Thursday 8 July 2010

South Australia still leading the way on greenhouse gas emission reductions

According to The Climate Group's weekly assessment of greenhouse gas emission levels in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, the latter state is still streets ahead in its response to the need to reduce these emissions.

In comparison over seven days (25 June to 1 July): Queensland's Indicator is 95% above the average equivalent 1990 weekly emissions and 26% above the equivalent 2000 weekly average; NSW's Indicator is 29% above the average equivalent 1990 weekly emissions and 10% above the equivalent 2000 weekly average; and Victoria's Indicator is 41% above the average equivalent 1990 weekly emissions and 9.5% above the equivalent 2000 weekly average.
While South Australia's Indicator is 11% below the average equivalent 1990 weekly emissions and 16% below the equivalent 2000 weekly average.

South Australia

Stuffin' letterboxes

Maud Up The Street is hopping mad - this week she found her letter box stuffed with advertising even though a "No Junk Mail" sign was clearly displayed.
What makes her even more annoyed is that of the 5 separate bits of bumpf lobbed at her by Woolworths, Aldi, The Reject Shop, Crazy Clarks and Cellarbrations - only one of these stores is in her local area. The rest are over 50 klms away.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Well that's telling her! Those flying monkeys take to the air in pursuit of Julia Gillard

Female, redheaded, unmarried, childless, self-declared non-believer and a former students union leader - one knew it wouldn't be long before the seriously strange inhabitants of Wingnut Land came out against new Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

This is the opening salvo on a Facebook group Julia Gillard Is A Communist, A Traitor And A Threat started by one Paulus in 2007 and now assisted by 236 followers as of last Monday:

Julia Gillard is a traitor, a communist and a threat to Australia if Rudd gets into power.

Barren, heartless, no clue about family and no sense of god. Just read the article below about her time during the 80's to get some idea about her beliefs. .....Don't kid yourself people don't change, she's playing the wolf in sheeps clothing.........

Like all communists, she is evil, souless, godless and corrupt.

She and her union run left-wing labour cronies must be stopped at all costs.

While this group Julia Gillard - Charged for Treason (created by Australian Constitution, Aaron and Greg with 353 followers) which popped up around 27 June 2010 goes even further, by rendering a rather unique interpretation of certain laws and blaming then fairly new federal MP Gillard for state legislation introduced in West Australia in 2003 and Victoria in 2000:

Julia Gillard - Charged for treason - concealing the following offenses from the people of Australia as the then Deputy Prime Minister.

Sections 121 through to 130 of the Acts Amendments Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act, state the removal of the Crown from Western Australia.

Provided reference here:
(Please note this now an Act)

... Also the Oath of Allegiance was removed in Victoria by the Courts and Tribunals Legislation (Further Amendment) Act 2000

Provided reference here:


None of which have had the required referendum.
We have not had a referendum since 1999.

In case you hadn't noticed - the Kiwis have beaten us to the post again

They beat us to the post on universal suffrage in 1893, their All Blacks regularly give Oz a pasting on the sports field, they successfully invaded Bondi without using an army, navy or airforce and now New Zealand has beaten us to the punch by passing a national emissions trading scheme into law on the 1st July 2010.
C'mon Prime Minister Gillard - are you really going to let those demmed Kiwis get the better of us again?

Portrait of a Kiwi found here.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Abbott in the Twitterverse

Frank_Tireur‎: Tony Abbott saying there's "something fishy about the numbers" makes me think he might've made Barnaby the Finance Minister again.

Cazoct09_normal trvllngjwllr: Every time i hear or see Tony Abbott, i want to punch him in the face #irrationallyangry
Mobile Web

Famous-works-of-art-simpsons-style-m_normal people_skills: Everything Tony Abbott & the Liberal Party does and says is wrong. #myliberal

416103_normal jtousis: Why is Tony Abbott getting around in a school uniform today?

Greg_normal gregfoletta: @p4ts Tony Abbott: no matter what you do, you're still Tony Abbott. That's gotta suck.

Image_normal ingovetoday: Yeah right Tony they're the victims of the agreement not you. "Abbott claims bosses bludgeoned into pact" #miningtax


Has Tony Abbott blown the election with his Opposition to the Mining Tax, now that the Industry itself is satisfied at the new deal? #FB
mobile web

"So what": the face of not-so-good governance on the NSW North Coast

Last weekend a copy of Clarence Valley Council's June 2010 Budget Submissions Summary was doing the digital rounds much to the enjoyment of local cynics.
Of particular note was this answer to one concern raised about the fact that after 6 years council still had not reconciled a $1.2 million deficit brought into the amalgamation process by Grafton City Council: "So what".
But what really had locals opened mouthed was this answer to concerns about lack of transparency and accountability:
"As the 'senior administrator' who recommended that CCRT funding be used for lifesaving services, I (Rob Donges) have taken responsibility for including Iluka and will take responsibility should a higher authority determine that this funding arrangement is grossly negligent or some such thing."
That last line comes after a previous entry which goes:
"LPMA representatives have verbally raised concerns as to the funding of this service from CCRT and staff have provided our reasoning. Nothing more has been heard. If the Authority were to formally advise that the funding is inappropriate, we would recommend it be funded elsewhere i.e. General Fund."
The merry cynics are now laying bets that the Land and Property Mangement Authority won't be amused when it learns that its attempt to informally manage the problem of past misallocations of what could be hundreds of thousands of dollars in Clarence Coast Reserve Trust funds has been seen as something council staff can brush aside - especially as it was a resident's complaint which first brought the matter to light and council management has been very careful not to consult with the NSW Department of Lands itself just in case it wasn't left with anymore wriggle room.
Clarence Coast Reserve Trust Budget 2010/11

Monday 5 July 2010

Shame on you all! When election promises go south

Image of O'Farrell and Cansdell from Steve Cansdell MP's Clarence Chronicles, June 20120

From Clarence Valley Review letters to the editor on 30 June 2010:

Expecting a lot

In response to the article "Don't expect too much from Coalition, says Nats Chair" (CVR 23/6/10) I believe the electorate is expecting a lot.
If the Coalition Party does not and probably never intended to complete the Pacific Highway upgrade by 2016 then I say to those politicians, including the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Barry O'Farrell shame on you for exploiting those families who have roadside memorials to their deceased family members along the Pacific Highway.
I recall the many photographs which included Mr Cansdell taken beside these memorials in the printed media and on television trying to extract sympathy votes from the electorate.
I say shame on you all. Are there no politicians today with any dignity and fortitude in standing up for what they believe in without having to toe a party line?
The Coalition Party are backing away from every key commitment espoused by Mr Steve Cansdell against the present basket case State Government.
The electorate are not fools, it is the same old ploy used by all political parties when an election is imminent that any incoming Government will have a "very bare cupboard".
Is there no one out there who has dignity, honesty, shows respect for others and have a desire to help every member of the Community by becoming an Independent member?
If so, please step forward, we need you.

Lyne Dobson, Waterview Heights