Monday 23 January 2012

Copy of formal agreement between Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and then MP-Elect Andrew Wilkie, 2 September 2010

As the political waters are likely to be muddies by vested interests of all political persuasions this week - here is the Gillard-Wilkie Agreement 2010. Read the source and then read those media opinions on current poker machine gambling policy and political rants as they roll out over the next few days.

More bad news concerning coal seam gas mining - fugitve methane


Researchers Note Gas Emissions From Marcellus Shale and Other Sites Linked to Significant Increased Risk of Near-Term Climate Change

ITHACA, NY 19 January 2012

Far from being a “solution” to climate change, natural gas extracted from shale is a huge contributor of greenhouse gases when both methane and carbon dioxide are considered, according to a major new study by three Cornell University researchers.

The natural gas industry already accounts for almost a fifth (17 percent) of the total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions inventory, when analyzed using recently available new evidence. This percentage is predicted to grow to almost one quarter (23 percent) as shale gas continues to replace conventional natural gas.

Methane, which is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, is the culprit, according to the new report.

Just accepted for publication in Climatic Change and available online now at, the study titled “Venting and Leaking of Methane from Shale Gas Development,” is the work of professor Robert Howarth and Renee Santoro, researchers in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, and Anthony Ingraffea, a professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell.

The study follows up on the author’s groundbreaking April 2011 paper, which provided the first comprehensive analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from shale gas obtained by hydraulic fracturing, with a focus on methane emissions. Rather than understating the impact by looking only at shale gas used for electricity generation (just 30 percent of U.S. usage), the studies also look at heat generation (the largest use) over both a 20- and 100-year time frame. The new paper emphasizes this 20-year time frame, and analyzes the US national greenhouse gas inventory in that context.

The 20-year time frame is particularly important, the authors explain, because it may well be the timing for a “tipping point” for climate change if emissions are not brought under immediate control. The new paper builds on major new findings from the United Nations and from researchers at NASA published over the past six months, highlighting the urgent need to immediately reduce methane pollution globally.

Robert W. Howarth, David R. Atkinson professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, said: “We believe the preponderance of evidence indicates shale gas has a larger greenhouse gas footprint than conventional gas, considered over any time scale. The greenhouse gas footprint of shale gas also exceeds that of oil or coal when considered at decadal time scales, no matter how the gas is used. We stand by the conclusion of our 2011 research: ‘The large [greenhouse gas] footprint of shale gas undercuts the logic of its use as a bridging fuel over coming decades, if the goal is to reduce global warming.’”

Anthony Ingraffea, Dwight C. Baum professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, said: “Can shale-gas methane emissions be reduced? Clearly yes, and proposed EPA regulations to require capture of gas at the time of well completions are an important step. Regulations are necessary to accomplish emission reductions, as economic considerations alone have not driven such reductions. And it may be extremely expensive to reduce leakage associated with aging infrastructure, particularly distribution pipelines in cities but also long-distance transmission pipelines, which are on average more than 50 years old in the U.S. Should society invest massive capital in such improvements for a bridge fuel that is to be used for only 20 to 30 years, or would the capital be better spent on constructing a smart electric grid and other technologies that move towards a truly green energy future?”

According to the report:

• The natural gas industry dominates methane emissions for the U.S., contributing 39 percent of the nation’s total methane emissions.

• On an overall basis, methane makes up 44 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions when considered on the 20-year time frame after emission, including all gases and all human activities.

• The methane emissions from natural gas systems make up 17 percent of the entire man-made greenhouse gas emission inventory of the U.S., when viewed through the lens of the 20-year time frame.

• When viewed on the time scale of 100 years following emission, the importance of methane is substantially reduced, but the shorter time frame is critical, given possible tipping points in the global climate system over the coming few decades.

MEDIA CONTACT: Leslie Anderson Maloy at (703) 276-3256 or

What is it with the American South that it so easily embraces the idea of assassination?

Andrew Adler, owner-publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times in the Friday 13th January 2012 edition of his newspaper suggesting that Israel consider assassinating President Obama:
Give the go-ahead for U.S. based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
Yes, you read "three" correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel's existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don't you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel's most inner circles?
Another way of putting "three" in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives ... Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?
You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table.”

