Sunday 19 February 2012

Misogynists of the World Unite! Then move to Oklahoma USA

This is the Oklahoma Senate in 2012. You will notice that it is predominately Republican and male.

So it should come as no surprise that this Senate has decided to pass bill SB1433. Thereby bringing closer the creation of the Personhood Act which establishes that The laws of this state shall be interpreted and construed to acknowledge on behalf of the unborn child at every stage of development all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state.

This strange bill apparently makes medical abortion or even some forms of contraception a criminal offence. While at the same time, somewhat perversely, it leaves the door open for a woman to quietly neglect her health to such a degree that she spontaneously miscarries.

On the 15 February 2012 it was passed by 34 to 8 votes.

An even stranger amendment seems to have languished without support:

In the spirit of shared responsibility in issues of reproduction, if a woman declares that she is pregnant non-consensually, the sperm donor shall be required to undergo a statutorily mandated vasectomy, shall be fined Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), and shall also be financially responsible for the offspring of such pregnancy until the age of twenty-one (21).

Nats MP ignores local crime stats and tries on a bit of Goorie bashing while pretending that he isn't

The Daily Examiner on 17th February: “EIGHT to 10 juvenile offenders, mostly residing in Ngaru Village, are holding the town of Yamba to ransom on the issue of crime, Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis said yesterday. Mr Gulaptis said police had informed him that the removal of these career criminals from the system would not only scuttle the need for a 24-hour police station in Yamba, but would help stop younger residents being led astray.”
Perhaps this political nong might like to read Uses and abuses of crime statistics which was published by Don Weatherburn in November 2011 and BOCSAR's Clarence Valley LGA excel tables (2.9Mb) which cover crime records from 2006 to 2010 before talking through his rear end.
It was left up to the police to hose down the more outrageous of the crime rate claims and Yaegl elder Veronica Pearce to label the media response for what it is - "highly offensive to the indigenous community", "sensational reporting", "racist" in places and "irresponsible and damaging".
*Thanks to Clarencegirl for the stats links

Saturday 18 February 2012

Community agreement to fight mining in the Dorrigo Plateau and Clarence River catchments

A Clarence Valley Protest
16 February 2012:

Farmers, fishermen and conservation groups agree to fight mining in the Dorrigo Plateau and Clarence River catchments

The Daily Examiner 16 February 2012:

AN UNLIKELY coalition has formed to fight proposals to mine areas on the Dorrigo plateau.
At a meeting in Dundurrabin at the weekend, farmers, fishermen and conservation groups agreed to fight attempts to mine in the high-rainfall Dorrigo catchment.
Coffs Harbour councillor Mark Graham said there was a concerted push for the Dorrigo plateau to be declared off limits to mining.
He said there was a series of proposals for open-cut mining in the Orara, Little Nymboida, Wild Cattle Creek and Bobo areas, which was the most advanced.
"That all feeds into the Clarence, which is the regional water supply, and is the lifeblood of the Clarence Valley," he said.
"The reasons for campaigning for the Dorrigo plateau to be off-limits is for the health of the whole river and all the communities below it.
"The mining industry has said nowhere in the state is off-limits, but if anywhere should be it is the Dorrigo plateau because of its incredibly high rainfall."
Clarence Valley councillor Karen Toms said there should be no-go areas for mining and the Dorrigo plateau was one of those.
"We need to protect our water," she said.

The second half of 2012 is digital changeover time for NSW North Coast television reception

For more information go to

Friday 17 February 2012

'Queen of No' finally gets her comeuppance?

Pic of Abbott’s pet Peta found at The Australian

Only masochists look forward to watching the House of Reps Question Time, when our elected representatives are gathered in Canberra supposedly governing for us all and in front of a camera at the same time.
So I was pleasantly surprised to discover the new Speaker Peter Slipper wasn’t tolerating either interjections, points of order which were out of line or answers which strayed from the questions asked.
It warmed the cockles of my heart to see how many childish pollies were sent to the naughty corner for an hour after interjecting or dissing the Chair.
Especially last Thursday, when Nationals Leader Warren Truss was ejected for interjecting and the Nats threw a collective dummy spit and staged a walk-out.
But later in that same Question Time, my heart fair burst when Speaker Pete finally called to order the unelected paid cheer squad belonging to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and threatened to ban all interjecting advisers – including the chief offender of the moment the Queen of No Peta Credlin - from ever entering the House while it was in session during his speakership.

Hansard on the 16th February:

Mr Albanese: Mr Speaker, on a point of order, is it in order for advisers in the advisers box to interject against the Prime Minister while she is giving an answer to a question?
Opposition members interjecting
Mr Stephen Smith: Mr Speaker—
The SPEAKER: I will hear the Minister for Defence.
Mr Stephen Smith: Mr Speaker, in addition to the point which the Leader of the House has made, in the course—
Opposition members interjecting
The SPEAKER: The member on my left who interjected will remain silent, and the minister will commence his contribution again.
Mr Stephen Smith: In addition to the point which the Leader of the House made, in the course of the Leader of the House's contribution the person from the advisers box was continuing to interject on him.
The SPEAKER: The answer to the question asked of me by the Leader of the House is: clearly, it is grossly disorderly for anyone from the advisers box to interject. I did not actually observe that but I give notice that, if I do, the offending individual will be banned from the advisers box for the duration of my speakership.

Page MP Janelle Saffin hosts local National Disability Insurance Scheme forums in Grafton and Casino, 21 February 2012

Page MP Janelle Saffin has organised two National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) forums to be held in Grafton and Casino next week.

“I have said that I will keep the community informed on the progress of the NDIS and I am delighted that the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Senator Jan McLucas has agreed to come to Page to deliver the forums with me.

“The National Disability Insurance Scheme for Australia is a fundamental reform to how we respond to and provide care and services to people.”

“An NDIS means people with a disability and their carers having a say in how they are supported; it means making sure support reaches those who need it, and it means breaking down barriers to schooling, work and community life.

“I encourage as many organisations; people with disabilities; carers and friends of those with disabilities, to attend either of these important information sessions.”

“I know how important it is for local people that we get on with the job of building the NDIS and the forums will provide an opportunity for local people to stay informed about how the Australian Government is working with the States and Territories to push these reforms through.

“Many key local organisations have been working with me to make sure we had these forums here, including DAISI, and disability service providers Caringa Enterprises and Windara, RED Inc and others, and I thank them for their support,” Ms Saffin said.

The forums will take place next Tuesday 21 February 2012. The Grafton forum is at 10.30 at Caringa Enterprises and the Casino Forum is at 2.30 pm at Windara Communities.

Both venues have full access and if you would like to attend please contact Matt Dunne at Ms. Saffin’s electorate office on 1300 301 735 for further details. Bookings are essential.

[Janelle Saffin MP Media Release, 16 February 2102]

The Daily Examiner editor calls the Federal Opposition on its private health insurance scare campaign

Click on image to enlarge