Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Nationals spin on Grafton Gaol closure now closely resembles a grand lie?

This email arrived in my Inbox this morning. If it is genuine copy, then NSW Nationals executive committee members have collectively lost their political minds and decided that comprehensively lying to their own membership is an acceptable proposition.

In order to remain calm Clarence Valley voters will possibly need to sit down with a restorative beverage before reading this arrant nonsense:

From: NSW Nationals []
Sent: 17 July 2012 10:17
Subject: A message from the State Chairman on the Grafton Gaol issue

Tuesday 17 July

A message from the State Chairman on the Grafton Gaol issue

Dear members,
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some insight to the Grafton Gaol issue. It is evident that this issue has struck a chord with many of our members and has been a very difficult period for the Grafton Community.
Obviously any decision to remove jobs from a local community is difficult and one that is only a last resort, however I am disappointed that some within our party have questioned the ability and relevance of The Nationals to fight for the Grafton community and that is something I would like to address.
The way in which the announcement was made and the manner in which it was delivered is regrettable. It placed the local member Chris Gulaptis in a very difficult position from the outset.
Chris took a stand for his local community and was quickly supported by his parliamentary colleagues, both state and federal who were in constant contact with messages of support and advice.
Head Office was also in constant communication with Chris and his office and also sent Ross Cadell to Grafton to provide on the ground support.
The Parliamentary leadership team led by Andrew Stoner met with a delegation from Grafton led by Chris and commenced discussions with the Premier on the issue.
I cannot understate the level of support and work that was carried out by all within the Party, largely behind closed doors, to try and rectify this issue for the people of Grafton.
I too was in constant contact with Chris and our Federal Candidate for Page Kevin Hogan over the last fortnight.
Although the original decision stood and was not delayed as requested by many, The Nationals were able to convince the Premier to determine what Government Department or jobs can be decentralised to Grafton and report back within eight weeks, in addition to the North Coast Jobs action plan which the Deputy Premier announced last week. This will result in a net increase in the number of Government jobs in Grafton in the near future.
There have been many lessons learnt from this exercise, but contrary to some of the comments from a number of sources (disappointingly even from some of our own members) The Nationals have made a difference in fighting for the Grafton community.  We need to remember that it was the previous Labor Government that commissioned the construction of the Cessnock correctional facility, clearly with the view to relocating prisoners from older prisons like Grafton to Cessnock.
Although we would have preferred not to go through the last fortnight, Grafton will benefit in the long run due to the hard work that The Nationals have done throughout this difficult issue.
I truly believe that if it was not for The Nationals the jobs that will be lost due to the Gaol being reclassified to a remand centre would have been lost with no other opportunities provided.
While the Grafton community faces some immediate challenges, the future for jobs in the region is stronger as a direct result of The Nationals' actions over the past two weeks.
Yours sincerely,
Hon Niall Blair MLC
State Chairman

Some background to the issue:

NSW Nats continue to blame others for Grafton Gaol closure


"The public service has shown it can't be relied on to have the community's interests at heart"; cries former Vice-Chairman of the NSW National Party and current Grafton Chamber of Commerce president Jeremy Challacombe in The Daily Examiner on the 17th July 2012.
Barely 5 days after the NSW Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government acted on its own executive decision and removed prisoners from Grafton Gaol leaving only a 60-bed remand facility to serve prisoners being held for local court appearances.

Suddenly Barry O'Farrell, Andrew Stoner, Greg Hunt and Chris Gulaptis’ sly betrayal of the Clarence Valley community didn’t happen.
Now it’s all the fault of the 107 people who lost their jobs when the last of the prison transport vans rolled out of Grafton and on to Cessnock.
The Nats are proving once again that they are nothing but a political nest for gutless rodents vipers idiots fools men of uncertain moral fibre and weak intelligence.

US Presidential Election 2012: A matching pair of political liars?

Australian Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is on record as cheerfully admitting that he lies to Australian voters at the drop of the hat.
It seems he has a mate in America, because Republican presidential canidate Mitt Romney has been discovered making his resignation for
Bain Capital 'restrospective'.
Something he neglected to tell the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

CNN News
13th July 2012:
"The documents, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, place Romney in charge of Bain from 1999 to 2001, a period in which the company outsourced jobs and ran companies that fell into bankruptcy.
Romney has tried to distance himself from this period in Bain's history, saying on financial disclosure forms he had no active role in Bain as of February 1999. Obama has labeled Romney a job killer in hopes of undercutting the Republican's claim that his private business experience gives him the ability to turn around the struggling economy.
But at least three times since then, Bain listed Romney as the company's "controlling person," as well as its "sole shareholder, sole director, chief executive officer and president." And one of those documents — as late as February 2001 — lists Romney's "principal occupation" was as Bain's managing director."

