Wednesday 22 February 2012

2010 flu vaccine concerns are raised again

Having grown up during an era when polio was rife and children still died from what are now preventable diseases I am a great supporter of public vaccination programs and realise that most vaccines have some degree of side effects - even if its just skin irritation where the jab was given.
But even I have to wonder if the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration has fully addressed CSL manufacturing problems after it was conveniently found that the concerns expressed in the Untitled Letter by U.S. authorities only applied to vaccine supplied to America.

CSL Biotherapies Untitled Letter
Brian McNamee
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
CSL Biotherapies
45 Poplar Road
Parkville, Victoria 3052

Dear Mr. McNamee:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an inspection of CSL Biotherapies, located at 45 Poplar Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia, between April 19 and April 28, 2010. During the inspection, FDA investigators documented deviations from current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements in the manufacture of licensed biological vaccine products and monovalent influenza bulks. These products include Afluria and Influenza A (H1N1) Monovalent Vaccine. Deviations from CGMP include the applicable requirements of Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), Section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act), and Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR) Parts 210, 211, and 600-680.

At the close of the inspection, FDA issued a Form FDA 483, Inspectional Observations that described a number of significant objectionable conditions relating to your facility’s compliance with CGMP. Significant deviations observed during the inspection include, but were not limited to, the following:

1) You failed to thoroughly investigate any unexplained discrepancy or the failure of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications, and failed to extend the investigation to other batches of the same drug product and other drug products that may have been associated with the specific failure or discrepancy [21 CFR 211.192]. Specifically, your investigation dated April 16, 2010 (initiated January 5, 2010) into the formation of dark particles in Afluria Multi Dose Vials (MDV’s) is inadequate. For example:
  • The investigation was conducted under procedure -(b)(4)--4161 entitled “Corrective and Preventative Actions.” This procedure was not followed in that the investigation did not “document such that there is traceability of the corrective and preventative actions from the identification of problems to implementation of solutions and the follow up to evaluate effectiveness.”
  • During the investigation, a Mercury/-(b)(4)- interaction between product and vial and/or stopper was identified as a potential root cause of the particle formation. This interaction has not been evaluated so as to rule it out as a potential root cause, even though notification was received of this potential interaction on December 17, 2009 by the stopper supplier.
  • Retention samples from all commercial lots have not been evaluated for the presence of black particles. Stability samples were examined for one commercial lot (Afluria lot ----(b)(4)---) and retention samples were evaluated for three commercial lots (non-USA Panvax H1N1 lots ----------------------(b)(4)--------------------) but the investigation does not document the rationale for limiting the investigation to these lots only.
2) You failed to assure that drug product containers or closures are not reactive and additive so as to alter the safety, identity strength, quality and purity of the drug beyond the official or established requirements [21 CFR 211.94(a)]. For example:
  • Your firm was notified by its stopper supplier on December 17, 2009, that ----(b)(4)--- rubber --(b)(4)-- stoppers may react with thimerosal and therefore are not recommended for use with thimerosal containing products. To date your firm still utilizes these stoppers for MDV’s of vaccine containing thimerosal.
  • Extractable/leachable studies representative of product and use conditions have not been conducted for the --(b)(4)-- rubber --(b)(4)-- stoppers and 5mL tubular glass -(b)(4)- vials used for thimerosal containing Afluria and H1N1 MDV products. These stopper/vial components were used to manufacture 23 lots of Afluria vaccine and 6 lots of H1N1 vaccine which were distributed to the United States.
  • Extractable/leachable studies have also not been conducted for the -------(b)(4)-------- ------------------------ stoppers and ----------------(b)(4)----------- glass syringes that are used for Afluria and H1N1 single dose vaccine products. These stopper/vial components were used to manufacture 79 lots of Afluria vaccine and 46 lots of H1N1 vaccine which were distributed to the United States.
3) You failed to assure that reserve samples from representative sample lots or batches are examined at least once a year for evidence of deterioration [21 CFR 211.170(b)]. Specifically, procedure -(b)(4)--3735, entitled “Identity Testing and Visual Examination,” is inadequate in that it does not require a periodic examination of samples representative of all presentation types. Influenza MDV’s containing thimerosal have been manufactured since 2007, however, retention sample inspections for influenza vaccine conducted for 2008 through 2010 only evaluated thimerosal-free syringe presentations. Retention samples for MDV’s containing thimerosal have not been evaluated under the periodic review of retention samples.
Additionally, significant deviations in the manufacture of your monovalent influenza bulks were observed during the inspection. These deviations violate Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act and Section 351(a) of the PHS Act. Specific areas of concern include, but are not limited to:

Control of Components

1. You failed to establish testing procedures designed to assure components conform to appropriate standards of identity strength, quality, and purity. For example:
  • There are no data to support the expiration date for thimerosal solution, stored at -(b)(4)- for -(b)(4)- months, used in the manufacture of Afluria and HlNl vaccines.
  • There are no data to support the -(b)(4)- expiation date of thimerosal raw material under your actual use and storage conditions. The raw material is stored in the -----(b)(4)----- container at ------(b)(4)-------- and is opened and closed multiple times for dispensing in a Class -(b)(4)- area.
We acknowledge receipt of your written response dated May 14, 2010, which addresses the inspectional observations on the Form FDA 483 issued at the close of the inspection. We also acknowledge your commitments made in your response to address the items listed on the Form FDA 483.
We have reviewed your responses and have the following specific comments. The items are numbered to correspond to the observations listed on the Form FDA 483.

Observation 5b

Please provide a summary of your action plan to address the medium risk assigned to the -(b)(4)------- fittings by your firm for review. Include within this summary a copy of the extractables study conducted under worst case conditions and your decision/justification in the determination of the requirement for a leachable study based on the results of the extractable study as described in your response.
Neither the above deviations, nor the observations listed on the Form FDA 483 presented to your firm at the conclusion of the inspection, are intended to be an all-inclusive list of deviations at your establishment. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all requirements of the laws and regulations administered by FDA.

We would like to meet with you and other senior management at CSL Biotherapies to further discuss the issues cited in this letter and how you will address them going forward.. Given the potential contributions of safe, pure, and potent vaccines to the public health, we encourage frequent interactions between your technical staff and FDA in an effort to help CSL Biotherapies move forward with corrective actions as rapidly as possible.

Your reply should be sent to me at the following address: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, HFM-600, 1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 200N, Rockville, Maryland 20852-1448. To schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience, please contact Robert McElwain, Consumer Safety Officer, in the Division of Case management at (301) 827-6196.

Mary A. Malarkey
Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

Tuesday 21 February 2012

I always wondered why so few charity collectors knocked on my front door

I’m a POYSN! A poison person living in one of those "poor, old, young, stupid and non-english speaking" households.
So it’s been other people’s bigotry which has kept me safe from unwanted solicitations via phone or doorstep.
A big thankyou to the Legacy Marketing Team, David, Chris and Amanda!
Ain’t life grand?


* GuestSpeak is a feature of North Coast Voices allowing Northern Rivers residents to make satirical or serious comment on issues that concern them. Posts of 250-300 words or less can be submitted to ncvguestspeak AT for consideration.

Today the Clarence Valley Mayor seeks support for LGA moratorium on coal seam gas mining

Clarence Valley Council Ordinary Council Meeting
Tuesday 21 February 2012


As Councillors are aware, Coal Seam Gas (CSG) operations in NSW and on the North Coast are coming under community scrutiny and there are great community concerns regarding the affects CSG activities will have on the environment and on prime agriculture land. The following recommendation proposes to give Council a general policy position on the matter.


