Tuesday 15 January 2013

Yet another good reason to be thankful I live in Australia and not America - no inchoate death star cult

At the time of writing this post these two petitions accepted by the U.S. White House had a combined total of 6,844 signatures:

we petition the obama administration to:
We have within our technological reach the ability to build the 1st generation of the USS Enterprise. It ends up that this ship’s inspiring form is quite functional. This will be Earth’s first gigawatt-class interplanetary spaceship with artificial gravity. The ship can serve as a spaceship, space station, and space port all in one. In total, one thousand crew members & visitors can be on board at once. Few things could collectively inspire people on Earth more than seeing the Enterprise being built in space. And the ship could go on amazing missions, like taking the first humans to Mars while taking along a large load of base-building equipment for constructing the first permanent base there.
For more information see BuildTheEnterprise.org.
Created: Dec 22, 2012

we petition the obama administration to:
Harness the full intellectual and industrial strength of our universities, national laboratories and private enterprise to rapidly develop and deploy a nuclear thermal rocket (NTR) adaptable to both manned and un-manned space missions. A NTR (which would only operate in outer space) will jump-start our manned space exploration program by reducing inner solar system flight times from months to weeks. This is not new technology; NTRs were tested in the 1960s (President Kennedy was a guest at one test). The physics and engineering are sound. In addition to inspiring young Americans to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, a working NTR will herald a speedy and economical expansion of the human presence in the cosmos.
Created: Jan 03, 2013
However, this earlier petition had 34,435 signatures:
we petition the obama administration to:
Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.
Those who sign here petition the United States government to secure funding and resources, and begin construction on a Death Star by 2016.
By focusing our defense resources into a space-superiority platform and weapon system such as a Death Star, the government can spur job creation in the fields of construction, engineering, space exploration, and more, and strengthen our national defense.
Created: Nov 14, 2012
The official White House response:

White House Response to

Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.

This Isn't the Petition Response You're Looking For
By Paul Shawcross
The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn't on the horizon. Here are a few reasons:
·     The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We're working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.

·     The Administration does not support blowing up planets.

·     Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be   exploited by a one-man starship?

However, look carefully (here's how) and you'll notice something already floating in the sky -- that's no Moon, it's a Space Station! Yes, we already have a giant, football field-sized International Space Station in orbit around the Earth that's helping us learn how humans can live and thrive in space for long durations. The Space Station has six astronauts -- American, Russian, and Canadian -- living in it right now, conducting research, learning how to live and work in space over long periods of time, routinely welcoming visiting spacecraft and repairing onboard garbage mashers, etc. We've also got two robot science labs -- one wielding a laser -- roving around Mars, looking at whether life ever existed on the Red Planet.
Keep in mind, space is no longer just government-only. Private American companies, through NASA's Commercial Crew and Cargo Program Office (C3PO), are ferrying cargo -- and soon, crew -- to space for NASA, and are pursuing human missions to the Moon this decade.
Even though the United States doesn't have anything that can do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, we've got two spacecraft leaving the Solar System and we're building a probe that will fly to the exterior layers of the Sun. We are discovering hundreds of new planets in other star systems and building a much more powerful successor to the Hubble Space Telescope that will see back to the early days of the universe.
We don't have a Death Star, but we do have floating robot assistants on the Space Station, a President who knows his way around a light saber and advanced (marshmallow) cannon, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is supporting research on building Luke's arm, floating droids, and quadruped walkers.
We are living in the future! Enjoy it. Or better yet, help build it by pursuing a career in a science, technology, engineering or math-related field. The President has held the first-ever White House science fairs and Astronomy Night on the South Lawn because he knows these domains are critical to our country's future, and to ensuring the United States continues leading the world in doing big things.
If you do pursue a career in a science, technology, engineering or math-related field, the Force will be with us! Remember, the Death Star's power to destroy a planet, or even a whole star system, is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
Paul Shawcross is Chief of the Science and Space Branch at the White House Office of Management and Budget

Monday 14 January 2013

Metgasco continues its plans to abandon test wells after drilling is completed

Metgasco inspires a lot of confidence when it openly speaks of abandoning the Glenugie test well after attempting to seal its 800 metre length with a concrete pour.
There is no mention of any form of periodic monitoring of the integrity of this plug.

The 'rehabilitation' of such wells has been known to deteriorate over time in some instances and, I'm sure that this particular corporation will expect the community to monitor its old exploration sites and local government to pick up the tab for any necessary initial investigations in the future should problems occur.

