowed during this process, slowing down the melting of sea ice near the surface.

Models with increased ENSO variability show a reduced upwelling of deeper, warmer waters, leading to slower warming of the ocean surface,” he said.

The associated winds around Antarctica are the mechanism driving this result.

When ENSO variability increases, it slows the intensifying westerly winds along the shelf. As a result, the upwelling of warm water around Antarctica is not able to increase as much.

The research team examined 31 climate models that participated in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) under historical forcings and a high-emissions scenario.

Co-author Ariaan Purich from Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future at Monash University said the effects of increasing ENSO variability go beyond extreme weather risks, and affect changes in Antarctic sea ice and ice shelves and sheets.

This could have broad implications for the global climate system, so continuing to understand how ENSO will respond to climate change is a critical area of climate research,” Dr Purich said.

There is still a lot more we need to understand about processes influencing shelf temperatures, and the finding is an important piece of the puzzle," she said.

Sunday 26 February 2023

The Northern Rivers region is at least two years away from a genuine region-wide flood watch system, leaving populations on the flood plains potentially as vulnerable as they were in 2022


The five-paragraph letter to Lismore City Council was short, dismissive.

The [NSW] Department of Planning and Environment was rejecting the council’s application for a $100,000 grant to improve its flood warning system. The proposed works - new rainfall and river height gauges, CCTV cameras and a “community flood dashboard” - were deemed “premature”.

Three days later, on February 28, the biggest flood in modern Australian history inundated Lismore, and the rest of the Northern Rivers.” [The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 June 2022]

The rainfall event that triggered the 22 February to 15 March 2022 Northern Rivers Flood reached its maximum intensity in less than 24 hours and, 41 climate gauge stations (out of the 108 active climate gauge stations covering the river basins about to flood) as well as 8 flood gauge stations (out of 86 active flood gauge stations covering those same basins) had already or were about to fail.

The most critical of these active station failures occurred in the Richmond, Tweed and Brunswick basins. While the absence of stations in sections of a number of highly variable flow river catchments & sub-catchments, along with the restricted form of official rainfall recording (9am to 9am), meant that blind spots were already built into the flood watch systems operating in the Northern Rivers region.

IMAGES: CSIRO (30 Nov 2022) Lerat, J. et al, “Characterisation of the 2022 floods in the Northern Rivers region”, pp. 2 & 15] Click on images to enlarge

MSM, 23 February 2023:

Warning systems will not be immediately improved under a $50 million plan to better protect the Northern Rivers from floods, despite a scathing CSIRO report finding an urgent need for a better system.

The report released today revealed for the first time the extent of failures in the state’s flood warning system during the February-March floods last year, which killed four people and left thousands of people stranded on their rooftops.

It also recommended the development of a comprehensive flood warning network, as revealed in the Herald this morning, but the government has not included this work in the first stage of projects to be funded on the back of the report. Another $100 million of projects are yet to be announced.

The report found the warning system failures in the Northern Rivers last year had “critical consequences”. They led to river heights being “severely underestimated” and “severely impacted” warning times.

The Wilsons River in Lismore peaked more than three metres higher than initially predicted by the Bureau of Meteorology on February 28 last year, catching the State Emergency Service and other emergency services off guard.

Towns downstream were also devastated over the following days, including Coraki, which was cut off for five days until the army was able to gain access on March 6.

The report, released on Thursday by federal emergency management minister Murray Watt, found that more than 50 gauges that measure rainfall and river heights failed in the Northern Rivers during the February and March floods.

Gaps in the network also meant the authorities did not realise how much rain was falling in some areas, or how high the rivers were running during the event.

There is an urgent need for more rainfall and river height data to feed BOM’s predictive models and enable SES to disseminate appropriate warnings,” the report said.

[Gauge failure] has major consequences for providing early warnings during a large flood event.”

Watt released the report in Lismore and outlined the first list of flood mitigation projects to be funded.

