Monday 5 December 2011

From Obama to McWho? Where punters are putting their money in the lead up to the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election

It only takes a casual glance at the U.S. media to know that, aside from the incumbent president, guesses as to who else will contest next year's race for the White House are somewhat unrealistic and all over the place.
Here's where the average punter is laying win-only money (market depth) at Betfair according to OddsChecker:

2012 Presidential Election - Next President

Barack Obama







Mitt Romney







Newt Gingrich







Ron Paul







Rick Perry







Herman Cain







Hillary Clinton







Jon Huntsman







Michele Bachmann







Rick Santorum







Gary Johnson







Rudolph Giuliani







Joseph Biden







Sarah Palin







Michael Bloomberg







Donald Trump







Chris Christie







Mitch Daniels







Tim Pawlenty







David Petraeus







Mike Huckabee







Jeb Bush







John Thune







Haley Barbour







Marco Rubio







Bobby Jindal







Condoleezza Rice







Lindsey Graham







Mark Sanford







Charlie Crist







Chuck Baldwin







John McCain







Bill Owens







Fred Thompson







Evan Bayh







Tom Ridge







Al Gore







George Allen







George Pataki







Bill Frist







Janet Napolitano







Sam Brownback







Eric Cantor







Jim DeMint







Mike Pence







Kay Bailey Hutchison







Rob Portman







Dirk Kempthorne







Scott Brown







Paul Ryan







Mark Warner







Tim Kaine







Rand Paul







Fred Karger







Alan Grayson







Alvin Greene







John Boehner







Chuck Hagel







Duncan Hunter







Norm Coleman







Jim Webb







Kathleen Sebelius







Caroline Kennedy







Thaddeus McCotter






Sunday 4 December 2011

The Port Paper: a NSW North Coast National Party saga continues

Screen snapshot 2 December 2011

The Port Paper was until the end of August 2011 allegedly one of the NSW Nationals political propaganda and campaign broadsheets masquerading as a print and online community newspaper.

Once found out it ceased publication and has idled online ever since under a new address;

Its parent company Australian News & Media Pty Ltd is under external administration, although an associated entity Australian Corporate & Marketing Services Pty Ltd appears to be operating.

What is interesting about the new registrant Whois Privacy Protection Service Inc (which now hosts a skeleton presence of The Port Paper on the Internet) is its history of being found to be a party to acts in bad faith.

Whois Privacy Protection Service Inc. is also listed as owning a male m@sturbation website.

It would appear that The Port Paper and the North Coast Nationals have finally found their natural home.

A Click in Time - Celebrating the Centenary of Australian Surfing Photography 1911 - 2011

Russell Ord 2003

Blood and Guts, Shipsterns, Spooky’s and Pipeline are names that conjure up titles of horror movies rather than four spectacular Australian surf breaks that will be featured at the opening of the ‘Centenary of Australian Surfing Photography Exhibition’ at Yamba.

After 18 months planning and research for the exhibition, 100 professional and amateur surfing photographs from every state and decade from 1911 showcases a diverse range of skill, content and creativity while at all times showing some technical merit.

The 100 photographs exemplify the legacy of Osric Notley, the first person accredited with taking Australia’s first surfing photograph back in the summer season of 1911/12 at Main Beach Yamba in Northern NSW.

Priceless gems at the exhibition include the cover photos from two 1962 surfing bibles of the day, the first Surfing World and Surf About Magazines.

Female surfer Isabel Letham and friends with the Duke swim at Freshwater in Sydney in 1915 is an absolute rare find as to are Ma and Pa Bendall from the Sunshine Coast.

A number of the masters of the lens in their era have contributed their favourite masterpieces including John Witzig’s ‘Headless McTavish’, Alby Falzon’s Bobby Brown at Angourie, Jack McCoy at Gnaraloo Station and Christo Reid at Wanna Beach, South Australia.

Some surf photographers look like they simply have a death wish when they paddle out at Cyclops in SA and Shipsterns in Tasmania with two massive waves caught on camera in 2006 and 2003 and submitted by Russell Ord and Sean Davey.