If Tony Abbott and Mitt Romney are both leaders of their respective nations in 2013, will anyone be able to trust official foreign policy announcemnts about the Australian-US alliance for the next four years or more?

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Federal Labor MP Janelle Saffin on the subject of her state counterparts

Letter to the Editor in The Daily Examiner 14 July 2012:

I write to express my feelings of shock and dismay at the loss of jobs and other impacts caused by the New South Wales Government's downsizing of the Grafton Jail.

At the picket line on Ramornie Day, I was both inspired by the strength of the community's support for the workers, their families, the families of inmates and for Grafton and Clarence Valley, and saddened as I knew the trucks were in transit to take remaining inmates away, the final act in axing local jobs.

The NSW Government and the National Party representatives, including, and I hate to say this, the local State Member, got everything wrong - the downsizing, the immediacy of it, refusing to talk to locals directly, and no plans put in place for the workers, their families, and the city.

On site at the picket I met with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, who were there protesting the jobs going and deeply worried for inmates, up to 70% of them Indigenous, being moved to Kempsey, Cessnock or other faraway jails.

Despite what we know from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, which recommended inmates have regular contact with family members, there were no transition plans in place either.

There are many cruel impacts caused by this callous treatment; teachers who are offered a redundancy but then told they cannot go into teaching elsewhere for 12 months under some State Government rules. These rules could have been relaxed for them.

When the South Grafton Abattoir closed late last year, a State Government Rapid Response was deployed. Why couldn't there be a similar response for the jail?

We were told it cannot apply to the public sector, but this public service closure, is ripping the guts out of Grafton. Again, these can be fixed by political decisions.

Like all locals, the question we are asking is how much more can the Clarence Valley take?
Grafton is a great city and the Clarence Valley is stocked with solid and stoic people, who will rebuild and pick up the pieces, but this betrayal is hard to accept.

I know Grafton Chamber of Commerce president Jeremy Challacombe said we should not be political, and I understand where he is coming from, but I am political and proudly call myself a politician, and one who speaks up for us locals.

That is my job, nothing more, nothing less. This is political and it was a political decision of the NSW Liberal Premier Barry O'Farrell and his Deputy, National Party Leader Andrew Stoner, to downsize Grafton Jail.

It could have easily been a political decision to not downgrade the jail to a remand centre, and at least, do what the local community kept calling for, 'to push the pause button'.

Where to from here? We must work together to ensure we attract whatever support we can to Grafton and the Clarence Valley, so that all can continue to not only survive but flourish.

We need to take advantage of all opportunities and openings, and go for them. This is what I shall be doing with the local community.

Janelle Saffin MP
Federal Member for Page

Are O'Farrell, Stoner and Gulaptis lying to the Clarence Valley again?

This was NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell on the subject of his under the radar April 2012 decision to close Grafton Gaol:

In the 2012-13 NSW Budget the Coalition Government committed itself to  a reduction in the size of the public service, predicted to eliminate in excess of 10,000 positions over the next four years in the primary industries, corrective services, legal/courts, education, health, aged care/disability, child protection, roads & maritime, industrial relations and environment sectors.

On 13 July 2012 there were 313 government jobs across the state advertised by Jobs NSW in the previous 28 days.
Of these; 227 were positions based in the Sydney region and 48 were in regional NSW – only two of these (both area health service jobs) were possibly situated in Grafton.

Few of these jobs appeared to be of a category which were not location specific. In other words, most would not be the type of job likely to come into the Clarence Valley.

In fact, the O’Farrell Government’s previous attempts to encourage people to move to regional NSW have been monumental flops so far.

Less than 700 Regional Relocation home buyers grants have been taken up since July last year. What is obvious is that few (if any) people living in the Sydney region are moving to Northern NSW under this scheme.

So how many of these as yet to be identified jobs in the reduced public service pool will actually come to Grafton under the vague promise given by the Premier?
Do O'Farrell and Co. not understand that, as these are not vacant positions, what jobs may actually come will not give employment to local residents who lost their jobs at the gaol or lower the Clarence Valley LGA unemployment rate?

