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The Australian 26 April 2021 |
This blog is open to any who wish to comment on Australian society, the state of the environment or political shenanigans at Federal, State and Local Government level.
Clarence Valley Independent, 13 April 2021:
In our quest to combat climate change, it seems that political philosophy and denial, spurred on by vested interests, are our greatest impediment to successfully avoiding an unmanageable outcome.
Recently the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, warned that the planet is on track to be 3 to 5 degrees warmer within 80 years. That’s more than double the warming that scientists believe we can safely endure.
In fact, it is now predicted that the manageable 1.5 degree maximum warming could be reached as early as 2024, after which, continued inaction will likely have catastrophic consequences.
With this dire warning front and foremost, one would think there would be some degree of urgency to address the situation, but no, instead, some Australia politicians are advocating for Clean Energy Finance Corporation money to be used to fund new coal-fired power stations, arguably the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
On the other side of the equation, forests across the globe, one of nature’s most efficient carbon depositories, are being cleared at increasing rates for agriculture, and more recently to be burned to generate electricity. Apparently, the term “renewable” is being manipulated to imply it is somehow “clean” and acceptable, and that’s given denialists the opportunity to promote the use of ‘biomass’ here in Australia.
The escalation of biomass use is so great, that a group of over 500 international scientists have written to the Presidents of the US, the European Council, the European Commission, and South Korea, as well as the Prime Minister of Japan, asking them to intervene to end the practice of industrial scale wood-burning for energy production. They rightly argue that the practice is seriously undermining efforts, not only to address climate change, but to protect biodiversity as well.
Native forest timbers are already being burned to produce electricity here in Australia, although not yet at the industrial scale occurring overseas. However, Australian forest timber is already being exported as biomass, referred to as ‘biopellets’, to Japan and elsewhere, for burning to generate electricity.
The insanity continues!
John Edwards
According to the Australian Government Dept. of Agriculture, Water and the Environment “there is potential to expand Australia’s bioenergy sector to increase the use of wood residues from forest operations for electricity and heat generation and transport biofuel production”.
So called “forest waste” is seen as a 23 million tonne per year biomass resource.
The now idle Redbank coal-fired power station at Warkworth, NSW, near Singleton, announced it expects to covert to biomass sometime this year and, in April 2021 is marketing this move as clean, green energy.
Since 2020 Hunter Energy has been seeking expressions of interest for timber from across north-east NSW to fuel this recommissioned power station.
In March 2021 SA port operator T-Ports has announced it had reached an agreement with Mitsui Bussan Woodchip Oceania, Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers (KIPT) and HarvestCo to export timber biomass.
Biomass Magazine, 20 January 2021:
Australia-based Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers has been awarded a $5.5 million bushfire recovery grant from the Australian government to support the development of a biomass pellet plant and small-scale biomass power plant.
The facilities will be located on at KIPT’s timber processing hub at Timber Creek on Kangaroo Island, a region that experienced a devastating bushfire in December 2019. The island is located off Australia’s southern coast approximately 550 miles northwest of Melbourne.
Once operational, the pellet plant will be capable of accepting fire-damaged logs and any other logs that cannot be sold into export markets. Pellets produced at the plant are expected to be exported using the chip-handling facility at the proposed Kangaroo Island Seaport at Smith Bay.
The project will also include a small-scale power plant to support the pellet mill. That facility will be capable of dispatching base-load power to the electricity grid.
KIPT said due diligence work is underway on the pellet proposal with project partners. The company said it expects to achieve internal approval for the project during the first half of this year, subject to regulatory consent.
In Albany Western Australia, the Plantation Energy Australia (PEA) is running a wood pellet production plant which exports up to 125,000 tonnes of wood pellets every year, mainly to Belgium for use as energy.
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Two fossil fools currently roaming wild in Australia Saudi Arabian Oil Company director Andrew Liveris (left) and Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) IMAGE: Crikey, 16 September 2020 |
In March 2020 Australian Prime Minister & Liberal MP for Cook Scott Morrison created the National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission Advisory Board with the aim of building a fossil fuel led economic recovery.
