Saturday 8 October 2011

If he can't run a car yard at a profit, how does he expect to help run a state?

Pictured here on the left is Stuart George, one of the NSW Nationals pre-selection candidates hoping to be chosen to contest the Clarence by-election and then go on represent the people of that electorate as a member of the O’Farrell Government.

He was (and still probably is) owner or part-owner of Capital Car Sales in Casino, as he was proud to attest in 2001 and 2005:

However, Stuart and the North Coast Nationals have a problem which may yet cause concern and, it is found on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission website:

ACN    100 385 377
ABN    64 100 385 377
Type Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares
Registration Date 30/04/2002
Next Review Date 30/04/2012
Locality of Registered Office Casino NSW 2470
Jurisdiction Australian Securities & Investments Commission

On 10 November 2011 there was a Creditors' meeting for Voluntary Creditors' Liquidations scheduled.

Now the rumour is that this company owes many tens of thousands of dollars, so perhaps Mr. George might like to explain the part he played in this business difficulty?


SCANDAL has hit the NSW Nationals for the second time in a month with the revelation that a company owned by pre-selection candidate for Clarence Stuart George is in liquidation owing nine creditors more than $250,000.
The $267,620 in debts owed to creditors relate to monies owed by Mr George's former business Capital Car Sales (Casino) Pty Ltd - a figure he disputes.
The debts have the potential to derail his tilt at the seat for Clarence.
Both Mr George and his wife Margaret are listed as directors of the company.
On October 27 last year Mr George acknowledged the debt when he signed off on an Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) statement verifying report as director.
Mr George's creditors include the Australian Taxation Office, North Coast Petroleum, Allianz, Sensis, and his father Member for Lismore Thomas George, to whom he owes the bulk of the debt.
When The Daily Examiner contacted Mr George at a National Party conference at Port Macquarie yesterday he said he had never hidden the fact that his company was in liquidation.....

The rest of The Daily Examiner article by journalist Rodney Stevens here.

Look over there, Look over there! Don't delve deeper! cries Clarence Valley Council

There would be many in the Clarence Valley laughing cynically at the initial Clarence Valley Shire Council response to finding that the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) had it on the list of councils being investigated during Operation Jarek.

Coyly admitting to one recent $50 gift voucher and studiously avoiding making eye contact with the senior management elephant in the room.

All those alleged failures to disclose a non-pecuniary/
pecuniary interest, undocumented meetings with developers, boozy free lunches, favours done and cost over runs.

Tweed Heads Says NO To Coal Seam Gas, Sunday 16 October 2011

Friday 7 October 2011

Westboro weirdness

Westboro Baptist Church in the United States of America has long been known for its strange view of the world - as evidenced by its GodHatesFags website.

Here is the latest example:
According to Wikipedia; Phelps and his family picket approximately six locations every day, including many in Topeka and some events farther afield. On Sundays, up to 15 churches may receive pickets. By their own count, WBC has conducted over 30,000 pickets, in all 50 states, in over 500 cities and towns.

'Opera With The Cows' at Cowper, Saturday 22 October 2011 at 7.30pm

Opera With The Cows

Cowper Public School
Old Pacific Highway
Cowper NSW

7.30pm Saturday 22 October

Bring your own chairs. Food and drink available to purchase.

Adults $20

Premium Tickets
Chairs supplied in premium position
Champagne supper with the artists after the event

Free Tickets
Children under 15 years

Melissa Philp
0418 458 293
melphilp at

The Clarence Valley Welcomes You

Promotional photograph from Flickr

Political Quote of the Week

Federal Labor MP for Page Janelle Saffin on the subject of former Oz rocker Angry Anderson’s
political ambitions:

"Come election time in 2013 I am ready to run, even against Elvis if the National Party pre-select him,"

Thursday 6 October 2011

Coming soon - 'Getting the drift: a community guide to pesticides sprayed in the NSW Northern Rivers' (REVISED SECOND EDITION)