By then the directors and major shareholders will have moved on to pastures new.
11 January 2013
Drilling announcement - Thornbill E04 spuds
Metgasco advises that the Thornbill E04 well was spudded with AJ Lucas Rig 103 last night. The current operation is drilling a surface hole and installing surface casing.
Thornbill E04 is a simple vertical well whose objective is to better define coal distribution in PEL 426. The total planned depth of the well is 800 metres. The well will be “plugged and abandoned” before the rig leaves the site and the site rehabilitated.
This well is the start of a work program that has been approved by the New South Wales Government. One of the short to medium term goals of this program is to provide competitively priced natural gas to local businesses.
Metgasco’s Managing Director, Mr Peter Henderson reaffirmed that: “Once we have completed drilling our exploration wells, we will drill some lateral wells to demonstrate the productivity of the coal seams, before drilling our conventional prospect, the Greater Mackellar structure.
Metgasco has a 100% interest in PEL 426.
Richard Shields
Metgasco Limited
Mobile: 0418 418 877

My blue bolding

Remembering the deeply weird side of Mr. Rabbitt - Part Three

In which Mr. Rabbitt openly and proudly admits (what he now denies) that he is not his wife Margie’s idea of a what a good husband should be………
Snapshot taken from an article about then Liberal Party candidate, Tony Abbott - Tough Guy For Canberra by Simon Kent published in The Sun Herald on Sunday 27 March 1994

*January 2013 photograph of Oppostition Leader Tony Abbott from Google Images

Sunday 13 January 2013

The Grafton Knitting Nannas Strike Again! Making testosterone-fuelled Metgasco a running joke

This time a NSW Police vehicle gets a peaceful makeover in Knot The Gate Yellow on 7 January 2013…..

What are those crazy women doing? - Better call the cops, they're just around the corner. - I'm a bit worried, Stu, they've got fluffy toy chickens and knitting.

Looking, looking, looking - for evidence that Abbott isn't telling another whopper

Australian Opposition Leader Tony Abbott explains his historical position on reproductive technology in January 2013:
Really? So all I have to do is look for supporting documentation, right?
Unsurprisingly what I found did not reflect Abbott's fractured version of events.
This is Tony Abbott for the record on a number of occasions in April 2005:
Abbott used ABC radio to press home his point about the financial side. There was "some evidence", he said, that doctors had substantially lifted their charges and action would be taken if "profiteering" was found. The Government should name the clinics where rates had shot up. Abbott went on to claim the safety net had resulted in "a lot more money going into the pockets of people getting IVF treatment".

Mr. Abbott in May 2005:

Saturday 12 January 2013

Is Metgasco ignoring the Clarence Valley total fire ban in its drive to sink an exploration well at Glenugie?

According to the NSW Rural Fire Service; For public safety, a Total Fire Ban is declared for days when fires are likely to escape and be difficult to contain. This is caused by a combination of dry vegetation and hot, dry, windy weather.
Such weather conditions were occurring in the Clarence Valley the day before yesterday, yesterday and again today and, total fire bans have been in place.   

As responsible citizens and caring members of our community the vast majority of Northern Rivers residents take note of these fire bans and limit our outdoor activities appropriately.
However, mining companies do not have to obey the same rules as local residents if they do not wish to do so and, on 10 January 2013 Metgasco began to drill an exploration well on farm land at Glenugie in the Clarence Valley.
If this drilling did encounter coal seam gas Metgasco may flare such gas on site despite the fire risk.
Flare line at Talma, Richmond Valley NSW
Excerpt from Metgasco Limited, 2010, REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS, For proposed Exploration Drilling Program Clarence Moreton Basin, New South Wales.
(Petroleum Exploration Licence No 426) Grafton-Exploration Drilling Program:
At the sites, an area of up to 110 by 110 metres will be temporarily fenced for the period of drilling and testing activities and all such activities will be contained within the fenced area. Appropriate signage relating to restricted entry, fire hazards, protective clothing, etc. will be prominently displayed.
Equipment on site will include the drilling rig, air compressors, support vehicles and transportable buildings for drill equipment storage. There will be minimum physical disturbance at each site beyond the drilling of the well itself (including cellar). It is expected that the drilling operations will be zero release at the well site, and all drilling fluid will be contained within on-site tanks. However, if it is deemed necessary for safe drilling operations, up to three small sumps, (3m x 3m x 2m), two large sumps (10m x 10m x 2m) and a smaller flare pit at the end of the flare line may be dug on site. Sumps will be lined with high density polyethylene (HDPE) 200 ÎĽm poly liner. It may also be necessary to grade the area where the rig base will sit on the site…..
Because the proposed drilling comes under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991, the wells may be fitted with blow out prevention (BOP) equipment which will be installed on casing cemented to at least 10% of the anticipated final depth.
Prior exploration suggests that the composition of the gas encountered may be predominately methane with minor nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Any methane gas produced on site will be flared if necessary, utilising a flare line and flare pit at a safe location away from the well so as to minimise
hazards. Although it is flammable, methane (the principal component of natural gas) is not poisonous. [my red bolding]
When I woke this morning there were still a number of bushfires listed as active in the Clarence Valley and this was part of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology predictive temperature mapping:

Click on map to enlarge

Ashby lodges a tit for tat appeal in Ashby v Commonwealth & Slipper

James Hunter Ashby and his new legal team finally files his appeal in Ashby v Commonwealth & Slipper – asserting that the Rares judgment which found the original proceedings were an abuse of process was in error.

Chris Gulaptis forgets where he was born

NSW Nats MP Chris I will not will let you down Gulaptis was born in West Australia and now lives in Maclean in the Clarence Valley.
Two facts which shoulld be firmly fixed in his 57 year old noggin by now.
So what's this doing on his Facebook page? Is he saying he was born in The Scottish Town?

Friday 11 January 2013

Metgasco Limited's share price begins 2013 in free fall

Coal seam gas exploration and production company Metgasco Limited’s unwanted intrusion into the NSW Northern Rivers region sees its ordinary share price, as traded on the Australian Stock Exchange, continue its decline…..

As of close of trading 9 January 2013 – two day after it took sixty police to escort Metgasco’s drilling rig onto PEL 426 in the Clarence Valley at Glenugie - the ordinary share price has again fallen to 16c. The share price remained the same on 10 January.

On 13 December 2012 the Northern Rivers Echo reported that; Metgasco's shares plummeted to an all-time low of 15.5 cents this week.

In August 2012 Ethical Investments Limited confirmed the reasons for divesting itself of exposure to the coal seam gas sector:

While there is extensive knowledge around the structure and formation of coal seams, there remains uncertainty about the permeability and interconnectedness of coal seams and groundwater resources. CSG critics point to concerns that extracting large volumes of water from a coal seam may result in pressure differentials with surrounding water-bearing seams, resulting in potential drops in water levels and contamination of aquifers.
Australian Ethical’s Chief Investment Officer, David Macri says "meetings with CSIRO reassured us that our analysis and understanding of the issues was on the mark, but also confirmed our concerns about the long-term impacts of large-scale water extraction on the Great Artesian Basin."
With negative impacts that are potentially irreversible, or at least would take lifetimes to reverse, we are concerned about any company’s capacity to appropriately manage this risk. Origin Energy was divested in late 2011, thus ending our exposure to the CSG sector. [my bolding]

Kingston vs The Australian propaganda sheet


News Limited's The Australian newspaper gets caught distorting known facts – again.
The Australian 8 January 2013:
Margot Kingston 8 January 2013:

Just to keep the record straight in the face of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's claim that these new allegations reflect on Australian Prime Minister Gillard's judgement (but apparently not on his own judgement or that of former Prime Minister Howard), herewith timeline information taken from the Parliament of Australia biography of the Hon. Peter Neil Slipper:

Elected to the House of Representatives for Fisher, Queensland, 1984 for the National Party of Australia. Defeated 1987.

Re-elected for the Liberal Party of Australia 1993, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2010.

Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government Whip from 11.7.97 to 18.10.98.

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance and Administration (Coalition Ministers John Fahey & Nick Minchin) from 21.10.98 to 26.10.04.

Acting Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister John Howard from 14.3.02 to 7.10.03.

Member, Liberal Party 1989-2008; Member, Liberal National Party of Queensland 2008-11.

Alternate Representative, Liberal Party State Executive (Qld) 1990-92.

Vice-Chairman, Liberal Party Sunshine Coast Zone 1990-92.

Membership Development Officer, Liberal Party Sunshine Coast Zone 1990-92.

Branch Vice-Chairman, Liberal Party 1991-92.

Delegate, Liberal Party and Liberal National Party State Conventions (Qld) 1990-2011.

Became an Independent MP from 24.11.2011.

The same day The Sydney Morning Herald reported:
It is understood they relate to three Comcar trips in 2010, in which Mr Slipper - who was then a Coalition MP - travelled beyond the allowed Canberra region. The trips are understood amount to about $900.

