Tuesday 22 December 2020

Trump Administration actively sought to spread COVID-19 infection as late as June 2020 in order to achieve "herd immunity"

"Consistent with a “herd immunity” approach, the evidence obtained by the Select Subcommittee shows that Dr. Alexander privately acknowledged to other appointees that “[w]e always knew” that “cases will rise” as a result of the Administration’s policies. Yet even as he advocated for letting the coronavirus spread widely, Dr. Alexander also attempted to pass blame for the Administration’s failure to contain the virus to career scientists and public health officials. He also urged colleagues to suppress scientific information about the risk posed by the virus to minority communities that he admitted was “very accurate” out of concern that it would be “use[d] against the president.....Documents obtained by the Select Subcommittee show that top Trump Administration officials repeatedly communicated about pursuing a dangerous herd immunity strategy as far back as June 2020, despite public denials that the Administration was adopting this approach.” [U.S. House of Representatives, Select Committee on the Corona Virus Crisis, Memorandum dated 16 December 2020]

On the morning of the day this article was published the number of COVID-19 deaths in the USA had reached 305,268 men, women and children, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at John Hopkins University.

Bloomberg, 17 December 2020: 

A Trump administration official sought to speed the spread of the coronavirus among children and young adults in order to achieve “herd immunity,” according to documents released by a top House Democrat. 

Paul Alexander, a senior adviser at the Department of Health and Humans Services, repeatedly encouraged adoption of a policy to increase the number of virus infections among younger Americans, saying they have “zero to low risk,” according to documents released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. 

In one email message, Alexander said “Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc” should be used “to develop herd…we want them infected,” according to the documents released Wednesday. 

“Achieving herd immunity before a vaccine is widely available — which requires a very large portion of the population to get infected with the coronavirus — has been widely rejected by scientists as a dangerous approach that would lead to the deaths of several hundred thousand Americans at a minimum,” Representative James Clyburn, chairman of the panel, said in the memo to members of the committee.....

In a series of messages during the summer, Alexander continued to make the case to other officials to open up college campuses and businesses to increase the spread among the young and relatively healthy, while maintaining distancing measures for the elderly. 

“The issue is who cares? If it is causing more cases in young, my word is who cares,” Alexander said in a July message. “As long as we make sensible decisions, and protect the elderely [sic] and nursing homes, we must go on with life….who cares if we test more and get more positive tests.”

Monday 21 December 2020

Is opening Sydney back up for Christmas and New Year 2020 the biggest mistake Berejiklian and Morrison can make?


It is an open secret that Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has managed to cow fellow Liberal NSW, Premier Gladys Berejiklian, into submission and that she alone of the state and territory leaders now follows his personal position of open state borders and the economy over all other considerations during this global pandemic.

The fallacy that communities, states and the nation can safely learn to live alongside SARS-COV-2 has already been played out in the United Kingdom and the United States of America with catastrophic effect.

Four days out from Christmas Day 2020 and the U.K. has already recorded 67,503 deaths from COVID-19 within the last 11 months and the U.S.A. 316,749 deaths within the last 12 months.

Because Australian states and territories have largely resisted embracing that dangerous fallacy, nationally the country has only recoded 908 COVID-19 deaths in the last 11 months and New South Wales 55 of these deaths.

However, this could change in a heartbeat.

This was Head of the Biosecurity Research Program at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Medicine, Professor Raina MacIntyre, writing in The Sydney Morning Herald on 20 December 2020 on the subject of the current Northern Beaches COVID-19 cluster:

Forty new cases today may become 120 new cases by Christmas Day. Half of them will have no symptoms and the rest will have mild symptoms so will carry on as normal. The peak infectiousness of this virus is very early in the infection, before symptoms appear, making Christmas Day a ticking time bomb.

People infected today and tomorrow may travel half-way across Sydney for the family Christmas lunch and maybe to another household for dinner, possibly infecting a minimum of 360 new people. The 360 people infected on Christmas Day will be at their peak infectiousness on New Year’s Eve, and could infect more than 1000 others. We could be looking at 3000 cases by January 8. You could not plan a disaster more perfectly if you tried.....