South coast photographer Dave Milnes has generously contributed a previously unpublished photo of surfing legend Bobby Brown taken at Port Kembla.

Angourie veterans Albert Fox and John Batcheldor relieve their 1963 road trip to Bryon Bay from Warilla captured on a box Brownie while surfing at Blood and Guts (Belongil).

Like the turn of the century in 1900 there was a massive shift in photographic equipment enabling photography to be picked up by the masses, not unlike today.  An example of this new technology comes in the form of 11 year old, Pheonix Short who submitted an image he took of himself with his ‘Go Pro’.

Some of the international surf names Andy Irons, Layne Beachley and Kelly Slater are also immortalized in the exhibition.

We may have also inadvertently found Australia’s first female surf photographer? A Yamba woman Sharmian Maxwell, instead of lying on the beach in her polka dot bikini was out and about with her father’s camera snapping Angourie in 1964.

A vintage display of retro camera gear will also be feature of the exhibition.

The exhibition goes for two months at the Yamba Museum 3rd December to 3rd February 2012.

Entry fee is $5 (Children Fee)
, funds raised go to the disability surfers and Yamba Museum who will be gifted the collection at the end of the exhibition.

No photographs are for sale as the exhibition as it becomes a permanent collection for the community of Yamba, the birthplace of Australian Surfing Photography.

Unknown 1917

Media Contact: Debrah Novak Mobile: 0419272621

Saturday 3 December 2011

Today is UN International Day Of People with Disability

for a better world for all:
Including persons with disabilities in development”.

“Too often we focus on the negatives,
when there are so many amazing stories
and so many organisations and individuals doing great work.”
Federal MP for Page Janelle Saffin

Join the conversation on

Arty humour

From Chelsey Austin's Facebook photos
Click to enlarge

Fair dinkum, I bet they're spewing in Macquarie Street right now

In June this year Bazza O’Farrell severed the link between the salaries of state and federal backbench pollies – in the past the base salary of a NSW MP was aligned with a Federal MP minus $500.
So in 2011 those pollies in Macquarie Street are sitting on $139,544 as annual salary plus an electoral allowance, with only the hope of a capped 2.5% increase next time the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal considers salaries and allowances.
While down in Canberra……..
The new NSW Nats MP for Clarence is going to have to hustle hard for a lucrative parliamentary committee chair or two if he's to live in the style I hear his trouble n strife is expecting. He may actually have to work in the job, which might come as a bit of a shock to someone used to cruising on autopilot when he was in Clarence Valley local government.

Friday 2 December 2011

Daily Departures: Who will tell us when our friends are having their funeral?

Today's print edition's of The Coffs Coast Advocate and The Tweed Daily News are collector items. After today, both papers will become mere shells of themselves despite bells, whistles and hoopla coming from various APN sources about new, improved online news for readers interested in local news in the Coffs and Tweed local areas. This reader hopes APN keeps its promises and The Daily Examiner and The Northern Star  improve their coverage of the Coffs and Tweed areas.
A correspondent to the Tweed Daily News (you've just gotta luv such dear souls) points out the impact the demise of his Tweed daily will have on "oldies".

Tweed 'infrastructure' lost

Thank you for allowing me to express my views at the local level for the past 12 years.
Along with many others who have spoken to me about your restricted publication we will all miss your Daily News.
Your much read local news and local history is now lost to the Tweed as we grow.
Very few of us "oldies" will follow you on the computer that many do not have or want.
On a very personal note, a number of my friends have asked: "Who will tell us when our friends are having their funeral?"
Part of Tweed's infrastructure has died and we will be lost.
Maybe your Saturday edition needs a section called: "Seen in hospital last week".
Thank you again.
Laurie Ganter

Coal seam gas mining catastrophe

Coffs Coast Advocate
made its final appearance today as a 'daily' ... sad news indeed. Read The Advocate's Belinda Scott tribute to the paper's last edition here.

The letters section of final edition carries a timely reminder of the catastrophic impact of coal seam gas mining - see below.

