Tuesday 20 January 2009

Possum explains those Australian unemployment figures

It is always a joy to see Possum Comitatus breakdown the gobbledegook surrounding government agency statistics.

The Statistical Reality of the Unemployment Figures post was no exception and, although a job lost involves real pain (something we know well in the NSW Northern Rivers), it was enlightening to see how the statistical margin of error played out in the latest numbers:

The actual Labor Force Survey results can be
easily downloaded, and toward the end of the document – pages 28 and 29 to be exact – the ABS has gone to the trouble of providing the standard errors of not only the point estimates of all the unemployment metrics, but also the standard errors of the monthly change in those metrics. It's quite nice of them to do that since the press doesn't seem to pay any bloody attention to them whatsoever. But their incompetence aside, what these standard errors allow us to do is create a maximum margin or error for the unemployment figures using a 95% Confidence Interval – just as we do with the polling, and more particularly, Pollytrack.....

First up, the change in Full Time job numbers. The seasonally adjusted point estimate suggested that 43,900 full time jobs were lost between November and December of 08. We can be nearly 100% confident that the 43,900 figure that is getting so much attention isn't actually true.

What we can say is that there is a 95% probability that the true change in full time job numbers was somewhere between a gain of 6300 full time jobs and a loss of 94100 jobs, for the margin or error attached to the 43900 full time job loss figure is a whopping 50200. .....

On the trend figures, the unemployment rate remained steady at 4.4%, full time employment dropped by 11,200 nationally and total employment increased by 2000.

Far from this being a terrible result requiring widespread bouts of wrist slashing – in the broader scheme of things and considering the state of the international economy, it's probably a remarkably good result. I say 'probably' because we must acknowledge the large uncertainty involved in the figures - the point estimates really aren't the gospel they are too often made out to be.

What happens in the future is unknowable, things might tank, things might not - but what we should all be aware of is just how much uncertainty is actually contained in these figures.

Of course it would be too optimistic to hope that Malcolm Turnbull and friends would approach these figures with a degree of calm.

Over at Liberal Party headquarters they were shouting out that there will be More Than Half A Million Australians Out Of Work and waxing lyrical about the Howard years.

While Access Economics (in attention getting language aimed at front page media coverage) is predicting 300,000 jobs will be lost in the next twelve months, but also appears to be predicting modest national growth by 2009-10.

By late last night Channel 10 News had hysterically taken the figure higher to a million unemployed

Think I'll place my trust in Poss and wait for more concrete figures to come in over the next year. Access Economics director Chris Richardson now cries Wolf! so often that I no longer find his media announcments all that credible.

Monsanto, I presume........

Cartoon found at Red, Green and Blue
environmental politics from across the spectrum

* This post is part of North Coast Voices' effort to keep Monsanto's blog monitor (affectionately known as Mr. Monsanto) in long-term employment.

Change might be in the air, but America is also in a retrospective mood

Think Progress gives a run down on the outgoing Bush Administration in The Top 43 Appointees Who Helped Make Bush The Worst President Ever:

1. Dick Cheney — The worst Dick since Nixon. The man who shot his friend while in office. The “most powerful and controversial vice president.” Until he got the job, people used to actually think it was a bad thing that the vice presidency has historically been a do-nothing position. Asked by PBS’s Jim Lehrer about why people hate him, Cheney rejected the premise, saying, “I don’t buy that.” His top placement in our survey says otherwise.

2. Karl Rove — There wasn’t a scandal in the Bush administration that Rove didn’t have his fingerprints all over — see Plame, Iraq war deception, Gov. Don Siegelman, U.S. Attorney firings, missing e-mails, and more. As senior political adviser and later as deputy chief of staff, “The Architect” was responsible for politicizing nearly every agency of the federal government.

3. Alberto GonzalesFundamentally dishonest and woefully incompetent, Gonzales was involved in a series of scandals, first as White House counsel and then as Attorney General. Some of the most notable: pressuring a “feeble” and “barely articulate” Attorney General Ashcroft at his hospital bedside to sign off on Bush’s illegal wiretapping program; approving waterboarding and other torture techniques to be used against detainees; and leading the firing of U.S. Attorneys deemed not sufficiently loyal to Bush.

4. Donald Rumsfeld — After winning praise for leading the U.S. effort in ousting the Taliban from Afghanistan in 2001, the former Defense Secretary strongly advocated for the invasion of Iraq and then grossly misjudged and mishandled its aftermath. Rumsfeld is also responsible for authorizing the use of torture against terror detainees in U.S. custody; according to a bipartisan Senate report, Rumsfeld “conveyed the message that physical pressures and degradation were appropriate treatment for detainees.”