If we do not act urgently, Christmas Day will be a super-spreader, followed by the mother of all super-spreading events, New Year’s Eve. The exhausted NSW public health team may begin 2021 with the largest COVID-19 epidemic the state has ever faced.

The idea of “living with a bit of COVID-19” and soldiering on is a falsehood because of exponential growth of epidemic infections. The health system is the weak link – it is the first part of society to break during pandemics. When hospital and ICU beds are full, health workers dead, ill or quarantined, all other medical care becomes compromised. Even in the Ruby Princess-related outbreak in Tasmania, more than 1000 health workers were quarantined, forcing a hospital shutdown. 

Every city that has laboured under the misapprehension that they can carry on with a bit of community transmission has been forced into lockdown when the health system collapsed.....

Mandating masks across greater Sydney will make a difference, especially as people flood shopping malls in huge numbers for Christmas shopping. Without a mandate, we can expect 30-50 per cent at most to wear masks compared to 100 per cent with a mandate. Making masks compulsory early in an epidemic will prevent many more infections and deaths than one issued at the peak.....

Distorted messaging and hygiene theatre have seen people frantically washing hands and wiping surfaces but remaining unaware of masks and ventilation to reduce airborne transmission, which is the dominant mode of spread. Further, 80 per cent of spread occurs indoors.....

If this epidemic has not dwindled to single-digit numbers by Christmas, we need to ban indoor gatherings on New Year’s Eve, including dance parties, nightclubs, pubs and restaurants. If we don’t, these businesses may face even longer closures in the months ahead, as occurred in Melbourne with a three-month lockdown. 

Finally, we must prepare and protect our health and aged care workers. More than 7000 health workers had died of COVID-19 by September globally, and Australian health workers had three times the risk of COVID-19 compared to the general community. We should not wait until 3500 of them are infected (as occurred in Victoria) before providing them better respiratory protection. We should be using the precautionary principle and recognising that the occupational health and safety of health workers lags far behind other industries. 

All planning must consider the exponential growth of epidemics, the role of social mixing and movement in transmission of SARS-COV-2, the calamitous timing of New Year’s Eve within one incubation period of Christmas Day on, and the magnitude of risk this poses. At the same time, we must aim high and aim for herd immunity through vaccination so we do not have to face this situation again.” 

“A big shout out to all of our first responders, particularly volunteer SES crews, for their exemplary work in several life-saving rescues, completing hundreds of call-outs for assistance, and monitoring and sandbagging across the region" during recent flooding - Janelle Saffin MLA

Saffin welcomes disaster assistance for our Electorate

STATE Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin has welcomed news that natural disaster assistance will flow to flood and storm-affected residents, councils, businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations in Lismore City, Tweed and Kyogle Local Government Areas.

Ms Saffin yesterday (17 December) joined NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott, NSW State Emergency Services Commissioner Carlene York, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Lismore Deputy Mayor Cr Neil Marks at SES Northern Rivers Command Centre in Goonellabah, where the relief was confirmed under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, and Federal Member for Page Kevin Hogan were also there for the announcement.

Ms Saffin said she was with Minister Elliott in Tenterfield and Drake on Wednesday (16 December) and had hoped a natural disaster declaration would be made promptly.

This was before Lismore was thrown into afternoon chaos by torrential rain and flash flooding,” Ms Saffin said.

I thank Minister Elliott and his Federal counterpart, Emergency Management Minister David Littleproud, for recognising that Lismore’s flash flood and the evacuations and damage associated with flooding in South Murwillumbah and Tumbulgum this week were very serious events.

Lessons have been learnt from major floods in 2017, where the disaster assistance did not meet the need to repair and restore the catastrophic damage to Lismore and Murwillumbah.

A big shout out to all of our first responders, particularly volunteer SES crews, for their exemplary work in several life-saving rescues, completing hundreds of call-outs for assistance, and monitoring and sandbagging across the region this past week.”