Coal seam catastrophe

Wake up, Australia. Gas coal seam mining will ruin the land, foul the underground water, foul surface water, degrade the soil and the atmosphere and generally bring about ruin to the families that own property that is subject to a mining lease.

I have recently viewed a documentary on this type of mining and the after effects on the countryside in the heartland of USA, mass destruction of the environment both above ground and below ground, plus the health and well being of land owners, all for the sake of the almighty dollar.

Thousands upon thousands of wells across America from Texas through to New York state.

Toxic chemicals into watercourses, private water wells, soils from one end of the country to the other and all this in a space of 10 years, unrepairable, with the mining companies never admitting liability and as a result little or no compensation for the injured parties.

Government agencies entrusted to monitor the industry in the early days, had no idea what was being used in the fracking process, so that when problems started to surface, government did not have a clue what they were dealing with.

Listening to our NSW and Queensland premiers, doesn't this sound all too familiar? They are so strapped for cash that they are prepared to sell the future of clean, clear water, viable food production, health and well-being of landowners for a miserable short-term dollar return.

Repeal the legislation and nip this in the bud before it becomes a major environmental disaster.

My simple logic tells me that it is going to be impossible to repair a fracture in the rock strata that allows toxic water and chemicals to reach an underground water reservoir, possibly 2000-4000 feet underground, through a six-inch pipe.

Are the miners going to send in trained mice armed with super glue to repair the fracture?

Once the damage is done it will be too late.

What is more important? Water, food, health, land or dollars?

I hope that the people of NSW and Queensland swamp their local politicians with questions regarding this stupidity that they appear to endorse.

M I Randall

Climate Change: lifting the lid on Australia's media

On 1 December 2011 the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism* released Part One of a two-part study called A SCEPTICAL CLIMATE: Media coverage of climate change in Australia 2011 which confirms what many may have suspected about the state of Australian journalism today.

You can download the 70 page PDF, but here are some of the highlights:

There are few media stories in which there is such an obvious public interest as that of climate change. There is no doubt that the subject has been well covered by the media.
In 2009 no topic occupied more media attention in Australia (Media Monitors, 2009) and in 2011 climate policy has again been very high on the Australian domestic news agenda. The quantity of the coverage, however, tells us little about the quality of that coverage.


• Overall, negative coverage of the Gillard government’s carbon policy across ten newspapers outweighed positive coverage across ten Australian newspapers by 73% to 27%. (Note: After neutral items were discounted). (See page 32)
• All papers contained some positive and a substantial amount of neutral material. The highest level of neutral articles was found in The Age and The Hobart Mercury, the lowest level was found in The Northern Territory News and The Daily Telegraph. (See page 32)
• After neutral items were discounted, negative coverage (82%) across News Ltd newspapers far outweighed positive (18%) articles. This indicates a very strong stance against the carbon policy adopted by the company that controls most Australian metropolitan newspapers, and the only general national daily. (See page 33)
• By comparison, Fairfax was far more balanced in its coverage of the policy than News Ltd publications with 57% positive articles outweighing 43% negative articles. (See page 33)
• The Age was more positive (67%) rather than negative towards the policy than any other newspaper. The Daily Telegraph was the most negative (89%) rather than positive of
newspapers. (See page 33)
• Headlines were less balanced than the actual content of articles. (See Figures 7 and 9 on pages 29 and 30).
• Neutral articles were more likely to be headlined negative (41%) than positive (19%). (See page 34)
• Readers relying on metropolitan newspapers living in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane received more coverage of carbon policy issues than readers in Perth, Adelaide and Darwin. (See page 25)
• The Australian gave far more space to the coverage of climate change than any other newspaper. Its articles were coded 47% negative, 44% neutral and 9% positive. When neutrals were discounted, there were 84% negative articles compared to 17% positive. (See page 32)

It is hard to influence public policy if you do not have a voice in the media (Thompson, 1990; Ericson 1989). At the heart of journalism is the relationship between journalists and their sources (Ericson, 1990; Cottle, 2003; Roberts & Nash, 2009). The inclusion or exclusion of sources is one significant way in which media exercises power. An analysis of quoted sources is therefore an important way of assessing the nature of coverage.