5. Michael Brown — This former commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association was appointed by Bush to head FEMA in 2003. After Katrina made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, Brownie promptly did a “heck of a jobbungling the government’s relief efforts, and was sent back to Washington a few days later. He was forced to resign shortly thereafter.

6. Paul Wolfowitz — As Deputy Secretary of Defense from 2001 to 2005, Wolfowitz was one of the primary architects of the Iraq war, arguing for the invasion as early as Sept. 15, 2001. Testifying before Congress in February 2003, Wolfowitz said that it was “hard to conceive that it would take more forces to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq than it would take to conduct the war itself.” Wolfowitz eventually admitted that “for bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction,” as a justification for war, “because it was the one reason everyone [in the administration] could agree on.”

7. David Addington — “Cheney’s Cheney” was the “most powerful man you’ve never heard of.” As the leader of Bush’s legal team and Cheney’s chief of staff, Addington was the biggest proponent of some of Bush’s most notorious legal abuses, such as torture and warrantless surveillance, and is a loyal follower of the so-called unitary executive theory.

8. Stephen Johnson — The “Alberto Gonzales of the environment,” EPA Administrator Johnson subverted the agency’s mission at the behest of the White House and corporate interests, suppressing staff recommendations on pesticides, mercury, lead paint, smog, and global warming.

9. Douglas Feith — Undersecretary of Defense for Policy from 2001-2005, Feith headed up the notorious Office of Special Plans, an in-house Pentagon intelligence shop devised by Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz to produce intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. A subsequent investigation by the Pentagon’s Inspector General found the OSP’s work produced “conclusions that were not fully supported by the available intelligence.”

10. John Bolton — As Undersecretary of State, Bolton offered a strong voice in favor of invading Iraq and pushed for the U.S. to disengage from the International Criminal Court and key international arms control agreements. A recess appointment landed Bolton the job of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, despite his stringent animosity toward the world body. Today, he spends his time calling for war with Iran.

11. John Yoo — As a lawyer for the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, Yoo authored a series of legal memosdetainee to be buried alive.

12. Ari Fleischer — Bush’s first press secretary helped redefine the role as that of liar-in-chief rather than informer of the public, earning a reputation as “the world’s most dishonest flack.” Whereas his successors sometimes looked uncomfortable lying, Fleischer was having fun, spinning a cowed and gullible press corps through two massive tax cuts and the initiation of a war undertaken on false pretenses.

13. John Ashcroft — In 2003, as Bush’s first Attorney General, Ashcroft approved waterboarding and other torture techniques on detainees. Ashcroft’s nomination was controversial, as he had a history of opposing school desegregation. The chief architect of the invasive Patriot Act, Ashcroft maintains to this day that Bush is “among the most respectful of all leaders ever” of civil liberties.

14. Henry Paulson — Even as the financial system was crashing down around him, Treasury Secretary Paulson insisted for months that the banking system was “safe and sound.” Once he decided that the economy needed saving, Paulson requested nearly unfettered authority to send billions of taxpayer dollars to banks with no oversight.

15. L. Paul Bremer — This Presidential Medal of Freedom winner took over the Coalition Provisional Authority in May 2003. Under his mismanagement, the insurgency exploded in Iraq. Bremer claimed he had all the troops he needed to secure the country, overestimated the strength of the new U.S.-trained Iraqi army, disbanded the Iraqi army leaving thousands of Iraqi soldiers with no income and no occupation, and enacted a de-Baathification law that barred many experienced Iraqis from government positions.

Numbers 16 to 43 here.

This urge to evaluate the Bush presidency will not last long however - President-elect Obama is already placing such a heavy gloss on those years that it almost amounts to an initial re-write.

I mean, I think personally he is a good man who loves his family and loves his country," Obama said in an exclusive interview with CNN's John King....
Obama also said he thought Bush made "the best decisions that he could at times under some very difficult circumstances."

Monday 19 January 2009

Google signs amicus brief in support of gay rights

Google Inc is determined to give off-again, on-again gay rights supporter Governor Arnold The Terminator Schwarzenegger a run for his money and pro-actively support both its own diverse workforce and the gay citizens of California.

It is doing this by aligning itself with a constitutional challenge to Proposition 8 (voted into being in November 2008) which legally restricts the definition of marriage and therefore makes unlawful same-sex marriage in that state.

Well done, Google!

Here is the notice posted on the Google Blog:

1/15/2009 05:00:00 PM

In September of last year, Google announced its opposition to California's Proposition 8. While the campaign was emotionally charged and difficult for both sides, in the wake of the election many were concerned with the impact Proposition 8 could have on the personal lives of people they work with every day, and on California's ability to attract and retain a diverse mix of employees from around the world.