NSW Environmental Defender’s Office:
Want to know which pesticides could be sprayed near where you live, and what you can do about it? If you live in the NSW Northern Rivers, this booklet will help you find out. New, expanded edition published in September 2011 includes updated data, more crops, more case studies and a new section called ‘What are my rights?'
Free copies will soon be available for download from

Rumour Mills: an interesting exchange

Well, this has to be a first. Rather wishy-washy allegations of Abbott The Pants Man…….
On an open thread over at Café Whispers on the 24th September 2011:

There’s a rumour going around that Abbott’s been kicked out of home after being caught having an affair with the daughter of a financial backer. Still only a rumour.
Rumours are always nasty, there are plenty around. The trouble for Abbott is his continual comparison of himself as a “family man” and the jump therefore superior to the PM. Earlier this year there was the “bar maid ” in WA, quickly closed down.

El gordo, so far the Abbott thing is just a bit of hot juicy gossip and I haven’t seen anything factual come to light as yet. I’ve had a look on some of the anti-Abbott sites and can’t find any mention.
Catching up
“That’s surprising, I didn’t think that Tony Abbott was in love with anything but his own image.”
Min, does the man have to be in love?
What Tony wants, Tony takes.
PS How would anyone know if he has been ejected from home, he is never there to make a comparison with.
Maybe that is why he is always on the road, promoting his “no” case. He has not a home to go to.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Water Wars: Not good enough, Richie!

“DANGEROUSLY high levels of arsenic and antimony in Mine Creek, which feeds into Wild Cattle Creek, has ignited debate about antimony mining in an area which leads into the water supply of the Clarence and Coffs Harbour regions.
Wild Cattle Creek is one of the major tributaries of the Nymboida River which leads into the Clarence and also supplies water to Shannon Creek Dam.
A map commissioned by Anchor Resources, the company which is licenced to explore, but not mine the site at Beilsdown, shows Mine Creek at one point had 377 ug/litre (parts per billion) of antimony which is 126 times the Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council's (ANZECC) guidelines for drinking water.
Arsenic levels at the same spot were 85 ug/litre - more than 12 times the ANZECC drinking water guidelines.
The map is dated September 19, 2011.” {The Daily Examiner on 5th October 2011 in Significant threat to waterways}

This is a section of the map published alongside the quoted article (hat tip to Clarencegirl's friends):

Even I can work out that if past antimony and gold mining in parts of the Clarence River catchment have resulted in persistent pollution which is likely to remain for centuries, then it’s not a brilliant idea to sit back and let the O’Farrell Government in faraway Sydney agree to new mining in the area which can possibly stuff up Clarence waterways and increase health risks faced by local communities and the businesses which keep them afloat.
But lord luvva duck! Sometimes you have to wonder what happens to some men’s spines after they catch a glimpse of a golden chance – the right to strut down Macquarie Street and plant their behinds on the government pews in Parliament House alongside Bazza and his mates.
Faced with evidence from a report commissioned by the Chinese-owned mining exploration company, Anchor Resources, Clarence Valley Mayor and Nationals pre-selection candidate, Richie Williamson, had this to say in The Daily Examiner on 5th October 2011; Should the mine progress, council will not be taking a back seat on the issue".  
Gone is any hint of outright opposition – or heaven forfend, a proactive approach - to this latest threat to the quality and safety of fresh water flowing down the Nymboida River and on into the kitchen taps of Clarence Valley and Coffs Harbour homes. Instead there is p*ss weak acceptance that what China wants China gets.
Seems the boys from Anchor really did a number on Richie at that last meeting with council.