* Newspaper image from Gawker

Sunday 22 January 2012

Is your local council using Brothel Busters?

Brothel Busters, known formally as Lyonswood Investigations and Forensic Group, advertised a vacancy for an investigator in MyCareer (see below) this week. While the job description makes for interesting (and somewhat mind-boggling) reading, it's the introductory part of the advertisement that caused this reader to wonder about which local councils use this mob's "services". And, for those that do, how do they go about detailing their expenses in their financial statements?

Source: MyCareer, 21/1/12

Pacific Highway upgrade at Urunga to start in 2013

Australian Road Assessment Program
highway network based on 2009 data

Construction of a by-pass of Urunga is now expected to commence early next year.
Following negotiations between the Australian and NSW Governments a bypass of Urunga is a step closer, with construction companies interested in designing and upgrading the Urunga to Nambucca Heads section of the Pacific Highway having until February 23 to register their details with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).
Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister, Anthony Albanese said this 22 kilometre section is part of the larger 42 kilometre Urunga to Warrell Creek project and is another important step in upgrading the Pacific Highway between Port Macquarie and Raleigh.
“Once completed in 2016, the Urunga to Nambucca Heads upgrade will deliver safer, smoother driving conditions for the 15,000 motorists and truck drivers who use this section of the Pacific Highway each and every day,” said Mr Albanese.
The upgrade of the Urunga to Nambucca Heads section had been agreed between Ministers Albanese and Gay before they became aware of a news story on the issue which aired on Channel 9 last week…….

Tired of seeing that political website you dislike listed in search results? Google has the answer

Wandering home through art

Home 1996

Margaret SEALE
Welcome home party 1995

As I see it [date unknown]

All paintings held by Grafton Regional Gallery in the Clarence Valley NSW

Saturday 21 January 2012

Yamba, as seen by a visitor

Sherilyn and her family, who visited Yamba recently, obviously had a helluva good time there.
I've taken the liberty of extracting a few bits from her blog piece On Hiatus in Yamba. Honestly, the local chamber of commerce couldn't have produced something as positive as this, even if it paid squillions for it.
Sherilyn wrote:
 "We are  enjoying some precious family time in the picturesque and laid back Yamba.  No time for cooking this week, rather we are being waited on and sampling the local seafood and produce this region has to offer.  Not to mention the salty stuff - water that is.  The boys are in heaven!!"

Big Bash cricketer tells it as it is

Brad Hogg, who plays for Perth Scorchers in the BB, responded with a fair-dinkum double-dose of reality to the Melbourne Stars when the latter complained about having a long trip to Perth for Saturday night's semi-final and that they'd drawn the short straw with less rest time between games than Perth had.
Hogg said, "Stop complaining, seriously. ...there are people out there digging holes for a living and we're actually playing cricket ... so stop whingeing."

Source: SMH

The Gillard Government gambles on a mandatory poker machine pre-commitment trial

The Gillard Government has spoken on the subject of poker machine gambling, apparently indicating that the mooted trial of the new mandatory pre-commitment system will take part in the Australian Capital Territory.

A fact which should see clubs and pubs across the NSW border in Queanbeyan experience a wave pokie refugees as the new technology is bedded down in Canberra.

Tasmanian Independent MP Andrew Wilkie's formal support of the minority federal government appears to be over and he may yet see all hope of curbing problem gambling through legislation slip from his grasp, as it is highly likely that any incoming Coalition government in 2013 would fail to act on the results of this trial.