That's why we've signed an
amicus brief (PDF file) in support of several cases currently challenging Proposition 8 in the California Supreme Court. Denying employees basic rights isn't right, and it isn't good for businesses. We are committed to preserving fundamental rights for every one of the people who work hard to make Google a success.

join us in continuing to fight for equality for all Californians.

Wikipedia history of Proposition 8

Indonesia refuses to assist Japan's whaling fleet

Indonesia did not receive any formal objections from Japan after the government rejected a Japanese whaling vessel's request to dock for repairs at a shipyard in Surabaya, East Java Province, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

"I can't comment on the details, but our position on the conservation of endangered species, including whales, is clear," said Teuku Faizasyah, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry.

The Yushin Maru 2, a registered Japanese harpoon whaling ship, was forced to leave Indonesian waters this week after failing to get approval from Indonesian authorities to dock at the state-owned PT PAL shipyard to repair a damaged propeller.

The Japanese Consulate General in Surabaya had guaranteed the vessel would not illegally fish in Indonesian waters.

Sumarto Suharno, head of the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Office, or KSDA, asked that the vessel be ordered to leave because the ship was used to hunt an endangered species......

A 1999 government regulation on endangered plants and animals formally protects blue whales, humpback whales and fin whales. The Japanese vessel was fishing for these species.

But Faizasyah said Indonesia welcomed cooperation with other countries on the whaling issue.

"It appears that our policies are similar to Australia's," he said.

Pramudya Harzani, an official with the Jakarta Animal Aid Network, said that the whaling vessel left the shipyard on Friday.

He acknowledged that Indonesia has its own whaling tradition, particularly on Lembata Island in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Villagers there have been known to hunt blue whales and sperm whales.

"It has never been a commercial operation, however," he said.

Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research has had little to say on the subject of this docking ban.

And then I woke up screaming...............

Gawd struth!
Because John Winston Howard did not have the good grace to go quietly into retirement, is constantly touting for international testimonials to his political acumen, is always popping up in the media to offer gratuitous advice and let it be known that he still feels like Teh Leader - I have this recurring nightmare.
I dream that il grande fascista has a long discussion with Hyacinth and the kids and calls a press conference where (flanked by Tony Abbott) he announces he is going to stand for parliament again.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Stephen Conroy's all a-Twitter

Screenshot from PerthNorg

The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Stephen Conroy, has an alter-ego on Twitter.

His profile reads like a strange phantasy.

Bio I'm a 45 year old politician who'll do anything to please you, baby. Don't worry girl, I gots "protection", and it'll degrade my performance all night long...

This other 'Stephen' was having a little fun at the Senator's expense this last week:

Today I received an I-Phone. The IT people tell me that it is biometrically activated, but no matter how much I lick it, it won't turn on. from web

stephenconroy Working on a form letter to send in response to the form letter Mark Newton and his seditionist allies have been sending.

stephenconroy Talking to a Nigerian ISV about IP filtering. Apparently _they'll_ pay _us_ to use it, all they need is the Federal Reserve's account number

2009 is the International Year of Astronomy

Milky Way and Southern Cross from Google Images

The New Scotsman reminds us all that:

A FIFTH of the world's population can no longer see the Milky Way with the naked eye due to artificial lights blocking out the view of the stars.
This year, which is International Year of Astronomy, a new project is taking place to try to improve the visibility of the stars.

Campaigners at the Dark Skies Awareness project will be lobbying local authorities and members of the public to turn off lights in built-up areas at night.

Malcolm Smith, an astronomer at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, wrote about the importance of the project in the journal Nature.

He said: "Over the past six decades, professional and amateur astronomers have been pioneering efforts to curb light pollution to protect the viability of their observatories.

"During the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, particularly through the Dark Skies Awareness project, astronomers can find allies in a common cause to convince authorities and the public that a dark sky is a valuable resource for everyone." Mr Tololo explains that turning lights off at night has benefits beyond improving the view of the stars.

"Reducing the number of lights on at night could help conserve energy, protect wildlife and benefit human health," he said.

"The most persuasive arguments for lighting control are economic ones. Estimates by the International Dark-Sky Association, based on work from satellite images, show that cities needlessly shine billions of pounds worth of light directly into the sky each year.

"As education on these issues improves, some cities are now realising the benefits of controlling such energy waste through better-quality lighting, thereby reducing dangerous glare and confusing lighting clutter."

Life's like that LOL

Saturday 17 January 2009

Iz no readin' ur blog! Honest

Sometimes being a blog adminstrator in a regional area does have its LOL moments.
Last Wednesday I went to my letter box and pulled out a hand delivered note informing me that the computer literate letter writer (subject of a short post this week) did actually know what his letter to the editor had said!