Is the Clarence electorate being treated like fools and lied to again?

Monday 16 July 2012

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A kamikaze musing: Bruce the Cocky who lives in a local backyard has been squawking an alarm for days. He reckons that two voters crashing into cars holding the LNP Queensland Premier and Lib Opposition Leader points to a secret cadre of kamikaze voters determined to rid the country of political nasties. Tempting thought, but I think poor Bruce has been at the germinating seed again.

A just sayin' musing: Wonder which North Coast pair are rumoured to have taken a leaf out of the Vellar-Morgan play book?

An I can't believe they call this democracy musing: My little canine friend Veronica Lake says that locals are close to open revolt down Yamba way. Apparently the highhanded antics of Scotfree, Dodgy & Dessie are giving rise to kitchen table talk of ICAC complaints and damn the tender sensibilities of shire councillors prior to local government elections.

A Who can't take criticism? musing: My little canine friend Veronica Lake tells me that the latest bark on the block is a rumour that The Daily Examiner is editing online comments which point to holes and errors in its featured stories. Tsk, tsk, if this is true.

An ad aversion musing: Overheard my hoomin say that if BOM places advertizing on its website she'll go back to looking out the window to check on the weather.

A still giggling musing: Which NSW North Coast editor once wrote this in an online profile? Who I'd like to meet: French footballers, Swedish porn stars, binge drinkers, lost souls and artistic temperaments. Italian desperados need not apply. and Q: How will you be defined in the dictionary? A: A lewd street performer

A Get Smart musing: On 23 January 2012 the Liberals Deputy Leader Julie Bishop’s RMI listed the gift of a media pad from Huawei Technologies (Aust) Pty Ltd. This company also appears to have paid for her accommodation when she visited China in January 2012. Isn’t this an Australian subsidiary of the Chinese corporation that ASIO has warned the Gillard Government against? Radio New Zealand News: Huawei has been blocked from winning contracts to upgrade Australia's broadband network and from doing some business deals in the United States due to security concerns.


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's carbon price sums


This was Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in full flight on 11 July 2012:

The carbon tax is already having a significant detrimental impact on the tourism industry. It’s added up to $6 to every airline ticket. The cost of taking a family of four to Perth and back is $48 more thanks to the carbon tax. QANTAS will have $110 million carbon tax bill this year. That’s seven times their half yearly tax bill. Virgin will have a $45 million carbon tax bill. That’s twice their half yearly tax bill.

This is what Virgin Airlines is actually charging to cover national carbon pricing:


Distance (kms)



1 – 900



901 – 2000





This is Qantas Airlines carbon price schedule for domestic flights:


Distance (km)

AUD including GST per sector


1 - 700



701 - 1200



1201 - 1900



1901 +


Jetstar calculated that domestic fares will go up by $5 for fuel and $2.80 for the carbon price for a total of $7.80 on a Melbourne-Sydney flight and by $6 for fuel and $6.86 for the carbon price for a total of $12.86 on a flight to Perth.

So the only time anyone is likely to pay a $6 or over carbon price component per domestic flight is if they are flying to Perth, West Australia or any other destination in the country which exceeds 1,900kms.

For millions of travellers each year, the cost impact of the carbon price on their ticket will be less than the cup of coffee they have at the airport.

At this point in time Abbott's relentless propaganda has begun to border on childish petulance.

A classic Bolta from First Dog

First Dog On The Moon excels himself over at Crikey:

Click on cartoon to make it gro-o-ow

Sunday 15 July 2012

We knew nothing! cry Stoner and Gulaptis

The Sergeant Schultz defence has been given an airing by NSW Nationals this week as they seek to hide from their decision to close Grafton Gaol and leave only a small 60-bed remand centre in its place.

This was NSW Deputy Premier and NSW Nationals Leader Andrew Stoner and the Nationals Member for Clarence Chris Would I lie To You? Gulpatis on the subject………

The Daily Examiner in Grafton

5 July 2012:
Chris Gulaptis: “I didn’t know about the closure of the gaol as it was happening….I was not involved in the process. I was not consulted about it”

14 July 2012:
NSW Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner has said in a radio interview he knew nothing about the full extent of the Grafton Jail closure even though it had been in the planning since October last year.

However, it is not ignorance concerning the closure but convenient amnesia which both Stoner and Gulaptis are displaying. As this timeline indicates……

Country Labor November 2011

NSW Attorney General Greg Hunt

8 November 2011:

Oh, Jeremy!