One Andrew N. Liveris - former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Dow Chemical Company, former director of DowDuPont, current director of Saudi Arabian Oil Company, self-styled advisor to Australian & US governments and an apparent chum of Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest of Cashless Welfare Card fame and Scott Morrison - became a Special Adviser to the Commission from April 2020 to September 2020 and head of the Commission's Manufacturing Taskforce.
Perhaps there is a hint in the following exchange as to why he is no longer mentioned in connection with the National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission.
The man has a very large ego and a rather abrasive personality. He apparently also has a problem with basic maths.
ABC Q&A program, 22 April 2021 transcript, excerpts:
Andrew Liveris, you’ve promoted this gas-led recovery. Many take the view that you’re committing us to fossil fuels for much longer than we need to.
So, let me...
Explain it. Justify it.
...let me teach you a new term – fossil feedstock. OK? Let me...
Let me teach you a term.
Yeah, please.
If you believe there’s a future in fossil fuels...
...then you are a fossil...fool.
Thank you. I take it as a...I take it as a badge of honour that you would call me that. Fossil feedstock is all of your modern life. You want to live a modern life, you need a fossil feedstock. You can’t get carbon any other way. If you want a chemistry lesson, I’ll help you out the back.
What you’ve got to do...
Andrew. Andrew.
...you’re just...
You’re so patronising. Like, just...
Let’s just try and keep it respectful amongst all of us...
And you’re not?
...and stick to the policy...
Well, I’m not the one shaking my finger at people, mate.
Folks, let’s just keep to the policy, if we can.
Yeah. Well, you’re yelling.
Uh, why is it that Australia...why is it that Australia needs a gas pipeline, for example, across the Nullarbor to bring it to the east coast from the west? Can you just justify this promotion of a gas-led recovery?
There’s 850,000 Australians employed by industries that use gas as a feedstock. 850,000. At the current pricing levels, they’re paid Japanese spot price. Spot price. So, Japan gets cheaper gas than we do for our industry. Those industries you need for everyday life. And I’ll take the commentary that I’m patronising and I’m yelling, ‘cause I’m passionate about this, ‘cause there’s a gap in our knowledge base.
I’ll buy Malcolm’s discussion on gas as a firming fuel anytime. I totally agree with that. Gas as a segue to hydrogen, I also agree with that. That’s the fuel part. The feedstock part is not well understood, and it absolutely, totally makes me... Try to understand, why is it not understood in this wonderful country of ours? These jobs need to be not only protected, but we need to grow them. So, we... This sequester of carbon…
So, how long do we need gas for as a transition fuel, then?
So, again, you use the word ‘fuel’, OK, and I’m trying to actually...
Yeah, I understand the point you’re making about feedstock, but...
You do?
...ultimately, this is a question that’s been put to you about a commitment to fossil fuels longer-term.
So, remember...
So, I’m just trying to understand what you...what period you see us using gas as a transition for.
The National COVID Commission work we did was for manufacturing, OK? It wasn’t for electricity. It wasn’t for doing the power balance, or any of that. The work we did was totally based on using the carbon for manufacturing. That’s the work we did. OK? I have no skin in the game to keeping natural gas for power, for anything other than a transition. There’s no reason to do that. Because it is an emitter. It’s not as big an emitter as coal, but it certainly is an emitter. So you’ve got to use it as a transition. That’s it. Until batteries become affordable and scalable, until we can actually get more Snowy Hydros. And why you need a gas pipeline is as much to provide that transition for that, but more for industry, which is why I’m trying to bring it back to the feedstock conversation.
Andrew, where are the 850,000 jobs that use gas as feedstock?
Fertilisers, plastics, chemicals, explosives… [my yellow highlighting]
NOTE: An estimated 16,511 persons are employed in the four industries cited by Mr. Liveris. See note below.
And there are 850,000 people working in Australia making plastics?
Yes, yes.
Is that right?
Not plastics – all those industries I just said.
I don’t think that’s true.
No. Yeah.
That is true. I can send you the data.
I think you’ve exaggerated. I honestly think you’re way out of...
...you’re way off the chart.
Malcolm, I use the same people you used for research, as when you were prime minister. So, go talk to the people in Canberra.