Rather than post a comment on North Coast Voices or email Guest Speak to have his own post published, the writer of this very polite note preferred to print out a copy of his gripe, get in the car and drive a few kilometres, pop the hand addressed envelope into my letter box and then presumably drive back home.

All to avoid it being widely known that he actually regularly reads North Coast Voices perhaps?

Time to start designing that kite for the Brunswick Heads Kites & Bikes Festival 21-22 March 2009

Share the special energy, colour and magic of the much loved Brunswick Heads Kites and Bikes Festival.
A weekend of simple, healthy and affordable eco-friendly fun beside the seaside.

Hands on activities, workshops, demonstrations and challenges for kids, kids at heart and kite and bike enthusiasts.
Wonder at the biggest kites in Australia and be part of the world record attempt for the most kites in the air!

Date:21/03/2009 to 22/03/2009
Time:Saturday 11am to 4pm and Sunday 9am to 4pm
Riverside Parks and Beach
Brunswick Heads, NSW


According to the Byron Shire News:

Lisa is looking for sporting teams, school classes, community or interest groups or even groups of friends of 10, dressed in their colours, to register on-line from January 26 for the Country Energy Kite Record Attempt.

The entry fee is $10 and everyone will receive a green, yellow or white kite to paint beforehand. Event co-ordinator Joanne McMurtry is encouraging families from outside the shire to stay for the weekend and enjoy all the eco-friendly family fun. "Kites and Bikes won't burn a hole in families' pockets, since nearly all the activities are free," she said.

"Apart from the festival day on Sunday March 22, there will be plenty of activities on the Saturday, such as last minute registration for the Country Energy Kite Record Attempt, kite making and bike decorating workshops, junior star search heats, and several organised bike rides in the hinterland."....

And as festival sponsorship and promotions co-ordinator, Kim is now looking for minor sponsorship for naming rights of the various kite, bike and entertainment activities and would love to have offers of support from individual residents as well as the local businesses.

Joanne McMurtry info@kitesandbikes.com.au
Lisa Schiethe kites@kitesandbikes.com.au
0414 423 919
Vicki McKain bikes@kitesandbikes.com.au
0425 334 269

Lisa Parkes

Kite picture from Australia Shop Safe

US judge orders Bush Administration to cough up those e-mails

Well, this has been a week and a half.
First a former Pentagon official in charge of those infamous military commissions finally admitted that torture occurred at GITMO.
Now we find out that a US Court has ordered the Office of the President to find those emails covering the period which included the invasion of Iraq and Hurricane Katrina.
Digital documents on memory sticks etc., are apparently just walking out the door or heading for the trash can of their own volition.
Yep, those pesky little blighters are even said to be jumping to their own deaths from fourth storey offices rather than reveal all they know about George, Dick, Donald, Colin, Alan, Roberto and whatshername.

The Order

Copy of order here.

Friday 16 January 2009

Betting odds on Obama's inauguration - from godliness to weather - and afterwards

It appears that almost anything to do with US President-elect Barack Obama is worth betting on.

How many past presidents will Obama reference in his inaugural speech?
Over 4½ -120
Under 4½ -120

How many times will Barack Obama refer to God in his inaugural address?
Over 2½ -140
Under 2½ Even

Will there be precipitation during Barack Obama's inaugural address?
None 3/2
Rain 2/1
Snow 5/4

Which former president will be mentioned first?
Abraham Lincoln 10/11
George Washington 3/1
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 3/2

How many times will Bill Clinton's name be mentioned?
Over 2 -120
Under 2 -120

But what is even more amusing is that the books are open for betting on the 2012 presidential election.

The NSW Office of the Premier corresponds with a cat?

When North Coast Voices was set up a side blog was established for Clarencegirl's cat and, in a fit of absurdity, he was given a hotmail account.

Since then Boy the Wonder Cat has received almost every psihing email known to man or beast, become the recipient of begging letters from then presidential candidate Barack Obama, and now it appears he is on a 'reply to' list for an email he swears he never sent to the NSW Premier.

EA1382161 - new community housing rent policy‏
From:thepremier (www.nsw.gov.au@mail.cabinet.nsw.gov.au)
Sent:Friday, 9 January 2009 2:00:19 PM
To: catlives9@hotmail.com
EA1382161 - CMU

To whom it may concern

The Premier has received your recent email concerning the new community housing rent policy.

As the matter you have raised primarily concerns the administration of the Minister for Housing, and Minister for Western Sydney, the Hon D L Borger, MP, the Premier has arranged to bring your approach to the Minister's attention.

You may be sure that your comments will receive close consideration.