The Gillard Government today announced its plan to tackle problem gambling, helping the five million Australians affected by problem gambling in this country.
This plan means the Gillard Government will do more to tackle problem gambling than any Commonwealth Government in Australia’s history.
The Government will act to:
  • Undertake a large scale trial of mandatory pre-commitment;
  • Expand pre-commitment technology to every poker machine across the country, that could then be used for mandatory pre-commitment if it is supported by a trial.
Rolling the technology out to every machine now ensures that we will be ready to flick the switch to a best-practice mandatory pre-commitment system, if the trial results support it.
We believe this evidence-based pathway to help problem gamblers and their families will gain the necessary support to pass the current Parliament.
It is our intention to introduce legislation in the first Parliamentary session of this year which will require that:
  • All new poker machines manufactured from 2013 must be capable of supporting pre-commitment; and
  • By 31 December 2016 all poker machines must be part of a state linked pre-commitment system, except eligible small venues which will have longer.
We will also continue to work on pre-commitment technology through the COAG Select Council on Gaming Reform. At this forum in May last year, state and territory gaming ministers agreed to support the required infrastructure for pre-commitment technology in all jurisdictions.
The Gillard Government understands that many Australians enjoy gambling responsibly. But for others it can have devastating consequences.
Problem gambling ruins lives.
That’s why in November 2008 we asked the Productivity Commission to inquire into problem gambling in Australia.
The Productivity Commission found that problem gambling affects up to five million Australians, including friends, family and employers of people with a gambling problem.
These far reaching impacts are why the Australian Government is delivering genuine, long-lasting reforms to help problem gamblers and their families.
The Government is also taking a range of other actions to support problem gamblers and their families including:
  • Introducing a $250 daily withdrawal limit from ATMs in gaming venues (excluding casinos) by 1 February 2013;
  • Electronic warnings and cost of play displays on poker machines by 2016;
  • Additional counselling support with 50 new financial counsellors to work with problem gamblers, and expanding the reach of Gambling Help Online;
  • Strengthening self-exclusion arrangements; and
  • Improving training for staff in pokies venues.
Further, the Government recognises that gambling online and sports betting are a growing concern, and we will:
  • Ban the promotion of live odds during sports coverage;
  • Extend pre-commitment to online betting services;
  • Crack down on online sports betting companies offering credit and introduce stricter limits on betting inducements; and
  • Increase the powers of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to enforce these new rules.
The actions the Gillard Government is taking will be the most significant and far reaching national reforms to tackle problem gambling ever seen in this country.

Are the Nationals creating a bizarre and corrupt political culture on the NSW North Coast?

Click on invitation to enlarge

In 2011 then NSW Nationals MP for Cowper, Steve Cansdell, was forced to resign when it became public knowledge that he had falsified a statutory declaration in order to avoid having his driver’s licence cancelled.

Subsequently the electorate found out that he was being investigated by the Independent Commission Against Corruption and NSW Police. Both these investigations appear to be on-going.

In the local media this disgraced former state parliamentarian admitted that he would have never confessed to wrongdoing if a former staffer hadn’t blown the whistle.

Despite this, the new NSW MP for Cowper, Chris Gulaptis, embraced Cansdell’s support during the by-election campaign and afterwards – and now I'm reliably informed the Clarence Nationals are to give this admitted lawbreaker a $50-a-head two course tribute dinner next month in the Kensei Bar and the Event Centre at Grafton Racecourse, with RSVPs being handled by Nationals staffer Deb Newton.

The invitation shows that Clarence Nationals are also using the Cansdell name to fund raise for the political party itself.

Which begs the question: When a political party does not appear to recognise an acknowledged criminal act, how long before it condones widespread corrupt activity by its members?

NSW North Coast helps lead the way on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, January 2012

Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

North Coast residents Alison Page, Janelle Saffin (Federal Labor MP) and Rob Oakeshott (Federal Independent MP) were members of the 
Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples which produced the historic report.

Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Minister for Disability Reform

Handover of the report of the Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
19 January 2012

Thank you Aunty Matilda.
I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and pay my respects to their Elders, past and present.

Welcome to you all here today.

I acknowledge:

·         Prime Minister Julia Gillard,
·         Ron Radford [Director of the National Gallery of Australia],
·         Parliamentary colleagues, including Senator Rachel Seiwert and Rob Oakeshott, and
·         Members of the Expert Panel, including Co-Chairs Mark Leibler and Pat Dodson who I will introduce shortly.

I’d also like to acknowledge the young freedom riders who are with us today -- it is wonderful to see so many young faces that will be part of the journey of change that has begun.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold a very special place in our nation – as custodians of the oldest continuing cultures in the world, and of our land, and for their contributions to our nation, both past and present.

And yet our nation’s Constitution – the foundation document for our laws and our government – is silent on this legacy, is silent on this ongoing contribution to our shared nation. 

Four years ago, when the Parliament of Australia said sorry for past injustices and when Australians right around the country gathered in public spaces, in schools in workplaces and in front of our Parliament itself, we ended the silence in our nation.

