Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Vegemite - 86 years strong!

There would hardly be a household on the NSW North Coast that didn't have a jar of Vegemite tucked away in the pantry cupboard. It's probably been that way since 1922.

Mothers use this brewer's yeast spread as a quick filler of hungry kids, uni students and pensioners use it to eke out the skimpy food budget, and if the global credit crisis continues many more people will be relying on it for a meal.

My boofhead dog loves his Vegemite toast crusts at breakfast and Maud up the Street drinks Vegemite 'tea' when she is feeling a bit off-colour.

Many of us also like teasing overseas visitors with their first experience of this spread and delight in the alarmed expressions when they realise that they are expected to actually eat this strange food.

Along with the first lines of Waltzing Matilda, I bet most Aussies can sing the opening to the Happy Little Vegemites jingle.

At least a billion jars of the old 'axle grease' have now been officially sold.
So here's to Vegemite - a source of both nostalgia and necessity.

Old advertisement found at Kraft website.

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