Yours sincerely

Vanessa Karkousi
Office of the Premier

Now I'll apologise in advance in case a third party has used Boy's email address, but it does rather look as though someone at the Premier's office has seen a North Coast Voices post on the subject and is responding to that.

Mr. Rees, there is a comments button below those posts on the topic of your new community housing rental policy.
Might I suggest that you use it?

Congratulations, Claire Aman

Claire Aman, a Clarence valley resident and environmental planner, has just had a number of short stories published.

Her witty dissection of politics and society were always enjoyed when she wrote occasional articles for The Daily Examiner, so it is good to see that she is continuing to develop her craft.

Over the past few months the closet writer has been amazed as she got news that not just one, but several of her stories have been published alongside some top Australian authors including Emily Ballou and Frank Moorhouse.
"I've gone from having nothing published ever to being published in all of these books," Claire said.
In December her stories were included in The Best Australian Stories 2008 and Southerly's collection Little Disturbances.
Next month another of her stories will be included in New Australian Stories, published by Scribe.
"It's all just happened in such a short time," she said.
Claire taught herself to write when she penned her first novel, Why the Owl Gazes at the Moon, over a 10-year period.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Rivers Run Black: exhibition by Bundjalung artists, Yamba NSW 12 January to 7 February 2009

Brolga by Richard Torrens

Arthouse Australia at Yamba is currently hosting a group exhibition by Bundjalung artists Nancy Torrens, Troy Little, Richard Torrens and Elsie Randal.

The official opening of Rivers Run Black is at Arthouse Australia, Coldstream Street, Yamba on Friday 16 January between 6-8pm.

Ph: (02) 6646.1999 or email melinda@arthouseaustralia.com for details.

NSW North Coast harbours Nazis!

If you tour the NSW North Coast it doesn't take long before you realise that a large number of locals are passionate about protecting their little bit of the Australian environment.

Why the Northern Rivers almost rose as one in 2007 and sent governments and vested interests packing when the Howard Government wanted to dam and divert water from coastal rivers.

Thirty years ago the people of the North Coast went toe to toe with government, police and bulldozers for over a month in order to protect the Terania Creek rainforest.

North Coast residents (including a contingent from Nimbin) also took part in the Timbarra River blockade to stop a new gold mine being established which would destroy forest and pollute the Clarence River catchment.

The Big Scrub still exists because locals were determined that the last plots of that once mighty swath of trees would not be lost to future generations and some toil away to this day.

On the Northern Rivers people even turn out to protect a single lonely native fig tree in their neighbourhood and there is much more than a passing concern about the effects of climate change.

So when Senator Barnaby Joyce came out with the following I knew he had very little hope of a switching to a Federal House of Representatives seat via a northern New South Wales electorate:

The outspoken senator warned of the rise of "eco-totalitarianism'' and said he would not be "goosestepping'' along with environmentalists.

"One has to fall into lockstep, goosestep and parade around the office ranting and raving that we are all as one?"

Senator Joyce rejected a suggestion he was a climate change denier and drew a parallel with the Holocaust, the murder of millions of Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II.

"Climate change denier, like Holocaust denier, this is the sort of emotive language that has become stitched up in this (emissions trading) issue," he said.

It is surprising that Senator Joyce may actually be considering giving up his place in the Senate and going after the New England seat.

Now he has trodden on the toes of a legion of 'goosesteppers' he has ensured that, if in 2010 he contests the seat held by Tony Windsor, there will be quite a few voters out stuffing letter boxes with leaflets pointing out his considerable political and environmental deficiencies.

If for no other reason than many on the North Coast realise that the water raiders over the ranges are desperate for another front man to run with their plan to rob us of our fresh water and environmental river flows.

A Northern Rivers voice of sanity concerning the NSW public dental health scheme

From The Northern Star:

LISMORE dentist Dr Brendan White has slammed the Federal Government's Teen Dental Plan as a 'huge waste' of $490 million.

Dr White, who is also president of the North Coast division of the Australian Dental Association NSW, said the $150 vouchers for teenagers would not solve dental health problems.

"It would be better if the money went to treatment for the most needy people," he said.

"It's such a shame. It's a waste of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"The Government could have refunded the school dental program, boosted the public dental system, or started some preventative education programs.

"I hope the Health Minister realises how bad the Teen Dental Plan is and spends the money on something else."

But the Government is set to continue with the five-year program, and this week urged parents to get involved.

Richmond MP and Aging Minister Justine Elliot, said the program would help more than a million teenagers.

"With tooth decay ranking as Australia's most prevalent health problem, and gum disease ranking fifth, untreated dental decay is a major problem for our teenagers," she said.

The problems were worse for local youth. Dr White said we had the worst dental health for 12-year-olds in NSW, and the second worst for five-year-olds.