We reflected on the past, so that we could look to the future.

The strength we drew as a nation from coming together to say sorry helped build a relationship that renewed our determination to work together to close the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.

A relationship based on mutual respect and on mutual responsibility.

The responsibility we all bear – governments, Aboriginal people and and Torres Strait Islanders, all Australians – to close the gap.

And the respect with which we undertake this task, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their special place in our nation.

But the silence remains in our nation’s founding document, our Constitution. Ending this silence – as we ended the silence as part of the apology – is a mark of respect. It allows us to continue to build stronger relationships.

While today marks an important step towards recognition, the work hasn’t just started today.
We know that this is something that many Australians, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, have debated for a long time.

A year ago, we started the formal process, when we set up an Expert Panel of Indigenous and community leaders, constitutional experts, and parliamentary members, to advise us on how best to recognise Indigenous Australians in our Constitution.

In the past year, the Panel has talked to more than 4,600 people, in more than 250 meetings in 84 locations across the country. And received more than 3,500 submissions.

Each of these, a conversation about ending the silence and about looking to the future.

I congratulate the Panel, including co-chairs Mark Leibler and Professor Patrick Dodson for their dedication and tireless work over the past year. It has been a tremendous task which has helped build a strong foundation for change. 

And this report will provide the foundation for many more conversations right across the country. The work does not end here.

We know that change will not happen without the support of the majority of Australians.

It will not happen without more conversations – across kitchen tables and around barbeques, in workplaces and neighbourhoods, cities and towns in every state and territory.

And it will not happen without Australians saying yes to change, to being a part of change.

I know that the Members of the Panel, who are passionate advocates for change, will continue to be part of this important work, as we continue build understanding and support for change.

Reconciliation Australia will continue their advocacy, building practical reconciliation through this process for change.

From today, Australians can be a part of change through the You Me Unity website by clicking on the ‘Show your support for Constitutional Recognition’ button.

I encourage everyone to take this first small step to change.

The recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our Constitution will be an enduring public acknowledgement of our history and of the significant contribution that Indigenous Australians continue to make to our nation.

We have a long road ahead of us, but if we do this the right way, it can be a road to reconciliation.

Thank you.

I would now like to hand over to the Panel Co-Chairs Patrick Dodson and Mark Leibler.

The panel’s report can be found at

Friday 20 January 2012

Australians trust in the national economy but remain ambivalent concerning the future

This media release of 5 January 2011 from Paris-based Ipsos Social Research Institute illustrates that Australians remain ambivalent concerning the future:

Three-quarters (74%) of Australians believe that our current economic situation is ‘very good’ or ‘somewhat good’ according to the December 2010 Ipsos-Eureka Social Research Institute’s Global Advisor study. At the same time, one-third of Australians (33%) believe that ‘inflation/cost of living’ is a top issue facing the nation, according to the December 2010 Ipsos-Eureka Issues Monitor.
The Ipsos-Eureka Global Advisor report for December 2010, which draws on a global Ipsos study conducted monthly in 24 countries since April 2007, asks survey participants to rate their own country’s economic situation on a scale of ‘very good’ to ‘very bad’. In December 2010, 74% of Australians rated our economic situation as ‘very good’ or ‘somewhat good’.
Australia’s most recent result compares favourably to the balance of nations surveyed, ranking equal fourth (China also scored 74%) behind India (88%), Saudi Arabia (81%) and Sweden (75%). Japan was least confident, with 6% reporting their economic situation was ‘very good’ or ‘somewhat good’.
The lowest Australia has performed on the confidence scale is 36% (April 2009). However scores have been consistently above 70% for each month in 2010. Established economies, notably the USA and Great Britain, have not recovered so well; with 20% (USA) and 16% (Great Britain) of people in these countries responding that their current economic situation was ‘very good’ or ‘somewhat good’ for the latest survey.
“These most recent Global Advisor results show that Australians continue to be confident in our post GFC economy, while countries like the USA and Great Britain are yet to recover. We are right at the very top among developed countries, and not far behind the leading emerging economies, particularly India and China,” said Ben Barnes, Managing Director of the Ipsos-Eureka Social Research Institute.
“The results also indicate that Australians are able to acknowledge confidence in the nation’s economy even while things may be getting tougher at a personal level. Confidence in Australia’s economy has been consistently above 70% for the past 12 months. In that time, however, we have seen the cash interest rate rise from 3.5% to 4.75%, growing disharmony about fair and equitable banking practices and a federal and Victorian state election where ‘cost of living’ was a major discussion point. Indeed, we have found that one-third of Australians (33%) believe that ‘inflation/cost of living’ is a top issue facing the nation.”
“The insight is that we, as Australians, are confident that the country is heading in the right direction, but have some worries about our own futures within that economy,” said Mr Barnes.