Thursday 10 January 2013

No matter what, it's always about ME!

Armed only with a self-promoting tweet and a tame photographer, Australian Federal Oppostion Leader and legend in his own mind, Tony Abbott, goes forth to grab more mainstream media column inches.........

Volunteer firefighter Tony Abbott, in a posed photograph allegedly working on fire containment lines in the Conjola National Park on NSW's south coast. Picture: Craig Greenhill - Source: The Australian 9 January 2013 - Caption: Clarencegirl

Still posing for the camera below. Note the absence of protective gloves:

Mr. Abbott is delaying a holiday for three days in order to milk his presence somewhere near a bushfire for all it's worth.

More photos of Tony well away from the frontline flames


Just when I thought Abbott's shameless self-promotion on the backs of other people's fear and loss could not get any worse - The Daily Telegraph online had this montage on its homepage, with yet another posed Abbott behind the front lines .

Abbott has nothing to offer a nation - Monbiot

George Monbiot carves Tony Climate Change Is Crap Abbott up in The Guardian on the 18th January:
“So far Abbott has commented, as far as I can tell, only on the fires: "Our thoughts are with the people and the communities across the country who are impacted by the bushfires," he says. Quite right too, but it's time his thoughts also extended to the question of why this is happening and how Australian politicians should respond. He says he's currently on standby with his local fire brigade, but as his opposition to effective action on climate change is likely to contribute to even more extreme events in the future, this looks like the most cynical kind of stunt politics
To ask him and others to change their view of the problem could be to demand the impossible. It requires that they confront some of the most powerful interests in Australia: from Rupert Murdoch to Gina Rinehart. It requires that they confront some of the powerful narratives that have shaped Australians' view of themselves, just as we in the United Kingdom must challenge our own founding myths. In Australia's case, climate change clashes with a story of great cultural power: of a land of opportunity, in which progress is limited only by the rate at which natural resources can be extracted; in which this accelerating extraction leads to the inexorable improvement of the lives of its people. What is happening in Australia today looks like anything but improvement.
This, I think, is too much for Abbott to take on: as a result he has nothing to offer a nation for which this terrible weather is a warning of much worse to come. Australia's new weather demands a new politics; a politics capable of responding to an existential threat.”

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Australian National Heatwave 9 January 2013

Australian Bureau of Meteorology Northern Rivers forecast for Wednesday 9 January:

Sunny morning. The chance of showers and thunderstorms from midday, with little, if any, rain reaching the ground. Winds north to northwesterly 25 to 35 km/h tending northwesterly in the middle of the day then shifting south to southeasterly in the afternoon. Overnight temperatures falling to the low to mid 20s with daytime temperatures reaching 37 to 42.
Fire Danger - Far North Coast: Severe
UV Alert from 8:50 am to 5:00 pm, UV Index predicted to reach 13 [Extreme]

Tasmanian Bushfires 2013 Appeal

Red Cross is running the National Registration and Inquiry System, which helps reconnect family and friends affected by the disaster.

All people affected by the fires are urged to register their details online or call the State Inquiry Centre on 1800 727 077.

Red Cross volunteers and staff have been registering people at relief centres, including at Sorell, Hobart City Hall, Hobart Wharf, Nubeena and Dunalley.

Red Cross is also working closely with emergency service authorities to determine what other support Red Cross can provide at this time and will assist with any ongoing response and recovery efforts needed

You can help

Australian Red Cross is running the Tasmanian Bushfires 2013 Appeal at the invitation of the Tasmanian Government in order to provide assistance to those affected by the devastating bushfires.

You can assist those people affected by the bushfires by making a donation.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Please make a secure online donation, or make a donation via credit card by phoning 1800 811 700, or send a cheque or money order with a note that it is for the Tasmanian Bushfires Appeal 2013 to:

Australian Red Cross Supporter Service
GPO Box 2957
Melbourne VIC 8060

Images sent by mobile phone to one Tasmanian mother separated by bushfire from her children to show they were still safe with their grandparents:

What the NSW Roads & Maritime Services appears intent on ignoring about the new Pacific Highway route from Woolgoolga to Ballina - including the Glenugie to Iluka turn-off leg