Whilst Clarence Valley Council acknowledges their statutory responsibilities in relation to planning development applications and assessment, Council as a matter of social responsibility and in the long term sustainability interests of the environment and the community which they represent, does not support or endorse Coal Seam Gas activities within the Clarence Valley area and will not alter this position until such time as;

1.There are clear land use legislation and policies enacted by the NSW Government to responsibly guide and regulate the Coal Seam Gas industry in relation to their activities and in particular with the impact on and/or loss of prime agriculture land and other environmentally sensitive issues; and

2. It is scientifically proven and demonstrated that the impacts of the Coal Seam Gas industry will not result in any significant and detrimental environment outcomes particularly in relation to aquifer water quality;

3. The General Manager be directed to report to Council for their consideration any development application made to Clarence Valley Council which involves proposed activities associated with the Coal Seam Gas industry on Council land.
4. The State and Federal Governments be informed of Clarence Valley Council position.


Council will also be aware that Kyogle and Lismore City Councils late last year passed motions which have imposed moratoriums on Council owned lands. These motions are now coming under legal scrutiny. On this point, the NOROC meeting held on 3 February 2012 unanimously resolved the following;

“That NOROC seek legal advice on behalf of member councils in relation to the implications of imposing moratoriums on seismic testing, exploration and other coal seam gas activities on roadside reserves and council-controlled land.”

Given that further legal advice is being sought on behalf of NOROC regarding the validity of the motions that have been carried by Lismore and Kyogle and the fact that Clarence Valley Council is not in receipt of any applications for activities on Council owned land, I am not proposing a similar moratorium at this stage, however, should the Council be in the receipt of an application for consideration and/or once the legal advice is received, this position could change. It is noted that no applications have been lodged with Clarence Valley Council to-date.

I have also asked the General Manager to report any applications to the Council for seismic testing or exploration activities on Council land. This will allow the Council can make a decision based on the merit of the application.

I also represented Council at the “A Division Conference” of the NSW Shires Association. The division also passed the following

That "A" Division call on the NSW State Government to release the terms and conditions controlling the issue of licences for coal seam gas mining within the Northern Rivers area immediately.”

I also consider it important for Councillors and the community to realise that Council cannot abrogate their statutory decision making responsibilities and obligations in relation to development applications and associated planning matters and as such the recommendation as stated above is prepared in the context of Council’s social and community responsibility.

I believe that leadership on the issue by the State Government is required to identify what the parameters are for the coal seam gas industry.

Cr Richie Williamson


The Mayor's office confirms that this Minute was unanimously supported by Clarence Valley councillors attending the Ordinary Monthly Meeting of 21 February 2012.

Psst! Do you swap family pics with Al Qaeda?

Who needs stand-up comics and old knock-knock jokes when we all have the US legislature within mouse click reach. I kid you not this is US Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence Chairman Pat Meehan seeing Twitter, Facebook and Blogger villains everywhere last week:

“However, use of social media isn’t confined to terrorists. It is also a criminal issue and represents an entirely new operating space, both for individuals sharing pictures with friends and family and terrorists, criminals, and other bad actors.”

* Mad bomber lighting up on Google Images

Monday 20 February 2012

The Abbott-Hockey Economic Theory of Small Government

With so many conflicting explanations of how a Tony Abbott-led federal government (with Joe Hockey as Treasurer) would manage Australia's economy, I went in search of the theoretical basis of various Coalition claims about small government, lower taxes, budget costings and wandering surpluses.

This is where I think it all starts for these maestros of mathematics.................

(a + b) (a - b) = a² - b²  + 1

Graphic from

'Steve' Gulaptis MP - Wannabe Koala Killer

When I first heard on the grapevine that Nats MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis was going to honour one particular so-called promise of that notorious speedster and disgraced former Clarence MP Steve Cansdell I was gobsmacked.
Last Saturday The Daily Examiner confirmed the gossip – Gulaptis is asking NSW Roads and Maritime Services “to review the speed limit on Iluka Road within the next two months, with a view to returning the limit to 100kmh from its present 80kmh”.
For the sake of cutting 2-3 minutes off a journey into or out of the sleepy little coastal village of Iluka, former land developer Gulaptis wants to risk local wildlife – including the increasing rare coastal emu and koala populations.
I’m betting fellow Nat and Roads and Ports Minister Duncan Gay is probably endorsing this move. He doesn’t have a clue about this local road or how the Lower Clarence feels about its wildlife and I'm sure Gulaptis will be careful to keep it that way.