About Ipsos
Ipsos is one of the world's leading survey-based marketing research firms. Founded and run by market research professionals, Ipsos interprets, simulates, and anticipates the needs and reactions of consumers, customers and citizens – locally, nationally and around the world. Ipsos has a direct presence in more than 65 countries globally and conducts research in more than 100.

The Baltimore Sun 19 January 2012:

Harold gets hot and cross over supermarket greed

From The Daily Examiner letters to the editor column on 18 January 2011:

Hot-cross greed

NOT only do Coles and Woolworths want to dictate from whom we buy our everyday needs - milk, petrol, meat, bakery, pharmacy, fruit and vegetables, etc., they now also want to take over the special calendar events of the year such as Easter by offering hot cross buns in January.
A treat that was always reserved for the celebration of Easter.
The only way to get the message across to these greedy corporations is through people power and by refusing to buy these items until the appropriate event is here.


* Bunny drawing found here

Thursday 19 January 2012

Quote of the Week - Censure

From the pen of Ben Pobjie writing for The Drum on 18 January 2012:

Firstly, 2012 will be a big year for censure motions. Tony Abbott, plucky little clam that he is, showed his skill for censure motions last year, living up to the liberal ideal that a democracy cannot function without a strong, effective opposition to make pointless gestures. And this year will continue and intensify this trend, with Abbott promising an innovative censure-heavy schedule, with censure motions planned not just for times that Parliament is sitting, but also in government press conferences, state visits from foreign dignitaries, and if possible, while the Prime Minister is in the shower. Abbott's pledge to the Australian people is simply this: wherever there is injustice, waste, or a camera, there will he be also, popping around corners or out of bushes to move a censure motion.

Wentworth Group calls revised Murray-Darling Basin Plan 'disgraceful'

The Draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan should be withdrawn because it does not provide the information required to make an informed decision on the future of the river system.
(Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, STATEMENT ON THE 2011 DRAFT MURRAY-DARLING BASIN PLAN, January 2012) 

The science used to establish the evidence for the 2,750 GL reduction is not only absent from the documentation, but even more disgraceful is that the science for the 2,750 GL reduction is not accorded the scientific scrutiny of transparent independent review.
It is impossible to assess the ecological outcomes from a reduction to extractions of 2,750 GL from the information in these tables. Subsequently it is impossible to assess the ecological implications for Ramsar sites, wetlands listed on the Directory of Important Wetlands of Australia as well as Commonwealth, State or Territory listed threatened species and/or ecological communities. Without the information to assess this, it is impossible to determine whether the draft Basin Plan complies with the Water Act.
There has been a significant investment of tax-payers money in the science of water management - both within the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and other institutions such as CSIRO, the e-Water CRC and the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre. This scientific effort is more than sufficient to produce a high quality plan.
The Authority has either refused to take this information into account in setting the reduction targets or has chosen not to publish these results. If a commercial operation tried this sort of trick on the community in an Environmental Impact Statement it would be thrown out well before it saw the light of day.
In the absence of this critical information on the volumes of water needed to restore the health of the basin, it is impossible for the community, science or Parliament to understand its implications or have confidence it has any prospect of delivering a healthy working river.
The Australian community and our Parliamentary representatives have a right to this information and this statutory Authority has a responsibility to use this science when it develops a plan for restoring the long- term health of the Murray-Darling Basin. (STATEMENT ON THE 2011 DRAFT MURRAY-DARLING BASIN PLAN, page10)

Wednesday 18 January 2012

North Coast Voices' SOPA Protest Blackout, 4pm AEST 18 January 2012

Anchor Resources Limited fined for environmental damage at Wild Cattle Creek test drilling sites

From A Clarence Valley Protest on 18 January 2011:

Click on image to enlarge
Snapshot of Anchor Resources Ltd report to the Australian Stock Exchange
published 17 January 2012

When the China Shandong Jinshunda Group acquired this Australian registered mining exploration company it apparently did not immediately react to the evidence of its own site inspections or act on landholder complaint/s.

