Thursday 5 July 2012

Andrew Bolt accuses legitimate companies of not existing and other howlers

In his weekly newsletter Liberal Party Senator Cory Bernardi very foolishly linked to this Andrew Bolt nonsense:

Below are some interesting examples of the 200 businesses listed on supporting a Carbon Tax:
• Furless (online shop specialising in Vegan makeup brushes and not much else) (there website is ambiguous but possibly a fish and chip shop or an sustainability consultancy that sells fish and chips )
Marie-Pierre Cleret (not so much a company as a Physiotherapist in Erskinville )
• Organia Revolutuion (store selling “Elephant dung journals & writing paper in Murwillumbah)
• “I ran the wrong way” (possibly a gift shop )
• Byron Bay International Film Festival
• Unfolding Futures (possibly a husband and wife team of motivational speakers )
• WordCraft Global (some type of consultancy which teaches you how to write documents
• Shaunie P Music
• Telstra Shop Balina (note Telstra Australia haven’t signed up – just the Balina shop)
• The Dentist at 70 Pitt Street
• The Family Wellness Centre
• Young District Anglican Ministry
Cellian (don’t appear to exist based on an online search)
• Damask Perfumery (shop in Woolloongabba)
tripple0gear (don’t appear to actually exit)
Jason Corporation (appears to be a house in Neutral Bay
{all that red ink belonga me}

As usual Teh Bolta tries to pull the wool over our eyes.
Cellian Pty Ltd does exist and has done so for the last 9 years as a consulting firm. It can be found by searching online.
Despite Bolta misspelling its name Tripleogear also exists as a business which sells emergency and adventure equipment online and has its own social media presence on Twitter as triple0gear.
Jason Corporation Pty Ltd is not a house but a 12 year-old construction management company apparently owned by John Vigours.
Marie-Pierre Cleret Pty Ltd is another 12 year-old company run by a psychotherapist not a physiotherapist.
While is not a chippy but a seafood restaurant in Rozelle, which has a website set up by the owners.
As he wasn't batting all that well I didn’t bother to look up the rest on his little list – feel free to hunt for yourselves.
And yes, I took a screenshot of Bolta's pork pies.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Grafton Gaol: Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis told to stand up or stand aside


National Carbon Price: how does Tony Abbott explain this?

While over at the Australia Institute it was being pointed out that the the three-year set carbon price was one of the smaller 'taxes' being collected by government.

How low can one pollie go?

Has that £10 Pom Tony Abbott descended so far into the abyss that he's becomes the ultimate heartless b@stard:
You can take the lad out of England but you can’t take the bluddy cruel perversity out of a politician weaned on British-style right wing politics.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Clarence Valley calls on local MP, Chris Gulaptis, to stand up for Grafton

  • The O'Farrell Government is going to cut 103 jobs, including 11 nursing positions from Grafton Gaol.
  • The Clarence Valley Community is calling for local MP, Chris Gulaptis, to stop the cuts or stand aside and let someone else be a true representative of the community.
  • A Community rally will be held in Grafton on Thursday at 12.15pm at Memorial Park, near the rowing sheds.
When Chris Gulaptis was elected he said the gaol was safe, and he promised that he’d never let us down.

Northern Star reporter told, "Report the news, don't make the news"

A Northern Star reader, David Robinson of Alstonville, has provided the Star's journo Rodney Stevens with some cautionary advice.

In an sms to the Star, Robinson wrote: Re murder suspect had been Australian soldier: Seriously Rodney, calling the accused's mobile phone? What did you leave on the voicemail? Offer of an exclusive interview? Let's leave this to the police. We don't want another News of the World paper.

Previously, Stevens wrote, "The Northern Star obtained Stenberg's mobile phone number yesterday but the call went to voicemail." Read it in the Star here.

James Ashby apparently desires that the Commonwealth and Slipper defend all allegations before he supplies evidence of these same allegations to the Federal Court


In the matter of Ashby v Commonwealth of Australia:

Click on image to enlarge

Hogan's off to a hellava start


This was Kevin Hogan (the Nats candidate for Page at the next federal election) in The Daily Examiner on 2nd July 2012:
“We are seeing business really struggling in our communities at present causing job insecurity. I believe there is disappointment on many fronts with this current Labor Government.
Yup, that’s the second-time round campaigner we have all come to know.
Blame the Gillard Government for job insecurity, when the day before his state compatriot Nats MP Chris Gulaptis had been busy trying to excuse the NSW Coalition Government's axing of 100 jobs in Page.

