Saturday, 17 July 2010

2010 Election Campaign Day 1: And they're off!

If ABC News is correct Oz Prime Minister Julia Gillard is presently in the car on her way to meet with the Governor-General and once she exits Yarralumla the 'official' campaign period of the 2010 federal election will be underway, with formal writs to be issued later.
Media conference at noon today.
Keep up with the tweeted news at #ausvotes, #aus2010 and ABC News.
ABC election news site Australia Votes now live.
Media speculating on the motives of the two protestors outside Yarralumba as I write in this pic below - Rudd supporters or Lib subversives?

Here's the AEC guide Federal Election Timetable.
Here's a wise word from Gillard last night on Twitter:
JuliaGillard Don’t miss out on your chance to have a say in our future. Go to JG via web

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