The Australian gets caught out kicking at The Greens

No incentive for jobseekers to get off disability pension opined journalist Patricia Karvelas in The Australian  on 9 March 2011 with this opening shot at The Greens:

NEW social security rates reveal that the "payment gap" between disability pensions and the dole has risen dramatically to $127.20 a week, as welfare groups vow to ramp up the issue -- with Greens support -- ahead of the May budget.
They argue there is no incentive for people to get off the more lucrative pensions and into work……

This was the outcome of the inevitable complaint to the Press Council of Australia:

Document Type:
23 Sep 2011
The Australian Press Council has considered a complaint by Naomi Anderson about a report in The Australian on 9 March 2011 concerning the difference in payment rates between the Disability Support Pension (DSP) and the Newstart Allowance.
The headline of the article was No incentive for jobseekers to get off disability and, after mentioning welfare groups and Greens, the second paragraph read: "They argue there is no incentive for people to get off the more lucrative [DSP] and into work". Later paragraphs quoted a named representative from the National Welfare Rights Network and another one from the Greens. No other person was quoted or mentioned.
Ms Anderson complained that the article was inaccurate because the representatives did not say that there was no incentive to get off DSP or that DSP is "more lucrative" than Newstart. She said this inaccuracy was unfair to the representatives and to people receiving DSP. She also complained that the headline presented a matter of opinion as if it was a fact.
The newspaper said the second paragraph accurately and fairly summarised the quoted comments. It said that the headline was a fair summary of the opinions expressed in the article, not a purported statement of fact.
The Council has concluded that the second paragraph inaccurately described the quoted comments in the article because those comments did not assert that there was no incentive to get off DSP or that either the DSP or Newstart could be described as in any way "lucrative". Those misstatements were unfair to the quoted people and to people receiving DSP. Accordingly, this aspect of the complaint is upheld.
The Council has concluded that the headline presented as a matter of fact an assertion which is actually a matter of opinion. Accordingly, this aspect of the complaint was also upheld.
 Well done, Naomi.

Southern Ocean Sky 2011

Tuesday 4 October 2011

It has to be a joke, Joyce

You’d think I would be used to the idiocy coming out of the Nats camp and the Coalition Gazette, but this takes the blue ribbon:
Angry Anderson representing Page? Fair dinkum – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
The eejit says he's "been reading the science" and doesn't believe it. He knows global warming doesn't exist because scientific opinions are "polluted by a wage", carbon dioxide is a natural harmless element, pollution is not new -its been around since the industrial revolution, it's all a U.N. conspiracy and he didn't design power generators so "it's not our fault".
Pic from Google Images

Water Administration Ministerial Corporation has to pay own costs after judgment in its favour

From the NSW Environmental Defender’s Office - a case of poetic justice as the the WAMC is left holding the legal bill:

With assistance from the EDO , the Snowy River Alliance (SRA) recently challenged the validity of the Snowy Hydro water access licence in the Supreme Court. The challenge was unsuccessful. The general rule is that the unsuccessful party must pay the successful party's legal costs. However, the Court can make an exception in public interest litigation so that persons seeking to represent the public interest are not deterred by the prospect of paying the other party's costs. But this exception only applies when the litigation is genuine public interest litigation, and where there is ‘something more' that justifies a departure from the general rule. In this case, Justice Hislop held that the proceedings could be characterised as public interest litigation because there is a wide public interest in the protection of the Snowy River , and because the plaintiffs were not pursuing any personal gains. There was also ‘something more' in these proceedings because they dealt with issues that were novel and important. Therefore, the Court ordered that the SRA did not need to bear the defendant's costs.
For more information, please click .

Judgment[PDF 3.08 MB]

Reading the tea leaves......

Between late March and early September 2004 the Australian Remuneration Tribunal had all but finished topping up parliamentary remunerations for that particular year. By mid-September the country was weighing up those candidates who were standing for the 9th October 2004 federal election.
In October 2007 the Tribunal again increased Federal MPs’ wage and allowance packages and - in what could only be the wildest coincidence-  by the start of November that year a federal election campaign was in full swing.
In May 2010 federal pollies were granted a healthy pay rise to take effect just in time for the August 2010 federal election campaign to kick off in earnest.
In June 2011 those same pollies’ pay packets grew fatter yet again with a base salary of $140,910, and now we find that an MP’s wallet will probably grow positively obese sometime during the first quarter of next year.
Which makes me wonder if we will see a general election called in early August 2013.
Because if meeja speculation on the size of the 2012 pay jump is close to the mark then there is unlikely to be a further major pay rise in the following year - so going to the polls at the earliest opportunity will not be seen by Government MPs as the chance of a pay increase missed.