Have one or two for me @johnkgreens At launch of Cruelty Free shop in Glebe Pt Rd. Vegan teats galore plus @clovermoore

Think he meant treats, don't you?
At home with The Dollipotts

Saturday 14 July 2012

NRMA's Open Road: dodgy promotions

A Yamba resident contributed a tear jerking yarn to the latest edition of the NRMA's Open Road about her new puppy escaping from her yard. But, thanks to her NRMA Pet Plus policy, the story had a happy ending and she was reunited with her puppy.

It was a great yarn, but there was just one small problem with it. The contributor also happens to be a part owner of the local NRMA business.

So, the question must be asked: why didn't the NRMA observe its duty of disclosure and tell its readers the full story about the contributor having a significant financial interest in the story and the NRMA?

Earlier this year the local newspaper in the Clarence Valley, The Daily Examiner, ran an article about the Yamba NRMA relocating to a new office. The article stated (in part):

Proprietors (names deleted) operate the Yamba NRMA office.
The move next door comes after more than a decade at the old site and proprietor (name deleted) said she was looking forward to welcoming customers to the new location.
"From our new office we'll continue providing the local community with all their NRMA insurance and roadside assistance needs," (name deleted) said.
"Customers can expect to see the familiar, friendly faces in the new office and we're celebrating the move by running a competition."

Sources: Open Road, July/August 2012 and The Daily Examiner, 3/4/12

Australian Government now has full responsibility for Home and Community Care (HACC) services

Department of Health and Ageing media release 1 July 2012:

From 1 July 2012 the Australian Government has full responsibility for Home and Community Care (HACC) services that support more than 500,000 older Australians to live independently in their own homes and communities.

Minister for Ageing, Mark Butler said the transfer of responsibility for HACC services for older people to the Australian Government rationalises the system and paves the way for the reforms outlined in Living Longer Living Better.

“Supporting older Australians to remain living in their own home is a key focus of our recently unveiled Living Longer Living Better aged care reform package.”

“We’re investing an extra $880 million over the next 5 years for 40,000 new home care packages to help older people stay living at home,” Mr Butler said.

“The HACC Program provides a foundation for future aged care reforms and is one of the first steps in the development of a consistent aged care system covering basic care at home through to high-level care in aged care facilities.”

The Commonwealth HACC program replaces the former joint Australian Government and state government-funded HACC program in all states and territories except Victoria and Western Australia, where basic community care services will continue to be delivered under the old arrangements.

State and territory governments will continue to fund HACC services for people under 65 (or under 50 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people).

HACC consumers will continue to receive services from their current provider and remain in the most appropriate care setting regardless of their age.

The Australian Government has allocated more than $1 billion for the Commonwealth HACC program and will continue to support the joint HACC program in Victoria and Western Australia.

More information on the Commonwealth HACC program is available at:


Fast food franchisee to stand against Elliot in Richmond

And here he is in all his glory………
Matthew Fraser, co-owner of two Hungry Jacks (Competitive Foods Australia Pty Ltd) fast food franchises, in an obligatory shot with Wollumbin (Mt. Warning) in the background.

Matthew’s main claim to fame on the Internet is the exploding oil dumpster incident in 2009.

Friday 13 July 2012

Darrell Lea Remembered

Darrell Lea went into voluntary liquidation this week and all we can think of is the pure delight of the deliciously plump and velvety plush chickens(with the most elaborate floral bonnets & cocky top hats) that perched on those mouth-watering nougat and chocolate eggs each and every Easter Sunday Morning of our childhoods.
They were year-round collectors items for Aussie kids under seven lucky enough to be visited by an Easter Bunny who lived within travelling distance of a store.


* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak AT for consideration.

We knew nothing, nothing! Honestly?