Grandpa Koala's response to this irresponsible political vandal:

ABC Radio NSW Sound & Reference Library - Koala - grunting and growling
Powered by abmp3 search engine

Sunday 19 February 2012

70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin 1942 - revisionism run wild

Let’s get real folks – all these glowing media reports on the 70th anniversary of the first Japanese bombing of Darwin are so distorted that they bear little relation to the 1942 reality.
Yes, there was an attempt to defend this northern city and some of it could be described as ranging from brave to heroic. Yes, the entire subject was censored at the time and not all eyewitness records are in the same place.
BUT. The was also widespread NT Government, civilian, Australian and American defence forces panic, with a good many fleeing without authorisation to the Adelaide River (some servicemen getting as far as southern cities) in a rout wryly described at the time as The Adelaide River Stakes.
There was looting by civilians and servicemen and in at least one case a cruelly racist response to Aboriginal casualties.
So let’s be adult about this and truly Aussie on the first national day of observance – reject the historical revisionism currently doing the rounds in the meeja.
You can start with
Charlie Lowe's March 1942 first report in the official investigation and go on from there.

Pic from ABC News

Misogynists of the World Unite! Then move to Oklahoma USA

This is the Oklahoma Senate in 2012. You will notice that it is predominately Republican and male.

So it should come as no surprise that this Senate has decided to pass bill SB1433. Thereby bringing closer the creation of the Personhood Act which establishes that The laws of this state shall be interpreted and construed to acknowledge on behalf of the unborn child at every stage of development all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state.

This strange bill apparently makes medical abortion or even some forms of contraception a criminal offence. While at the same time, somewhat perversely, it leaves the door open for a woman to quietly neglect her health to such a degree that she spontaneously miscarries.

On the 15 February 2012 it was passed by 34 to 8 votes.

An even stranger amendment seems to have languished without support:

In the spirit of shared responsibility in issues of reproduction, if a woman declares that she is pregnant non-consensually, the sperm donor shall be required to undergo a statutorily mandated vasectomy, shall be fined Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), and shall also be financially responsible for the offspring of such pregnancy until the age of twenty-one (21).

Nats MP ignores local crime stats and tries on a bit of Goorie bashing while pretending that he isn't

The Daily Examiner on 17th February: “EIGHT to 10 juvenile offenders, mostly residing in Ngaru Village, are holding the town of Yamba to ransom on the issue of crime, Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis said yesterday. Mr Gulaptis said police had informed him that the removal of these career criminals from the system would not only scuttle the need for a 24-hour police station in Yamba, but would help stop younger residents being led astray.”
Perhaps this political nong might like to read Uses and abuses of crime statistics which was published by Don Weatherburn in November 2011 and BOCSAR's Clarence Valley LGA excel tables (2.9Mb) which cover crime records from 2006 to 2010 before talking through his rear end.
It was left up to the police to hose down the more outrageous of the crime rate claims and Yaegl elder Veronica Pearce to label the media response for what it is - "highly offensive to the indigenous community", "sensational reporting", "racist" in places and "irresponsible and damaging".
*Thanks to Clarencegirl for the stats links

Saturday 18 February 2012

Community agreement to fight mining in the Dorrigo Plateau and Clarence River catchments

A Clarence Valley Protest
16 February 2012:

Farmers, fishermen and conservation groups agree to fight mining in the Dorrigo Plateau and Clarence River catchments

The Daily Examiner 16 February 2012:

AN UNLIKELY coalition has formed to fight proposals to mine areas on the Dorrigo plateau.
At a meeting in Dundurrabin at the weekend, farmers, fishermen and conservation groups agreed to fight attempts to mine in the high-rainfall Dorrigo catchment.
Coffs Harbour councillor Mark Graham said there was a concerted push for the Dorrigo plateau to be declared off limits to mining.
He said there was a series of proposals for open-cut mining in the Orara, Little Nymboida, Wild Cattle Creek and Bobo areas, which was the most advanced.
"That all feeds into the Clarence, which is the regional water supply, and is the lifeblood of the Clarence Valley," he said.
"The reasons for campaigning for the Dorrigo plateau to be off-limits is for the health of the whole river and all the communities below it.
"The mining industry has said nowhere in the state is off-limits, but if anywhere should be it is the Dorrigo plateau because of its incredibly high rainfall."
Clarence Valley councillor Karen Toms said there should be no-go areas for mining and the Dorrigo plateau was one of those.
"We need to protect our water," she said.

The second half of 2012 is digital changeover time for NSW North Coast television reception

For more information go to

Friday 17 February 2012

'Queen of No' finally gets her comeuppance?

Pic of Abbott’s pet Peta found at The Australian

Only masochists look forward to watching the House of Reps Question Time, when our elected representatives are gathered in Canberra supposedly governing for us all and in front of a camera at the same time.
So I was pleasantly surprised to discover the new Speaker Peter Slipper wasn’t tolerating either interjections, points of order which were out of line or answers which strayed from the questions asked.
It warmed the cockles of my heart to see how many childish pollies were sent to the naughty corner for an hour after interjecting or dissing the Chair.
Especially last Thursday, when Nationals Leader Warren Truss was ejected for interjecting and the Nats threw a collective dummy spit and staged a walk-out.
But later in that same Question Time, my heart fair burst when Speaker Pete finally called to order the unelected paid cheer squad belonging to Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and threatened to ban all interjecting advisers – including the chief offender of the moment the Queen of No Peta Credlin - from ever entering the House while it was in session during his speakership.

Hansard on the 16th February:

Mr Albanese: Mr Speaker, on a point of order, is it in order for advisers in the advisers box to interject against the Prime Minister while she is giving an answer to a question?
Opposition members interjecting
Mr Stephen Smith: Mr Speaker—
The SPEAKER: I will hear the Minister for Defence.
Mr Stephen Smith: Mr Speaker, in addition to the point which the Leader of the House has made, in the course—
Opposition members interjecting
The SPEAKER: The member on my left who interjected will remain silent, and the minister will commence his contribution again.
Mr Stephen Smith: In addition to the point which the Leader of the House made, in the course of the Leader of the House's contribution the person from the advisers box was continuing to interject on him.
The SPEAKER: The answer to the question asked of me by the Leader of the House is: clearly, it is grossly disorderly for anyone from the advisers box to interject. I did not actually observe that but I give notice that, if I do, the offending individual will be banned from the advisers box for the duration of my speakership.

Page MP Janelle Saffin hosts local National Disability Insurance Scheme forums in Grafton and Casino, 21 February 2012

Page MP Janelle Saffin has organised two National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) forums to be held in Grafton and Casino next week.

“I have said that I will keep the community informed on the progress of the NDIS and I am delighted that the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Senator Jan McLucas has agreed to come to Page to deliver the forums with me.

“The National Disability Insurance Scheme for Australia is a fundamental reform to how we respond to and provide care and services to people.”

“An NDIS means people with a disability and their carers having a say in how they are supported; it means making sure support reaches those who need it, and it means breaking down barriers to schooling, work and community life.

“I encourage as many organisations; people with disabilities; carers and friends of those with disabilities, to attend either of these important information sessions.”

“I know how important it is for local people that we get on with the job of building the NDIS and the forums will provide an opportunity for local people to stay informed about how the Australian Government is working with the States and Territories to push these reforms through.

“Many key local organisations have been working with me to make sure we had these forums here, including DAISI, and disability service providers Caringa Enterprises and Windara, RED Inc and others, and I thank them for their support,” Ms Saffin said.