Monday 3 October 2011

Clarence By-election: Nat's preselection candidate Williamson rapidly losing fans

Today's episode in the Nats' pre-selection skirmish in Clarence has been given a bit more heat, thanks to a contributor's letter to the editor of The Daily Examiner.

Be warned

Unsurprisingly, the Valley's serial claim jumper has put his name up for National Party pre-selection for the seat of Clarence.
I was more than a little surprised when I first heard of his move for the following reason.
Shortly before the March election, Mr Williamson phoned me, and the main purpose of his call seemed to be to win me over to his and his supporting team's belief that the next New South Wales government could very well be controlled by a party of independents that included himself. He assured me that he was a dedicated independent who could never be tied to a particular party's dogma. He also divulged that contact had been established with other candidates statewide and that there was growing confidence that they could pull it off. They were never going to, of course.
Anyway, be warned. There's now a cuckoo flying around looking for a spare nest. Let it settle at your peril.
Thomas Macindoe, Yamba

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 3/10/11

Is NSW Nationals Clarence pre-selection candidate Chris Gulaptis compromised by his employment history?

As NSW Nationals in the North Coast seat of Clarence prepare to pick their candidate at the forthcoming by-election caused by the sudden resignation of disgraced Nationals MP, Steve Cansdell, one has to wonder about the agenda of many.

Take former land developer, sometime mayor of Maclean Shire and one time councillor on Clarence Valley Shire Council, Chris Gulaptis, whose disastrous tilt at the federal seat of Page in 2007 saw him retreat first overseas and then north of the border to become a senior operations manager for Brazier Motti Pty Ltd in Mackay, Queensland.

A position he used to enthusiastically support the mining industry:

So far Mr. Gulaptis has been silent as to his recent employment history, including whether he is still employed or under contract to this company which has at least one mining corporation on its client list.

However, the subject is one he cannot ignore given the interest being displayed by interstate and multinational mining corporations in the prospect of coal seam gas, antimony, gold and copper mining right across the Clarence electorate and beyond.

He needs to tell North Coast Nationals and the electorate whether he intends to further mining industry interests should he ever be elected to the NSW Parliament and O’Farrell Coalition Government.

Chris Gulaptis is not the only pre-selection candidate who needs to state their current position on mining.

On 13 September 2011 Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson was due to attend a presentation by Anchor Resources on its plan to establish an antimony mine in the environmentally sensitive Nymboida River high country which provides both Clarence Valley and Coffs Habour local government areas with urban drinking water.

In June 2011 Mayor Williamson did
initially express concern about the proposed antimony mine, backpedalled a bit thereafter and since then has been remarkably quiet about the issue.

While in 2009-10 Richmond Shire councillor Stuart George threw his support behind coal seam gas mining on the NSW North Coast and Metgasco's plans for a power station in the Richmond Valley and gas pipeline into Queensland and, in 2011 was attempting to block a transparent flow of information to agencies managing urban water supplies which might be affected by contentious mining methods.

New ICAC investigation begins this week with a focus on state and local councils - including Ballina and Byron shire councils

ICAC public notice Wednesday 28 September 2011:

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is conducting an investigation into allegations that employees of 110 state and local council authorities including Lithgow City, Ballina Shire, Orange City, Walgett Shire, City of Sydney, Waverley, Burwood, Botany Bay, Liverpool City, Bathurst Regional, Broken Hill City, Byron Shire and Narrandera Shire councils, and the Roads and Traffic Authority, accepted benefits including gift cards and other items from companies including Hilindi Pty Ltd trading as R&R Tape Supplies, Momar Australia Pty Ltd and NCH Australia Pty Ltd in return for placing orders and continuing business relationships with these companies.
The Commission is also investigating allegations that Geoffrey Hadley, former Senior Council Storeman at Bathurst Regional Council and Kerry Smith, former Storeman at Yass Valley Council, facilitated payment of fraudulent invoices generated by Robin Newman and others totalling up to $1.5 million.
As part of its investigation, the ICAC will hold a public inquiry starting at 10:00 am on Tuesday, 4 October 2011, at L21, 133 Castlereagh St., Sydney.
Persons claiming to be substantially and directly interested in this matter may seek leave to be represented at the inquiry, and are invited to contact Cassie Lee on (02) 8281-5999 to advise of their interest.
Members of the public with information relevant to the investigation are encouraged to provide it in writing at GPO Box 500, Sydney, NSW 2001, or by facsimile (02) 9264-5364. The ICAC will treat all information confidentially and has legislative powers to protect people who provide information to the Commission.
Roy Waldon
Solicitor to the Commission

** Vale Dr. Ruby Langford Ginibi 1934-2011 **

The valiant heart Ruby Langford Ginibi,
 proud Bunjalung woman,
elder, storyteller, author, historian and activist,
passed away 1st October 2011.
She will be sadly missed.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Stating the obvious about Abbott

Sea Shepherd response to media reports that Japan will again hunt whales in the Southern Ocean

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society response to reports that the Government of Japan intends to continue to support and subsidize the systematic slaughter of whales in Antarctic waters:

This will be the season that defines the future for the whales of the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Japan’s Asahi News has confirmed that the Japanese whaling fleet will return to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.
It makes little political or economic sense for the Japanese fleet to return to the coast of Antarctica, but their motivation has now shifted from hunting whales to refusing to surrender to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
The Japanese government has said that it is not in the national interest of Japan to give in to pressure from Sea Shepherd. To this end, the Japanese government has allocated 27 million Australian dollars to enhance security for the Japanese whaling fleet. Already some 200 million dollars in debt, the whaling fleet continues to be an economic burden on the Japanese people.
“It is an insult to all the anti-whaling nations that so generously contributed to the relief of the tsunami and earthquake victims,” said Captain Paul Watson. “They have accepted foreign aid to help the victims of that tragedy, and are now shifting funds to perpetuate this illegal and obscene massacre of defenseless whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. It now seems they are simply obsessed with killing whales not for need, and not for profit, but because they believe they have the right to do what they wish and kill whatever they wish in an established international whale sanctuary, just for the sake of defending their misplaced “honor.” It’s a disgrace and a smack in the face to everyone who stepped forward to help in their time of need.”
Sea Shepherd will return to the remote waters for their 8th Antarctic Whale Defense Campaign with a stronger anti-whaling fleet in early December 2011 to protect the great whales.
“They will have to kill us to prevent us from intervening once again,” said Captain Watson. “Are the Japanese people ready to take human lives in defense of this horrifically cruel and illegal slaughter of endangered and protected species of whales? Do we have to die to appease Japanese honor? If so, my answer to the Japanese government is “hoka hey” (Lakota for ‘it’s a good day to die’), and we will undertake whatever risks to our lives will be required to stop this invasion of arrogant greed into what is an established sanctuary for the whales.”
Operation Divine Wind will send over 100 volunteers to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary to defend the whales.
“If we don’t stop them, who will?” said Peter Hammarstedt of Sweden, First Officer on the Bob Barker. “We intend to stop them and we will stop them – that’s a promise.”
Operation Divine Wind will be the eighth year that Sea Shepherd has sent ships to the coast of Antarctica to frustrate the profits of the Japanese whaling fleet. Each year Sea Shepherd has gotten stronger and more effective, saving over 800 whales during last year’s Operation No Compromise.

Photographs of white humpback whale calf
along Australia's east coast
in September 2011

Saturday 1 October 2011

Cansdellgate: disgraced former MP looked after #1

The Daily Examiner's letters columns continues to provide an outlet for contributors to have their say about scandal-ridden Steve Cansdell's sudden resignation as the Member for Clarence.