"The ADA had no input into the Teen Dental Plan," he said.

"But at least the Government is trying to help those who can't afford any dental care."

Another Lismore-dental practice manager, who did not want to be named, said the plan frustrated dentists.

"We've had people who have never been to a dentist before," she said. "When we tell them what needs to be done, parents walk out in tears. They can't afford it."

She said the practice had about 150 teenagers come in for the free consultation. Only three or four have returned for treatment.

"It's been a waste of money and the Government is just not listening," she said.

Vouchers for 2009 will be sent to eligible families from mid-January.

"Better to treat the needy"

It is a thing of wonder to observe both the MP for Page, Janelle Saffin, and the MP for Richmond, Justine Elliot, continue to defend this scheme which offers so little aid to their electorates and the rest of the NSW North Coast.

It is a scandal that the NSW Nationals MP for Clarence, Steve Cansdell, does nothing of any substance on this issue given that the broader public dental scheme is delivered on the ground by the state.

Turnbull's at it again!

Maud up the Street pointed out to me that Malcolm Turnbull is wanting to rob yet another region of its water.
Not satisfied with his inglorious and unltimately unsuccessful early 2007 ministerial attempts to push the barrow for stealing NSW Northern Rivers water, now as Opposition Leader he thinks it a bonza idea to rob two lakes in the Tasmanian highlands.
He still doesn't get the fact that after such a prolonged national drought there is NO spare water anywhere and argues that this robbery would be saving water from evaporating.
Now that's a weird argument if ever there was one - even I could walk through the holes in that tale!
And this man seriously thinks we should vote for his party at the next federal election?

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Need a Justice of the Peace?

Congratulations Thomas George MP.

Many an MP has issued a media release that has been poorly disguised as an attempt to make their constituents think the MP might be worth his/her salt.

However, a recent media release by Mr George, the Member for Lismore, is cause to think he is more in touch with his constituents than most of his colleagues who laze on the green and red leather lounges in the NSW parliament.

The Far North Coaster reports that Mr George has provided details about Justices of the Peace in NSW.

Although most of Mr George's release is about how to apply and become a JP it provides a very useful link that enables details to be obtained about JPs in your local area.

PS. Don't blame Mr George for the register of JPs not being 100% accurate.
Also, remember JPs on the register are volunteers.

John X Berlin pleads not guilty to intimidation and harassment charge

Clarence Valley local identity John X Berlin, also known as John Paul Breslin, pleaded not guilty to a charge of intimidation and harassment in Maclean Local Court yesterday. This is what John had to say afterwards; Adjourned to 25.2.09 without hearing a word of evidence, then it will be adjourned again.

Clarence Valley

* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak@live.com.au for consideration.

Caveat emptor lives!

Which iconic unit in Yamba is being advertised for sale at $1.45 million, even though it is in an area with an estimated statistical 1 in 1,000 chance of sliding towards the ocean in adverse weather conditions?
I'm sure the owners would have experienced at least one subsidence alert during the last three years, so it is passing strange that this unit is thought to be worth so much.
Would you pay over a million for the slide of a lifetime?

How green is our Internet use in Australia?

This is what the final report on a 2008 review of the Australian Government’s use of information and communication technology (ICT) said:
There is a significant disconnect between the Government’s overall sustainability agenda and its ability to understand and manage energy costs and the carbon footprint of its ICT estate.

It would appear that government/business Internet use and just surfing the Web at home may save on paper and sometimes result in decreased car travel, but it does have greenhouse gas consequences.

Webupon discusses a 2007 article originally posted by Floating World:
We asked Aaron Handford, President of Solar Energy Host how much carbon the net itself is generating and he had some surprising answers. According to Handford, “The Internet has a big carbon footprint. It's estimated that globally it takes about 868 billion kWh (kilowatt hours) of electricity per year to run the Internet, associated PCs, routing infrastructure, and phone networks.” (
UClue: Energy Use of Internet).
He notes, “Of this, about 112.5 Billion kWh are used to power "data centers", which are the servers that store all the websites."


This 2007 report concluded that:
Total power used by servers represented about 0.6% of total U.S. electricity consumption in 2005.
When cooling and auxiliary infrastructure are included, that number grows to 1.2%, an amount comparable to that for color televisions.
The total power demand in 2005 (including associated infrastructure) is equivalent (in capacity
terms) to about five 1000 MW power plants for the U.S. and 14 such plants for the world.
The total electricity bill for operating those servers and associated infrastructure in 2005
was about $2.7 B and $7.2 B for the U.S. and the world, respectively.

The Australian media is now reporting on the fact that a typical Internet search generates about 7g of Co2 and that globally there are 200 million searches each day.