It was served with a notice to remediate certain test drilling sites in its Wild Cattle Creek lease area by the NSW Department of Trade & Investment Resources & Energy and fined $2,500.

The cost of maintaining "No" and "Know Nothing"

In the first six months of 2011 Opposition Leader Tony Abbott cost Australian taxpayers $388,214.18 in parliamentary entitlement expenses over and above his salary, of which $14,343.68 was noted as Family Travel Costs.

In the preceding six months he appears to have listed $525,505.24 in entitlement expenses.

During the same time periods Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey cost taxpayers $250,835.66 and $200,433.44 respectively.

Given they both constantly question the economic credentials of the Gillard Government, perhaps Abbott and Hockey might like to finally
certify their expenses covering 1 January to 30 June 2011, before moving on to give an account of the last half of that year.

Deaths of older Australians due to climate change not considered an important public health issue?

Apparently the prospect of deaths among the elderly due to temperature increases caused by climate change carry less weight than the prospect of deaths among younger people according to Adrian Barnett - whom I'm sure did not pause to think of how his words might be received by older Australians when he participated in this media release on January 16, 2012 concerning a recently published study he co-authored with the CSIRO's Dr. Xiaoming Wang and others:

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in conjunction with CSIRO has conducted a world-first study into the potential impact climate change will have on 'years of life lost' in Brisbane.
Associate Professor Adrian Barnett of QUT's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI) said while many other studies had examined death rates on hot and cold days, this was the first study to examine years of life lost.
"The results are startling," Professor Barnett said.
"Temperature-related deaths currently account for 6,572 years of life lost per year in Brisbane, which is more than the annual number of years of life lost to breast cancer of 3,733.
"The figure is so high because Brisbane has a very narrow comfort zone of a mean temperature between 20-25°C, on days when the temperature is above or below this range we tend to see an increase in years of life lost."
Years of life lost sums the life expectancy of all deaths according to age at death, so it gives more weight to younger deaths.
"We wanted to use years of life lost because we suspected that many temperature-related deaths were in the elderly, which would reduce the public health importance of temperature compared with other issues," Professor Barnett said.
"In fact we found the opposite, with a surprisingly high years of life lost figure."
Professor Barnett said things would only get worse as Climate Change continued.
"A 2°C increase in temperature in Brisbane between now and 2050 would result in an extra 381 years of life lost per year in Brisbane," he said.
"A 2°C increase in temperature is the figure the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says is dangerous but could be reached unless more aggressive measures are undertaken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
Professor Barnett said should temperatures increase beyond the 2°C mark the results would be catastrophic.
"A 4°C increase in temperature would result in an extra 3,242 years of life lost per year in Brisbane," he said.

In Cosmos Online on January 16, 2012:

Commenting on the study, Colin Butler of the Australian National University in Canberra said, "The 'years of life lost' approach is the real breakthrough in this paper," adding that he wishes he had thought of the idea himself. "They show that heat waves have a bigger effect on mortality in younger and middle-aged people than we would expect."

Temperature is an important determinant of health. A better knowledge of how temperature affects population health is important not only to the scientific community, but also to the decision-makers who develop and implement early warning systems and intervention strategies to mitigate the health effects of extreme temperatures1, 2. The temperature–health relationship is also of growing interest as climate change is projected to shift the overall temperature distribution higher3, 4. Previous studies have examined the relative risks of temperature-related mortality, but the absolute measure of years of life lost is also useful as it combines the number of deaths with life expectancy. Here we use years of life lost to provide a novel measure of the impact of temperature on mortality in Brisbane, Australia. We also project the future temperature-related years of life lost attributable to climate change. We show that the association between temperature and years of life lost is U-shaped, with increased years of life lost for cold and hot temperatures. The temperature-related years of life lost will worsen greatly if future climate change goes beyond a 2 °C increase and without any adaptation to higher temperatures. This study highlights that public health adaptation to climate change is necessary.