Assistance available under the DRFA may include:

  • Help for eligible people whose homes or belongings have been damaged

  • Support for affected local councils to help with the costs of cleaning up and restoring damaged essential public assets

  • Concessional interest rate loans for small businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations

  • Freight subsidies for primary producers, and

  • Grants to eligible non-profit organisations.

For information on personal hardship and distress assistance, contact the Disaster Welfare Assistance Line on 1800 018 444.

To apply for a concessional loan or grant, contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit www.raa.nsw.gov.au

Further information on disaster assistance is available on the NSW emergency information and response website at www.emergency.nsw.gov.au and on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at www.disasterassist.gov.au

Friday, 18 December 2020.

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission takes Facebook Inc to Federal Court over allegedly misleading and deceptive conduct, December 2020


Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, media release, 16 December 2020:

ACCC alleges Facebook misled consumers when promoting app to 'protect' users' data

The ACCC has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Facebook, Inc. and two of its subsidiaries for false, misleading or deceptive conduct when promoting Facebook’s Onavo Protect mobile app to Australian consumers.

Onavo Protect was a free downloadable software application providing a virtual private network (VPN) service.

The ACCC alleges that, between 1 February 2016 to October 2017, Facebook and its subsidiaries Facebook Israel Ltd and Onavo, Inc. misled Australian consumers by representing that the Onavo Protect app would keep users’ personal activity data private, protected and secret, and that the data would not be used for any purpose other than providing Onavo Protect’s products.

In fact, the ACCC alleges, Onavo Protect collected, aggregated and used significant amounts of users’ personal activity data for Facebook’s commercial benefit. This included details about Onavo Protect users’ internet and app activity, such as records of every app they accessed and the number of seconds each day they spent using those apps.

This data was used to support Facebook’s market research activities, including identifying potential future acquisition targets.

Through Onavo Protect, Facebook was collecting and using the very detailed and valuable personal activity data of thousands of Australian consumers for its own commercial purposes, which we believe is completely contrary to the promise of protection, secrecy and privacy that was central to Facebook’s promotion of this app,” ACCC Chair Rod Sims said.

Consumers often use VPN services because they care about their online privacy, and that is what this Facebook product claimed to offer. In fact, Onavo Protect channelled significant volumes of their personal activity data straight back to Facebook.”

We believe that the conduct deprived Australian consumers of the opportunity to make an informed choice about the collection and use of their personal activity data by Facebook and Onavo,” Mr Sims said.

The Onavo Protect website stated that the app would “save, measure and protect” users’ mobile data, while advertisements on Facebook’s website and app included statements such as “Keep it secret. Keep it safe… Onavo Protect, from Facebook”.

The ACCC is seeking declarations and pecuniary penalties.

The attached document below contains the ACCC’s initiating court document in relation to this matter. We will not be uploading further documents in the event this initial document is subsequently amended. 

Concise statement 

ACCC v Facebook Inc & Ors_ Concise Statement ( PDF 2.34 MB ) 


US-based Facebook, Inc. owns global social media and private messaging platforms including Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. 

US-based Onavo, Inc. and Onavo Mobile Ltd, based in Israel, were mobile analytics companies that were acquired by Facebook in October 2013. After the acquisition Onavo Mobile became Facebook Israel Ltd. 

Apple removed Onavo Protect from its App store in 2018 for non-compliance with its developer terms such as, among other things, collecting information about other apps installed on a user’s device for the purposes of analytics. It was later also removed from the Google Play store and was discontinued in 2019. 

The ACCC’s Digital platforms inquiry final report examined a range of issues involving digital platforms and consumers, including concerns about Onavo Protect and how its users’ data was being collected and used. 

In December 2020, in an unrelated action, the US Federal Trade Commission (US FTC) brought proceedings against Facebook, alleging that the company is illegally maintaining its personal social networking monopoly through a years-long course of anticompetitive conduct. The US FTC alleges that Facebook engaged in a systematic strategy including its 2012 acquisition of Instagram and 2014 acquisition of WhatsApp, and the imposition of anticompetitive conditions on software developers to eliminate threats to its monopoly. The court documents filed by the US FTC refer to Facebook’s use of Onavo Protect data to identify future acquisitions as part of the allegation that Facebook is illegally maintaining a monopoly.