'Tis true
One can fall on one's sword for honour. One can also do it for $80,000 per year.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can do it for both reasons simultaneously.

D I Gilks, South Grafton

Some salient issues

Supporters of Mr Cansdell seem to overlook some salient issues.

Firstly, Mr Cansdell chose to represent the interests of Clarence constituents. Secondly, he has been generously rewarded for doing so with a substantial salary and perks of office including a taxpayer-funded study tour of which the benefits to this community remain obscure.

Mr Cansdell did the job for which he was paid and what was expected of him, as do thousands of public servants who also work for their community and whose efforts are not advertised.

In addition, I note that Colin Wiblen asks that correspondents "stick to the facts and comments without the name-calling" (DEX 21/9/11). Mr. Wiblen, perhaps you should practise what you preach. In the same letter you describe another contributor as "a worn out Labor sympathiser".

Mr Wiblen has failed his own test, and soiled his own nest.

Al Glenn, Maclean

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 1/10/11

Naive voter writes Facebook defence of Cansdell

Charmaine Patricia Watters on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 9:32am
this is the letter I emailed to our local & all the major papers re their articles on Mr Steve Cansdell. They porbably won't print it because I wrote in support or they will edit & crop it so my letter won't make any sense.

Dear Editor,
After reading the articles in The Daily Examiner, Saturday, 17/9/2011 and The Daily Telegraph, Saturday, 17/09/2011; I feel compelled to write to express a few opinions.
In The Daily Telegraph it says, "When Mr Cansdell went to Mr Stoner on Thursday, he told him rumours were circulating in his electorate which local media were chasing. He then admitted the rumours were true."
If this is true; shame on those local media who were chasing said rumours, there are much bigger issues to address and bigger stories to chase without trying to smirch the image of and bring down a truly hardworking, genuine, decent man and community representative and leader like Mr Steve Cansdell. If it is true, what were those local media thinking when they sought to take the scalp of such a fantastic Member of Parliament and the person most of the Clarence Valley overwhelming chose at the last State election? Tall Poppy Syndrome? This is poor form, why was it that these local media, who aren't identified by The Daily Telegraph, needed to break this story so badly that they just had to devastate Mr Cansdell, his family, staff and supporters like me and numerous others?
As for the National Party and Mr Stoner; do you not realise most of us in the Clarence Valley voted for Mr Steve Cansdell, the man, and not the National Party as such because we knew he had a heart as big as our Clarence Valley and that he was the best person to represent our Clarence Electorate? Whoever the Nationals choose to put up as their candidate in the by-election they will never be as dedicated, brilliant, compassionate, caring, hardworking and have as much integrity as Mr Steve Cansdell. I am praying for Mr Steve Cansdell to nominate as an Independent and if he chooses not to I will understand and >support his decision too. I was stopped for many conversations down the street in Grafton this morning re this issue and people said "we voted Steve in and we want Steve to stay as our brilliant Member for Clarence.
So many people I spoke to said they could understand Steve's decision to step down as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Police but to totally step down shows exactly the great integrity this totally decent man has. In The Daily Examiner's page one article Steve says "It was the toughest decision I have ever made" and "I don't think it would have been honourable to ride it out", shows his absolute integrity. When he says "Sometimes you just have to fall on your sword" Did he fall or did the National Party push him? If pushed by the Nationals; as they say in parliamentary debate, SHAME, SHAME.
As for The Daily Telegraph saying "by resigning before any charge is laid, Mr Cansdell ensures he is entitled to a parliamentary pension of more than $80,000 a year"; in my humble opinion he deserves every dollar of that pension for all the faithful, dedicated, selfless service he has so willingly provided over the last several years to everyone he has helped and compassionately cared for and all the money he has paid out of his own pocket to ensure local children got the academic and sporting chances they were chosen for but their parents could not afford and for all the operations and health services he either paid for or asked specialists to perform pro bono and for all the trials he has faced and now must endure. He was the battlers champion and their voice in the Clarence Valley because he knew what it was like to be a battler and to come from the school of hard knocks, that's why he is so well loved by most of the people in the Clarence Valley.
Where Mr Cansdell says in The Daily Examiner articles he loved his job and loves his community he served; I on behalf of most of the community of the Clarence Valley and all the people he helped without asking for anything in return, just want to let you know Steve, we love you, support you and that you should hold your head up high; you have not let us down.
Everyone has made errors of judgement and you have paid a severe price for a small lapse, a price that is not comparable to such a minor sin. To all those who judge Mr Steve Cansdell harshly, I believe it says in the Bible "he who is without sin, cast the first stone" and to "err is human, to forgive is divine". All people of the Clarence Valley and Australia think of your lapses in judgement that have never seen the light of day because you are not a public figure and be divine and forgive his indiscretion which the legal profession see as serious but maybe us lesser mortals see as an act of desperation brought on by the fear of losing a much needed driving licence to do the job properly he loves for a community he adores because of an accumulation points for mitigating mistakes.
Atticus Finch says in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee and I to truly understand someone and their choices you have a walk around in their shoes.
Charmaine P. Watters
Grafton, NSW