More than 11% of stories had no source at all and another 30% of the rest of the articles had only one source. This indicates the one-dimensional nature of many stories.

While some will justify a negative approach by appealing to the important role of journalists to scrutinise government, 31% of news and feature articles with no more than one source indicates that many sources are in fact not held to account. This may in part be due to the lack of resources in newsrooms under stress from a loss of advertising. However, as other media research has shown, this opens up possibilities for well-resourced interests to gain high visibility for their views through press releases including commissioned research and consultants reports tailored to the news cycle. Private power as well as government power needs to consistently scrutinised by journalists.

Political values and support for political policies are embedded in journalists’ reporting either implicitly or explicitly. It is clear that The Age is a more progressive than The Australian but there is no evidence in this study that The Age engages in censorship. Indeed it appears to be considerably more balanced than any News Ltd paper. All papers in this study strongly represented business sources and if any sources were shut out of the debate, it was civil society sources and scientists who supported the policy.

To be positive or negative towards a policy does not imply that a journalist loses impartiality, fairness or a critical approach. Columnists such as the News Ltd.’s Mike Steketee, Fairfax’s Ian Verrender and Peter Hartcher wrote a range of incisive pieces making critical points about both sides of the carbon policy debate. The SMH’s Lenore Taylor held Abbott’s policy and the claims of industry up to scrutiny more consistently than nearly all other journalists.

Just twenty years ago, a Parliamentary Select Inquiry investigated the Australian print media and found that while the media was highly concentrated and this had an impact on diversity, the Inquiry could find no evidence that the media, in particular News Ltd was biased.

Yes, this report has established that the reporting of climate change in sections of the Australian media has been far from impartial, fair or balanced. Is it in the public interest for a media organisation that dominates the market to ‘campaign’ as The Daily Telegraph and The Herald Sun have done, on an issue which a huge majority of the world's scientists have found threatens the lives of millions? In what circumstances does a lack of diversity and balance, represent a threat to democracy?

Evidence in this report suggests that many Australians did not receive fair, accurate and impartial reporting in the public interest in relation to the carbon policy in 2011. This suggests that rather an open and competitive market that can be trusted to deliver quality media, we may have a case of market failure.

* The Australian Centre for Independent Journalism’s research work on climate change is part of the Global Environmental Initiative (GEJI), a partnership of nine tertiary institutions in Australia and Europe working on research and teaching about the environment and media.

Government attempts to downplay planning and structural deficiencies associated with antimony mining on the NSW North Coast

NSW North Coast Nationals MPs need to explain to their electorates why they continue to tolerate this ongoing threat to water security and, why they are considering a proposal to establish another antimony mine in the Nymboida River system:

November 29, 2011 14:41:35

There has been another heavy metal spill into the Macleay River from a gold and antimony mine in the upper catchment.
Heavy rain over the weekend caused an overflow from a stormwater dam at the Hillgrove mine near Armidale.
The Kempsey council's infrastructure manager, Robert Scott, says the contamination sounds worse than it actually is.
He says the rain caused the spill but it also helped dilute it.
"At the moment the dams in the Hillgrove mine, because they've received around about 290mm of rainfall for the month of November alone, are full, they are discharging," he said.
"We are seeing a massive dilution factor as a result of the overall flow that's coming off the New England Tablelands at the moment, which has resulted in relatively low levels of discharge directly from the mine."
However, conservationists are worried about the latest spill into the Upper Macleay.
Coffs Harbour Greens' councillor Mark Graham says the spill in the region's drinking water catchment should be grounds for concern.
"I think that all the evidence is that the river is contaminated by mining practices and it's not just the historic mining practices," he said.
"The owners of the Hillgrove mine, Straits Mining, were recently fined $50,000 in the Land and Environment Court for ongoing contamination to the headwaters of the Macleay.
"These mines are creating ongoing contamination for the catchment.