The list of projects includes almost $30 million to improve flood pumps in Lismore, $3 million to increase community flood risk awareness, and $3 million to support community-led resilience initiatives.

The state’s rain and river gauges, which inform flood predictions and warnings, are owned by four different government entities.

The CSIRO found this created issues around accountability when they malfunctioned.

Whilst the cause of each gauge failure is yet to be determined, consistent maintenance of rain and river height gauges is likely to reduce the risk of gauge failure in future flood events,” it said.

It is recommended that the failures are investigated and equipment is strengthened for future flood events.”

The report identified some of the key failures, including a key rain gauge in the Lismore hinterland that recorded a zero reading throughout the event, despite torrential rain.

Even if it were functioning properly, it would have recorded an inaccurate reading as it is poorly placed under an overhanging tree,” the report said.

There was also a lack of gauges around Terania Creek, to the north of Lismore, which recorded some of the highest rainfall during the event.

This is despite the fact that, according to the Lismore flood plan, the two previous highest floods in Lismore – in 1954 and 1974 – were associated with very high rainfall over Terania Creek.

This lack of gauges “contributed to the underestimation of the flood peak at Lismore”, while a “lack of gauges in Bungawalbin catchment severely impacted warning times for towns downstream”.

The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 February 2023:

SES Commissioner Carlene York says the flood warning system for Lismore and the Northern Rivers remains inadequate, one year after a record-breaking disaster killed four people and left thousands homeless.

It’s not a satisfactory situation, put it that way,” she told The Sydney Morning Herald, agreeing that gaps in the region’s network of rain and river gauges left the city vulnerable.

Just as we have road traffic cameras so we can see what’s happening on the roads, from the SES point-of-view, we really want these gauges to give us timely information about what’s happening upstream so we can forecast the effects,” York said…..

Since the flood, the SES has permanently positioned five more boats in the Northern Rivers, as well as a high-clearance vehicle that can drive through floodwaters…..

State Labor MP for Lismore Janelle Saffin said the Northern Rivers gauge network should be the first fixed under the $15 million program.

It needs to be done sooner rather than later,” she said. “I’ve asked that question of senior [state] government – if, God forbid, the 28th of February happened again, what’s the plan?

I’d like it to be quicker on the gauges. I’m not sure it can be, but I’d certainly like it to be quicker than June 2025.”…..

Lismore Citizens Flood Review Group co-ordinator Beth Trevan said Lismore was still “very vulnerable” to flood and more needed to be done to protect the city.

She said it was worrying it could take another two years to improve the gauge network, but residents upstream were already able to provide information to warn the community before a flood – only SES headquarters did not know how to use it.

It worries me, as [the SES] take no notice what people in upper reaches are telling them,” she said.

As long as they’re relying on the BOM and the time it takes for the BOM to get the information from the gauges and put it through their computer systems, it’s never going to work. They need to go back to people.”

The CSIRO report also noted the value of information from property owners upstream…..


CSIRO 30 Nov 2022 report prepared for the National Emergency Management Agency, "Characterisation of the 2022 floods in the Northern Rivers region" can be found at: 


CSIRO 30 Nov 2022 report prepared for the National Emergency Management Agency, "Rapid Project Prioritisation for Flood Resilience in the Northern Rivers region" can be found at:


In the little town of Yamba on the Clarence Coast section of the Northern Rivers region we watched in disbelief and horror at what was unfolding to the north of us on the afternoon, evening and night of 28 February 2022 and what first light brought into view on 1 March. 

Whilst at the same time in the 24 hours up to 9am on 28 February 274.4mm of rain fell on Yamba township and continued to fall with another 258.2mm up to 9am on 1 March - initially driven by winds gusting up to 81km per hour - before the rain cell shifted position. 

This resulted in a mixture of river water and stormwater entering streets and/or properties it had either never entered before or had previously entered at lower water heights. All of which was exacerbated by flood waters still travelling down the Clarence River into the tidal estuary system. 