*Pic from The Northern Star

Monday 2 July 2012

On how not to win friends and influence people as a first-term MP

In The Daily Examiner on 30thth June 2012:
“Yesterday the Department of Corrective Services announced a savage restructure of the Grafton Jail which would strip all but 60 beds from the 240-bed facility…..
However, Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis has defended the decision and blamed the previous Labor Government for allowing the jail to reach such a low point.
Mr Gulaptis yesterday described the jail as a time bomb waiting to go off, harbouring a culture of bullying and harassment among staff and inmates.
He claimed a confidential report into the prison said there were 11 staff who should have been disciplined for bullying and harassing inmates and other staff.”

The Daily Examiner letter to the editor 2nd July 2012:
Gulaptis lost plot
GEE, having a National Party MP in our electorate sure has helped, with 100 jobs gone from Corrective Services, a homeless service now missing from the lower Clarence area.
You really are on top of things Chris. What exactly have you done for the area?
The National Party is supposed to be in this with the Liberals, but all I can see is jobs leaving this area to go to an area held by a Liberal Party member in Cessnock.
Mr Gulaptis, what the hell are you made of?
Your party has gutted this valley and the commentary in The Daily Examiner on the front page Saturday was perfect and the picture was absolutely spot-on, except the creature pulling the heart out should have had Mr Gulaptis's face on it.
Are you going to take responsibility for your party killing this area? How much in income will now not be circulating around this valley thanks to your party?
This is going to have a large flow-on effect; the 100 jobs, Mr Gulaptis, will turn into 200 jobs in other related industries.
Already this job is proving far to much for you and you have let the citizens of Grafton down.
Bill Smith
South Grafton

A selection of online comments.....
By JASMITH from Grafton,
Just what we needed to read in the paper today, that our esteemed Member for Clarence, Chris Gulaptis calls your husband and dad a Bully. It was a tough enough day for the 100 workers without insults and name calling......WHO'S THE BULLY???????????
By EmmaB from Yamba,
On the front page today’s issue of The Daily Examiner. Is that National Party MP for Clarence, Chris Gulaptis, depicted with a bloodied hand holding aloft the bleeding heart just ripped out of Grafton's chest? Looks suspiciously like.....
By Fedup from Junction Hill,
I am left wondering. Why punish all the staff including civilian staff for the abhorrent behaviour of the few ? Why were these 11 people dealt with by the senior managers of the prison system? OR was there another agenda here!!!!!! To all those affected I wish you all the best for the future.
As for The Honourable Member Mr Gulaptis do not come to my door seeking endorsement for the next election especially after your comments. Instead of blaming the former government who by the way did not have a sitting member here look to your own backyard. When all the dust settles would the last person leaving Grafton please turn off the light because the ripple effect of this act of bastardry will echo through this city for years to come.
By willbewatching from Grafton,
This is a horrendous result for Grafton. Economically this will hit hard, talk about time bombs, the effect on the local economy is now the ticking time bomb. I wonder how many residents are here because of the Gaol. I am, my family moved here when I was young because my father transferred to Grafton Gaol and we all stayed. To use the culture at the place as a reason to close is a smoke screen, surely a change at the top, some targeted transfers, and an education process would fix the culture, but no the easy fix is to close the thing. This closure is about money pure and simple, saving money to build a new entertainment centre in Sydney among many other really important things. Well I would expect that not many from here will be going to the new entertainment centre, they will be busy trying to keep their businesses afloat.
By UrsulaTunks from Grafton,
I agree pwalsh. I think our new State Member is probably wondering what the hell he bought into when he took the decision to seek pre selection and ultimately election to the state seat! I don't give a rats bottom about how the situation was allowed to develop, I care about the impact on our community of this decision. Has the government any plan as to how to compensate our community for this action? Will they relocate another department here to fill the massive loss to our local economy as a result of this decision? Or are they just happy to keep us debilitated and as powerless as possible so they can rape and pillage the area for the CSG needed in their electorates in the cities? The electorate of Clarence has been gutted by a government that we were promised would finally give us a voice and some opportunity. Shame of Basil O'Fullivit and his factionally driven power hungry minions.