Following widespread social and mainstream media reporting The ISP Column in July 2012 recapped:

On the 18th June, it was reported on an Australian users' forum, Whirlpool, that whenever a Telstra mobile data service user contacted a web site, then some 250ms later the same web site URL was fetched from a different source address. It appeared that somehow this third party was stalking the mobile data user, visiting all the same web sites as the user, in every case shortly after the user. (
This third party was reported to be on the IP addresses and These addresses are used by Slicehost, who appears to be a hosting service provider located in San Antonio, Texas in the US.
Other users reported on the same behaviour, and it quickly became evident that this was a more general behaviour that had been quietly introduced by this national carrier without any form of notice to their users. The observed behaviour was that all URLs used by end users of their mobile network, whether private or public, were being passed across to this US-based third party, who in turn were repeating the original access call to the visited URL, if the URL was a novel URL. There was some speculation in the forum on the particular motives were driving Telstra to stalk its users in this manner, and some speculation that Telstra was attempting to monetize its user's browsing behaviour by on-selling this user behaviour data to a foreign third party……
In response to an accusation of unethical behaviour on the part of Telstra, a local industry publication, SC Magazine, reported the following:
"But in a short statement, Telstra’s senior media boss Craig Middleton said the company’s wireless network management assured that “there is nothing untoward in what the Whirlpool member has observed - it is a normal network operation”."
A few days later, on the 26th June, it was reported that:
"Telstra has confirmed it is tracking websites visited by its mobile users in the lead up to a launch of a new web filtering solution.
Days after suspicions of Telstra's networking monitoring activity was first aroused, the telco has revealed it captures web addresses visited by millions of subscribers on its Next G network.
The addresses are compared to a blacklist of criminal sites curated by web filtering company Netsweeper, and held both in Australia and the US.

Finally, after trying to say the secret data collection was all about protecting our kids, in the transcript of this email (from Telstra CEO David Thodey) Telstra senior management appears to be asserting that it didn’t know what Team Telstra had been doing with customer information:

I want to talk to you about why customer privacy is not negotiable.
Last week, the media ran with a story that Telstra was sending information about the web browsing activity of Next G customers to a third party company in North America. We were collecting this information to classify Internet sites for a new cyber-safety tool called Smart Controls.
We stopped the program immediately, as this was the right thing to do. We informed the media and briefed the Privacy Commission and other regulatory bodies. But by then, the damage to our reputation was already done.
Some of our customers may feel we have broken their trust, and, frankly, they are entitled to feel that way.
The hard reality is it will take months of hard work to win back that trust.
I am also concerned that this incident occurred in the same week that the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Privacy Commissioner handed down their findings on a privacy breach last December, when customer records were exposed on the Internet.
Judging by media reports, the Privacy Commissioner, Timothy Pilgrim, is also concerned. He told The Australian last Friday that he was now on the lookout for systematic privacy weaknesses in our operational culture.
It’s not hard to see why. These incidents and investigations create an impression that Telstra does not care enough about the privacy of our customers. Not only that, they undermine the great work we have done to improve customer satisfaction and change the way our customers talk about us.
Of course, the truth is we care deeply about customer privacy.
That’s why I want to remind everyone that privacy is not an aspiration at Telstra – it is an essential requirement and our license to operate.
Privacy at Telstra is everyone’s responsibility. We have to do better.
If you have concerns with anything that threatens the privacy of our customers, then raise the issue with your manager as a matter of urgency.
Our customers’ trust is a commodity that’s both precious and fragile. It takes months and years to build, but can be broken in one day.
That’s what happened last week. It must not happen again.

Friday the 13th - last one for 2012

The far-off sound you can hear is millions of black moggies
cheering the fact that they are off the hook until 2013

Thursday 12 July 2012

Grafton punters want to know where they collect their "winnings"

A sub-editor at The Daily Examiner provided a bit more than a ripple of laughter at the table of knowledge at the local watering hole today. The feature event at the Grafton races yesterday, the Ramornie Handicap, was taken out by the favourite Howmuchdoyouloveme, so why did the Examiner print the photo, with its accompanying caption, below?

For the record, Prost ran  second, so perhaps the Examiner can point punters who backed it in the direction of a benevolent bookmaker who'll pay out on it.

Credit: The Daily Examiner, 12/7/12, page 29

The reason Nats Chris Gulaptis MP was not at Grafton Gaol when prison transfer vans arrived - he expected manufactured confrontation!

The Clarence Valley at its best in defence of community....

Now Official: NSW O'Farrell Government has sent Grafton into permanent decline

Like many country areas around New South Wales, Grafton City and environs has seen past glories turn into a falling population, less young people of working age living in town, higher unemployment rates than both state and national averages, a slowly shrinking viable central business district and rolling job losses as large companies withdraw to bigger regional or metropolitan centres.

Despite these woes, it had remained the transport  hub for the Clarence Valley, the centre for most locally delivered state and federal government services and, one of two main administrative centres for the local government area.