Sunday 20 December 2020

Upgrade of NSW section of Pacific Highway finally completed in 2020


It has taken around twenty-four years but the $15 billion 657km Pacific Highway upgrade, from Hexham a suburb of Newcastle to the Queensland border, is now complete.

The prime minister celebrated this fact at New Italy on the Far North Coast – even though he personally had little to do with the planning, implementation or funding of most of this upgrade. Not being a member of parliament when the project began and only being part of a federal government for the final seven years.

Left to right: Nationals MP for Page Kevin Hogan, Deputy Prime Minister & Nationals MP Michael McCormack, Prime Minister & Liberal MP Scott Morrison, NSW Premier & Liberal MP Gladys Berejiklian

Current road toll

Between 1 January 2020 & 17 December, 292 people have been killed on NSW roads - 178 on country roads [NSW Transport, 18 December 2020].

At least 10 of these deaths were on the Pacific Highway.

Media reports revealed that one person was killed just north of Sydney, one on the Central Coast near Lake Munmorah, one on the Mid-North coast at Nabiac, one at Charlestown, one at Harwood in the Clarence Valley, two were further north about 5kms south of Woodburn, one south of Tweed Heads, another across the Queensland border at Nerang and one down south at Albury near the Victorian border.

Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme in 2020-21

In December 2019 the Morrison Coalition Government was handed the Review of the NDIS Act report.

This report was published and reported on in January 2020 and the Morrison Government released its formal response in August 2020.

Concerns about details in the Morrison Government's response and other statements by the department and minister responsible led the parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme to issue this media release on 16 December 2020:


The Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will conduct an inquiry into independent assessments under the NDIS. 

An independent assessment is an assessment of a person’s functional capacity, which will be used to inform decisions about eligibility for the NDIS and about funding in a participant’s plan. 

The National Disability Insurance Agency proposes to introduce independent assessments as part of the NDIS access and planning processes in 2021. 

“Through its other inquiries, the committee has heard that many stakeholders—particularly in the disability and allied health sectors—have strong concerns about the independent assessments process, and about how assessments will be used to inform access and planning decisions,” Committee Chair, the Hon Kevin Andrews said. 

The inquiry will have a particular focus on: 

• the rationale for introducing independent assessments into the NDIS, and the evidence to support this decision; 

• the assessment process and its impacts; 

• the implications of independent assessments for NDIS access and planning decisions; and 

• the appropriateness of independent assessments for particular cohorts of people with disability. 

The committee is particularly interested in hearing from people with disability, families and carers; allied health professionals; and representative organisations. 

Full terms of reference for the inquiry are published on the committee’s website. 

The closing date for submissions to the inquiry is 31 March 2021.

Terms of reference and guide to making a submission can be found at:

Saturday 19 December 2020

Last Meme of the Year



Quote of the Week


"The global transition to zero emissions has negative implications for Australia’s important coal and LNG exports. The border taxes that the EU and US will apply to carbon-intensive goods will compound the loss. Join the developed countries of the northern hemisphere on the climate and energy transition, and we gain far more from the new zero-emissions economy than we lose from the old fossil energy. Investment in the new zero-emissions economy can provide much of the stimulus required for Australia’s own movement to full employment." [Professorial research fellow at the University of Melbourne Ross Garnaut, writing in the Financial Review, 11 December 2020]

Friday 18 December 2020

COVID-19 PANDEMIC AUSTRALIA DECEMBER 2020: New South Wales back to square one just days before Christmas


The following newspaper articles make this statement by Australian Prime Minister & Liberal MP for Cook Scott Morrison look very old and reinforces the oft heard complaint that NSW residents have grown too complacent in their attitudes toward this global pandemic:

ABC News, 17 December 2020:

NSW Health says the Northern Beaches COVID-19 cluster has grown to 17 cases and it has directed all residents in the area to limit their movements.