The forums will take place next Tuesday 21 February 2012. The Grafton forum is at 10.30 at Caringa Enterprises and the Casino Forum is at 2.30 pm at Windara Communities.

Both venues have full access and if you would like to attend please contact Matt Dunne at Ms. Saffin’s electorate office on 1300 301 735 for further details. Bookings are essential.

[Janelle Saffin MP Media Release, 16 February 2102]

The Daily Examiner editor calls the Federal Opposition on its private health insurance scare campaign

Click on image to enlarge

Thursday 16 February 2012

NSW Minerals Council is offering itself to government as the economic saviour of New South Wales

The NSW Minerals Council spinning so hard that its head has left its shoulders……………

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Mining industry adding jobs to help stabilise NSW economy
Direct employment up 107% in four years to 45,708

At a time of growing uncertainty and warnings of more job losses in NSW, the minerals sector continues to show strong jobs growth and low unemployment in the State’s key mining regions.

According to the ABS, the number of people directly employed in mining has grown by 107% over the past four years from 22,041 to 45,708.

New data from the Illawarra Regional Information Service confirms employment in the region’s mines is at a 20-year high, and according to the Hunter Valley Research Foundation unemployment in the Upper Hunter is a low 2.8%, significantly lower than the state-wide unemployment rate of 5.6%.

NSW Minerals Council CEO Stephen Galilee said today that our world-class NSW minerals industry provides an opportunity to keep the NSW economy buoyant as the state braces for an uncertain year ahead.

“Job losses announced this week and warnings from the NSW Treasurer about a contraction of the financial sector are concerning as the problems in Europe continue to cast a shadow over our economy,” he said.

“But the strong growth in mining jobs shows a way to help protect our State from future economic difficulties.

“In the Hunter, the Illawarra, and the State’s Central West, mining is delivering strong economic activity outside of Sydney that can help to counter the difficulties being faced in other sectors.

“And given every direct mining job generates at least three additional indirect jobs, it is clear that growth in mining can deliver right across the economy at a time when other sectors are shedding jobs.

“The mining industry is making 20 and 30 year investments in infrastructure and economically sustainable jobs that create a positive flow-on effect into the rest of the economy. The new projects and infrastructure being planned will contribute to strong state growth through jobs and billions of dollars in investment.

“Our industry can be a stabilising influence on the NSW economy and generate terrific returns for the people of NSW through successive rounds of business activity and royalty payments to the NSW Government - tipped to total $8.5 billion over the next four years.”

“Mining in NSW accounts for 2.5% of Gross State Product and has the potential to make an even greater contribution to the economy and NSW Budget – but only under the right policy settings.

“While growth in the NSW mining sector can help insulate our State from the impact of global economic uncertainty, the carbon tax looms large. The Federal Government needs to reconsider its carbon tax, especially at a time when there is so much economic uncertainty.”

Media Contact: Lindsay Hermes  02 9274 1419
Find out why our people, NSW Miners, are leaders in global mining at            

From the Opposition benches K-K-Keneally shows her claws are still sharp

Sydney Morning Herald 15th February 2012:

NSW Legislative Assembly Hansard on Valentine’s Day 2012:

Mr BARRY O'FARRELL: I repeat that government Kim Kardashian style is over. This Government does not appoint Ministers or do interviews on the basis—

Ms Kristina Keneally: Point of order: Given the length of the Premier's first marriage, he is the real Kardashian in this place.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

GetUp! does Monckton, Rinehart and capturing the news media

Click on image to enlarge

GetUp! mock up of newspaper under a Fox News-style editorial policy envisioned by Lord Monckton and relayed to members attending a meeting at the Mannkal Economic Education Foundation in West Australia.