That changed less than two hours ago when the O'Farrell-Stoner-Gulaptis juggernaut finally sent in prison vans (protected by members of the police riot squad) to remove inmates from Grafton Gaol - turning it into a 60 bed remand centre for individuals awaiting court appearances.

Grafton has now lost 107 permanent jobs which will depress the local economy further and have a flow-on effect across the Valley.

The very craven Nationals Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis reportedly turned up outside the gaol after those vans had entered the prison.

'A Clarence Valley Protest' Asks: Is Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott building a case to dam NSW coastal rivers?

From A Clarence Valley Protest 5 July 2012:

The Coalition will invest in new and upgraded dams

The Coalition will invest in Australia's future water security. Australia has been let down by a failure to plan for Australia's long-term water needs.

 State Labor governments have made poor investment decisions, deciding to pour billions of dollars into desalination plants which have contributed to the 60 per cent rise in water prices since Labor came to power in 2007.

 As a result, the long-term planning to secure Australia's water future has not been done. Crucial infrastructure in water assets takes decades to plan for.

The Coalition will invest in the water supply options that Labor has ignored during its time in government.

 Dams can provide reliable water supplies for cities, underpin the economic development of the agriculture, manufacturing and mining sectors, provide a low-emission source of electricity and mitigate the effects of flood.

Australia has not built a large dam for over 20 years. If we don't start planning for new investments now, then our water storage capacity will fall considerably over the next 20 years. That's why the Coalition's Dams Taskforce is looking at potential investments in Dam capacity across the country.

 Compared to 20 years ago, the amount of water we can store per person has fallen considerably. In 1990 Australia could store in its dams over 4.5 ML per person. Due to a lack of investment in dams, we can now only store 3.5 ML per person. By 2050, if no more dams are built, it will fall below 2.5 ML per person.

[COALITION SPEAKER'S NOTES Current as at 1 July 2012]

GlaxoSmithKine pleads guilty to criminal charges of fraudulent promotion of its drugs - pays US Government US$3 billion settlement

The Lancet 7 July 2012:

On July 2, UK-based GlaxoSmithKine (GSK) agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges of fraudulent promotion of its drugs and pay the US Government a settlement of US$3 billion. If accepted, this will be the largest fine imposed on a drug company, surpassing the $2·3 billion paid by Pfizer for inappropriate marketing in 2009. The amount adds to GSK's $750 million settlement in 2010 over manufacturing quality.

What is particularly egregious about GSK's fraud is the calculated deceit and potential human cost of its aggressive and misleading marketing. For instance, while evidence was emerging that showed an increased suicide risk in adolescents prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for depression, GSK was actively encouraging off-label prescription of paroxetine to individuals younger than 18 years. This was not an isolated incident; off-label use was also encouraged for bupropion. For rosiglitazone, safety data were withheld from the US Food and Drug Administration and altered, potentially delaying restrictions on the drug's use and putting people to whom it was prescribed at increased risk of cardiovascular complications. The company is also accused of cheating Medicare. Such behaviour is not only illegal, it is immoral.

As Machiavelli observed, “he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived”. Sadly, in the case of GSK, this has involved doctors who were all too ready to be beguiled by illegal kickbacks and lavish hospitality…

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Robertson at the Grafton Gaol picket line 10-11 July 2012

The Daily Examiner’s Debrah Novak films Opposition Leader John Roberstson
at the Grafton Gaol picket line 10-11 July 2012
"The mass sackings announced at Grafton Gaol today is a huge broken promise from the O'Farrell Stoner Government......During the Clarence by-election, Mr O'Farrell, Mr Stoner and Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis promised there would be no cuts or closure of Grafton Gaol. Now, we are seeing massive job losses that will quite simply devastate the local community." [NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson,29 June 2012]

Q: Why didn't the snake bite Chris Gulaptis MP?

A: Professional solidarity.

South Korea to join Japan in needlessly slaughtering whales - have your say

The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission and the associated meetings of its Scientific Committee and other sub-groups was held in Panama City, Panama from 11 June – 6 July 2012.

This is South Korea’s position:

By the Head of the Republic of Korea Delegation, Dr. Joon-Suk Kang

Mr. Chairman, distinguished Commissioners, delegates, and NGO members.

It is my great pleasure to attend the 64th annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in this beautiful Panama City. As the head of the Korean delegation, I would like to congratulate the Government of Panama on hosting this meeting and to express my sincere gratitude to the IWC Secretariat for arranging this meaningful meeting.