Residents have been advised to work from home, keep to their household group and avoid all unnecessary gatherings.

"Do not visit friends or relatives in aged care facilities or hospitals unless [it is] essential," a NSW Health statement said.

"Avoid visiting high-risk venues including clubs, restaurants, places of worship and gyms."

Residents have also been urged to avoid unnecessary travel outside their area, while those in other locations have been told to avoid travel into the Northern Beaches.

In a statement, NSW Health said people who had visited the following Northern Beaches locations should get tested immediately and isolate until they received a negative result:

  • Woolworths Mona Vale, 25/29 Park St, Mona Vale, December 13, 12:00pm-12:30pm

  • Aldi Mona Vale, 13 Bungan St, Mona Vale, December 13, 12:45pm-1:30pm

  • Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club, December 13, 14 and 15, 9:00am-9:30am

  • Palm Beach Rockpool, Lot 1 Rock Bath Rd, Palm Beach, December 14, 9:30am-10:30am

  • Woolworths Avalon, 74 Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon Beach, December 14, 5:00pm-5:30pm

  • Chemist Warehouse, 4/74 Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon Beach, December 14, 5:20pm-5:25pm

  • Commonwealth Bank, 47 Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach, December 51, 12:00pm-12:15pm

  • Mitre 10, 49 Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach, December 15, 12:00pm-12:20pm

  • Roof Racks World, 13/87 Reserve Rd, Artarmon, December 15, 2:00pm-2:30pm

  • HongFa BBQ Restaurant, Dee Why, December 15, 4:30pm-4:45pm

  • Dee Why Fruit Market, 33 Oaks Avenue, Dee Why, December 15, 4:45pm-4:55pm

  • North Avalon Cellars, 4/3 N Avalon Rd, Avalon Beach, December 15, 6:00pm-6:05pm

  • Careel Bay Dog Park and Hitchcock Park, Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon, December 16, 7:00am-7:30am

  • Palm Beach Pool, Lot 1 Rock Bath Rd, Palm Beach, December 16, 8:00am-9:00am

  • Brot and Wurst, 1442 Pittwater Rd, North Narrabeen, December 16, 2:00pm-2:05pm

  • Avalon Beach Post Shop, 45 Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach, December 16 3:30pm-3:50pm

The director of NSW Health's COVID response branch, Jeremy McAnulty, said he was concerned.

"The new cases are mostly in the northern part of the Northern Beaches. We are currently investigating where they all are and where they may have been," Dr McAnulty said.

"We are asking people on the Northern Beaches to help keep the community safe.

"Please work from home and stay at home as much as possible for the next three days.

"We know this is hard, but it is important we all work together to contain this outbreak.

"Anybody who has even the slightest symptoms, please come forward as soon as they appear so we can find cases."

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) will meet tonight in response to the cluster.

NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said authorities were working on a theory the virus spread may have originated at the Avalon RSL.

Authorities are urging everyone who attended the club on December 11 to get tested.

A man in his 60s from Frenchs Forest tested positive on Thursday after performing with his band at the club on that day.

He has been travelling extensively with the band.

Testing orders are also in place for anyone who attended the Penrith RSL Club on December 13 (from 1:00pm to 6:00pm) and the Kirribilli Club on December 14 (12:00pm to 3:00pm).

The Department of Education confirmed one of the new COVID-19 cases was an employee at its corporate office in Redfern.

"We directed all staff from the office affected to immediately work remotely from home while we complete the contact tracing process and have the office thoroughly cleaned," a spokesperson for the department said.

All staff at the office have been told to self-isolate until they receive further notice from NSW Health.