NSW North Coast Pacific Highway Upgrade Biodiversity Assessment, November 2012 - Executive Summary excerpt
Much of the native vegetation in the study area has been cleared or fragmented for agriculture and rural development, with the exception of the Summervale Range and associated foot slopes, Wardell heath, and several adjoining state forests and conservation reserves. The project traverses a number of these key habitats and corridors including the boundaries of eight state forests
These formations consist of 57 separate vegetation communities including six Threatened
Ecological Communities listed as Endangered under the NSW Threatened Species
Conservation Act 1995 (TSC Act) and one Critically Endangered Ecological Community
listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC
These are:
• Sub-tropical coastal floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast Bioregion (TSC Act)
• Swamp sclerophyll forest on coastal floodplains of the NSW North coast, Sydney Basin
and south east corner bioregions (TSC Act)
• Swamp oak floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East
Corner bioregions (TSC Act)
• Coastal Cypress Pine shrubby open forest of the North Coast Bioregion (TSC Act)
• Freshwater wetlands on coastal floodplains on the NSW North coast, Sydney Basin and
South East Corner bioregions (TSC Act)
• Lowland Rainforest on floodplain in the NSW North Coast Bioregion (TSC Act)
• Lowland Rainforest of sub-tropical Australia (EPBC Act).
A total of 123 threatened flora and fauna species were identified either as known from or potentially occurring in the study area comprising 63 vertebrate fauna species (one an
endangered population), 54 plant species, three invertebrate species and three fish species and six conservation reserves which adjoin the project boundary.
The project traverses the major river catchments of the Clarence and Richmond rivers.
Eight Nationally Important Wetlands (from the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (2001)) and thirteen State listed wetlands (State Environmental Planning Policy No.14) are located in this study area. Many of these wetlands are recharged or fed by the Clarence River catchment and support significant areas of groundwater dependent ecosystems...
The proposed upgrade of the Pacific Highway from Woolgoolga to Ballina would have a significant impact on aspects of the biodiversity of study area. There would be a loss of
around 948 hectares of remnant vegetation from low to high condition, one third of which (337 hectares) consists of listed threatened ecological communities. An additional potential loss of 25 hectares is likely to be required for ancillary facilities. The scale of impact highlights the importance of mitigating and managing long-term indirect impacts to rare and high quality habitats and maintaining existing connectivity in the landscape...
As the project would result in clearing of native vegetation including critically endangered ecological communities, threatened species and their habitat, it is unlikely that the objective of maintaining or improving biodiversity values can be met....[my emphasis]
The NSW North Coast Bioregion supports high biodiversity and a considerable number of State and Commonwealth listed threatened species and ecological communities. Measures to avoid and mitigate listed key threatening processes have been duly considered through the route planning process and biodiversity management strategies. This thorough process considered the long-term protection of the majority of the threatened species identified as known or likely to occur in the study area.
There is no conclusive scientific knowledge on the ability of each of the assessed species to sustain a loss of the magnitude expected or resilience to change including adaptation to the proposed mitigation measures. As such, there is a risk that the project could have a significant impact on several threatened flora and fauna, most notably the coastal emu endangered population and the critically endangered Lowland Rainforest of Subtropical Australia present in the study area.....[my emphasis]

* Hat tip to Dr. Greg Clancy, Ecologist, Coutts Crossing, Clarence Valley, for drawing this assessment to my attention.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Ethical Investors Please Note: Metgasco gets a little free advertising

Just a normal working day for Metgasco as it enters PEL426 to commence exploratory
drilling with a police tactical response group escort on 7 January 2013 
Is it any wonder that Metgasco's share price is still heading south?
North Coast residents have stated that they will be at the drilling site again today, making this by my count the 49th day of continuous protest there.

Remembering the deeply weird side of Mr. Rabbitt - Part Two

The very monochrome Mr.Rabbitt in missionary position…….
Herald Sun 18 December 2009:
"I think everyone should have some familiarity with the great texts that are at the core of our civilisation," Mr [Tony] Abbott said. 
"That includes, most importantly, the Bible. I think it would be impossible to have a good general education without at least some serious familiarity with the Bible and with the teachings of Christianity.”

* Photograph from Google Images

Monday 7 January 2013

Maiden caught out by Abbott spin

This is Samantha Maiden writing in the Herald Sun, 6 January 2013:
One has to wonder at that assertion by Ms. Maiden, as it suggests that she lazily relied on a media release from the Opposition Leader’s office without checking the facts.
Because here is a snapshot of Tony Abbott’s personal opinion, expressed in an article titled Rate Of Abortion Highlights Our Moral Failings, which he wrote and then published on his own website on 17 March 2004:

Clarence Valley Deputy Mayor tweets tacky

Clarence Valley Council Deputy Mayor Cr. Craig Howe starts the year by pushing a weight loss fad.
craig howe @CraigHowe68