All of this gives pause for thought.

If the average home PC user was initially thought to account for around 588 kwh of electricity per year producing an estimated 582 kg of green house gas emissions, then this (or its current equivalent) has to be added to our individual carbon footprints and the national account.
The nation also has to take into consideration not only its own PCs but just how big the carbon footprints are of the servers it uses.

With our national greenhouse gas emissions still rising rather than falling it definitely time to think of how we limit or mitigate our Internet use.

It is also time that ordinary Internet users began to ask the big search engines like Google, AOL, Yahoo, Firefox, etc., just what measures they are taking to actually switch their servers to clean energy.

So far we are hearing about what they are doing to 'green' their employee workplaces or transport, but little is being said about the huge amounts of dirty energy they now draw on to keep their servers going 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The rather impressive
Google Climate Change Plan is notably for its failure to really come to terms with its own share of the approximately 868 billion kwhs it takes to run the Internet each year.
When it does allude to this dirty energy it speaks in terms of creating offsets, which do little to reduce actual energy consumption.

The fact that CSC, Dell Inc, Google Inc, HP, Intel Corporation, Lenova, Microsoft Corporation, have joined with the World Wildlife Fund to create the Climate Savers Computer Initiative is more a feel-good piece of PR than anything else, and if it is to be believed, almost all the servers these firms are associated with just happen to be recommended as energy efficient (115 servers in the Asia-Pacific alone).

How many kilowatt hours did you splurge on the Internet today? Using the 7 grams per search as a yardstick, I probably accounted for 1kg of greenhouse gas over only 5 hours last Monday.

Go to CO2Stats: making websites green for more information on how to get a paid audit of your own website.


The 7 grams per search figure is now disputed and Harvard researcher denies quote.

And the cane toad was this big.......

Clarencegirl's favourite holiday story this year about cornering a cane toad in her kitchen the size of a fat hamster, large rabbit, Mack truck - well you get the picture - reminds me that the weather we've been having on the North Coast this summer is rather good for breeding nasty cane toads and Aussie frogs that look a little like cane toads at first glance.
So here's a couple of snaps to help you tell the difference, as you go out at night to nab in a plastic bag and freeze to death the toads at the bottom of the garden.

This is an adult cane toad.

So is this.

This is the Eastern Banjo Frog.

Australian Museum Fact Sheet on the Cane Toad pointing out distinctive features

Pics come from the ABC, National Parks & Wildlife and Picassa

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Coles/Bi-Lo need to remember that there is no excuse for sloppy overcharging at the check-out

The Bi-Lo supermarket at Yamba has become a local byword for the worst business practices.

Its overcharging at check-outs has become so common that some alert local residents frequently manage to get at least a few grocery items per month for free when they front the store with evidence of overcharging.

However, the fact that a shopper noticing a difference between shelf price and docket price can get the item in question for free is no excuse for such blatant mismanagement.

Overcharging during the 2008-09 festive break was so noticeable that one regular interstate visitor told North Coast Voices that she found $13 worth of discrepancies on a $113 docket.

This type of bad experience can drive tourists away and, if Coles/Bi-Lo was a good corporate citizen it would take its Yamba management in hand and insist that such stupidity cease.

PETA finally falls over the edge and into The Far Side

This is a screen shot of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) campaign against fishing and eating fish.

Now PETA's main argument is that fish feel pain and therefore suffer when caught and killed.
I don't think anyone would dispute that point.

However, it can be argued that all organic life 'feels' to some degree and that it probably 'hurts' when grain is harvested or fruit picked from trees.

It follows that, if PETA's criteria were to be the universal yardstick, then we humans would be obliged to starve to death.

So a campaign to protect fish by renaming them sea kittens is definitely something worthy of being placed alongside those chatty upright cows in The Far Side .

Monday 12 January 2009

Conroy gets zinged again on his grand Internet censorship plan

2009 is not shaping up as a good year for the Australian Federal Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy.

First we hear that Derek Bambauer poured cold water on his national mandatory ISP-level filtering plan and now IT experts tell us the Minister is dreaming if he thinks he can selectively filter BitTorrent, LimeWire, Kazaa or other peer -to-peer networks.

Peer-to-peer filtering is an impediment to business is the bottom line it seems.
With few believing the technology exists to do anything but completely block all file sharing networks, thereby starving Australian business, research and development of a useful tool.

Computer World is inviting readers to sign its online petition:

Concerned about freedom of communication? Click here to sign Computerworld's Hands Off Australia's Internet petition. Make your voice heard!