Additional locations a COVID-19 person or persons visited:

  • Hungry Ghost Cafe, 20 Avalon Parade, Avalon on Sunday, December 13 between 9.30am and 11am and Tuesday, December 15 between 9.30 and 11am

  • Sneaky Ground Cafe, Avalon Beach on Monday, December 14 between 10.30am and 11am

  • Barramee Thai Massage and Spa, 4/42-44 Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach on Monday, December 14 between 2pm and 3.30pm

  • Bangkok Sidewalk Restaurant, 1/21-23 Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach on Monday, December 14 between 7pm and 8pm

  • Palm Beach female change rooms on Sunday, December 13 between 9am and 9.15am

  • Coast Palm Beach Cafe, Palm Beach on Sunday, December 13 between 10am and 11am

  • Avalon Bowlo (bowling club), Avalon Beach on Sunday, December 13 between 5pm and 7pm (not 3-5pm as previously reported) and Tuesday, December 15 between 3pm and 5pm

  • Bing Lee, Gateway, 1 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale on Monday, December 14 between 4.30 and 4.45pm

  • Woolworths Avalon Beach on Sunday, December 13 between 12pm and 5pm

  • Oliver’s Pie, Careel Shopping Village, Avalon Beach on Monday, December 14 between 9am and 9.15am

News.com.au, 18 December 2020:

States and territories have been quick to reimpose border restrictions on people travelling from New South Wales in response to the state’s growing coronavirus outbreak.

The news will come as a heavy blow to people who were hoping to cross state lines to see their families at Christmas.

Here’s a snapshot of what they look like:


Queensland’s chief health officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said the new rules would apply to anyone who had been in the Northern Beaches region on or since Friday, December 11.

If that’s you, and you are already in Queensland, you are required to get tested for the virus and quarantine in your home or accommodation until 14 days after the date you left the Northern Beaches.

If you arrived in Queensland on a flight from Sydney after midnight (12am Friday, December 18), the same rule applies.

Finally, if you arrive in Queensland after 1am on Saturday, you’ll be required to go into hotel quarantine at your own expense.

These new requirements affect both interstate visitors and Queensland residents who are returning home.

Dr Young said Queensland Health would continue to “closely monitor the situation”, and provide an update on Friday morning.


In Western Australia, anyone arriving from New South Wales from Friday onwards will have to quarantine for two weeks.

If you travelled to WA from NSW since December 11, you must get tested and then self-isolate until you get a negative result.

I understand these changes will cause frustration and uncertainty for some people, and be very upsetting for many families looking to reunite and spend Christmas together,” Premier Mark McGowan said.

This has been a difficult decision to make, but we need to follow the health advice and do what is in the best interest of all Western Australians.”


Tasmania has banned anyone who’s been in the Northern Beaches area on or since December 11 from entering the state.

If you’re already there, you have been asked to call the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 to advise it of your movements and book a test.


The Northern Territory has declared the Northern Beaches a virus hotspot.

Chief Minister Michael Gunner has announced anyone travelling to the NT from the region must undertake 14 days of supervised quarantine in either Alice Springs or Darwin, at a cost of $2500 per person.

If you are intending to travel to the Northern Territory from an identified COVID-19 hotspot, you are advised to rethink your plans,” the NT government said.

Anyone who has already arrived in the Northern Territory from Northern Beaches Council LGA on or after December 11 needs to arrange for a COVID-19 test and self-quarantine while awaiting the test results.”


Victoria has asked anyone who’s been in the Northern Beaches area since December 11 to “stay at home and get tested tomorrow”.

They should stay at home until results are available and especially avoid visiting aged care facilities and hospitals. Further guidance will be issued as information becomes available,” the state’s Department of Health and Human Services said.

In addition, anyone who was in the Northern Beaches region or other NSW exposure sites on or since Friday, December 11 and arrives in Victoria after 12.01am on Friday, December 18, must get tested and quarantine in their home or accommodation for 14 days from the date they left the Northern Beaches.

Further travel advice will be announced on Friday.


There are no current restrictions for travellers moving to or from the ACT, however this is being monitored closely.


South Australia has not made any announcements yet. Currently, those who have come from NSW are urged to monitor themselves and isolate if they develop symptoms.

According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology the risk of the Clarence River flooding this week has passed

Now that is looking more likely that rivers within the Clarence River catchment will be back to normal for the Yuletide season, here is a little local history......