To start with, I wish to remind you that the Republic of Korea has been endowed with a very long history of active whaling. Korea’s whaling history dates back to prehistoric times, and whale meat is still part of a culinary tradition of some of Korea’s local areas such as Ulsan. Historically, Korea’s whaling took place in the form of subsistence fishing for food, similar to Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling (ASW). It is reported that 35 species are living around Korean Peninsula. In the 1970s and 1980s up to the Moratorium, for example, about 1,000 minke whales were captured annually around the Korean peninsula. However, the long coastal whaling tradition for livelihood and nutritional purposes was suspended in 1986 in compliance with the IWC decision.

At the time, the Korean government had to enforce the whalers to scrap all the whaling vessels completely, promising that they would be able to resume whaling upon the recovery of the resources. With this, the Ulsan community has long been waiting for the IWC to lift the ban for more than a quarter of a century. Good faith and pacta sunt servanda constitute the two fundamental principles of international relations.

In this context, I must, once again, draw your attention to Article 10(e) of the Convention Schedule which requires this Commission to undertake, upon the best scientific advice, a comprehensive assessment of the effects of the decision and to consider modification of the provision. However, it is unfortunate to witness that this process has been stalled by unnecessary political arguments.

The Republic of Korea has been respecting and strictly implementing the Commission's polices and decisions. Illegal whaling has been strictly banned and subject to strong punishment. The government also recently adopted a new ministerial Directive on the Conservation and Management of Whale Resources to establish a transparent system of distribution for stranded or by-caught whale meats.
It has been also reported that the minke whale population in the north Pacific has recovered considerably to the level maintained before the Moratorium. As a result, fishermen in this area are consistently calling for limited whaling. This is because they are experiencing disturbances in their fishing activities due to frequent occurrences of cetaceans in their fishing grounds and an increasing number of minke whales are eating away large amount of fish stocks which should be consumed by human being. We therefore hope that this Commission will set in motion the review procedure as a matter of urgency to reinstate traditional coastal whaling for the future of the IWC.
Since 2001, the Korean government has been conducting a non-lethal sighting survey of the whale population to assess the status of the stock in Korean waters. But it has turned out that this survey alone cannot identify the different whale stocks and has delayed the proper assessment of the resources. It also cannot correctly identify the feeding habits of these animals and thus the impact of the whale population on the fisheries resources as a whole.

In order to meet Korean fishermen’s request and make up for the weak point in a non-lethal sighting survey, the Korean government is currently considering conducting whaling for scientific research in accordance with Article VIII of the Convention. The proposed scientific research program is designed to analyze and accumulate biological and ecological data on the
minke whales migrating off the Korean peninsula. This research program will provide more comprehensive and detailed scientific information on the stocks and their interaction with other stocks will be more available. The Korean government is planning to submit research plan to the next Scientific Committee in due course. I hope that the research plan will be given the highest consideration at the next Scientific Committee meeting of the IWC.

As a member of the IWC, the Korean government is privileged to remind all the IWC delegations that the primary objective of the Convention is to ensure a proper conservation of whale species and stocks and an orderly development of the whaling industry. And in the consistent view of our government, it is essential that member governments mutually recognize the importance of cultural diversity and heritage of other countries. Any differences should be resolved through dialogue and cooperation based on mutual understanding.

The Korean government is committed to striving to achieve the Conventional objective of striking a balance between the conservation and sustainable utilization of whale resources. We hope that each member of this Commission will actively contribute to making the normalization process move forward for attaining the common goal of the effective management of the whale resources.

Thank you very much.

If you wish to register an objection to South Korea’s intention to commence commercial whaling under the guise of ‘scientific research’, this is the person to write to in Australia.

His Excellency Cho Tae-yong  
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
113 Empire Circuit,
ACT 2600
Tel : (61 2) 6270-4100
Fax : (61 2) 6273-4839

The truth about hunting in NSW National Parks?

National Park hunting according to the NSW Shooters & Fishers Party website:

Q. Will parks really be closed to other users while hunters hunt, and will NPWS staff have to supervise them, or will it be like in state forests?
A. It will be as it is in State Forests. National Parks will not be closed and there will be no close supervision by NP staff.
Thanks, Premier O’Fibba and Member for Clarence 'Steve' the Stuff up Gulaptis, for wrecking the NSW North Coast national park experience for locals and visitors alike.