OK. Well...
I mean, they’re the same...
I don’t mind you mansplaining me. That’s alright. (CHUCKLES)
I’m not. I’m not, Malcolm.
You are, but it’s alright. It’s OK. It’s OK.
That’s a pretty cheap blow.
It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s alright.
1.Fertiliser Manufacturing in Australia in 2021 employed 3,557 persons.
2.Plastics Manufacturing & Plastic Bottle Manufacturing in Australia in 2020 & 2021 employed a combined total of 8,154 persons.
3.Explosives Manufacturing in Australia in 2020 & 2021 employed 3,527 persons.
4.Basic Organic Chemical* Manufacturing in Australia in 2020 employed 1,273 persons. *The modern term “basic organic chemical” now refers to chemicals derived from both organic and carbon sources such as petroleum & natural gas.
5.Industrial Gas Manufacturing in Australia in 2021 employed 2,005 persons.
the scene: an endless warming sea of hardhats and high-vis and
blokes. Giant trucks. “Working class man” pumping over the PA.
Morrison’s exhausted PR manager presumably celebrating the
stagecraft by jizzing on a desk somewhere or fucking in the
Parliamentary prayer room. Cameras rolling, shutters clicking, the
curated image of “Scomo”, man of the people beamed far and wide,
the media’s stenography for this self-interested sociopath in full
swing." [Coloumnist
witing in The
23 April 2021]
Micalo Island is a low-lying island in the Clarence River estuary, subjected to periodic flooding and tidal inundation. It remains an essential breeding and feeding habitat for a diverse array of important native fish species and other aquatic animals.
The island is within the final 6kms of the Clarence Valley floodplain before it meets the ocean and is surrounded by bodies of water local government mapping designates as “floodways”.
When the Clarence River floods the predicted flood depths in the centre of Micalo Island are likely to be in the vicinity of:
Flood 1 in 5yr 0.83-0.9, 0.9-0.98 metres
Flood 1 in 20yr 1.66-1.77 metres
Flood 1 in 50yr 1.75-1.86, 1.86-1.97 metres
Flood 1 in 100yr 2.09-2.2 metres
Flood Extreme 3.68-3.8 metres.
Like nearby Yamba, the island only has one road connecting it to the wider world, Yamba Road, which is frequently cut by floodwaters during flood events.
This is what Micalo Island looked like from the air in early April 2021, still covered in water even when the lower Clarence River was no longer in flood.
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Micalo Island seen from the south Photograph supplied |
It will come as no surprise to readers who have experienced the collective madness of coastal developers, to discover that this island is seen as having largescale urban development potential.
On 19 April 2021 at the Business Council of Australia Annual Dinner Prime Minister Scott Morrison informed the world that; “We are going to meet our ambitions with the smartest minds, the best technology and the animal spirits of our business community. We need to change our energy mix over the next 30 years on that road to net zero emissions…..It will be achieved by the pioneering entrepreneurialism and innovation of Australia’s industrial workhorses, farmers and scientists.
It will be won in places like the Pilbara, the Hunter, Gladstone, Portland, Whyalla, Bell Bay, the Riverina. In the factories of our regional towns and outer suburbs. In the labs of our best research institutes and scientists. It will be won in our energy sector. In our industrial sector. In our ag sector. In our manufacturing sector. That’s how you get to net zero.
It would appear that his first step on this journey is to make a token investment in ‘clean’ energy by way of $539 million in funding for new projects involving hydrogen product and capture & storage, which will apparently be fuelled by both black and brown coal – thereby increasing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions Australia releases into the atmosphere.
This folly was pointed out by ABC News on 21 April 2021:
Getting hydrogen into a pure, useable form takes a lot of energy and this process can produce a lot of emissions.
And so, that is why experts talk about different types of hydrogen — brown, black, grey, blue and green.
Only "green" hydrogen is produced entirely through renewable power and has zero emissions. The others use electricity made by coal (black or brown) or gas (grey), sometimes with carbon capture and storage (blue).
The Government call its hydrogen plans "clean" — a combination of hydrogen from gas and renewables.