Australians are expected to gain 15 million kilos of body fat this winter...


…let me introduce you to my adipose quota.


Photo found at Google Images

Well what did he expect of a party under the leadership of the likes of Tony Abbott?

This looks like a Stalinist operation really where everyone gets up and hails the party leader.”

{Clive Palmer on ABC News AM 3oth June 2012}

Sunday 1 July 2012

It's past the July 1 witching hour and Whyalla still lives!

Whyalla webcams as the midnight hour comes and passes without life in this steel town being extinguished by the 1 July 2012 introduction of a national price on carbon.
Click in images to enlarge


Post-Armageddon x 8 Hours 22 minutes and the sun is out in Whyalla!

Fairfax Manoeuvrings: Whose over-inflated sense of entitlement is operating here?

A statement which makes me wonder whose sense of entitlement has led to
Ms. Rinehart’s demand for three board seats and a degree of editorial control.

It would seem that her personal sense of entitlement is based on the immense wealth she garners from family mining interests which makes her the country’s
richest person.
However, it is less clear what she actually contributes to either the common good or national life.

According to Australian Tax Office Taxation Statistics 2009-10 there were 5,395 individuals, 4,285 companies, 518 partnerships and 931 trusts involved in the mining industry.

The mining industry had a combined tax liability in that financial year of a mere $4,168 million on a total assessable income of $139,593 million. Companies in this sector represented 6.3 per cent of the tax liabilities of all corporations operating in Australia.

To put that into perspective, in 2009-10 manufacturing companies had a tax liability of $23,235 million on a total assessable income of $265,687 million. Companies in this sector represented 12 per cent of the tax liabilities of all corporations operating in Australia.

Even our Northern Rivers retailers belong to a national industry group which has a taxation burden which is more than double that of the mining sector.

Finally, in the 2009-10 financial year 3,138 out of the 4,285 companies in the mining industry paid no tax at all.

So the mining industry remains the national industry sector with the highest percentage of tax exempt companies. A feat it manages due to the high number of tax deductions, rebates, concessions, exemptions, offsets etc. available to mining interests – including tax deductions available on any state royalties payable.

Whilst, as ever, the vast majority of taxation being paid to the Commonwealth still comes from the pockets of salary and wage earners.

Well B*gger Me Dead! It's the 1st of July 2012 and the sky hasn't fallen

The sun rose this morning to the melodic sound of a Northern Rivers dawn chorus, so I’m dedicating this to Tony Chicken Little Abbott who told me my world would end when the Australian Government put a price on carbon and introduced a mineral resource tax today.
This one’s for you mate!

Thanks to Clarencegirl for help with posting probs on this one!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Nationals' Kevin Hogan to have second tilt at Labor's Janelle Saffin at next federal election

A Twitter entry today appears to indicate that the NSW North Coast Nationals are so sure the Page electorate is in their pocket that they are again willing to run Kevin Hogan against sitting Labor MP Janelle Saffin.

Because he was so forgettable last time he stood for election and has never taken any interest in the electorate since then, many local voters may find they have little memory of him.

So here is a short reprise:

After getting Federal Nationals pre-selection
unopposed in 2009 Kevin Hogan took keeping a low profile to ridiculous length.

Hogan was (and probably still is)
in denial about an ongoing Coalition commitment to dam and divert certain North Coast rivers.

supports the coal seam gas industry and particularly Metgasgo, whose operations in the Casino district have led to fines concerning water management documentation and orders for improperly disposing of contaminated wastewater and for badly constructed ‘holding’ ponds.

Hogan allowed his National Party supporters free rein to
post abusive and sexist remarks on his Facebook campaign page.

Like his fearless leaders, he appears to
consider the truth to be a highly flexible commodity and even makes false claims about his election campaign giveaways.

During the 2010 federal election campaign, Hogan
accepted ‘help’ from a paid staffer of a sitting NSW Nationals MP – then denied all knowledge when this breach of the rules became known.

Was so cavalier about election campaign rules and conventions that
he thumbed his nose both online and in print.

Sexism: It's a European Commission thing!

"speak their language to get their attention"
Taking my breath away

Yamba food store launches Red Granny Smith Apples

Yamba, the Number 1 town in Australia, can lay claim to yet another first.