State Electorate of the Clarence

Charmaine also believes in urban myths:

useless but fascinating information learnt today; SHIT stands for 'stow high in transit' on manure cargo carried by sailing ship in older times; it was dried then transported in the hold where it would get wet, methane would build up as sea water & dried manure mixed. Sailor with latern sent to check hold stores & BOOM! So printed on bags of manure was SHIT, as a warning. 

However, she obviously doesn't believe that breaking the law is more than a trifling matter or in this:

We'll all be rooned because Julia isn't hitched!

This article from The Daily Examiner sets the scene last Thursday. No wonder it was invited guests only the night before…….
“About 260 invited guests gathered at C.ex Coffs to hear a brief exposition on the faults and follies of the present Federal Labor Government before raising their own concerns.
These ranged from the unwed state of Prime Minister Julia Gillard, setting a dire example to young people by living with a man without marrying him; to the evils of people swearing allegiance to a German woman sitting on the English throne.
One man was worried about the legality of the $5 note, because the Queen's name was missing and the Commonwealth did not get a mention.
Mr Abbott said he would be happy to take all the questionable currency off his hands.
Thankfully, less-arcane topics were also canvassed by the predominantly older crowd, including help for manufacturing industries and farming (Mr Abbott supports labelling and strengthening regulations); the future of tourism in a high Australian dollar environment (the high dollar has more room to run); security of land tenure for farmers (mining companies need to get nicer); gambling pre-commitment and the upgrading of the Pacific Highway around Coffs Harbour…..
Invitations to the event, billed as a community forum, were sent to people in Cowper MP Luke Hartsuyker's database as well as to groups such as chambers of commerce.”

Friday 30 September 2011

Terra Burning September 2011

From the Rapid Response system, now part of NASA’s Land Atmosphere Near Real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE). Rapid Response provides daily MODIS images in near real time presented by geographic regions (“subsets”) or orbit overpass time  (“realtime”).

Some regions in Africa have been experiencing widespread fires since April 2011.

Detail of Australian grass fire in the Northern Territory
as seen from outer space

Mining at what price? asks The Daily Examiner Editor

A Clarence Valley Protest on 28  September 2011:

Mining at what price?

The Daily Examiner Editor, David Bancroft, on 28 September 2011:

IT'S going to take a lot more than the 60 jobs the Member for Cowper Luke Hartsuyker tips would come to the region from mining in the headwaters of the Nymboida River to convince people it is a risk worth taking.
While states like Western Australia and Queensland are riding high on the economic benefits mining has brought there, it is tempting for other governments - at all levels and of all persuasions - to want to cash in on the act.
But before we open our doors to the miners we need to be fully aware of what we are potentially letting ourselves in for.
The 60 jobs are unlikely to be based in the Clarence. They are more likely where the mining is occurring in the Dorrigo area and will probably be serviced from Coffs Harbour or the metropolitan areas.
So the economic and employment benefits to the Clarence are likely to be incidental at best.
And they are not likely to last long.
These positions are finite and might last only a couple of years - perhaps less.
Then there are the risks.
Gold and antimony mining both have serious environmental risks and, if there was to be a spill it would be the industries of the Clarence that would be hit the hardest.
In short, the scenario seems to be there are likely to be few benefits but plenty of risks for the Clarence.
By all means we should explore anything that will provide employment, but we should not do that with our eyes closed to the possible dangers that might present.