The Climate Council says the term is "misleading" for average Australians.
Its website states: "Proponents of fossil-fuelled hydrogen have used this to describe fossil fuel hydrogen linked to carbon capture and storage, as well as renewably sourced hydrogen."
"Only the variety of hydrogen generated with renewables … belongs in our zero emissions future."….
The government insists real progress is being made on CCS technology.
However, many climate scientists believe, when it comes to fossil-fuel energy production, CCS is not a serious alternative to wind and solar power.
Some, like the Climate Council, see it as an attempt to prolong the use of fossil fuels.
"The Gorgon CCS trial has been a big, expensive failure. It is capturing less than half the emissions needed to make CCS viable," the Climate Council's website states.
"CCS is extremely expensive and cannot deliver zero emissions."
"There are still no successful projects operating anywhere in the world."
While The Guardian on April 2021 published these telling quotes:
Harry Guinness, a former Liberal adviser and chief executive of the centre-right thinktank the Blueprint Institute, said the US was planning to spend about 35 times what Australia allocated in the last federal budget on green stimulus, and the government would need to commit to serious finance if Australia was to make a transition to net zero by 2050 as Scott Morrison has said is his preference…..
“Our friends and allies are going to want to see tangible commitments. They’ve been quite clear about that, it’s no mystery,” Guinness said. “If we are in the game of bringing technologies down the cost curve we need finance and incentives, including pricing carbon. Actions speak louder than words.”
Tony Wood, the Grattan Institute’s energy program director, said there was little detail in what the government had announced on Wednesday, making it hard to assess, but that Australia was spending significantly less on hydrogen than some other countries.
He said Australia was also offering support for hydrogen made with fossil fuels where others were backing “green hydrogen” made with renewable energy only.
“I don’t see any evidence that Australia has developed positions that are leading the world,” he said…..
Announcing the funding on Wednesday, Morrison said hydrogen was “zero emissions gas”.
The Greens said as the government planned to support hydrogen made with fossil fuels as well as renewable energy its commitment was “just more cash for coal and gas”. The party’s leader, Adam Bandt, said it paled next to multibillio-dollar green hydrogen commitments by other countries including South Korea, Germany, Spain, France, Japan and Saudi Arabia.
“This government’s obsession with coal and gas is about to cost Australia as other countries invest heavily in green hydrogen, giving them the edge as future markets open up,” Bandt said. “With all our wind and sunshine, this is Australia’s competitive advantage to seize, but it is being lost.”…..
Richie Merzian, the Australia Institute’s climate and energy program director, said it appeared the government was “once again using climate action to support fossil fuel companies”. He said that under current commitments it was possible by 2030 the US would have halved its emissions and the UK cut its emissions by two-thirds but Australia was sitting on a 26% cut while still subsidising fossil fuels…..
I was talking to a public servant climate policy in his portfolio the other day who said 'at least when we were in enviro (dept) we felt like climate policy might relate vaguely to the environment. Now we're just the department for coal and gas. No ones even pretending anymore '
— Polly Hemming (@pollyjhemming) April 21, 2021
Morrison must think the Australian electorate and every OECD government around the world are so monumentally stupid as to not realise that these announcements (and their lack of detail, fuzzy timelines or no guaranteed funding) are solely for the benefit of US President Joe Biden 's two-day virtual Leaders Summit which began on 22 April 2021, with a weather eye out for the twelve-day UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) to be held in Glasgow during November 2021.
By the time all his half-promises and evasions concerning zero emissions have failed to meet the 2050 target date, Scott Morrison will be 81 years of age and I will be long dead - having lived all my life in a country which only genuinely attempted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for six short years between June 2007 to September 2013.
Hi! My name is Boy. I'm a male bi-coloured tabby cat. Ever since I discovered that Malcolm Turnbull's dogs were allowed to blog, I have been pestering Clarencegirl to allow me a small space on North Coast Voices.
A false flag musing: I have noticed one particular voice on Facebook which is Pollyanna-positive on the subject of the Port of Yamba becoming a designated cruise ship destination. What this gentleman doesn’t disclose is that, as a principal of Middle Star Pty Ltd, he could be thought to have a potential pecuniary interest due to the fact that this corporation (which has had an office in Grafton since 2012) provides consultancy services and tourism business development services.