One of its food stores advertised in a free local newspaper this week that it has Granny Smith apples on special. But, wait for it ... the apples are very special ... they're red Granny Smiths. At just 99 cents a kg they have to be the steal of the week.

Has Clive really decided to go for Tony's jugular or is it a political feint?

Friday 29 June 2012

While divisive politics are played at a national level, a humanitarian perspective finds local expression

What a difference an "E" makes
crossing from Yamba Bay to the far side of Yamba Road,
Yamba on Friday night 29 June 2012

A hat tip to Clarrie Rivers' sharp eye

Coal Seam Gas Mining: "The NSW Government intends to allow widespread use of wastewater 'holding ponds' across NSW and the Northern Rivers"

Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition 24 June 2012:

The Northern Star
on the subject of holding ponds.

23 June 2012:

25 June 2012:

26 June 2012:

METGASCO did not tell a parliamentary inquiry the company was disposing of coal seam gas wastewater at the Casino sewage treatment plant.
The Northern Star on June 13, revealed the company disposed of more than 1.3 million litres at the plant in the 10 months to March......
But Metgasco chief operating officer Michael O'Brien made no mention of the disposal when giving evidence to the NSW Government inquiry into coal seam gas on December 8.
Under questioning from Greens MLC Jeremy Buckingham, Mr O'Brien explained the company disposed of water in "above-ground holding ponds".
"The only way you deal with produced water and drilling fluids is to hold them in these ponds?" Mr Buckingham asked.
Mr O'Brien responded: "Currently, for our production pilots, that is the case, but when we go into production we will look for a beneficial use for the water."

* Photograph of protester chained to mining equipment from Lock The Gate.

Geoff Provest tells a monumental political whopper about Barry O'Robba's plan to fleece the poor

My Daily News on  20th June 2012:
"The Federal Labor Government is delivering a boost for pensioners to help them make ends meet, but Barry O'Farrell just wants take a slice of it for himself.
"It's greedy, it's grubby and it's wrong."
Mr Provest, a Nationals MP, has rejected the claims.
"Residents of public housing pay around 25% of their income on their rent and that is not going to change," Mr Provest said.
"In fact, because we know residents are going to do it tough under the Gillard/Elliot carbon tax, the lump sum carbon tax compensation payments have not been counted as income for rent purposes.”
This is what the NSW Minister for Family and Community Services Minister for Women Pru Goward said on the 14th June in a press release:
from March 2013 regular fortnightly carbon tax payments will be taken into account for the purposes of calculating heavily subsidised social housing rents.”
What makes it worse is that community housing tenants (who already pay more than 25% of their pension or benefits to their landlords) will also be fleeced of one quarter of the Commonwealth carbon price compensation – and community housing companies are probably the biggest social housing landlords on the NSW North Coast.
Provest has made a monumental fool of himself and shown the Nats up for the unrepentant liars that they are.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Janelle joins Yamba for a little Midnight Sports Finals action

Janelle joins Yamba Midnight Sports finals action

FEDERAL Member for Page Janelle Saffin will be cheering from the sidelines tomorrow night (Friday, June 29) when more than 20 young people from the Lower Clarence complete the inaugural Yamba Midnight Sports tournament at Yamba’s Raymond Laurie Centre.

Ms Saffin said she was looking forward to finding out from local youth, aged 12 to 18, what they thought about the seven-week program, modelled on a successful Midnight Basketball tournament held in Grafton recently.

“Both of these tournaments were partly funded under a $40,000 Safer Suburbs Program grant which I secured for Clarence Valley Council at the last election, and I am keen to see how this is benefiting young people locally,” she said.

“This free program each week has been offering a healthy team dinner followed by structured workshops on mural art, drumming and building self-esteem, and games of basketball and futsal.

“I’d like to commend the young athletes and hip hop artists from the Grafton area for making the bus trip north to help youth workers and volunteers with the workshops and sport. I’d also like to encourage families and members of the public to come along and watch the finals from 9.30pm.”

Tomorrow night’s workshop will involve two teams reviewing the tournament, which has been managed by former Grafton Vikings stalwart player Shane Brotherson.

Janelle will present the awards and certificates at the end of the night, along with Clarence Valley Councillor Sue Hughes, who will be representing Yamba Midnight Sports Committee Chair and Deputy Mayor Cr Craig Howe.