Now before everyone grows all shouty about Eastock v Andrew Bolt & The Herald and Weekly Times Pty Ltd

It wasn’t because of the subject Teh Bolta broached that he fell afoul of the law – it was the inaccurate, misleading, sarcastic, mocking, insulting, offensive, provocative, inflammatory and bad faith way he wrote about it:

30. Finally, in dealing with the formulation of the orders to be made by the Court, I have observed that it is important that nothing in the orders I make should suggest that it is unlawful for a publication to deal with racial identification, including by challenging the genuineness of the identification of a group of people. I have not found Mr Bolt and the Herald & Weekly Times to have contravened section 18C, simply because the newspaper articles dealt with subject matter of that kind. I have found a contravention of the Racial Discrimination Act because of the manner in which that subject matter was dealt with.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Cansdellgate - Nats' 'king maker' on the carpet

A correspondent to The Daily Examiner has asked questions of the chairman of the Grafton branch of The National Party.

Bring 'king-maker'to confession
Peter James was a close confidante and advisor to the recently resigned MP Steve Cansdell.
I believe that Mr James should inform the public as to when he became aware of the falsification of the infamous statutory declaration and what role he played in advising Mr Cansdell or otherwise in relation to the matter, either before or after the event.
The public has a right to know these things because as the local National Party's "king-maker" Mr James exercises considerable influence in selecting the party's candidate for whom he will ask us to vote at the imminent by-election.
Mr James himself must be beyond reproach.

Arthur (John) Kelemec, Halfway Creek

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 29/9/11

Clarence By-election 2011: Susie2 luvs Chris07

It’s not hard to believe that Susie2 from Maclean on the NSW North Coast likes to write online comments favouring conservative politicians, Coalition policies and rampant coastal development.

What was somewhat of a surprise was to find that she obviously loves the thought of a resurgent Chris07. Even marked hair loss doesn’t dim her somewhat error-ridden enthusiasm.

This is Susie2 in The Daily Examiner on 23 September 2011:

By Susie2 from Maclean on 23/9/2011 at 5:38PM
This is the most fanatastic news. Tell the rest to give up now.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 23/9/2011 at 9:43PM
There were a lot of people who missed out in the Kevin 07 phenomenon and look where that got us.
Mr Galaptis is a very respected former Mayor of Maclean Shire, Past President of the P and C, and businessman, with a very respected family. He is a resident of Maclean and has always been, but has had to travel interstate to work in his field.
Lets stick to the facts people.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 24/9/2011 at 9:54AM
….No. He left for work purposes and he has maintained his affiliation with the Nationals all that time.
Dont berate him because he does take the opportunity to finally work from home after all these years.
If he did what you say he did (leaving with his tail between his legs) he would have sold his house and moved years ago.
Mr Gulaptis was voted in as a Maclean Shire Councillor with one of the biggest first prefence selections ever done. Somebody must think he is respected.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 24/9/2011 at 7:20PM
….Totally agree LynF3997. Chris did not leave town as suggested, but has maintained his links with Maclean as the family home is there: he just left for work. As Councillor of Maclean Shire he won by"a country mile" when taking out the biggest first preference vote which had been secured for many years.
Mr Guaptis is a person of integrity and by far the best candidate. I wish him well.

By Susie2 from Maclean on 25/9/2011 at 4:45PM
….Oh please be wasn't his fault the Electoral Commision redrew the boundaries excluding Maclean when the town had always been part of Page.
And as he had a high profile in the area every party chased him, not the other way around.
Beating Hearts