A religion & local government musing: On 11 October 2017 Clarence Valley Council has the Church of Jesus Christ Development Fund Inc in Sutherland Local Court No. 6 for a small claims hearing. It would appear that there may be a little issue in rendering unto Caesar. On 19 September 2017 an ordained minister of a religion (which was named by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in relation to 40 instances of historical child sexual abuse on the NSW North Coast) read the Opening Prayer at Council’s ordinary monthly meeting. Earlier in the year an ordained minister (from a church network alleged to have supported an overseas orphanage closed because of child abuse claims in 2013) read the Opening Prayer and an ordained minister (belonging to yet another church network accused of ignoring child sexual abuse in the US and racism in South Africa) read the Opening Prayer at yet another ordinary monthly meeting. Nice one councillors - you are covering yourselves with glory!
An investigative musing: Newcastle Herald, 12 August 2017: The state’s corruption watchdog has been asked to investigate the finances of the Awabakal Aboriginal Local Land Council, less than 12 months after the troubled organisation was placed into administration by the state government. The Newcastle Herald understands accounting firm PKF Lawler made the decision to refer the land council to the Independent Commission Against Corruption after discovering a number of irregularities during an audit of its financial statements. The results of the audit were recently presented to a meeting of Awabakal members. Administrator Terry Lawler did not respond when contacted by the Herald and a PKF Lawler spokesperson said it was unable to comment on the matter. Given the intricate web of company relationships that existed with at least one former board member it is not outside the realms of possibility that, if ICAC accepts this referral, then United Land Councils Limited (registered New Zealand) and United First Peoples Syndications Pty Ltd(registered Australia) might be interviewed. North Coast Voices readers will remember that on 15 August 2015 representatives of these two companied gave evidence before NSW Legislative Council General Purpose Standing Committee No. 6 INQUIRY INTO CROWN LAND. This evidence included advocating for a Yamba mega port.
A Nationals musing: Word around the traps is that NSW Nats MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis has been talking up the notion of cruise ships visiting the Clarence River estuary. Fair dinkum! That man can be guaranteed to run with any bad idea put to him. I'm sure one or more cruise ships moored in the main navigation channel on a regular basis for one, two or three days is something other regular river users will really welcome. *pause for appreciation of irony* The draft of the smallest of the smaller cruise vessels is 3 metres and it would only stay safely afloat in that channel. Even the Yamba-Iluka ferry has been known to get momentarily stuck in silt/sand from time to time in Yamba Bay and even a very small cruise ship wouldn't be able to safely enter and exit Iluka Bay. You can bet your bottom dollar operators of cruise lines would soon be calling for dredging at the approach to the river mouth - and you know how well that goes down with the local residents.
A local councils musing: Which Northern Rivers council is on a low-key NSW Office of Local Government watch list courtesy of feet dragging by a past general manager?
A serial pest musing: I'm sure the Clarence Valley was thrilled to find that a well-known fantasist is active once again in the wee small hours of the morning treading a well-worn path of accusations involving police, local business owners and others.
An investigative musing: Which NSW North Coast council is batting to have the longest running code of conduct complaint investigation on record?
A fun fact musing: An estimated 24,000 whales migrated along the NSW coastline in 2016 according to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the migration period is getting longer.
A which bank? musing: Despite a net profit last year of $9,227 million the Commonwealth Bank still insists on paying below Centrelink deeming rates interest on money held in Pensioner Security Accounts. One local wag says he’s waiting for the first bill from the bank charging him for the privilege of keeping his pension dollars at that bank.
A Daily Examiner musing: Just when you thought this newspaper could sink no lower under News Corp management, it continues to give column space to Andrew Bolt.
A thought to ponder musing: In case of bushfire or flood - do you have an emergency evacuation plan for the family pet?
An adoption musing: Every week on the NSW North Coast a number of cats and dogs find themselves without a home. If you want to do your bit and give one bundle of joy a new family, contact Happy Paws on 0419 404 766 or your local council pound.