A man appeared in Maclean local court last week seeking an annulment of his conviction for not holding a valid fishing licence.
Earlier this year the man was convicted in absentia and required to pay a fine and professional costs totalling approximately $4000.
Last week the man told the court that he did not attend the court on the day of his conviction because he suffered an illness that caused him confusion about the date on which he was due to appear and answer the charge of fishing without a licence.
The State, represented by a local solicitor, told the court it was opposed to the granting of an annulment.
The court refused the man's application for the annulment and to make matters worse for the man the State sought a further $880 in professional costs for its appearance before the court.
The magistrate was seen to shake his head with what seemed to be disbelief as he announced his decision to refuse the annulment and award costs to the State. The magistrate's hands were tied - he was in no position to deny the State its claim against the annulment.
The matter lasted all of about 5 to 10 minutes and resulted in the fishing licence eventually costing the man about $5000.
So, how much is a recreational fishing licence in NSW?
The NSW recreational fishing fee is:
3 Days $ 6.00
1 Month $12.00
1 Year $30.00
3 Years $75.00
For details about persons who are exempt from paying for a licence in NSW read this.
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