Yamba Midnight Sports is an Australian Government initiative, which is being partly funded by Clarence Valley Council and supported by the Yamba and Maclean Chambers of Commerce.

Other community supporters include Youth Directions Inc, CHESS Yamba, Maclean Community Health, Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation, New School of Arts Community Centre-Street Cruise, Clarence Community Transport, Volunteering Clarence Valley, Raymond Laurie Sports Centre, Maclean High School, Yamba Rotary Club, Smokos Snack Bar, Juvenile Justice, and CRANES Community Support Programs.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Myths and facts about the NT Intervention from an indigenous perspective

* Yuendumu statement to Jenny Macklin
signed by 236 people in 24 hours:
"We don't want this intervention! Children are worse off under this legislation... This is our land. We want the Government to give it back to us. We want the Government to stop blackmailing us. We want houses, but we will not sign any leases over our land, because we want to keep control of our country, our houses, and our property".
* It costs tax-payers $7000 per person to administer the welfare quarantine (according to HREOC) which has seen people going hungry trying to access the most meagre Centrelink payments.
* Three years after this “emergency” response there have hardly been any improvements in the situation.
The available statistics show that
-       the child malnutrition rate has increased
-       the unemployment rate has increased
-       the program to build new houses (SIHIP) has only delivered very few houses so far
-       school enrolments and attendance have basically not changed despite efforts to increase school attendance
-       Income management did not result in buying more fresh food and vegetables

Something fishy about a Clarence River virgin

Come in spinner and fall for this one hook, line and sinker.

Trawling around the net produced this interesting chat line that had quite a few fishos engaged.

First fisho, Crash71, said, "Heading down to Iluka in a couple of weeks and was wondering if anyone had any tips or pointers of where to start fishing. Never fished the area before but I have dreams of fishing the close in reefs from my tinny as well as chasing Jewies and Tailor from the wall, perhaps even a flathead or two in the river. So many hopes but no idea so hopefully someone can help me out with any knowledge they have of the area."

A number of fishos rose to the task.

1. kingcray:  "Always a feed of bream at Browns Rocks. Other than that fish the middle wall for flatties and jew. Should be plenty of blackfish along the walls."

2. theoldlegend: "Mosey on up to Browns Rocks, go past the green beacon for about 60 metres or so and sound around for the drop off. That should put you on to them. About 2 hours before the top and a couple of hours after the top should be the best times. Then there's always flatties on the Yamba side of Middle Wall at low. Try for jew on the Iluka side of Middle Wall towards the eastern end provided the tide's not roaring too much."

3. 095rat: "Good jew at high tide on full moon near the end of middle wall (Iluka side),used stinky old pillies I had intended to use as berley."

Crash71 was so appreciative of the advice offered: "Can't wait to talk to a local at the boat ramp or pub. I contacted Ben the owner of Dizzys Bait & Tackle at Iluka and he was sensational. I chewed his hear for 10 or 15 minutes about whats on at the moment and where a Clarence River virgin should start fishing. Can't wait to call in on arrival and continue our chat, I'm also very keen to support his shop as he has already provided good info & it seems only fair he profits from his knowledge.

"Both 'Kingcray & the Old legend were spot on regarding Browns Rocks. It appears the bream are schooling around there and the flathead (reportedly) are also being caught from the rocks and further upstream. Appreciate the advice, cheers."

So, now, we're all in the picture about where to drop a line. Tight lines, one and all.

Credit: Sourced from AusFish

Most unbelievable headline of the year

Updated: 14:35, Saturday June 23, 2012

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Clarence Valley Council rips the green heart out of Maclean, the 'Scottish Town'

Maclean's small and unique central business district has once more fallen victim to the unelected triumvirate which governs the Clarence Valley Local Government Area, with more of its green heart ripped away to please the developer, IGA Metcash.

Despite the eloquent pleas of those councillors hailing from the 'Scottish Town', a majority at the 26 June 2012 Ordinary General Meeting voted to further reduce the size of Cameron Park - until it will resemble nothing more than a barren pocket handkerchief of sun damaged turf between so-called improvements jammed together willy-nilly (see Item: 13.080/12  below).

McLachlan Park which straddles the town's vital flood levee is also under threat to compensate for the original carpark land sold to IGA at an almost bargain basement price.