Active climate gauge and flood gauge station failures were not a feature of the town's surprise at this unexpected flooding pattern. 

Rather it was a belated realisation of the complete failure of successive local & state governments to give serious consideration to the level of risk associated with the extent and height of largescale land filling, which was now altering how both flood waters and stormwater (unable to be cleared by a drainage system design made inadequate by continuing urban growth) travelled across land within the town precincts. As well as the fact that this change in flood pattern meant more people became cut off from the town's risible evacuation plan & route.

Like the issues with the Northern Rivers flood watch system, the issue of Yamba's changed flood pattern remains unaddressed to date.

Saturday 25 February 2023

COVID-19 NSW STATE OF PLAY 2023: Counting Dead People - Part 3 "Will we choose to prevent Covid deaths?"

In Northern NSW by the week ending 11 February 2023 — in a published NSW Respiratory Surveillance Report which includes basic death demographics —  211 people had been newly confirmed (via PCR or RAT) as having contracted COVID-19, 11 people were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 infections and 4 people were reported to have died from COVID-19.

Statewide in New South Wales in that week ending 11 February 2023:

  • a total of 5,587 people were diagnosed with COVID-19;

  • 180 people were hospitalised with confirmed infections;

  • 61 people were reported as having died from COVID-19; and

  • all COVID-19 deaths were individuals aged between 50 and 90+ years of age.

NOTE: In the last 4 weeks up to 16 February 2023 — based on PCR test results only with all RAT results excluded — there were 135 confirmed COVID-19 cases recorded in Tweed Shire, 54 cases in Ballina Shire, 38 in Clarence Valley, 24 in Byron Shire, 22 in Lismore City, 11 in Richmond Valley and 3 in Kyogle Shire.

In Northern NSW by the week ending 18 February 2023 — in the most recently published NSW Respiratory Surveillance Report which includes basic death demographics —  189 people had been newly confirmed (via PCR or RAT) as having contracted COVID-19, 13 people were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 infections and 2 people were reported to have died from COVID-19.

Statewide in New South Wales in that week ending 18 February 2023:

  • a total of 5,777 people were diagnosed with COVID-19;

  • 201 people were hospitalised with confirmed infections;

  • 46 people were reported as having died from COVID-19; and

  • 2 COVID-19 deaths were children aged between 0-9 years, 1 was an adult between 40-49 years of age and the remaining 43 deaths were of individuals aged between 50 and 90+ years of age.

Tweets of the Week




Thursday 23 February 2023

North Coast Voices will not be posting on 23 & 24 February 2023

My apologies to North Coast Voices readers. Have temporarily run out of puff. Posting again on Saturday.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Northern NSW State of Play 2023: seven days out from the first anniversary of that catastrophic unnatural disaster, the Lismore & Northern Rivers Floods of 2022


The Guardian, 20 February 2023:

In February the hills and valleys of the New South Wales northern rivers are green and lush and fertile in the late summer sun. There is brightness in the madly proliferating tropical flora, radiance in the golden hour of the evening.

In the towns the mud has gone, mostly, and the smell too has faded; a semblance of normality returned to the main streets. As the foliage has returned, the devastation of the 2022 floods is more hidden now; the scale of what happened. The people who are changed.

As the anniversary of the disaster approaches, along with the cyclone season, for those left in the flood’s wake the impact is still unfolding. When the flood waters receded a year ago, for many, the disaster was only beginning.

You could hazard a guess that something like 15 to 20,000 people were impacted,” says Professor James Bennett Levy from the University of Sydney Centre for Rural Health. “I would say there’s been huge collective trauma as well as individual trauma.”

If I am doing a community event,” says Naomi Vaotuua, recovery and resilience officer for the Red Cross, “I will literally have grown men crying in my arms because it’s a cloudy day and they thought they were doing alright but they have been triggered.”