Thursday 1 December 2011

What NSW Nationals 'Steve' Gulaptis MP for Clarence isn't saying

This is what the new Clarence MP 'Steve' Gulaptis was telling The Daily Examiner as he posed for photographs:

Mr Gulaptis said he still felt humbled to be elected, but couldn't wait to get behind the desk and get to work on solving the problems faced by his constituents and the electorate.
Mr Gulaptis said the new Grafton bridge, the Pacific Highway upgrade, law enforcement in Casino and the Lower Clarence, health and employment, especially in Grafton after recent job losses, were key issues he would focus on.
He said as the communities in the electorate are so diverse and face different issues, he would be spending a lot of time travelling and talking to locals about what issues are important to them.
He said his focus in Parliament will be to push strongly for funding on issues facing the Clarence electorate.

Now the election is over and his est. $180,000 plus taxpayer-funded salary package is assured, there is no mention of protecting the Clarence River from inappropriate open cut gold mining and toxic antimony mining –  which have the potential to place underground aquifers and the river system at risk to the detriment of the economic well-being of downstream communities.

Nor is there mention of proposed and exisitng coal seam gas mines, or ground water extraction levels and waste water associated with this industry which are likely to compromise water and food security across the NSW North Coast unless a legitimate halt to uncontrolled industry expansion is legislated. 

Nothing about the O'Farrell Government's intention to complete the power generation infrastructure sell-off which is bound to impact on hip pockets in a region known for its low household incomes.

Complete silence about any intention to fight a proposal which is still being considered by government - replacing Grafton prison with a privately financed, constructed and operated centre.

Not even a mention of Steve's favourite subject - bats! A subject that is in the process of being placed in his too hard basket now he is in office.

One suspects that his vision really extends no further than his old role of managing roads, rats, rubbish and greasing the wheels for the white-shoe brigade.

'The Critical Decade': enough to give arch-denialists Bolt, Hadley & Jones apoplexy

Click on NSW/ACT gragh to enlarge

1. There is no doubt that the climate is changing. The evidence is overwhelming and clear.

  • The atmosphere is warming, the ocean is warming, ice is being lost from glaciers and ice caps and sea levels are rising. The biological world is changing in response to a warming world.
  • Global surface temperature is rising fast; the last decade was the hottest on record.

2. We are already seeing the social, economic and environmental impacts of a changing climate.

  • With less than 1 degree of warming globally the impacts are already being felt in Australia.
  • In the last 50 years the number of record hot days in Australia has more than doubled. This has increased the risk of heatwaves and associated deaths, as well as extreme bush fire weather in South Eastern and South Western Australia.
  • Sea level has risen by 20 cm globally since the late 1800s, impacting many coastal communities. Another 20 cm increase by 2050, which is feasible at current projections, would more than double the risk of coastal flooding.
  • The Great Barrier Reef has suffered from nine bleaching events in the past 31 years. This iconic natural ecosystem, and the economy that depends upon it, face serious risks from climate change.

3. It is beyond reasonable doubt that human activities – the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation – are triggering the changes we are witnessing in the global climate.

  • A very large body of observations, experiments, analyses, and physical theory points to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere – with carbon dioxide being the most important – as the primary cause of the observed warming.
  • Increasing carbon dioxide emissions are primarily produced by the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, as well as deforestation.
  • Natural factors, like changes in the Earth’s orbit or solar activity, cannot explain the world-wide warming trend.

4. This is the critical decade. Decisions we make from now to 2020 will determine the severity of climate change our children and grandchildren experience.

  • Without strong and rapid action there is a significant risk that climate change will undermine our society’s prosperity, health, stability and way of life.
  • To minimise this risk, we must decarbonise our economy and move to clean energy sources by 2050. That means carbon emissions must peak within the next few years and then strongly decline.
  • The longer we wait to start reducing carbon emissions, the more difficult and costly those reductions become.
  • This decade is critical. Unless effective action is taken, the global climate may be so irreversibly altered we will struggle to maintain our present way of life. The choices we make this decade will shape the long-

    The Critical Decade: full report