A common complaint of motorists and pedestrians on the 'Grey Coast'

Letter to the Editor in The Daily Examiner 13 February 2012:

Mobility speedsters

After the story in Saturday's paper I would like to make a plea to the riders of mobility scooters.
Please, before you cross Prince St from one of the vegetated kerb blisters, STOP!
Because of the height of the vegetation at these points and your low height, it is damn near impossible for a driver to see you.
I have witnessed and experienced several near disasters from scooter riders bolting out of these blisters and expecting to be immune from disaster.
One day someone will just not be able to stop in time and some poor driver will have to live with the consequences of having knocked a disabled/elderly person off their scooter.
Simple solution - just stop and look before you cross the road. It doesn't matter that there is a pedestrian crossing; you still have to enter it with caution. And technically, you are driving a vehicle, you are not a pedestrian.
So before we have a disaster on our hands - and remember there have already been 60 fatalities - use your common sense and don't just assume because you are on a pedestrian crossing that you have right of way.
And of course, all drivers should be approaching the crossing with due care as well.
But, given the speed that these scooters are capable of, sometimes it is just impossible to predict their approach.
If they are supposed to be designed for simply "mobility", why is it necessary for them to be capable of such speeds anyway?
From where I see it, it looks like they are being used as commuter vehicles, rather than mobility aids in a lot of cases.
Any vehicle capable of travelling at any faster than a swift walking pace (say 10 kph), should be regulated in some form, for the sake of all road users.


Monday 13 February 2012

The digital ignorance of Australian judges is mindboggling

Like others who from time to time use the Internet to undertake serious research I am well aware how easy it is to retrieve from cyberspace documents that have been published or posted concerning a given individual once I have a name or initials and, at least one 'fact' associated with that same individual.

Not all Australian judges first came to the bar before the Internet was invented and some were still practicing as barristers when Google became a popular research tool. So it is more than naive, indeed it could be seen as reckless, for any court to suppress the name of a defendant or witness yet allow journalists to identify them by their own initials.

After reading one recent newspaper article online, it took me exactly two minutes to hit a correct search engine link which lead to the full name and details of unlawful activity to which one suppressed-identity defendant had plead guilty.

Another two minutes was all that was needed to retrieve further publicly available information which might allow an educated guess as to the general contents of a document which had been sealed by the court, as well as detailed evidence he had given previously in another matter.

One more mouse click and I had access to a number of full face and body photographs of the defendant. Several more after that and online media reports produced age, marital status, number of children, suburb of residence and welfare benefit status.

One has to presume that identities are often suppressed by the courts because of physical safety concerns. However, in this country such suppression orders are a feeble joke. Because even though the law may seek to blindfold, the Internet has myriad eyes.

Splendour in the Grass comes home to NSW North Coast in July 2012

U.S. Presidential Election 2012: Conspiracies Unlimited

U.S. President Barack Obama probably will be the subject of character assassination long after he's met his maker.
This is one of the enduring classics - calling into question his American-born status - still doing the rounds during the run up to this year's presidential election.
Doctored ID

Sunday 12 February 2012

Freak storm rips through Coffs Harbour on Sunday 11 February 2012

Sentinel Photography
Ken Sedgmen
ClareDeligny Clare Deligny
Tonight on NBN News, a freak storm rips through Coffs Harbour causing widespread damage and destruction.

Do as I say, not as I do

The Daily Examiner 6 February 2012

Sky News as a big LOL

This advice to its house journalists from a news service which was one of the first to be embroiled in the Tent Embassy quotes misquotes saga….
Sky News has told its journalists not to repost information from any Twitter users who are not an employee of the broadcaster.
An email to staff on Tuesday laid out new social media guidelines for Sky News employees, including a contentious ban on retweeting rival "journalists or people on Twitter".……
"Where a story has been Tweeted by a Sky News journalist who is assigned to the story it is fine, desirable in fact, that it is retweeted by other Sky News staff.
"Do not retweet information posted by other journalists or people on Twitter. Such information could be wrong and has not been through the Sky News editorial process."………
A Sky News spokeswoman said: "Sky News has the same editorial procedures across all their platforms including social media to ensure the news we report is accurate."