Kerry Pritchard, coordinator of recovery Hub 2484 in Murwillumbah, says: “I guess what is surfacing now is more residual complex trauma. We feel like we are still very much in the middle of it, at the coalface of supporting people. That is both in terms of rebuilding in a physical sense and also healing from that traumatic event.”

The northern rivers floods were Australia’s biggest natural disaster since Cyclone Tracy in 1974. It was the second-costliest event in the world for insurers in 2022, and the most expensive disaster in Australian history. Many residents had found premiums unaffordable and had no insurance at all.

The Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation (NRRC), funded by the federal and NSW governments, is currently assessing over 6,000 flood-impacted residences for buyback, raising or retrofit.

A survey released this month by Southern Cross University revealed that nine months after the event, at the end of 2022, almost 52% of flood victims were living in the shells of homes that had flooded; 26% were living in temporary accommodation such as caravans, sheds or pods, or with friends or family; 18% were living in insecure accommodation such as tents or temporary rentals; and 4% were no longer living in the region.

The departure of thousands of locals is one of the things that broke the heart of city councillor and executive director of Resilient Lismore, Elly Bird. “They are disconnected from their community and the people they went through that experience with and disconnected from our recovery journey and support. They are probably having a hard time,” Bird says.

Hanabeth Luke, senior lecturer in science and engineering at Southern Cross University, and one of the researchers behind the survey, said she was “shocked to see the low, low levels of mental health. Twenty percent of people said they were coping with the stresses and challenges of recovery and 60% said they were not coping.”

It is the housing uncertainty causing mental health strain, Luke says; the stress of “not being able to move forward, making do without a clear plan”. People live in substandard dwellings while they wait on government assessments or insurance payouts, not knowing whether to fix a house or if they might get a buyback. People camp out in caravans outside dilapidated abandoned houses, houses they are still paying mortgages and rates for. Families squeeze into a single motel room where they are not allowed to cook or have their pets.

Up until last month, the Koori Kitchen was still serving around around 700 free meals a day at Browns Creek car park in Lismore, says Koori Mail general manager Naomi Moran. It was forced to close as the council wanted the car spaces back to help support local business recovery.

These things take their toll.

What has been found is that the more you were likely to have been scared of injury or death, the higher the likelihood of PTSD,” says Bennett Levy. “Similarly, the more extensive the inundation the more likelihood of significant mental health issues. If we go back to the data we can say that the people who are displaced from home for more than six months are at very high risk of PTSD.”

Pritchard sees the data borne out in real life. “A year out and people are just worn down, they’re exhausted, they’re losing hope and just can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’re seeing a lot of suicidal ideation.” People who have always worked hard and supported themselves find themselves having to ask for help, she says. “There are a lot of feelings of shame and impotency around that.”

Those who could afford insurance are now coming to the end of the 52 weeks of temporary accommodation paid for by their insurers. For those locals, there is anxiety about whether they will get into the 11 pod villages built by Resilience NSW across the region. The villages aim to house 1,800 people for up to three years. Another 300 people are still in emergency accommodation…..

Read the full article here.

Southern Cross UniversityNew Southern Cross study reveals ongoing housing and mental health challenges for flood-affected, 7 February 2023:

A new Southern Cross University survey has shown almost 50 per cent of Northern Rivers flood victims were still displaced nine months after the devastating floods and landslides of 2022.

The survey, conducted by Southern Cross researchers in the latter months of last year, aimed to gain a better understanding of the ongoing struggles faced by flood-affected communities. The results paint a stark picture.

Of the 800 survey respondents, 52 percent were back living in a home that had flooded, while 26 per cent were either living in temporary accommodation such as caravans, sheds or pods, or with friends and family. A staggering 18 per cent of people reported they were living in ‘other’ insecure or crisis accommodation such as tents or temporary rentals and four per cent were no longer living in the region.

