Saturday, 18 October 2008

Most dastardly quotes of the week + The hoi polloi assess 'Truffles' Turnbull

“Obviously we want to work towards alleviating the pressure on the Australian people,” Mr Joyce told 2GB Radio today. “I do have a concern that if you pay people in lump sums it can end up against the wall, and we don’t want that.“People go to work every day to pay their taxes, and they don’t like seeing it end up in poker machines or plasma TVs.”
Senator Barnaby Joyce, Nationals leader in the Senate, quoted in The Australian last Tuesday on the subject of the December lumpsum payments.

But Senator Joyce said the money could be wasted on Christmas presents..."I'm worried about when big chunks of money turn up in one fell swoop just before Christmas, because a couple of weeks later you see a lot of Australia's $10 billion scattered around the floor with 'Made in China' on the back."
Senator Barnaby Joyce quoted in on the same subject.

Portrait of the dozy dastard from the National Museum of Australia

What can't Malcolm do?

Not only did Malcolm Turnbull think up "all the good ideas" (October 16) that Kevin Rudd has being putting into action lately, he also invented the internet, Microsoft and Google, put unmanned spacecraft on Mars, walked on the moon, cured cervical cancer and won World War II singlehandedly.
Not bad for a bloke who started out in life as the son of poor black sharecroppers born in a cardboard box on the lip of an active volcano outside downtown Vaucluse.

Ross Sharp of Toowong (Qld) in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday

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