Defining a small coastal town

Letter to the Editor
The Daily Examiner
6 January 2009
Click on image to enlarge

Now many locals as well as some tourists would define Yamba (at the mouth of the Clarence River) by its sense of community, social life, streetscapes and access to river, ocean or beaches.
However, one local in a moment of unconscious humour points out that Yamba might be defined in part by its lack of a cemetery!

New Australian Electoral Commission head: come on down, Ed!

"Mr Ed Killesteyn commenced his five year appointment as the Electoral Commissioner, Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on 5 January 2009.
Mr Killesteyn said he was pleased and honoured to be appointed to the position of Electoral Commissioner, and looked forward to continuing the AEC’s strong and well deserved reputation for delivering an electoral system that serves well Australia’s democratic heritage.
Mr Killesteyn has held a number of senior Public Service positions, including four years as a Deputy Secretary at the then Department of Immigration and Indigenous Affairs, and most recently as the Deputy President of the Repatriation Commission and a Deputy Secretary at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. "
Now Ed has a bit of a chequered history hidden in that wee bio - anyone remember Truth Overboard and the Palmer Report on DIMIA's treatment of Cornelia Rau?

A soft word of warning to Ed, as he starts one of the most important public service jobs in Australia (running our elections) - don't stuff up!

Sunday 11 January 2009

Australian political and religious leaders response to Gaza 2009

Political cartoon from Your Democracy

Australia recognises Israel's right to self-defence

HAMAS must accept Israel's right to exist within secure borders

The Australian government must end its acquiescence to Israel's military operations in Gaza

However he did sign the HEADS OF CHURCHES STATEMENT ON PALESTINE AND ISRAEL in July 2008. Along with these other national heads of churches:
Rev Dr Ross Clifford, President, Baptist Union of Australia
Lyndsay Farrall, Presiding Clerk, Australia Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Rev Alan Filipaina, Moderator, Congregational Federation of Australia and New Zealand
Rev Gregor Henderson, President of the Uniting Church in Australia
Richard Menteith AM, National President of Churches of Christ in Australia
Archbishop Mor Malatius Malki Malki, Syrian Orthodox Church of Australia and New Zealand
Archbishop Paul Saliba, Antiochian Orthodox Church, Australia and New Zealand
Rev Dr Michael P Semmler, President, Lutheran Church of Australia
Pastor Chester Stanley, National President, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia
Archbishop Stylianos, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia

Israel is committing an act of terrorism. It's the duty of all the free people in the world to stand against it and stop this evil.

2009 Internet scams, hoaxes and threats and the NSW North Coast

E-Victims has released its top 10 Internet scams expected to plague users this year.

ScamBusters also has a similar top ten list:

10. Travel and vacation scams. Travel scams have always been around. But this year we expect to see more Internet-based ruses like bogus offers of cheap airfare and event tickets. The huge Olympic Games Internet tickets scam of 2008 was just the start.

9. Phony auction and classified sales. Yes, eBay, Craigslist, etc. scammers continue to reel in the victims. Despite attempts by the sites themselves to clamp down on the con artists, we expect the tricksters to re-double their deception efforts.

8. Investment and pump and dump scams. We've broadened this category after reporting on a number of failed or phony investment schemes that have cost victims tens of millions of dollars.

7. Work at home and job scams. With unemployment on the rise and the growing popularity of working from home, we think this scam will become more prevalent in 2009.

6. Grandparent, family tragedy and death threat scams. These are extremely common scams where people ask for money by claiming a relative is in trouble or that a murder contract has been taken out. Mostly, they come by phone but increasingly are seen in emails.

5. Viruses and spyware.

4. Nigerian scams, again with lots more new twists.

3. Lottery scams. You've won! New ones are appearing from Canada, the Caribbean, inside the US and from the Far East.

2. Economy related scams. We predict huge growth in loan- and credit-related scams, but foreclosure scams may ease slightly as pressure eases on banks. We'll see.

1. Identity theft and phishing. Despite tougher counter-measures, this scam is still way too easy for the criminals.

Currently in Australia a phishing email is doing the rounds which falsely alerts the recipient to an Australian Tax Office refund.
Surprisingly, by last Wednesday morning this scam was not yet posted on the ACCC-managed Scam Watch .

Australians reportedly lost up to a billion dollars in these scams in 2006-07, but what is more worrying is that identity theft is often being used for purely malicious ends in email attacks mounted as 'payback' for some form of personal disagreement.

There is some evidence that emails of this sort may have be sent from the NSW North Coast over the last 6-12 months.

So, if you receive an email with content or language that appears out of character for the named sender:
  • First, contact the sender directly (not via email reply link) and attempt to verify the suspect email;
  • Secondly, contact the local police if the email is fraudulent as identity theft can be an offence under Australian law if it involves stealing, fraud, forgery, uttering, computer hacking and misuse, or personation.