One fifth of respondents reported it was hard to find out what support was available to them, suggesting insufficient variety in information channels used to communicate with flood-affected residents. Additionally, nearly one third of insured survey respondents reported being ineligible for an insurance payout, and many cited excessive bureaucracy as a major barrier to accessing funding for recovery efforts. Survey respondents had to fill out an average 6-8 forms each to receive any financial assistance.

The Insurance Council of Australia estimates the cost of the 2022 east coast floods to be around AUD $5 billion in insurance damages. The Southern Cross survey results showed that while the most common cost of the flood was between $201,000-$500,000 to each respondent, the most common maximum amount received at the time of completing the survey was a tenth of that, at $21,000-$50,000.

"The findings of this survey are a sobering reminder of the ongoing impact of the floods on the Northern Rivers community," said lead researcher Dr Hanabeth Luke.

Flooding has affected dozens of rural and urban communities around the country and continues to do so, most recently in Western Australia. There are important learnings from this that can guide us and others to be better prepared next time,” she said.

Elly Bird, Executive Director of Resilient Lismore – a community organisation and partner in the survey – said "just 20 per cent of respondents report they are coping with the stresses and challenges of recovering from the floods, and more than 80 per cent agree that community hubs have been essential to their recovery.

Nearly 60 per cent of respondents still need help with access to tradespeople, and more than 45 per cent require access to building materials. This is holding up the recovery and needs to be addressed urgently.”

Many respondents reported not ‘being able to plan’ as a significant challenge.

The majority (96 per cent) of survey respondents saw community preparedness as most important for mitigating future events, with engineering solutions receiving a lower level of support than all other options.

"This study is a crucial tool in the ongoing efforts of our community to build back. Tapping into the experiences of those affected will help shape services and streamline processes and hold us in better stead for future events,” said Ms Bird.

Download the survey results here [PDF]

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Yamba community pushes for Treelands Drive Community Centre to be expanded to include a library, carpark and commercial grade kitchen

IMAGE: Supplied

Col Shephard (left), Vice Chair of Yamba CAN: Community Action Network handed the Treelands Drive Community Centre petition to Clarence Valley Mayor Ian Tiley (right) on Tuesday, 14 February 2023.

In just 7 days 385 hardcopy signatures (28 pages) and 106 online signatures were collected totalling a petition print out of 491 signatures.

The petition reads:

Action requested:

We, the undersigned, request the Mayor and Councillors of Clarence Valley ensure:

1. The expansion of the existing TDCC [Treelands Drive Community Centre] to at least include a library, commercial kitchen, and carpark.

2. Council undertakes community consultation for Option B inviting residents to group gatherings and exhibitions.

3. Residents’ suggestions for the expansion are fully considered in consultation with residents.”

The mayor was informed that Yamba CAN recognised that Clarence Valley Council Petition Policy states that:

Petitions to Council are not specifically covered by legislation. However, the Local Government Act 1993 encourages effective participation of local communities in the affairs of local government. Council deals with petitions in keeping with this principle.

I am sure every resident or ratepayer who has signed the petition to date is hoping that it will be seriously considered by Council in the Chamber.

Yamba CAN is still collecting as many signatures as possible up to 27 February, the day prior to the Ordinary Monthly Council Meeting and, hoping as many people as possible can attend this council meeting on Tuesday 28 February 2023 commencing 2pm in Maclean Council Chambers in order to observe councillors' deliberations.

To sign the petition online go to: YambaTreelandsDriveCommunityCentre

If you as a Yamba resident wanting a large, fully accessible modern library situated within town's second principal shopping precinct  with adequate parking and an existing sheltered bus stop outside for those without cars  now is the time to speak up.

Especially if you are one of the 37.7 per cent of local residents who are aged 65 years and older (including the est. 1,837 who are 70 years of age to over 85 years), or are among the est. 70.6 per cent who have a significant chronic health problem (many of whom have mobility issues) or who are a parent (and chauffer) to one of the est. 1,079 children who are potential users of local library facilities. [ABS Census 2021, Yamba (NSW) All Persons, Quick Stats, retrieved 20 February 2023]