Once again Clarence Valley Council has broken faith with Lower Clarence residents and ratepayers.

Avid council watchers tell me that It is not hard to work out that this unelected triumvirate is possibly taking full advantage of nine shire councillors who have formed into dysfunctional cliques and, that on most matters it favours National Party political aspirant Mayor Richie Williamson's faction.

….options to replace Maclean CBD public carparking lost due to the sale of 3,750m² of Centenary Carpark to Metcash for a supermarket development.

1. Cameron Park, Maclean
Plan A (attached) shows an arrangement whereby 15 additional 90Âş nose-in spaces can be provided by encroaching 6.0metres into Cameron Park green space. While acknowledging that this is contrary to Council's September 2011 resolution that Cameron Park green space be excluded from consideration, the space sought in this instance is approximately 230m² (out of total green space of approximately 5,500m²) and is located on that section of the Park having least public usage.
Plan A also indicates the provision of an additional thirteen 90Âş nose-in spaces immediately adjoining the swimming pool. This would require the relocation of the three long-vehicle spaces currently at this spot, and it is proposed to relocate those to the northern side of Argyle Street, shown on Plan B.

2. McLachlan Park
A concept plan prepared by the Maclean Chamber of Commerce for the upgrade of McLachlan Park incorporates 45Âş nose-in parking. Council staff have refined that plan to provide 16 additional spaces (29 new – 13 existing), including 3 in the carpark beside Spar following demolition of the existing toilet block (refer Plan C)……

3.5 Cameron Park
Remove 7-9 trees and excavate topsoil from 6 metre wide strip, construct carpark and line mark for 15 spaces; construct carpark adjacent to pool and line mark for 13 spaces. In conjunction with those works, the remainder of Cameron Park should be upgraded including new toilets, improved playground, additional seating and BBQ shelters. An improvements plan will need to be prepared and all works could be funded from the proceeds of the supermarket site sale.

3.6 McLachlan Park
The preliminary concept plan suggests the following works:
 Remove 5 Camphor Laurel trees
 Remove existing footpath and excavate 2-3 metres into park.
 Underground power along park frontage as required.
 Construct retaining wall along edge of excavation, designed to protect the integrity of the levee.
 Relocate the bus bay approximately 30 metres to the north.….

The total number of replacement spaces is now 86, leaving a shortfall of 23 spaces.

Mapping here.

Before Clarence Valley Council moves further with this park theft, local people might like to write or email councillors (details here) and tell them just how 'thrilled' they are at the prospect of losing more of Maclean's public, passive green space.

Carbon Pricing: If any of these businesses put up their retail prices between July 2012 and December 2013 by more than 0.01% to 0.05% on any item they will probably be fleecing their customers

Tony Abbott and Federal Coalition MPs encourage the butcher, baker and candlestick maker to put up their prices after 1 July 2012. Knowing that, in most cases, it would be difficult to justify any price increase above one cent per food or beverage item over the next eighteen months.

A big thankyou to journalist Latkia Bourke for uploading these letters and accompanying posters to Scribd.

See Bakers

Are you a right-thinking Australian? Nationals start a 'Get Rid Of Rob' campaign


Are the NSW North Coast Nationals and their federal counterparts on the money, or paranoid and desperate? You be the judge……………

Get Rid Of Rob

Election campaigns aren’t cheap and we need your support to help get rid of Rob.

All money raised through this site will go directly towards supporting The Nationals’ campaign in the seat of Lyne.

Please click on the amount you wish to donate (an estimate of what assistance that support could provide is listed) or choose your own amount.

All right-thinking Australians thank you for your support.


Estimated Expense Equivalent


Campaign T-Shirt for a volunteer


5 pack of corflute signs to erect around the electorate


30 second radio ad on 2MC highlighting Rob Oakeshott's betrayal of the community


1000 how to vote cards, showing people how to Get rid of Rob.


Small newspaper ad in The Manning River Times about stopping the carbon tax


Medium newspaper ad in The Port News detailing The Nationals' plan for Lyne


Production of 2000 "Get rid of Rob" Bumper Stickers


One month's rent for the "Get rid of Rob" Campaign Office


Your own donation amount

* Every cent donated will go towards helping The Nationals get rid of Rob