Clarence Valley Council, retrieved 17 December 2020:

From the first cedar-getters and European settlers in 1830 to the commencement of sugar farming in 1868, only relatively small floods topped the natural river banks near the early settlements.

Over the following few decades, however, the security of the floodplain was seriously questioned. Floods overtopping the banks in that period included the great flood of 1890, with a height of 24 feet. This would be equivalent to 7.834 metres AHD (Australian Height Datum).

One of the floods in 1950 killed two people, over 1000 head of cattle and damaged several thousand homes.

The most recent floods have occurred in 2001, 2009, 2011 and 2013 and have reached levels of - 7.70 m AHD, 7.37m AHD, 7.64m AHD and 8.08m AHD respectively.

Since flood records commenced in 1839, Grafton has been subject to over 120 floods - the highest being in January 2013 at 8.08m…...floods occur more often from January – Apri…...[but also have been recorded in every month including on 19 December 1966 when flood waters passed through at below minor level at 1.2m and 16 December 2020 when flood waters reached minor level at 2.29m].

Make no mistake, the Morrison Government intends to set the Australian electoral system up for voter suppression if it can get Murdoch's backing & the numbers in parliament


On 29 July 2019 then Minister for Finance & Senator, Mathias Cormann, asked the Joint Standing Committee On Electoral Matters to inquire into and report on the conduct of the 2019 federal election and matters related thereto.

The Committee published an Interim Report in February 2020 and a Final Report on 10 December 2020 with only six sitting days remaining in the parliamentary year.

This is how the mainstream media and a number of concerned citizens see the final report…...

The Age, 10 December 2020:

Federal election rules would be overhauled to limit early voting and require Australians to show photo ID before they cast their ballots under a plan that has been labelled an “outrage” that deprives people of their rights.

A key parliamentary committee revealed the proposal on Thursday in a report that also backed the idea of increasing the number of federal politicians because electorates had grown so large.

The findings, from a Coalition majority on the committee led by Liberal National Party senator James McGrath, included a divisive suggestion to drop compulsory preferential voting in favour of optional preferential voting.

One Labor member of the committee, Queensland MP Milton Dick, said the report should be rejected because it would undermine the country’s compulsory voting system.

"The report that the government members of [the joint standing committee on electoral matters] have produced from the committee’s inquiry into the 2019 federal election is an outrage," he said.

Instead of proposing considered, sensible electoral reform, the government has used this as just another opportunity to silence its critics, suppress the vote and stop unions and grass-roots campaigners from participating in our democracy."

Labor's spokesman on electoral matters, South Australian senator Don Farrell, said the report was a "window on to a very dark future" under the Morrison government…..

The report has 27 recommendations on voting rules, electronic voting, campaign finance, the size of Parliament and four-year terms…..

The report has 27 recommendations on voting rules, electronic voting, campaign finance, the size of Parliament and four-year terms.

More than 4 million voters cast their ballots early at the last federal election, taking advantage of Australian Electoral Commission booths that opened three weeks before polling day on May 18.

In their majority report, Senator McGrath and his Coalition colleagues call for the early voting period to be cut to two weeks and for AEC officials to ensure voters meet legislated rules on voting early, rather than doing so merely because they want to.

In a sign of frustration over the time taken to count votes on election day, the report raised the idea of sorting the envelopes from 4pm so the count could begin at 6pm.

It also suggested the AEC prepare a timeline for the introduction of an electronic certified roll before the next federal election, and called for changes to the law so voters would have to show photo ID, such as a driver's licence or passport, to vote.

The report suggested the 151-member House of Representatives should be expanded as the population grew in each electorate, but did not make this as a firm recommendation…..

In the same way, it asked the government to consider getting the committee to explore the need for non-fixed four-year terms.

The current Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 can be found here. It has been amended on 48 occasions since 2000.

Given that Prime Minister Scott Morrison appears to take personal and political advice from unsavoury, unreliable and extremely far right ideological quarters, it is almost a given that he will latch onto those aspects in this report which are most dangerous to Australian democracy.